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Thanks for everyone's help, I redownloaded the mod again and it's working fine now. As you said it must have been a corrupted download first time.
XPiratez / A new sound for rcf magazine-fed weapons
« Last post by ontherun on Today at 08:33:34 pm »
 So in 2023 JDCollie user made a new so6nd for the rcf carabine, it is located here, so once and for all someone might want to make a new one? Maybe Dioxine  would use it in xpiratez?

I know we can overwrite the mod ine, but doing so after every update is somewhat annoying....any opinion?
The copy of the mod you've provided seems corrupt, I'm getting a CRC error while processing that particular wav file. This problem doesn't show when I extract it from a recently downloaded version of that mod from modio. It might be you got a bad download so just download it again and see if it persists.
The mod starts for me, see attached screenshot.

Also the missing file from your log file is present in the mod.
Please check if you haven't deleted it by accident.

Code: [Select]
[15-01-2025_16-17-17] [FATAL] FileRecord::at(Resources/Tanks/Sounds/artillery_shot4.wav): requested file not found.
[15-01-2025_16-17-17] [ERROR] FileRecord::at(Resources/Tanks/Sounds/artillery_shot4.wav): requested file not found.
XPiratez / Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Last post by Ultimoos on Today at 06:42:56 pm »
This applies to every other entity that results in manufacturing job. Osiron Security has 50 something topics and every single time you interrogate them you are reminded that you can rob and enslave them. I'm sure you just did not pay attention to it before.
Just tried latest version and get the following error-see attached.

Edit by moderator: Please don't upload 50MB copies of mods here, link is enough.

Version 1.2.1
OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) / Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
« Last post by Meridian on Today at 05:55:55 pm »
A) I can load and run the 7.15.0 version dated 1.11 24 of  OXCE with no problems. However when I download the 8.0.0 win 64 version dated 30.12.2024 and install over 7.15.0 ( or even run in a separate folder ) I run into problems.

The game seems to load ok and i get the intro and options . However after making my selections and pressing  the OK  button I am thrown back to the desktop and can proceed no further.

Has anyone any thoughts ?

Can you attach the log file (after the crash) please?

B) Also if I try to add the Final Mod Pack as an option  I receive an error message stating that the game is missing a colon in Ruleset/Soldiers_fmp.Rul: RapidYaml   "error could not find : after Key". Whatever this may mean.

The Final Mod Pack works ok under the 7.15.0 build which I have in a separate folder.

What is the version of the Final Mod Pack?
OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) / Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
« Last post by davidjrusson on Today at 05:52:26 pm »
I am having problems with the latest 8.0.0 build dated 30.12.2024.

A) I can load and run the 7.15.0 version dated 1.11 24 of  OXCE with no problems. However when I download the 8.0.0 win 64 version dated 30.12.2024 and install over 7.15.0 ( or even run in a separate folder ) I run into problems.

The game seems to load ok and i get the intro and options . However after making my selections and pressing  the OK  button I am thrown back to the desktop and can proceed no further.

Has anyone any thoughts ?

B) Also if I try to add the Final Mod Pack as an option  I receive an error message stating that the game is missing a colon in Ruleset/Soldiers_fmp.Rul: RapidYaml   "error could not find : after Key". Whatever this may mean.

The Final Mod Pack works ok under the 7.15.0 build which I have in a separate folder.

XPiratez / Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Last post by ontherun on Today at 05:07:44 pm »
In the 10.2 ver once i complete "gnome" research, i got always in the new production possibilities "now we can manufacture recruit brainer: gnome" but such message is supposed to appear only once gnome topic is completed for the first time?
XPZ Strategy/Tactics / Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
« Last post by ontherun on Today at 05:01:04 pm »
N10.2 verison, end of oct 2604, i smashed another church base, but blackmarch jagers (why? :( ) took out my second one in fuso, but i built another one in central province! Finally got promoted to "crime lord", managed to scure supplies of "master crafted wepaon parts", and "academy engineering" and "guild engineering" but stil i am missin "advanced chemistry"!!! In the menarime still made some experiment with slave soldiers and got the "superhero costume"....

Now some questions

1) when failing an assault on supply ship, if i ran out of tuen but manage to flee enemies are no count as killed, right? Suppose the saved themselves and got scattered around?

2) i need to get "advanced chemistry", but it requires "Longbow Tarnian Arrows", to get it i have to research "zombies" but i'm missin "zombie fatman". What missions spawn such enemy? How do i get these?

3) i am a "classless captain", but picked red codex it prevents to get "vodoo:excess" which is a prequisite for "non-profit lab", si i hace ti forget about it?  :'( >:(

4) i'm having an hard time fighting marsec bodyguards and exoguards, i mainly have piercing weapons and an handful of plasma ones but these do nearly nothing to them? What should i use?

5) i'd like to obtain "plasma spitter parts", to assemble my own one, where i can find/get it?
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