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Messages - RSSwizard

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XPiratez / Re: Noir palette
« on: October 12, 2024, 02:57:51 pm »
In Noir RED usually means something full of Passion, Noteworthy, or something Real Dangerous and I think I cut a good balance here. That's the reason Green is red and a little bit of Blue is, but the golden range (strip #2) is definitely Red. Seems in many cases things that are green are really dangerous in x-piratez, and also if grass wasnt red it would be gray and would be hard to distinguish.
(edit: gameplay screen)

XPiratez / Re: Noir palette
« on: October 12, 2024, 07:42:50 am »
this is coming out REAL good...

XPiratez / Noir palette
« on: October 12, 2024, 07:09:34 am »
experimenting with this, inspired by a doom palette
red and gray sin city style noir

XPiratez / Re: Most fun difficulty?
« on: October 02, 2024, 11:13:13 pm »
John Silver or whatever its called.
The second from lowest difficulty.
Because the game is already tedious and difficult in the first place - but this difficulty doesn't arbitrarily nerf the tech tree like the lowest difficulty.

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - N9.7.7 12-Sep-2024 Second Coming
« on: October 02, 2024, 11:10:24 pm »
In Primal Hunts...

How come no Javelins (ie, Atl-Atl)
How come no Longbows (its about the only reason id make them, an expensive primitive weapon)
How come no Hyena Rider (its about the only reason id get one; just make a 2x2 pad for it in the hunt party ufo)

These are annoying little things.

XPiratez / Re: 60mm Tank Improver
« on: September 04, 2024, 10:31:17 pm »
This is a new Tank Movement Sound
which isn't as absurdly loud as the standard one
its smooth and decent
you can drop these files in the folder for this mod, or any other mod, and it will replace the default movement sound for tracked vehicles (id# 14)

XPiratez / Re: 60mm Tank Improver
« on: August 09, 2024, 04:44:55 am »
Slightly updated to improve the sound.
Already had an interesting situation come up with a marsec bodyguard I wanted to kill standing over a wounded guild engineer I didn't wanna kill, and by shooting him with the cannon it'd kill the bodyguard and also kill the engineer. Whereas in standard gameplay it wouldn't. But its still fun and worth it anyway.

XPiratez / 60mm Tank Improver
« on: August 08, 2024, 11:18:50 am »
This mod affects only the autocannon tank by making it more fun to use and with a tiny bit more utility so that you might want to use it more often and produce more ammunition for it than simply switching to the battlecannon version. There's no 25mm autocannon tank with better accuracy than the armored car so this kinda gets halfway there. There's new explosions and new sounds (which affect entries 749 and 750, check for compatibility).

The cannon has a blast radius of 1 and ignores armor direction but has slightly better armor penetration to compensate, the adjacent tiles take damage on par with a grenade (55/68 depending on AP or HVAP). Also does 50-150% range. It still causes piercing damage type. Overall looks/feels pretty impressive.

One benefit is you can potentially blow a 2-3 tile wide hole in a wall or fence, and you can shoot the ground near a soldier (ie, guild security or marsec operative) and it may only wound/kill them instead of y'know blowing them to pieces. The hvap shells should also cleanly blow holes in ship hull each time (101.5 dmg vs terrain).

Inspired primarily by having the shell be a shaped charge warhead so it does some radial damage due to that much force being released, the look of the autocannon shells suggests moderately low velocity similar to an upscaled "light cannon".

This was parceled off of the primary consolidated mod I play with.

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - N9 1-Jul-2024 Second Coming
« on: July 21, 2024, 01:36:25 pm »
Probably have to abandon the HD version unless someone zip/7z it for me

...what HD version...
Didn't know OXCE was allowing HD or 24bit sprites yet...

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - N9 1-Jul-2024 Second Coming
« on: July 11, 2024, 03:35:34 am »
re: stapler
weird that only the clip appears
but in my experience Team Leaders are the ones who carry staplers and hardly anything else, so you should get it along with a Team Leader (whom you should not research, and should always sell, as he gives you good points for capture whilst unresearched).

Just completed my first Raider Arms Factory and im pleasantly surprised with how fun of a mission it was. Also the new addition of flame guards as an intermediate version of a firebat. It was a good challenge, im not so sure about the rewards or the points involved but its "okay" (to me any mission demanding a special vehicle and unique loadout better be worth it, looking at the save file the arms factory sticks around on the map a long time so at least there's plenty of time to organize a raid for it).

Rolled them with a Convoy of 13 gals and an Armoured Car (4x) RPG. Included were three gals in grav harness, three catgirls (one + the unipuma sisters), one gal in a heavy suit, and a human hero in defender armor (he killed 4 with a sniper rifle).

Loadout:  Several Sniper Rifles, Two Harpoons/Stun, Two Zeerust Rifles, Two Light Cannons/AP, Heavy Laser, other assorted junk. Actually ended up doing some damage with hand cannons, didn't get much chance to do melee.

(strangely the Unipuma Peacekeeper armor with the shoulder rockets does Not have a Cat Claw or Gauntlet attack, which was a real surprise. That was the only melee confrontation and --blip-- no melee. The Sludger holding a gas grenade launcher was harpooned and then shot in the back a couple times with a handcannon instead.)

The Food Wars raid is underwhelming though, just some bandits and drifters to kill and it looks alot like a doomed farm but without the chaingunners.

XPiratez / Re: rss sprites, the legend continues
« on: July 07, 2024, 02:52:17 pm »
An even cooler version of the new Hangar
damaged versions not necessary since they're color neutral

XPiratez / Re: rss sprites, the legend continues
« on: June 16, 2024, 12:09:33 pm »
dark theme base hanger bits
nothing too extreme but its striking

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: May 29, 2024, 05:19:15 am »
Use quicksearch (the 'q' key).
how do you do that on the android/phone version?

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: May 21, 2024, 06:27:34 am »
Did you perhaps not put good pilots on it?
The only stuff that shows up early game that it can actually catch up with are Zeppelins and those Ninja Prop Planes, and bandit Armored Cars.

Best gals I had by month 3-4 only had like +15% acc and maybe +10% dodge as pilots. And that's pick of the litter. Actually does good hits on a ninja prop plane and only takes about 1/3 damage capacity but then the enemy plane just runs off.

By the time I just got Aircar... I now also have a Double 25mm cannon from a landed cutter, and ive got a peasant sniper with good +Acc as a pilot. So thats why I asked WTF is the point of the Heli when I basically just skip past it now.

Good note about the glamour, I hadn't noticed that. Range sucks but it can be shipped to a base closer to the crash/mission and maybe reach it that way (can the damn gun be used on the ground?). Reminds me a little bit of the 40k meme of the commisar ordering the tank to get closer so he can hit them with his sword.

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: May 21, 2024, 01:34:20 am »
What exactly is the purpose of being given the Little Bird with a built in chaingun... it cant stand up to anything that shows up st the beginning of the game...

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