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Messages - RSSwizard

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XPiratez / Re: rss sprites, the legend continues
« on: December 16, 2024, 09:11:16 am »
Wanted to make a bigger sexier version of the DRAGON  but haven't quite got it figured out yet. Did make a bigger better KRAKEN though. Fitting for its hit points and everything you have to put into making one.  (I thought from the bootypedia gfx it was based on an npc raptor call of the shadows ship, dont have access to raptor assets though).

XPiratez / Re: The Scarab?
« on: November 05, 2024, 09:19:24 pm »
The biggest question is what's the use of the Bomber necroplsne thingy when you cant even use it to obliterate mission sites or enemy hideouts. It has no speed, and its internal bay slot means nothing by the time you can stick cool things in it. Is it literally only meant to assault mobile fortresses early game?

I guess you can stick it in front of an H-K with an escort to guard it... heh... if you can even get it in that path in time. Not my type of tactic.

And that's ALL it can do... for taking up a Hangar somewhere.


I pretty much go Snake + Scorpion all the way and don't bother with the Scarab anymore, the main issue is no real good heavy weapons, id like a double barrel fifty millimeter or maybe a double thirty or deuce gauss or some other repackaged light weapons that shoot faster and have more ammo. Heavy slot should be at least 2 times as effective as a Light slot.

The Snake's shields blow the scarab out of the water, and I get a missile if I need it. I often even use Snake to lead into a fight with my Codex ship so it can take some hits first then go to standoff while Metallo raeps with dual gauss and maybe a quadcannon to chip enemy shields. Hardly ever need to do repairs.

The problem is heavy weapon slot is basically just 1.25-1.50x whatever a light weapon slot is or maybe it really only gives higher max end damage due to ammo. Because heavy slot accuracy sux, that's why. The heavy rockets are ok but you only get six of them. Upkeeping heavy rockets is such a pain because the chemicals take up huge storage space. The naval gun takes a long time to get. Its accuracy sux too.

I guess divebomb technology makes it worth it but its still the same performance just longer staying power, hardly ever run out of dv's in a battle unless they're heavy dv's.

Scarab long refuel rate is a problem too.
And I could care less about its dmg% bonus, I don't care about damage bonuses unless they're well over +50%.

Maybe if you dogpile with 4 Scarabs on a ship going at slow speed they can spam low accuracy damage. But id rather dogpile with 4 Snakes and cycle them out when their shields fade. And those have a heavy weapon too.

XPiratez / Re: Noir palette
« on: October 26, 2024, 07:51:34 am »
Looks pretty good.
This is the final edit, dunno if you guys poured any work into it yet, rearranged some things in it pretty much (dark gray is a faded dark brown now). I don't think I can get the thing any better. A "noir" version of it could be made for the hell level.

How does a mod like this work with medi kits and research between missions ?

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: October 25, 2024, 10:22:46 pm »
Useful if you have a Left Hand Weapon you want the unit to reaction fire with. For example using the Machinegun instead of the Cannon on a tank. Usually you can manage this by putting the (gun you don't want them to shoot) in the Left Hand slot, then leaving Right Hand open for a pistol if you want them to reaction fire with that.

XPiratez / Re: Noir palette
« on: October 25, 2024, 11:14:47 am »
XCOM + DOOM is such a good addiction.  ;D
dont consider this like an official thing but it makes some creative adjustments towards the colors from the original game and some things people have popped into various map packs. Mainly I increased the number of gray colors, added and changed the greens (doom 1 was known for having alot of green marble and nukage). Purple became pinky skin tone, and pinkish became flesh tone on the brighter colors. There's a good amount of browns available in xcom/xp pal so those weren't really modified.

Its not perfect but its an attempt.

edit (3:37am)
this one is much better, sampled skin tones from screenshots, yellow range is archvile fire, orange is slightly more orange cream
brightened darker tones, pure black is on index 255

one noteworthy issue may be paper doll style graphics for skin tones will look more oompa loompa because skin tone is now where that faded pink used to be, so a color replacer sorta thing can be done to recolor them if necessary (its more accurate for skin in any case).

XPiratez / Re: Noir palette
« on: October 25, 2024, 10:44:32 am »
Hah seem like you know a lot more about DOOM modding than me!

No, the mod i'm talking to is a DOOM-themed mod for OpenXcom Extended. Basically we collected all the OG assets spread around the community into one, single mod.

I could make a Doom style palette for xcom/xp. If you're making custom tiles you don't need to rely on balancing to standard colors that are on built in tiles. Stronger reds, more peachy skin tones, the purple range can be repurposed for something else like ultraviolet. Ill whip up something and post it.

If you're going to do doom stuff it needs Revenants who are fast with strong melee damage, use the high quality doom sound pack for their punch sfx too. And a decently powered accurate ranged attack too with the right sfx. X-P doesn't have Revenants.

I think there needs to be a Cyber too but I don't know if it can be done without squishing it. But remember there is that cyberized Baron style thing from eviternity and realm667 and its head maybe can be replaced by a cyber's shrunk down.

Is Mancubus 2x2 monster possible with a low accuracy fireball burst spread? Id make them 1 radius spread explosions maybe 50ish damage.

My opinion is also among weapons...
Plasma Gun should do about 40ish equivalent damage because its like a battle rifle or machinegun in what it does, its just lightweight and easy to manage (40 ammo per cell makes the most sense, the gun pickup in game gives you 40 cells). Aimed burst 4 shots, Snap Shot burst 4 shots and Auto Shot 8 shots.

Also openxcom doesn't support BFG dymanics but the original alpha (bfg 2701) was a plasma blunderbuss on steroids, and the quake 3 version of it was like a plasma scorcher but less damage (id say bursts of 4 shots with maybe a 5 tile radius spread, make the damage do what you want it to).

Chaingun aimed burst 2 shots, snap burst 4 shots, auto shot 6 shots.

Make sure UAC rocket launcher takes down (tough) enemies in the equivalent number of shots like it should.

Imp fireballs should be piddly and only somewhat accurate (like overall 45-50% chance), remember they do less damage than a single plasma gun shot, but id give them a burst or auto(x3) attack available. Maybe give it good penetration compared to its (25ish) damage so it does chip damage.

XPiratez / Re: Noir palette
« on: October 25, 2024, 02:01:45 am »
old school pixel artist who started with Deluxe Paint 2 in 1994
and started the Doom (addiction) at the same time
and had trouble doing my homework on afternoons in 1995 due to Xcom

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - N9.7.7 12-Sep-2024 Second Coming
« on: October 25, 2024, 01:58:42 am »
Android version of openxcom doesn't have a keyboard to work with.
I haven't had a PC since 2019.

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: October 23, 2024, 11:28:18 pm »
Some units will fire at you even if they dont have a line of fire. On Highway House missions I end up having the artillery fire bursts at spotted characters even though they're behind cover. Maybe they can be "seen" but don't have a direct line of fire... it can blow away the cover and maybe land a shot at the end of the burst. Ive had thos happen multiple times.

XPiratez / Re: Noir palette
« on: October 23, 2024, 11:19:28 pm »
There's already a noir palette for doom though. The best thing to do in my opinion is use custom color changed textures for those late stages. You can perform a color translation using slade3 and I think you can apply those changes directly to graphics then save them.

Alternative is for custom textures (using photoshop)...
make a custom palette with all the colors you dont want used changed to bright Magenta... probably means anything except gray and red.

now for each texture you're modifying load the doom noir palette and then convert it to 24 bit (this detaches the colors from their indexes)...  now convert to 8bit using the custom palette you made so it sorts the colors to gray and red.

if you end up with any washed out colors on specific textures that becomes an eyesore you can do some things with them in 24 bit to fix it:
- resize the image to maybe 400 or 800 percent and get some sharpen or blur tools or use the airbrush to add detail or accentuate details.
- resize back to 128 or 64px or whatever and then hit it with a Sharpen or Unsharp Mask (at like 0.6 or such)... then convert it to 8bit with the custom palette
- could also duplicate the image, convert one to 8bit without shrinking it and use pattern or dithering to create artificial detail, resize it to normal size... do the previous step with the duplicate... convert both back to 24 bit so you can experiment with layering the sharper one on top of the other then varying the opacity keep converting it back to 8bit to see which combo gives you the best details

(stuff like this takes 5 minutes or some such, for me anyway)

if you don't have photoshop it used to be on Internet Archive but currently the servers are inaccessible (its photoshop 7 which nobody cares about anymore)

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - N9.7.7 12-Sep-2024 Second Coming
« on: October 23, 2024, 11:02:49 pm »
Just defeated my first Ninja HQ, yes I cheated, I basically skipped the last two phases. Overall didn't think it was fun, just obnoxiously difficult.

I think if I fought it again id use 2 Tanks 60mm Autocannon (HVAP) because the hell grenade packs came in handy. What I used was one tank and a Bombard with Hell Shells and used it to blow away the autocannon turrets and many of the ninjas past the main defense (also weakened the tank traps so they could be blown a path through by the tank).

Overall I just felt there was a hell of alot of cheese with the medics and assassins, like come on is there yet Another one huh. Those things should've all been downstairs.

Im supremely disappointed that the barricade structure walls couldn't be blown through to make holes. That's a key feature of my tactics. I make doors.

I had 5 Gals in power armour, maybe 2 in Revenant. And 1 gal in a Grav Harness armed with a super shotgun (who scored many of the kills). Most of them had precision weapons like Precision Laser and Custom Sniping Gun. I should have brought more plasma pistols to deal with shields though and wasn't expecting that. The EMP grenades I brought didn't do anything to the mini gun turrets though, could be I didn't get them close enough or something.

XPiratez / Re: Noir palette
« on: October 19, 2024, 06:13:29 am »
Actually somehow it reminds me of Laser Squad...

XPiratez / Re: Noir palette
« on: October 17, 2024, 04:12:51 am »
Quick question since you're CLEARLY talented with color and graphics... Can you... make a colorblind compliant palette? Just asking

Id absolutely be able to but im not exactly sure how color blindness works or what people see when they're looking at a color they don't pick up on. For example I have the reverse of color blindness when it comes to Ultraviolet - I can immediately tell if im looking at UV even though humans aren't supposed to be able to see it.

edit - one problem I just noticed thinking about it is our monitors and tvs do not actually have saturated Yellow color. So I probably couldn't actually do it. If someone can't see Red or Green then all they're supposedly going to see on the screen is a bluish grayscale image which may be more bluish if the other channels are diminished. Although its a trick of the eye and our brain we see good yellow and gold and brown tones due to mixing colors that doesn't work on someone who can't see red/green because the yellow is not authentic.

If I made a palette with yellow and blue colors I think they would then honestly just see an even more blue shifted palette than usual. The reason why they see bluish colored everything on tvs and monitors by the way is they see brightness where the red/green is but no color at all, but blue is a component of pixel brightness, so its always there except in predominantly red/orange/brown/yellow/green tones and saturated versions of them (less saturated more greyish versions have Blue so would appear bluish).

Someone who cannot see Yellow or Blue will see the red and green and thus have more color available to them. But this is the rarer color blindness type unless ive got it backwards. For them most things will have a muddy brown kinda look I think except for colors that are explicitly red or green... blue lends brightness only and maybe not too much of it. The color they see is probably hellish looking.

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: October 16, 2024, 03:47:32 am »
My main base is plagued by repeated missile strikes.
I have multiple other hideouts already running, but it still pisses me off.
What can I do to stop them comming? Rush certain research/mission?
What base defenses are best counter to missile attacks?

its a cheat but in one of the mod ruleset files you can add an option that goes like AI Destroy Facilities = false, check out the options in default xcom ruleset. No base facilities will ever be destroyed again (missile strikes mean nothing).

I'm personally against missile strikes being a dynamic in the game at all, the base is too far underground to be damaged, it'd only be useful for a full strength nuclear explosion in the kilotons range or worse.

oh check it out, picrel, every time I shoot down something or get a mission id like I  save and go into the save file and set the countdown remainder to an obscene high value like 30 million seconds so they stick around ad-infinitium. The reason is I usually like just doing the management part of the game and like to go on a number of missions when I wanna get around to that, its a time waster (game) so I like to have a plethora of missions available and I don't like missing out on anything. The ninja base seems to supply an endless killing (capturing) ground for ninja apcs.

XPiratez / Re: Noir palette
« on: October 16, 2024, 03:36:39 am »
Condensed Font is excellent and I won't play the game any other way. But it has an error I can't fix where the large text is maybe one or two pixels too high and it makes options (we can now research) in the research menu get clipped. I think even compressing the Large Text by truncating 1 pixel off the bottom of it might fix it well enough. Otherwise the only way condensed font can get better is if shading is added to the small text the same way default (amiga) text is in X-P

For the Noir palette unfortunately it cant be used just for night mode because that simply monochromes almost everything to one range of 16 colors on the palette. If you want some effect like that just set the night vision color to 0 or such and itll use the greys from the first 16 colors. But it wont change anything except the landscape (personally I often set it to 3 or 4 so the night vision scape looks Green, like actual night vision).

If I release it as a submod (palette) it will actually have a mustard Yellow used for the purple color range, because in Sin City red and dark gray were the primary colors... but occasionally for something obscene or devilish it would be a potent Yellow. That was missed on the doom version of the palette (I think on the doom palette the place to put Yellow would be the five or so colors dedicated to Purple, so it would put a yellow arcing around cacodemon fireballs). Maybe also the golden color used for the archvile fire. Im not the author of that palette though.

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