Working of the basis of my Equal Terms 1.0 mod, I've now expanded the mod out to all 3 tech levels. There are now full fire-team weapons for gunpowder (with alloy ammo), laser and plasma.
The fire-team weapons are: Pistol, Magnum, SMG, Assault Rifle, Designated Marksman's Rifle, Sniper Rifle, Light Machine Gun/Saw.
Right now the mod has been divided up into three sections
Wolfram Lance: Tier 0 (base human) and 0.5 (alloy ammo) weapons
Coherency: Tier 1 Laser weapons
Fourth State: Plasma Weapons
Here's a sneak peek:
Latest version here:
Latest Beta: 1.9991
Warnings: The listorders are a complete mess, but will be fixed before final.
This version contains all the conventional, laser, and plasma tanks.
Let me know what you guys think:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1502368/EqualTerms1.9991Beta.zip (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1502368/EqualTerms1.9991Beta.zip)
Version 1.9991
- Added Laser Tanks
- Laser GMG + Improved 40mm Grenade
- Laser Cannon + Improved 40mm Grenade
- Improved Heavy Rocket + Laser SMG
- Improved Light Rocket + Laser SMG
- Added Plasma Tanks
- Laser GMG + 40mm Alien Grenade
- Laser Cannon + 40mm Alien Grenade
- (missing blaster tank, sorry!)
- fixed missing sawammo.gif
More screenshots:
Now, the mod will be released soon, but I am going to be away from my mod tools for a week and it needs more testing.
Should be released 2nd week of September.
Maan, release as beta please :-P
Maan, release as beta please :-P
I'll link a beta in the next message I post. I'm not going to post it to the mod site until I have an opportunity to test all the last minute changes to fix the massive handobs issues I was having and push out one more change related to the Hyperwave Decoder. (Item: Hyperwave Encoder. Only in alien bases, needed to build hyperwave decoder due to use of one-time pad in UFOs)
I would like to translate v2.0 in French if you permit me.
I've read about that, nice idea....full support for a not as easily accessible HWD, thou in my current game it could have been a problem since I HAD to LET aliens plant a base.....weird
I would like to translate v2.0 in French if you permit me.
I would absolutely be honored if you translated the mod. Much of your previous work can be reused.
Okay, pkrcel and infiniti, the mod is attached below.
LINK IS HERE: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1502368/EqualTerms1.975Beta.zip (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1502368/EqualTerms1.975Beta.zip)
I would like to translate v2.0 in French if you permit me.
And if you notice any places I repeat words, please not them, I saw a few earlier today, but I forgot where they were. Something about using capabilities twice in the same line.
I start tomorrow (translation). I already did some minor corrections (strings not fitting in the screen when we select "Armor" in "Equip Craft", nothing serious.
The rest seems OK.
Your mod is fantastic. I hope that you succeed. Very realistic.
Downloading now, I'll start a new palythorugh with this
The sniper rifle ammunition is found under the marksman rifle in the listorder rather than under the sniper rifle.
change related to the Hyperwave Decoder. (Item: Hyperwave Encoder. Only in alien bases, needed to build hyperwave decoder due to use of one-time pad in UFOs)
Just for info, but is this intended to be to have one that is researchable and then you can build any number of HWD?
Or is it a 1:1 ratio? (I surely hope not ;D )
Just for info, but is this intended to be to have one that is researchable and then you can build any number of HWD?
Or is it a 1:1 ratio? (I surely hope not ;D )
I wasn't intending it to require the item to build one, but that's a hilarious idea.
Nah, I am not that mean.
Any horrifying bugs yet?
Any horrifying bugs yet?
I posted a not so horrifying bug earlier, It's an easy fix, but I'm not sure everybody would want to go through the ruleset and change your sniper rifle clips's listorder. ;)
I posted a not so horrifying bug earlier, It's an easy fix, but I'm not sure everybody would want to go through the ruleset and change your sniper rifle clips's listorder. ;)
There are some list order issues that still nag my mod that I hope to clear up before release... thanks for finding that one!
Another that bothers me is the armor listorder placement
The sniper rifle ammunition is found under the marksman rifle in the listorder rather than under the sniper rifle.
Everything is looking fine here. Both screen, PURCHASE or SELL.
BUY one of each, save, reload, check again.
Or transfer the stock from your SkyRanger to your warehouses, check again.
The worst possibility: your save is corrupted...
I'm not an expert, I need new glasses or I'm wrong, or I need to see the weapon's window with the ammos ?
Translation done. I did my best.
I didn't understand very well 1 part, in the "ET_FourthState_PlasmaWeaponsv1975 ruleset, # processes" - section.
The weapon is converted or it's the action to convert it?
I need to play, find the mistakes and correct it.
Later, tired now.
P.S. Sometimes, windows where to insert the words are so small.... but I found my way. ;D (Let's hope! 98% for now)
Another that bothers me is the armor listorder placement
Purchase screen: Light armor arctic, jungle, urban. Tactical armor urban, jungle, arctic
Sell Screen: Same listorder
Everything is looking fine here. Both screen, PURCHASE or SELL.
BUY one of each, save, reload, check again.
Or transfer the stock from your SkyRanger to your warehouses, check again.
The worst possibility: your save is corrupted...
I'm not an expert, I need new glasses or I'm wrong, or I need to see the weapon's window with the ammos ?
Translation done. I did my best.
I didn't understand very well 1 part, in the "ET_FourthState_PlasmaWeaponsv1975 ruleset, # processes" - section.
The weapon is converted or it's the action to convert it?
I need to play, find the mistakes and correct it.
Later, tired now.
P.S. Sometimes, windows where to insert the words are so small.... but I found my way. ;D (Let's hope! 98% for now)
The process converts plasma ammo to another ammo type
You did a great job in the past and my Francophone wife said you did a superlative job on the last project.
Due to pressing matters I've begun a new playthrough only yday night. Set up the squad for the first UFO recover......we'll see how it goes
I won't submit something that I don't enjoy myself.
For the armors and clips, I simply replaced the words "enhanced or improved" to just 1 character!. This one: >
Clip...... >
Everything is supposed to fit in the windows, I hope.
In the game, it looks like a "full plain arrow".
It means, upgraded, enhanced, etc.
I had no choice. But I tell you frankly.
I want your Mod to be playable in French, and I'm open to any idea.
Most part is done, and if someone wants to improve what I did, nice!
It still a work in progress for me.
I hope that the French community in 2057 will enjoy OpenXcom with your Mod.
Say Tx to your wife.
I'm able now to use the Debug option.
I found something weird.
I send a picture.
It's about the reinforced shotgun. Armor Piercing Ammo 35x5 is a ....death corpse ? :)
AND, just 1 correction in French to do (ET_Wolfram_GunpowerWeaponsv1995.rul), so everything will fit in the window.
STR_REINFORCED_SHOTGUN_UFOPEDIA En utilisant les propriétés des alliages extraterrestres, ce fusil de chasse semi-automatique est doté d'un baril plus étroit et solide si on le compare à la version traditionnelle. Cela lui permet de tirer des munitions à vitesse plus élevée.
That's it for now.
Man, I've been slapped hard and it's only 4th of January....
...by the way you changed the tech tre....I almost fainted when the FIRST floater greeted my sergeant with an Heavy Plasma.
.....and I went straight to the floor when I saw in the sell/sack screen that the ALIEN Heavy plasma (there were TWO) is worth a meager 40.000$ :o
THIS, is gonna be awesome. 8)
BTW, no bugs till now....only hassle is some of the listorders for rockets....the large and incendiary one are listed under sniper rifle...
EDIT: also...it's 4th of Jan and I've almost filled my TWO general stores.... :-\ those armors sure are bulky.
Man, I've been slapped hard and it's only 4th of January....
...by the way you changed the tech tre....I almost fainted when the FIRST floater greeted my sergeant with an Heavy Plasma.
.....and I went straight to the floor when I saw in the sell/sack screen that the ALIEN Heavy plasma (there were TWO) is worth a meager 40.000$ :o
THIS, is gonna be awesome. 8)
BTW, no bugs till now....only hassle is some of the listorders for rockets....the large and incendiary one are listed under sniper rifle...
EDIT: also...it's 4th of Jan and I've almost filled my TWO general stores.... :-\ those armors sure are bulky.
The conceit behind the lower priced alien weapons is that without the lockout defeated, they are just curios.
Ouch, the conventional armor shouldn't be taking that much space. Something else to fix along with the list order issues.
The conceit behind the lower priced alien weapons is that without the lockout defeated, they are just curios.
Makes sense....from one point...less from the other...but given that a LIVE alien sells for 40-60-80k (IIRC)...one should live with that.
Ouch, the conventional armor shouldn't be taking that much space. Something else to fix along with the list order issues.
What should be its store size?
QUESTION: Do you think it would be possible to implement repairing of armors as in the Armor_Repair.rul file? (that takes care of standard armors). I thought I could look into it but maybe you didn't intend your mod to be played with armor repair
Makes sense....from one point...less from the other...but given that a LIVE alien sells for 40-60-80k (IIRC)...one should live with that.
What should be its store size?
QUESTION: Do you think it would be possible to implement repairing of armors as in the Armor_Repair.rul file? (that takes care of standard armors). I thought I could look into it but maybe you didn't intend your mod to be played with armor repair
Not sure on the store size but they should be smaller than personal armor.
Armor repair? I am unfamiliar. In any case, all the armors should be repairable.
There's a mod floating around that allows to repair armors through manufacturing. Basically when n armored soldier dies instead of losing the armor you automatically recover the "damaged" armor.
You can then manufacture a convenient "armor repair" which consumes the damaged one, some alloys, some money and of course engineering hrs.
The most advanced I think consume also a unit of elerium.... IIRC
EDIT: stupid autospellcheck went 'kid' instead of 'mod'.....
Repair should be okay.
I'll look into it in the next future...I'm kind in a messed up time lately :o
EDIT: seems some time has been freed.....I've been hadrly spanked by a early retaliation mission (base in Austria/Slovenia...more or less), those Cyberdisks are though! :(
Well, that...and if that dang rookie didn't fire two large rockets into the back of his buddies of the foreguard..... >:( >:( >:(
And By the way, I'd add that this mission highlighted some problems, but somewhat random:
- some bullets are invisible, namely the Assalut Rifle's, the Sniper Rifles and the SSRL (was this last on also in ET 1.011?)
- sometimes when firing in the N-NE direction a black box (I suspect a fault handob) apperas behind the active trooper instead of proper gfx...couldn't take a screen because as soon as firing action ended the gfx were back to normal....Troppers (happeded to two of them) were using assault rifle and wearing Arctic Kevlar.
The latter didn't happen in outdoor missions (only farms so far...you know it was like 7th of Jan ::) ), while bullets were effectively gone since start of the game ( I didn't report before).
I'll look into it in the next future...I'm kind in a messed up time lately :o
EDIT: seems some time has been freed.....I've been hadrly spanked by a early retaliation mission (base in Austria/Slovenia...more or less), those Cyberdisks are though! :(
Well, that...and if that dang rookie didn't fire two large rockets into the back of his buddies of the foreguard..... >:( >:( >:(
And By the way, I'd add that this mission highlighted some problems, but somewhat random:
- some bullets are invisible, namely the Assalut Rifle's, the Sniper Rifles and the SSRL (was this last on also in ET 1.011?)
- sometimes when firing in the N-NE direction a black box (I suspect a fault handob) apperas behind the active trooper instead of proper gfx...couldn't take a screen because as soon as firing action ended the gfx were back to normal....Troppers (happeded to two of them) were using assault rifle and wearing Arctic Kevlar.
The latter didn't happen in outdoor missions (only farms so far...you know it was like 7th of Jan ::) ), while bullets were effectively gone since start of the game ( I didn't report before).
Thanks for the bug reports. Can you see what weapon is causing the black square.
I'm also going to be adopting the armor from another mod for personal armor and better. I've always thought the personal armor and was weak and hated the power suit look with the fire of a thousand suns.
So expect new armor skins for everything better than conventional armor, and the other promised changes as well.
I saw a black square. It was the SMG or the Assault Rifle. Don't remember exactly. I was shooting inside a UFO.
I saw a black square. It was the SMG or the Assault Rifle. Don't remember exactly. I was shooting inside a UFO.
By black square, do you mean a spare pixel, or is there a giant black rectangle
In my case it was the assault rifle.
By black square, do you mean a spare pixel, or is there a giant black rectangle
Half size of my soldier.
I'm still working on the french translation, improving it. Nothing serious, some typos.
In the UFOPEDIA, no descriptions about the improved rockets? For example, the new strenght?
Half size of my soldier.
I'm still working on the french translation, improving it. Nothing serious, some typos.
In the UFOPEDIA, no descriptions about the improved rockets? For example, the new strenght?
Unfortunately, none of the ammos have ufopedia options in the base game. But I've been eyeballing significant ufopedia changes proposed by either Diox or Solaris (can't find the thread now) to possibly put in those ammo descriptions.
The absolutely incredible xeno ops mod has me feeling rather inadequate, so I might be devoting more time on the mod before the release. While much of the graphic were based around expanding the standard game's style.
I now may be devoting time to greatly improving the look of UI and gear, to match the balanced gameplay and sharp descriptions.
Also looking to expand capabilities provided for the gunpowder tier 0 weapons to the rest of the tiers, starting with a one shot laser along the lines of of a laser Single-Shot-Anti-Tank-Weapon.
...or should I get the 2.0 version out and worry about the above for a 2.5 version? This 2.5 version would have the above changes and then include the 'alien armory' mod as an alien tier 0.5 for them and then the particle weapons as a tier 1.0, all able to be used by humans, but at massive research cost. Also I'd add the new elite mutons, bezerker mutons and Outsiders(Zudjari).
Gonna have to keep the new ending storyline a secret, heh.
The absolutely incredible xeno ops mod has me feeling rather inadequate, so I might be devoting more time on the mod before the release. While much of the graphic were based around expanding the standard game's style.
Kingmob you shouldn't feel as such...as you (may) know I'm play(testing) both, and I STILL love EQ a lot despite the graphical awesomeness of Xeno Ops.
EQ is more closer to the Xcom Feel than Xeno in my view, and I enjoed my Genius and (damn short!) Superhuman campaign GREATLY....the feeling I have that the weapons are "real" is still unsurpassed.
I can't speak of balance...I need to go through a complete campaign in both and I have only limited time.....but for sure I like the Soldier Loadouts I come up with in EQ..I strongly mean it.
I now may be devoting time to greatly improving the look of UI and gear, to match the balanced gameplay and sharp descriptions.
Also looking to expand capabilities provided for the gunpowder tier 0 weapons to the rest of the tiers, starting with a one shot laser along the lines of of a laser Single-Shot-Anti-Tank-Weapon.
I'm sure EQ will benefit GREATLY from this, pls go ahead...BUT:
...or should I get the 2.0 version out and worry about the above for a 2.5 version? This 2.5 version would have the above changes and then include the 'alien armory' mod as an alien tier 0.5 for them and then the particle weapons as a tier 1.0, all able to be used by humans, but at massive research cost. Also I'd add the new elite mutons, bezerker mutons and Outsiders(Zudjari).
Gonna have to keep the new ending storyline a secret, heh.
Give this priority, and throw in polishing as you see fit, but to me the next mileston is pushing out ET 2.0
By the way, pls have a look at armor repair (particularly the Grav Armors mod...that's the best done in there about this IMO)...once I had it I think it becomes *addictive* ;D
Unfortunately, none of the ammos have ufopedia options in the base game. But I've been eyeballing significant ufopedia changes proposed by either Diox or Solaris (can't find the thread now) to possibly put in those ammo descriptions.
I'm fairly sure that -dioxine knows how to put the ammo itself in a dedicated page of the Pedia, you should seek his knowledge.
I'd like to say that Equal Terms had me really hooked. I'll post feedback as I will progress....expect a bothering Pkrcel ;D ;D
Take your time.
For now, I stick with v1.02
Extremely well done.
Impossible to play Xcom without it (I talk for myself).
v2.0 ? Well, it needs a lot of testings. I'm not qualified I admit.
In your place, I'll go back to 1.02, balance it, add a little, balance it, etc.
But, it is not my mod, it's yours.
For now, I stick with v1.02
Extremely well done.
Impossible to play Xcom without it (I talk for myself).
v2.0 ? Well, it needs a lot of testings. I'm not qualified I admit.
In your place, I'll go back to 1.02, balance it, add a little, balance it, etc.
But, it is not my mod, it's yours.
Well, what I released for 2.0 was a beta. I will be fixing and adding more before the release Sept 15.
Gonna concentrate on 2.0 and then start on 2.5
Well, what I released for 2.0 was a beta. I will be fixing and adding more before the release Sept 15.
Gonna concentrate on 2.0 and then start on 2.5
I wish you good luck, sincerely.
Mod installed : just the latest version 0.975 Beta + PSX sound effects
When I put an improved grenade in my hand, there's a weird black spot.
See the screenshot.
Mod installed : just the latest version 0.975 Beta + PSX sound effects
When I put an improved grenade in my hand, there's a weird black spot.
See the screenshot.
Interesting. I will investigate. Thank you so much for the bug checks.
Next version (1.977) will have:
1) bugfixes for black boxes
2) fixes for listorder weirdness
3) fixes for item weights
4) French Text by Infini (you, heh)
5) all new sounds for all laser and plasma weapons (getting some really nice sounds out of Native Instruments 'Massive')!!!
6) Further reworked interceptor weaponry.
Next major beta release will be 1.985, which will include a whole new layout for the ufopedia pages and info pages for all the ammunition.
Version 1.990 will have code for the Hyperwave Encoder/Decoder and incorporate aspects from Xeno Ops (the armor) and the 2x2 General Stores and 2x2 Living quarters (both hangar sized)
Final release 2.0 is still up in the air, need to decide a good cut off point.
Already working on the next bit, which is more suited to be called a 'DLC': Equal Terms: Retaliation
It will include: New aliens from other mods (Waspite and such) also Muton Elites and Zudjari from 'The Bureau' and new particle beam weaponry which the aliens will have at end game.
The French translation is still in progress here.
I'll send the latest version of my work to you with each new release, Beta or Official.
I don't want to bother you each time that I change something in the text, ridiculous.
Nice work your're doing. Congratulations!
Let me see 0.977, heh ? Want to translate new strings... and play after.
Niiiiiice, keep up the good work!
I unfortunately wasn't able to reproduce the blackbox with the assult rifle.....I'll be on the look with screenshots.
Next major beta release will be 1.985, which will include a whole new layout for the ufopedia pages and info pages for all the ammunition.
Version 1.990 will have code for the Hyperwave Encoder/Decoder and incorporate aspects from Xeno Ops (the armor) and the 2x2 General Stores and 2x2 Living quarters (both hangar sized)
MAAAAN you rock! This made my day, I simply can't wait. (and I damn have not enuff time to play >:( )
*Just a suggestion*
About the laser technology.
Too easy to get. (We just need to research " Alloy Manufacturing"), so improved ammos are less less less interesting.
You know, alien medics use plasma weapons, but they do surgery with ? Laser....
So, my idea is to capture one (doctor), alive, and interrogate him. He's an alien scientist; he knows how to manufacture his own instruments.
"Alloy Manufacturing" + "Medic"= enough clues to help us develop our laser weapons
*Just a suggestion*
About the laser technology.
Too easy to get. (We just need to research " Alloy Manufacturing"), so improved ammos are less less less interesting.
You know, alien medics use plasma weapons, but they do surgery with ? Laser....
So, my idea is to capture one (doctor), alive, and interrogate him. He's an alien scientist; he knows how to manufacture his own instruments.
"Alloy Manufacturing" + "Medic"= enough clues to help us develop our laser weapons
Still feeling that the lasers are still too easy? You have to research Alloys, then Alloy Manu, then Laser Weapons and then each individual laser weapon.
I might just increase the research number for laser weapons? Although I like the suggestion.
New Beta Release of Megamod
Wolfram Lance:
Version 1.996 (listed as 1.995 still for savegame compat)
- fixed listorder issues with marksman rifle and large and incendiary rockets
- reduced 'size' of armor and a few other items that were too large
- fixed assault rifle, saw and smg handobs
Version 1.96
- laser weapons research cost now increased from 50 to 300.
Fourth State
Version 1.976 (held as 1.975)
- added new firing sounds for all plasma weapons
- added new hit sounds for all plasma weapons
Still feeling that the lasers are still too easy? You have to research Alloys, then Alloy Manu, then Laser Weapons and then each individual laser weapon.
I might just increase the research number for laser weapons? Although I like the suggestion.
I know, but with 30-50 scientists on the project, we get the laser weapons very fast.
Improved grenades, rockets, explosives, are perfect!
If we interrogate an alien medic, what do you obtain? Pratically nothing... but if we need him to get the laser tech, well...
Anyway, your idea is good too, but I prefer mine.
I would like to be able to add it myself in the Mod, but it is beyond my knowledge.
A new Beta. 10:30pm here, so I start to translate if needed tomorrow, and test it after.
Tx. A lot of work for you, I know...
Edit: Increase the research cost a bit + the Medic :o :-X Another option
I know, but with 30-50 scientists on the project, we get the laser weapons very fast.
Improved grenades, rockets, explosives, are perfect!
If we interrogate an alien medic, what do you obtain? Pratically nothing... but if we need him to get the laser tech, well...
Anyway, your idea is good too, but I prefer mine.
I would like to be able to add it myself in the Mod, but it is beyond my knowledge.
A new Beta. 10:30pm here, so I start to translate if needed tomorrow, and test it after.
Tx. A lot of work for you, I know...
Edit: Increase the research cost a bit + the Medic :o :-X Another option
Ack, forgot to get the French in there. New beta shortly!
New beta:
Adds French Translation by Infini
Corrects small issues with handobs.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1502368/EqualTerms1.9761Beta.zip (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1502368/EqualTerms1.9761Beta.zip)
Let me know what you guys think of the new sounds. There are new ones for all the plasma weapons firing (each one different), the plasma hit (1 for all weapons) and all new sounds for all the laser weapons firing (each one different).
I'll try it today if I am able, I really like the idea of new sounds.
I haven't found the lasers to be THAT easy.....I've lost 3 campaigns at the veryf first base defense (1st half of january to 1st if February)....in vanilla I *could* have had some lasers....
I haven't found the lasers to be THAT easy.....I've lost 3 campaigns at the veryf first base defense (1st half of january to 1st if February)....in vanilla I *could* have had some lasers....
That's because you want the laser technology "and" the weapons in the first month.
;D My, my, my...
Edit: Improved ammos, rockets, grenades. Powerful enough until we "steal" the laser technology.
New beta:
Adds French Translation by Infini
Corrects small issues with handobs.
Be careful.
The Rulesets are not encoded UTF-8.
French characters won't appear correctly, etc
Beta 1.9761
French translation up-to-date.
Corrected and improved texts.
That's it for now, until the next version.
Beta 1.9761
French translation up-to-date.
Corrected and improved texts.
That's it for now, until the next version.
Thanks again for the awesome translation. I figured out what I did,with the utf-8 stuff. Fixed now. Next post will be a corrected version with a few more features.
Let me know what you guys think of the new sounds.
The plasma weapons.
Weird. Really weird. Alien sounds for sure. They are incredible, except for one thing: they need more "punch". I mean, the sound level is lower than others (InGame).
They have the same volume ? I Know that it's possible to use a program like MP3Gain with MP3 files (files have the same volume output after), but with WAV, never tried.
Just my initial impression about it...
The plasma weapons.
Weird. Really weird. Alien sounds for sure. They are incredible, except for one thing: they need more "punch". I mean, the sound level is lower than others (InGame).
They have the same volume ? I Know that it's possible to use a program like MP3Gain with MP3 files (files have the same volume output after), but with WAV, never tried.
Just my initial impression about it...
Took your words under advisement and increased the volume levels.
New mod before in t-4h.
Took your words under advisement and increased the volume levels.
The problem is evident when you play a terror mission.
Aliens are shooting a lot of ammos at the beginning.
But on a regular map (UFO Crash for example), the problem is less evident.
Edit: Some items disappear sometimes from the inventory screen when I equip my soldiers. Workaround: I click on OK and restart the process. Tomorrow, I'll try to reproduce the problem.
The problem is evident when you play a terror mission.
Aliens are shooting a lot of ammos at the beginning.
But on a regular map (UFO Crash for example), the problem is less evident.
Edit: Some items disappear sometimes from the inventory screen when I equip my soldiers. Workaround: I click on OK and restart the process. Tomorrow, I'll try to reproduce the problem.
I noticed there's a weird issue with the SAW and shotgun sitting next to each other, but I can't seem to reliably reproduce it, OR clear it up.
No release tonight, the craft weapon changes are more complex than I thought.
No release tonight, the craft weapon changes are more complex than I thought.
There's no hurry. Take your time.
I noticed there's a weird issue with the SAW and shotgun sitting next to each other, but I can't seem to reliably reproduce it, OR clear it up.
It also happens with the SSRL and shotgun. I am unsure it sepends on the BIGOBS thou.
Bug Report, 2 screenshoots included.
If I equip my soldier with:
Assault Rifle, or Assault Rifle Mag, or SAW Belted Ammo, THEN, I replace it back in stock, items around disappear.
Not tested yet with for example the laser or plasma weapons.
I'd advise checking palette transparency... I've worked with KingMob's resources a bit and I've ran into some palette problems. There is *obviously* something wrong with AR's clip palette, look how part of the ammo window to the right is obscured.
I'd advise checking palette transparency... I've worked with KingMob's resources a bit and I've ran into some palette problems. There is *obviously* something wrong with AR's clip palette, look how part of the ammo window to the right is obscured.
I've been redoing many of the assets with aseprite, but I need to reexamine what is happening. I cleaned up the AR and ammo, but the saw ammo is still acting up.
Will be redoing a number of the big obs tonight with aseprite.
I've done new sprites for SAW ammo for my own use, they're clean and maybe you'll like 'em :)
BTW, I found the shotgun shells listorder botched and had quite e time finding those right now ;D
EDIT: sorry , I meant that upon finding the sheels down the list I checked the rul file and found that the STR_SHOTGUN_SHELLS have 2 listorders, 2151 and 2903.
Deleting 2093 worked just fine.
About the previous bug (Inventory screen).
Improved ammos, rockets, grenades and explosives tested.
The "Enhanced Assault Rifle Mag" is affected. The rest seems OK.
I begin to reseearch the Laser Cannon (Chemical), and if I survive against the Aliens, I'll tell you if everything is correct in the inventory.
Plasma ? I'm far away now... :D Not sure to be alive, wish me luck.
Ok, corrected a large number of issues. Had to completely scrap a number of big obs, despite importing and using the correct palette sheets.
See below for a screenshot of the fixed guns and ammo.
And the last issue I am seeing is the fact that the last line to the right repeats on the next one on the far left.
I think that is on purpose, if I am not mistaken I've always seen that row repeating.
BTW, I love the new sounds.... I think that only the sniper rifle now seems more of a cannon firing....
Just in case that it's not fixed...
All the laser weapons except the "Laser LMG" are affected (inventory bug).
Did't find an engineer yet, so didn't test with the plasma weapons.
Anyway, you're aware of the problem now.
I think that is on purpose, if I am not mistaken I've always seen that row repeating.
BTW, I love the new sounds.... I think that only the sniper rifle now seems more of a cannon firing....
It's from a recording of the very rifle in the game being fired in real life, with an echo effect on it.
Just in case that it's not fixed...
All the laser weapons except the "Laser LMG" are affected (inventory bug).
Did't find an engineer yet, so didn't test with the plasma weapons.
Anyway, you're aware of the problem now.
Yeeesh, what a beta this is.
Which bug, the inventory blackout?
Which bug, the inventory blackout?
Bizarre! I wasn't seeing in on my side, but I will investigate further. I've been using the coherency mod for months now and never noticed. I will look into the bigobs for those.
The new craft weapons are almost done. Will release another beta with the fixed graphics and enhanced plasma sounds tonight at utc 23h30
The new craft weapons are almost done. Will release another beta with the fixed graphics and enhanced plasma sounds tonight at utc 23h30
Nice. Thank you.
It's from a recording of the very rifle in the game being fired in real life, with an echo effect on it.
Niiice, I have to say....I wasn't hearing very well the sounds yesterday...now on my laptop in a comfortable studio it's much better! And also I am doing right now a Railyard terror mission and the echo of the sniper rifle is VERY appropriated.
2 Snipers, well positioned, near the SkyRanger, protected by a SAW, while the rest of my troops are far away.
They save my butt a few times.
And the sound of the rifle, I agree, incredible.
Well, I have on ly one snniper and two marksmen. I use the SAW to breach charge and general defensiveness.
Anyway I find the loadup REALLY interesting.
Satchel charges are fun and the perfect anti-reaper (thou I admit they're REALLY soft).
Cyberdiscs are tough, Chryssalid, a real nightmare with 2 legs.
Reapers, not so bad, I agree.
Cyberdiscs are tough, Chryssalid, a real nightmare with 2 legs.
Reapers, not so bad, I agree.
I've found using the explosive packs right under the buttcheeks of the chryssalids are the best case, or damage then with a grenade and then pound the dogcrap out of them with high ROF weapons.
...But yeah, without alloy ammo at least, it's gonna be a nightmare.
New release. No new weapons or aspects, just a bugfix release.
Should address the massive handobs and bigobs issues with large swaths of the graphics. Also addresses a few suggestions.
Also, I redrew a few of the laser weapons to be more 'internally consistent' (power cell, step up emitter on all laser weapons now).
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1502368/EqualTerms1.9762Beta.zip (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1502368/EqualTerms1.9762Beta.zip)
Link added in previous post.
Also, ignore the 'rebalance' rulefiles. I forgot to remove them. They are for using the packs separately, while still balancing the existing weapons.
(they should be removed now. Sorry)
New release. No new weapons or aspects, just a bugfix release.
Thank you. There are no horrible bugs in fact, just problems with the inventory screen (I hope).
Also, I redrew a few of the laser weapons to be more 'internally consistent' (power cell, step up emitter on all laser weapons now).
If I understand well, not a bad idea. Laser weapons, powered by sun at night (UFO crash or terror mission), not very realistic. Even with the vanilla version, I always found strange that lasers had infinite ammos.
Those weapons are usually lightweight. It will be like that even with power cells ?
French translation
Nothing new to add. Just 1 minor correction done. It will be added later.
For improved ammos, I use the character (^) Up arrow
I like the result. Clean, short, effective.
Thank you. There are no horrible bugs in fact, just problems with the inventory screen (I hope).
If I understand well, not a bad idea. Laser weapons, powered by sun at night (UFO crash or terror mission), not very realistic. Even with the vanilla version, I always found strange that lasers had infinite ammos.
Those weapons are usually lightweight. It will be like that even with power cells ?
French translation
Nothing new to add. Just 1 minor correction done. It will be added later.
For improved ammos, I use the character (^) Up arrow
I like the result. Clean, short, effective.
Yeah, I am not sure what the original conceit was behind the laser weapons having no ammo, but with the item limit issues in the original game, it helped in some ways. I will be setting a built in ammo limit to the laser weapons shortly.
I forgot to mention that I increased the volume of the the plasma weapon shots as well.
Reporting for duty.
Upon discovering Aloy Manufacturing, the "View Reports" button throws the player to the ISSRL Pedia page and NOT the Alloy manufacturing one.
We're still lacking a page for all the rockets but I guess you're onto it.
Reporting for duty.
Upon discovering Aloy Manufacturing, the "View Reports" button throws the player to the ISSRL Pedia page and NOT the Alloy manufacturing one.
We're still lacking a page for all the rockets but I guess you're onto it.
I can't seem to figure out how to display a tech page after research completion if that research unlocks items.
I fear I might be forced to split up alloys even more in research.
I forgot to mention that I increased the volume of the the plasma weapon shots as well.
Almost perfect.
I'll add 15% more, your choice.
Infini, I reworked a few of the UFOpedias:
Alloy Manufacturing
Research into the alloys used in alien craft and weaponry opened up new avenues of super-material construction. While this research permits the creation of the precise rare-earth doped alloys used by the alien forces, this construction technology is more effective and efficient at creating 'super alloys' than terrestrial electrical sintering, or chemical vapor deposition. Creating new alloys with this methodology will facilitate the manufacture of new armor, improved small arms and allow for further research into directed-energy weapon technology. Additionally, this technology can be used to synthesize new chemical compounds for a variety of applications from explosives, power cells to medical technology.
Applying the nano-scale alloy manufacturing process towards power cell technology has placed the research team on the cusp of producing viable directed-energy weapons. With energy constraints removed, the research team expanded on a novel laser weapon technology previously in development in multiple countries during the early 1960s. Initial application will be in interceptor weaponry, with miniaturization of the technology for use in small arms possible later with refinement of the design and construction process
Should be a new release tonight. Considering redoing the HWP, since I haven't touched them yet.
Latest Nightly:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1502368/EqualTerms1.9763Beta.zip (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1502368/EqualTerms1.9763Beta.zip)
Latest Nightly:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1502368/EqualTerms1.9763Beta.zip (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1502368/EqualTerms1.9763Beta.zip)
Tomorrow will be a complete redo of the HWP, since I somehow have neglected them. Adding light rocket tanks and cannon tank will be a 7.62x51mm machinegun CROWs tank. Also will blend in my own version of the 'Improved Tanks' mod that is seen elsewhere.
-1 square tanks
A 1 square flying UAV with no other abilities or weapons.
A 1 square tank that has electro flares it throws out.
A 1 square minelayer tank that chucks proxy mines
A 1 square "METAL STORM" tank that uses the shotgun weapon and can do like a 5 shot burst.
A 1 square scout tank that can pop smoke
A 1 square scout tank that can self destruct for 75 dmg
A 1 square rifle tank that can autoshot and pop smoke
A 1 square "little dog" that acts like an equipment bearer that can throw ammo, grenades or other gear and has LOTS of time units so I can have it follow my dudes around so they don't get overburdened.
-four square tanks
A foursquare "Big Dog" tank that fufills the same function as above but with a built in medkit and gun.
A Four square javelin tank.... shoots rockets straight up and the come straight down or shoots directly
A four square "Sapper" tank that blows up when killed or by using main weapon. goes off for 210 damage.... Hurray for HMX!
A four square "Soak" tank that is nothing more than a target for aliens to shoot at. HEAVILY armored and cheap, no gun.
A four square tank with a SAW and 2 SSRLs
A four square tank with a Laser sniper and a smoke generator
A four square tank with a Plasma gun and Blaster launcher
A four square tank with a fusion torch and a close combat weapon
A stun tank with upgraded stun stick.
Infini, I reworked a few of the UFOpedias:
It will be done soon.
Jogging, a bit of workout, shower, breakfast... and I'll be on it.
Edit: I use "WinMerge" to compare the files. So I know exactly what is new to translate.
Last question: The new build is compatible with my previous save ?
-1 square tanks
A 1 square flying UAV with no other abilities or weapons.
A 1 square tank that has electro flares it throws out.
A 1 square minelayer tank that chucks proxy mines
A 1 square "METAL STORM" tank that uses the shotgun weapon and can do like a 5 shot burst.
A 1 square scout tank that can pop smoke
A 1 square scout tank that can self destruct for 75 dmg
A 1 square rifle tank that can autoshot and pop smoke
A 1 square "little dog" that acts like an equipment bearer that can throw ammo, grenades or other gear and has LOTS of time units so I can have it follow my dudes around so they don't get overburdened.
-four square tanks
A foursquare "Big Dog" tank that fufills the same function as above but with a built in medkit and gun.
A Four square javelin tank.... shoots rockets straight up and the come straight down or shoots directly
A four square "Sapper" tank that blows up when killed or by using main weapon. goes off for 210 damage.... Hurray for HMX!
A four square "Soak" tank that is nothing more than a target for aliens to shoot at. HEAVILY armored and cheap, no gun.
A four square tank with a SAW and 2 SSRLs
A four square tank with a Laser sniper and a smoke generator
A four square tank with a Plasma gun and Blaster launcher
A four square tank with a fusion torch and a close combat weapon
A stun tank with upgraded stun stick.
Not a huge fan of the metal storm concept, but I am going to try to put together some of these.
Thanks for the suggestion.
It will be done soon.
Jogging, a bit of workout, shower, breakfast... and I'll be on it.
Edit: I use "WinMerge" to compare the files. So I know exactly what is new to translate.
Last question: The new build is compatible with my previous save ?
No hurry, of course. I am on break at work working on my spreadsheets for the hwp rework.
I have winmerge. I should use it.
These should be compat with your saves. I haven't been changing file version numbers to keep compat, only the zip file name changes and supporting docs.
Not a huge fan of the metal storm concept, but I am going to try to put together some of these.
Thanks for the suggestion.
I hope you'll consider the dual weapon tank like in Dioxine mod.
I myself am using an HE low power autocannon tank, I usually use it for demolition work...the standard AP tank could be useful against other "tanks" but frankly speaking it's useless because it's not "anti-infrantry".
On the other hand I'd lke to be able to mix and match tank turrets with tank and hovertank bodies to my liking, using manufacture.
There was a thread about it floating somewhere around the forums, and I think it's a neat idea.
No hurry, of course. I am on break at work working on my spreadsheets for the hwp rework.
I suggest to hold the translation for now. You already have a lot of work.
I'm still working on it.
I clarify things, minor corrections again for a better look, etc... (while I'm playing, important)
What do you think? We wait for 2.0 to add the latest french translation ?
Do you want to copy and paste for each Beta build?
You decide.
I hope you'll consider the dual weapon tank like in Dioxine mod.
I myself am using an HE low power autocannon tank, I usually use it for demolition work...the standard AP tank could be useful against other "tanks" but frankly speaking it's useless because it's not "anti-infrantry".
On the other hand I'd lke to be able to mix and match tank turrets with tank and hovertank bodies to my liking, using manufacture.
There was a thread about it floating somewhere around the forums, and I think it's a neat idea.
I wasn't aware of tanks being able to field two weapons. Interesting. This would allow me to come up with combo tanks and buff sectopods and cyberdisks.
A little wary of making 1 square non-standard hwp just due to the fact I'd have to mess with los templates for daaaays.
Then again, I was going to work on lostemps for armor anyways...
1 square HWP suffer 2 problems
First they become zombies if killed by a chrisalid
Second they still count as 1 HWP towards craft capacity.....unsure if they also squat the place or they allow the three empty spaces to be occupied by soldiers....
Works nice with the attack dog, not very much with anything else.
1 square HWP suffer 2 problems
First they become zombies if killed by a chrisalid
Second they still count as 1 HWP towards craft capacity.....unsure if they also squat the place or they allow the three empty spaces to be occupied by soldiers....
Works nice with the attack dog, not very much with anything else.
Zombies are fixable in my extended version. Any armor can be immune to chryssalid.
I remember that.....still EQ 2.0 should be still for mainstream open com IMO
Job done (new translation).
I remember that.....still EQ 2.0 should be still for mainstream open com IMO
Yankes/Pkrel: I'll see about releasing a SE version maybe in thr future. But right now I'd love to get my shotgun fix into the main game once I am done with it so that :
1) it draws all the pellets
2) all pellets follow a 'cone' of fire
3) each pellet can be of a damage class other than ap
1.973 Beta
UFOextender Psionic Line of Fire
I had the problem before. I thought that it was the Terrain Map Pack, because they had problems recently.
I include a save file.
When I want to reach a base with the SkyRanger, the game crashes.
If I disable "ET_MiscChangesv1965.rul", I'm able to start the mission.
Maybe it is related to the Hyperwave decoder?
Whoops. Disable the hyperwave code. I haven't gotten to a base yet. Will patch and rerelease in 2 hours.
Will patch and rerelease in 2 hours.
Thank you
Whenever I put an ISSRL on the right hand of a soldier and then hit OK, game crashes to desktop, I suspect a faulty ISSRL handobj.
EDIT: in fact exstrasprite 230 is not defined....I patched using 340 (the SSRL handob).
Thanks for the bug report. I am going to finish my work on the MGL and try to release. Working up the new tanks is taxing.
Finishing up the MGL, hoping to get the tanks in before I release again.
Bug Report:
The Laser Array UFOpedia page si visible right after researching Laser Cannon.
EDIT:Of course, setting the 'requires' string to STR_LASER_ARRAY instead of STR_LASER_CANNON fixes the issue.
Finishing up the MGL, hoping to get the tanks in before I release again.
Anything firm on what tanks you are putting in? I'm super excited about having good drones/ROVs/tanks.
Also, is there any possibility of adding in melee attacks for equal terms weapons? I would love to bash a few aliens with an empty assault rifle.
Thank you for all your hard work!
Also, is there any possibility of adding in melee attacks for equal terms weapons? I would love to bash a few aliens with an empty assault rifle.
It is the same for all modded weapons, the melee attack just isn't implemented....anyway +1, I'd like it SOOO much.
It is the same for all modded weapons, the melee attack just isn't implemented....anyway +1, I'd like it SOOO much.
Do you mean that there are simply a few dangly bits of code that need to be switched on, or that there needs to be a complete overall for the melee feature?
Sorry, been busy with other things... Will try to get something out before this coming friday.
But here's a taste:
Still alive ?
About the laser sounds.
Thumbs up!
Thanks for the feedback, I've cleared a few more bugs with the help of everyone.
Added a new laser array ufopedia entry graphic and working on the 6 shot grenade launcher and I'm finishing up work on the HWP.
So, I have a question:
One weapon HWP or Two Weapon HWP?
I'm a little concerned about the balance on the HWP if I go with a 2 weapon HWP. Right now, it would be a SAW or a GPMG paired with a grenade launcher, or a Rocket Launcher Paired with a SMG.
...Which is fine for the gunpowder ones. For the laser, I could do Laser weapons and then improved rockets and grenades.
But pairing up a plasma SMG with blasterbombs seems a bit overpowered, or full auto plasma with plasma grenade launchers.
...Especially considering the fact that alien HWP can't use two weapons like the player can.
Any thoughts?
Well, it depends....HWPs to me should mix some anti-personell (SMG-LMG alike) with demolition damage (HE, mostly like an heavy cannon), when 'dual-wielding'.
A rocket tank (or any type of significant HIGH HE damage) should not have a secondary weapon.
Higher tier techs could very well be limited to 1 weapon due to "technology constraints" (no more than 1 plasma generator for example)
The laser tanks could (mostly) drop HE damage, and have an heavy laser cannon (which MIGHT even have a VEEERY small HE burst on impact? so to make 3 tiles holes instead of singles) and a laser quickgun for infantry (say a Laser SMG? )
But they should STILL be limited, they are *not* your main force...also having a proper anti-infantry weapon on tanks might make them too useful in base defense mission in my opinion.
Just throwing ideas in there....
Also, balance can be obtained through having higher tiers of alien tech not attainable by humans (as you might have implied is part of the aim of a complete Equal Terms).
ANYWAY, I'd like to say just one more time how much this mod rocks. I'm midway in Laser Tech in my superhuman campaign had having a GREAT TIME. Really challenging but feels doable and no (felt) overpower (even thou my snipers are really really deadly).
Given the serious investment that are armors now, I once more ask you to look into Armor Repair Rules, I might scrounge up a dedicated ruleset for it adapting from the other mods....I only need the time to do that :-\ ...which I do not eagerly steal from my XCOM-EqBeta capaign you know ;D
EDIT: fixed horrible typos and mught add: I'm using a METRIC TON of Alien Alloys, I never had such high consumption. Good Job!
On the other hand, I already crashed 20 UFOs, and got a handful of FIVE power sources, so I have 249 elerium....which I can't use for naught....but only because I neglected any other E-115 research...I suspect Alien Grenades woudl fit nicely but.....Enhanced Frag Satchel is cheap and effective.... ::)
...Especially considering the fact that alien HWP can't use two weapons like the player can.
So, I vote "No".
Now, to get the laser weapons, it's more difficult. Inproved ammos are useful... finally.
Same with the plasma arsenal.
Improved interceptor, nice idea. Faster.
The balance seems OK.
My only complaint is about the light and tactical armors. 6 different models in color.
Confusing sometimes...
I know, I told you before
Going to move the extra 'visual' variation armors to a seperate rule file. Urban is going to be the default.
Going to implement the armor recovery.
Glad everyone is enjoying it.
Going to move the extra 'visual' variation armors to a seperate rule file. Urban is going to be the default.
Very nice. Because if you want to improve the light or tactical armors, you need to remember which one you're using.
I applaude.
I usually stick to Jungle but urban rocks as well.
I will be a *very* happy camper when done :-D
I feels that Armor recovery should be implemented from tier Personal Armor and onward. Kevlar and Improved Kevlar might not be worth it, since they're already cheap not in money and alloys.
Repairing a personal or heavy should be reasonably quick.
Can't tell higher tiers, so far.
Bug Report:
Personal Heavy Armor has a corpseItem: STR_CORPSE_HEAVY_PERSONAL_ARMOR
defined in Coherency ruleset.
Unfortunately nowhere else the CorpseItem is to be found, thus upon a soldier death I get a crash to desktop.
Commenting the offending CorpseItem fixes the issue, but of course the correct way is to define the corpseitem elsewhere in the Items section....I guess you're already doing that (or should be in the next future?) for armor repair staying to your words; anyway as of now this is a little annoyance.
Right now save one of my soldier thou ;D, I feel cheaty.
BTW first Mutons came down the sky on a battleship (which I let land in Spain! Lucky me, my base is in taormina) as long as 4 (FOUR!) other vessels (2 supply ships and 2 medium scouts). Too bad I have only 2 laser snipers and LOTS of alloy ammo which just tickles the mutons. ::)
I managed to down ALL the other vessels (almost) unscathed thanks to laser craft weaponry, the supply ships were landed (but took off readily before intercept) in scotland....Almost surely there will be an alien base there.
I'll be QUITE busy in the next (game) days.
Given that I get out of the Muton Battleship with a full loot, of course....it won't be easy...this suckers eat alloy ammo for snacks. :o
I need my rocket launcher gal to go get those laser pistols I stupedly left in the skyranger.
But if I do, i'll stack up 449 elerium total in stores.... a game changer to me on April 30!
Exciting times ahead...once more game feels damn challenging.
EDIT: Done it! Too bad 5 operatives lost their precious lives for a CRAPLOAD of goodies. :'( ....also the guy that's been saved by the bug, he ended up fried a couple turns later ;D
Personal Heavy Armor has a
Code: [Select]
defined in Coherency ruleset.
How do you fix it ?
One weapon HWP or Two Weapon HWP?
I'm a little concerned about the balance on the HWP if I go with a 2 weapon HWP. Right now, it would be a SAW or a GPMG paired with a grenade launcher, or a Rocket Launcher Paired with a SMG.
Any thoughts?
Well I have a few thoughts,
-on four square HWPs
1. A two weapon HWP should be included without hesitation if it is a four square HWP.
The cost benefit of a four square HWP does not favor the HWP because towards the end of the game in vanilla when you have a large number of competent (see half-retarded) soldiers HWPs are skipped over because they cannot match the firepower or flexibility of even four rookie soldiers. At the most basic we are looking at 160K for four soldiers vs 420k for the most basic HWP. Plus all of the inherent limitations of HWPs like not gaining XP, and not carrying additional equipment, HWPs have so low reactions that they are plasma magnets. That was always my biggest beef with HWPs in vanilla is they lost their utility because I was basically trading four shooters for one big ass target that is likely going to get heavy plasma pwn'd exiting the Skyranger or Avenger.
2. As the Tech Tree blossoms so should its application with HWPs.
A purpose built war-machine is a powerful asset because it is intended to be so. It is designed to do a few things very well and that is MOVE AND SHOOT. There is no grenade chucking, no healing of wounded, or capturing of aliens. An auto plasma tank is bad assed because it was designed to be bad ass, why neuter it?
3. An HWP is a very expensive piece of cover.
How heavily armored are your HWPs going to be? For the sacrifice I am going to make in firepower it better survive like four guys.
4.A four square HWP CANNOT clear most UFOs because it can't get through most doors.
This limits utility or forces us to use extreme measures which will likely result in less salvage and/or more Xcom casualties, which is in direct opposition to why a machine would be on a mission.
-On one square HWPs
1. Two weapons on a one square HWP could be overpowered
It would then be a direct replacement for soldiers only better because it was a specialized badass you could pull off the shelf. If you choose to do this, the cost must be balanced in favor of a soldier and not the HWP.
2. One square HWPs with a weapon and a smoke popper would be great and fit well with what I THINK(see hope) you want out of the balance.
3. Please let scouts be scouts and tanks be tanks.
I'll post more after I've had dinner. This is a hot topic with me.
Okay, I feel so much better after eating so...
I really want to give you a few ideas for break over on balance. That is to say, how do you determine if something would be overpowered or has potential for abuse if yourself is not quite sure.
1. 4 tanks vs 16 rookies with similar equipment, who wins?
2. Is the HWP based around assault or support role?
-If it is support maybe choose an indirect fire power weapon and a smoke popper
-If it is supposed to be an assault HWP choose
-two weapons, one direct fire and one indirect fire of medium capability
-One direct fire power weapon (sniper tank) and smoke popper
3. Would taking away or adding autoshot make a HWP more or less lethal?
4. Is the armor value of the tank make it tougher than 4 rookies of similar armor standard?
5. Would a player chew the carpet in frustration for losing the HWP in combat because of its replacement cost?
6. Does it make you giggle while you code it? THAT IS RIGHT OUT!!! NO FUN ALLOWED!!! :D
7. Do you imagine fat neckbeards (me) breathing heavily while naming your HWPs horribly melodramatic names like "Eater of Dreams", "Soul Burner", or "McSmashyBooMBoomer"
But seriously....
If you feel that a blasterbomb combo HWP would be overpowered, it is because it would be :) !
However, I would invite you to reconsider an improved grenade / Plasma combination. Being able to engage a target either directly or indirectly at will via a single HWP is something that was needed in
Vanilla. If you want people to use what you have worked so hard on, then you need to make it useful. A good way to look at it is if someone would rather play chess with all pawns, or with a mix of pieces
equaling the same point value. How you as a modmaker weigh that is through the cost OUTSIDE of the battlescape against the utility INSIDE the battlescape. I am totally onboard with whatever you
choose, but please make high end HWPs useful.
Bug Report:
Personal Heavy Armor has a corpseItem: STR_CORPSE_HEAVY_PERSONAL_ARMOR
defined in Coherency ruleset.
Unfortunately nowhere else the CorpseItem is to be found, thus upon a soldier death I get a crash to desktop.
Commenting the offending CorpseItem fixes the issue, but of course the correct way is to define the corpseitem elsewhere in the Items section....I guess you're already doing that (or should be in the next future?) for armor repair staying to your words; anyway as of now this is a little annoyance.
Right now save one of my soldier thou ;D, I feel cheaty.
weight: 20
bigSprite: 905
floorSprite: 906
invWidth: 2
invHeight: 3
armor: 40
recover: false
Is the missing item. Adding to it to fix it.
Thanks again!
Bug Report:
BTW first Mutons came down the sky on a battleship (which I let land in Spain! Lucky me, my base is in taormina) as long as 4 (FOUR!) other vessels (2 supply ships and 2 medium scouts). Too bad I have only 2 laser snipers and LOTS of alloy ammo which just tickles the mutons. ::)
I managed to down ALL the other vessels (almost) unscathed thanks to laser craft weaponry, the supply ships were landed (but took off readily before intercept) in scotland....Almost surely there will be an alien base there.
I'll be QUITE busy in the next (game) days.
Given that I get out of the Muton Battleship with a full loot, of course....it won't be easy...this suckers eat alloy ammo for snacks. :o
I need my rocket launcher gal to go get those laser pistols I stupedly left in the skyranger.
But if I do, i'll stack up 449 elerium total in stores.... a game changer to me on April 30!
Exciting times ahead...once more game feels damn challenging.
EDIT: Done it! Too bad 5 operatives lost their precious lives for a CRAPLOAD of goodies. :'( ....also the guy that's been saved by the bug, he ended up fried a couple turns later ;D
Yeah, even with the improved ammo, gunpowder weapons are so weak against the mutons. Gotta bust out those directed Energy weapons, son! Heh.
I want it to feel challenging, all the while giving you different tools to be used to fill in tactical gaps.
1. A two weapon HWP should be included without hesitation if it is a four square HWP.
The cost benefit of a four square HWP does not favor the HWP because towards the end of the game in vanilla when you have a large number of competent (see half-retarded) soldiers HWPs are skipped over because they cannot match the firepower or flexibility of even four rookie soldiers. At the most basic we are looking at 160K for four soldiers vs 420k for the most basic HWP. Plus all of the inherent limitations of HWPs like not gaining XP, and not carrying additional equipment, HWPs have so low reactions that they are plasma magnets. That was always my biggest beef with HWPs in vanilla is they lost their utility because I was basically trading four shooters for one big ass target that is likely going to get heavy plasma pwn'd exiting the Skyranger or Avenger.
Accepted. I stopped using tanks for very much the same reason. Throw out a smoke grenade, end the turn so aliens don't have ALL THEIR TIMEUNITS and then begin, instead of rolling out the tank first turn and getting it shot to hell.
2. As the Tech Tree blossoms so should its application with HWPs.
A purpose built war-machine is a powerful asset because it is intended to be so. It is designed to do a few things very well and that is MOVE AND SHOOT. There is no grenade chucking, no healing of wounded, or capturing of aliens. An auto plasma tank is bad assed because it was designed to be bad ass, why neuter it?
3. An HWP is a very expensive piece of cover.
How heavily armored are your HWPs going to be? For the sacrifice I am going to make in firepower it better survive like four guys.
I am increasing the hitpoints and damage resistance of the tanks by a remarkable amount. A tank should be fearsome, even if it is a little unmanned thing.
4.A four square HWP CANNOT clear most UFOs because it can't get through most doors.
This limits utility or forces us to use extreme measures which will likely result in less salvage and/or more Xcom casualties, which is in direct opposition to why a machine would be on a mission.
I'm going to not do any single square HWP with my current planned release. The fact that all 1 square HWP can be zombified is annoying.
But seriously....
If you feel that a blasterbomb combo HWP would be overpowered, it is because it would be :) !
However, I would invite you to reconsider an improved grenade / Plasma combination. Being able to engage a target either directly or indirectly at will via a single HWP is something that was needed in
Vanilla. If you want people to use what you have worked so hard on, then you need to make it useful. A good way to look at it is if someone would rather play chess with all pawns, or with a mix of pieces
equaling the same point value. How you as a modmaker weigh that is through the cost OUTSIDE of the battlescape against the utility INSIDE the battlescape. I am totally onboard with whatever you
choose, but please make high end HWPs useful.
I personally have a hate on for mind control and blaster bombs. Once you get them, you can just phone everything in from the comfort of your skyranger/start zone. I will have a one weapon blaster bomb HWP, but for the plasma, I will have a plasma grenade launcher on it.
You have me completely convinced on the two weapons thing. Now I just gotta figure out how to do it.
I usually stick to Jungle but urban rocks as well.
I will be a *very* happy camper when done :-D
I feels that Armor recovery should be implemented from tier Personal Armor and onward. Kevlar and Improved Kevlar might not be worth it, since they're already cheap not in money and alloys.
Repairing a personal or heavy should be reasonably quick.
Can't tell higher tiers, so far.
Which other mod had armor repair again?
Making good progress and I am hoping to finish up work tomorrow and test for a friday release, I just need to figure out how to do the two-weapon HWP.
Release should have:
1) bugfixes (heavy armor corpse, laser array, issrl and...)
2) 6 shot grenade launcher with 3-4 types of ammo
3) conventional and improved conventional armor camo types split off to separate rule files. Urban is now the default
4) New 2 weapon HWP for conventional, laser and plasma. They will be markedly tougher and have two weapons, but will cost about 15% more.
5) new graphics for laser array
6) wasp missile launcher for crafts
Blasterbomb tank isn't OP, it is actually pointless. One trooper with a Blaster can carry out its role, leaving three unoccupied spaces. A Blaster platform doesn't need anything a tank can provide - mobility and armor are useless.
Curbing Blaster: make ammo irrepraceable? Add maxRange? Or do away with it completely.
Curbing Psi: I've discovered that you can add maxRange to Psi Amp.
Blasterbomb tank isn't OP, it is actually pointless. One trooper with a Blaster can carry out its role, leaving three unoccupied spaces. A Blaster platform doesn't need anything a tank can provide - mobility and armor are useless.
Curbing Blaster: make ammo irrepraceable? Add maxRange? Or do away with it completely.
Curbing Psi: I've discovered that you can add maxRange to Psi Amp.
More was just saying that blaster bombs are OP in general, but yes, it does come back to the tank vs 4 soldiers.
Most of the time, in my games, I just set the blaster bomb to be non-waypoint and set the accuracy to 200%
I would love to turn the psi amp into an 'omni tool' that disables weapons, setting the ammo in them to zero, opens ufo doors at a distance, and that mind controls robotic enemies, but that would require massive code changes.
The conceit being that the xcom team figured out how to manipulate alien technology, but lacks the brain structures for psionics.
Is there any way to limit the amount of waypoints for blaster bombs? If I remember correctly, you could only lay down 10 in the PS1 version of X-com.
I have had a look at your graphics and one weapon in particular fits with the desgin of my mod - is it possable to use/recolour the sprites?
I'm willing to give you credit for creating them of course.
I have had a look at your graphics and one weapon in particular fits with the desgin of my mod - is it possable to use/recolour the sprites?
I'm willing to give you credit for creating them of course.
Which weapon, curiously?
Many of my designs are based on other's work, but feel free to use any portion of my mod with the understanding that many of my handobs I did were complete crap.
Have fun!
The Laser Sniper Rifle, and your right - the handobs are complete crap. I'll see if I can fix the ones I'm using, but I never was that good at small graphics.
The Laser Sniper Rifle, and your right - the handobs are complete crap. I'll see if I can fix the ones I'm using, but I never was that good at small graphics.
That's my problem as well. I could do the big obs, floorobs and the four cardinal directions, but the rest escapes me.
Okay, being delayed because the next step keeps growing.
I'm finishing up putting in the tanks for the three tech levels. I still need to finish tweaking them and testing them.
Also put in 3 new alloy manufactured missiles, along with the new Wasp rapid fire missile and the general adjustment of the base missile types (nerfed Avalanches, buffed stingrays).
MGL is in the game, I just need to make sure that the AP Flechette 'shotgun' 40mm shell works.
Lots of testing, all that.
I'm going to the state fair today.... I'm going to be thinking about your mod while I eat corndogs.
yes, it will be a good day.
I'm going to the state fair today.... I'm going to be thinking about your mod while I eat corndogs.
yes, it will be a good day.
I can't stop laughing at this. Thanks for the kind words and I hope the corndogs were awesome.
They were... My mere mortal vocabulary cannot describe how tasty, fattening and perfect they were. My blood type became Crisco and I transformed into my final form, a miserably full man drinking Pepto thinking the world was an awesome place.
But on the Xcom front....
How's progress and did you get your tanks to work right?
Did you get the shotguns to work the way you wanted?
Quick teaser:
Very nice weapon. It explodes on contact ?
Very nice weapon. It explodes on contact ?
Grenade launcher with 3 different grenades, HE, I and a buckshot AP shell.
Grenade launcher with 3 different grenades, HE, I and a buckshot AP shell.
Wow! I'll use it.
Obs are cleaned up, just making sure the 8 tanks don't have issues. Release next monday. Will be version 1.998
Release next monday. Will be version 1.998
Good work! Thank you.
Can you give us a run down on the tanks or are you going to let me suffer in silence?
Good work! Thank you.
BTW I thought I mentioned it but apparently not: Handobs for the two satchels have a transparency problem, and the usual "big black square" comes up.
BTW I thought I mentioned it but apparently not: Handobs for the two satchels have a transparency problem, and the usual "big black square" comes up.
I never use the satchels; I prefer to equip smoke grenades, motion scanners, stun rods, etc.
A good catch.
BTW I thought I mentioned it but apparently not: Handobs for the two satchels have a transparency problem, and the usual "big black square" comes up.
Which problem: when holding or when on the ground? Also, improved or standard?
So far there are only 4 square hwp, due to the zombie issue with 1 square
For conventional:
Heavy Rocket + SMG
Light Rocket + LMG/SAW
GMG + Grenade Launcher
Fully Auto Grenade Launcher + SMG
Laser Cannon + Grenade Launcher w/ Improved Grenades
Laser GMG + Grenade Launcher w/ Improved Grenades
Improved Heavy Rocket + Laser SMG
Improved Light Rocker + Laser LMG
Plasma Cannon + Grenade Launcher w/ Alien Grenades
Plasma GMG + Grenade Launcher w/ Alien Grenades
Blaster Launcher + SMG (LMG for non guided option)
that's 11 not 8! I'm so excited.
What are the stats on the tanks? HP, armor, ammo etc?
that's 11 not 8! I'm so excited.
What are the stats on the tanks? HP, armor, ammo etc?
These replace the base tanks, of course. The tanks all lost about 10-20 points of armor, but now take about 60% (70% for explosive) less damage and have nearly twice as many hit points. So hwp will now get damaged and jacked up long before they are wrecked.
The two improved satchels when in hand. As far as I can tell they have no problems when on the ground.
Thanks for caring and.....THOSE PESKY CHRISSALIDs are though to laser.....my last terror ship recovery was a blast! I Killed a total of 34 (!) Aliens of which only 9 were snakemen....
A not so nice tally of 34-7 thou ;D
So far there are only 4 square hwp, due to the zombie issue with 1 square
Heya! KingMob4313
Pkrcel clued me into a possible solution to your 1 square hwp issue and being zombied.
It of course has to use OXCE but you were already doing that right?
I'm trying to help :/
thanks !!!!
Did I?
I think extended was already discussed but King said compatibility with "standard" openXcom is paramount (so far).
Extended is really interesting but since yankes and redv work so well, I am confident that many changes will be pulled into upstream code once the TFTD struggle will (almost) end.
Did I?
I think extended was already discussed but King said compatibility with "standard" openXcom is paramount
I was going to come up with a version for xe, but basic version first.
I saw a Xcom corpse on the floor on a base mission, but it's actually an alloy shotgun shells floorob.
I saw a Xcom corpse on the floor on a base mission, but it's actually an alloy shotgun shells floorob.
What sorta corpse? Oh, okay something wrong with the alloy shotgun ammo on the floor
The corpse is of an unarmored XCom trooper
The corpse is of an unarmored XCom trooper
File overlap! Thanks!
Ah! Much becomes clear!
Despite me muddying the waters, sorry. :'(
I'm just excited because I've ALWAYS wanted the features that are being implemented by you KingMob.
Thank you again for all your hard work!
I think infini already said something like this, but Elerium shotgun shells look like an unarmored Xcom corpse in inventory screen (bigob I guess).
There is also no voice in the Pedia about them (so it does not show up when researched).
CAn't tell handob and floorob so far. ;D
EDIT: sorry, I forgot that also the reinforced shotgun does not have them as compatible ammo in Wolfram Ruleset
Sweet Cthulu's teeth, getting the HWP to work is escaping me and frustrating the hell out of me.
I've had things eating up all my time this last week, so I have two days to try to get this figured out. But most likely, I'm gonna sprint to make sure that the reported bugs are fixed and the new 'Hyperwave Encoder' is enabled and I'll push out a release.
I need to have VS2013 open to debug what the hell is freaking out openxcom when I try to get a tank working in the battlescape.
pckrel and others: What is the issue with the reinforced shotgun?
Two things:
The Elerium Shotgun shells have a bigob problem. They appear as a corpse in inventory. I fixed changjng the bigsprite number to IIRC 164
The reinforced shotgun does not have the Elerium shells in the list of compatible ammo.
:( Sad face.
Release will be in a few hours. Sorry!
I don't have the two-weapon tanks working yet (one weapon) but they are improved over the base tanks. Just gonna release what I have.
I don't have the two-weapon tanks working yet (one weapon) but they are improved over the base tanks. Just gonna release what I have.
I rarely use the tank. Sometimes, one plasma shot from an alien and my $500000 investment is lost.
Now, they are improved ?
OK. Nice. We'll see.
I rarely use the tank. Sometimes, one plasma shot from an alien and my $500000 investment is lost.
Now, they are improved ?
OK. Nice. We'll see.
How does 180 hp, 40 armor and only 55% damage from Plasma sound to you?
Wrestling with getting this release out.
How does 180 hp, 40 armor and only 55% damage from Plasma sound to you?
I'm not an expert, I cannot tell. I need to test it first.
Okay, new beta release 1.997 is ready.
Version 1.997
- added new multiple grenade launcher
- added HE, I and AP buckshot type ammo
- added new light guided missile craft weapon (adapted from XOps mod)
- added new research requirement: Alloy Aerospace
- added three new alloy craft missiles, requires Alloy Aerospace
- improved interceptor now Alloy Aerospace
- added a new conventional tank chassis with increased toughness
- added four tank turrets:
- GMG with Grenade Launcher
- Heavy Rocket Launcher with SMG
- Light Rocket Launcher with LMG
- Automatic Grenade Launcher with SMG
+ Secondary weapons do not work right now
- split out armor cosmetic sets to separate addons
- added new requirement for hyperwave decoder: hyperwave encoder (good luck)
- numerous corrections to bigobs, handobs and floorob issues
The hyperwave encoder should be located in the alien bases.
...and of course, the HWP secondary/AUX weapons do not work, currently. Going to keep fighting with them and once I get them working, I'll move on to the laser and plasma tanks.
The hyperwave encoder should be located in the alien bases.
Thank you for the new Beta. First, I'll translate the new strings.
Thank you for the new Beta. First, I'll translate the new strings.
Thanks Infini.
It's kinda out in the open, just lying on the floor right now. It'll get moved under a power source in the commander's room in the final releases.
One file is missing from the new Beta ?
ET_Wolfram_GunpowerWeaponsv1995.rul ?
One file is missing from the new Beta ?
ET_Wolfram_GunpowerWeaponsv1995.rul ?
Seriously? What the hell? Hahaha. Okay new zip up in 30 minutes.
The weird thing is: all the images and sounds are there for it. I must have deleted it in the zip when I was removing the rebalance files: what you use if you only want to use one part of the mod.
Ugh just had a serious wipe out. 14 troops in just under 3 days and lost the game :/
2 on a crash site, one while breaching the other from sniper fire.Jan 17 (ordered a bunch more dudes from the fat loot)
4 on a terror mission to cyberdisc fire. Jan 18
3 on a crash site, two from breaching and one from pointing the rocket launcher at her feet. Jan 19
Leaving me 7 for a base defense mission that arrived literally just as my own men made it back from the last crash....
Well they fought hard but MC'd a guy with a demo pack and he chucked into a mess of guys killing three. Three others going down fighting with a kill to death ratio approaching 5 to one
It was down to my last trooper as she was fatally wounded, and with half a belt on her SAW knowing where the last few are. She takes 1 strafing step and gets shot pointblank.
Game Over....January 19
I need HWPs that work and the MGL Please.
This has the missing file.
Before the next release, I'm gonna run it through Falko's mod checker and correct every issue no matter how trivial.
Ugh just had a serious wipe out. 14 troops in just under 3 days and lost the game :/
2 on a crash site, one while breaching the other from sniper fire.Jan 17 (ordered a bunch more dudes from the fat loot)
4 on a terror mission to cyberdisc fire. Jan 18
3 on a crash site, two from breaching and one from pointing the rocket launcher at her feet. Jan 19
Leaving me 7 for a base defense mission that arrived literally just as my own men made it back from the last crash....
Well they fought hard but MC'd a guy with a demo pack and he chucked into a mess of guys killing three. Three others going down fighting with a kill to death ratio approaching 5 to one
It was down to my last trooper as she was fatally wounded, and with half a belt on her SAW knowing where the last few are. She takes 1 strafing step and gets shot pointblank.
Game Over....January 19
I need HWPs that work and the MGL Please.
This just released version has the MGL among other things.
This has the missing file.
Got it!
All the translation is done, except this one.
Tomorrow: I need a break.
Before the next release, I'm gonna run it through Falko's mod checker and correct every issue no matter how trivial.
Someone is begging for it (HelmetHair)...
Just one question please.
By "light HEAT rockets", you mean : HEAT = High-Explosive Anti-Tank ?
I think so...
Just one question please.
By "light HEAT rockets", you mean : HEAT = High-Explosive Anti-Tank ?
I think so...
Yep, High Explosive Anti Tank.
Someone is begging for it (HelmetHair)...
Yup, I have a let's play to get started and I need working tanks :) for what I want to do :)
Again, the two weapon portion of the tanks doesn't work, but they do have main guns and they are much tougher now...
I really can't figure out what is wrong.
Did you follow the coding template that Dioxine posted for the two weapon tanks in Piratez?
Some food for thought on your tanks is that they could easily have a machine gun with infinite ammo justified with that a 1000 rounds only weighs 26ish pounds (5.56)
Did you follow the coding template that Dioxine posted for the two weapon tanks in Piratez?
Some food for thought on your tanks is that they could easily have a machine gun with infinite ammo justified with that a 1000 rounds only weighs 26ish pounds (5.56)
Yeah, followed the template and NOTHING. Tried a million different variations on the template too. Excruciatingly frustrating.
Hey Diox, I'm willing to bribe you for help, do you have a paypal?
Alien Research
*Not defined*
Every time I try to use the MGL with HE grenades Xcom crashes.... very frustrating. Grenade arcs out and before it is supposed to explode... crash.
Every time I try to use the MGL with HE grenades Xcom crashes.... very frustrating. Grenade arcs out and before it is supposed to explode... crash.
He needs time... there's no hurry.
A very complex job for him or someone else.
Alien Research
*Not defined*
Not sure why you are getting an undefined.
Where are you seeing this?
Problems with MGL and missiles should be fixed.
Correcting small ufopedia issues and a pallette issue in the missiles. Should not affect gameplay.
All MGL ammo works on my side
New version, corrects a few weird graphics issues, and links with missiles.
spoiled (
Not sure why you are getting an undefined.
Where are you seeing this?
Look at the previous pic.
Look at the previous pic.
Whoa! Couldn't read it off the phone. Will correct.
Just read about debug mode. Wow, that could have helped.
New release in 12 hours.
Just read about debug mode. Wow, that could have helped.
New release in 12 hours.
Yes, I use the Debug mode. It helps a lot. (Ctrl+D)
I wait for the new Beta.
Thank you.
Just got back home form business trip...tried this one but have to report that elerium shotun shells are again corpses as bigobs....I fixed changing spritenumber to 164.
Just got back home form business trip...tried this one but have to report that elerium shotun shells are again corpses as bigobs....I fixed changing spritenumber to 164.
I fixed them for the alloy but not the elerium. In fact, I thought I completely removed the elerium ones from the game!
Should I keep them or remove them? They kinda break the 0 to 0.5 progession. Same with the reinforced shotgun.
Uh....I don't know... The shotgun is still baffling me, it basically costed me lives, since mutons, ethereals have usually shrugged off the bullets.
But they're way cool so....I'd certainly keep those.
BTW I meant that they shrugged off the ELERIUM shells, of course
Uh....I don't know... The shotgun is still baffling me, it basically costed me lives, since mutons, ethereals have usually shrugged off the bullets.
But they're way cool so....I'd certainly keep those.
BTW I meant that they shrugged off the ELERIUM shells, of course 
Well the elerium shells are barely implemented since the shotgun mechanics are a hack at best. It made me question putting in the buckshot style 40mm MGL ammo.
I'll at least fix it so that the Elerium shells work correctly, despite my misgivings.
What about giving the weapons a meleepower, tuMelee and accuracymelee stats so they could be used to stun? (Like Vanilla wepons 'stun fest')
Not a fan of melee with the weapons, but I'll get the code in there. It's about providing options.
Provide a separate ruleset then, so one can eventually enable or disable that.
BTW, the ammo strings of the new HWPs are undefined (missing 'STR_' maybe?) ahahah sorry I'm dumb, nevermind.
Provide a separate ruleset then, so one can eventually enable or disable that.
BTW, the ammo strings of the new HWPs are undefined (missing 'STR_' maybe?) ahahah sorry I'm dumb, nevermind.
No need for a separate ruleset since it's an option that must be enabled. I will pattern the weapons on existing ones for accuracy, tu and stun damage
I fixed them for the alloy but not the elerium. In fact, I thought I completely removed the elerium ones from the game!
Should I keep them or remove them? They kinda break the 0 to 0.5 progession. Same with the reinforced shotgun.
I suggest that you remove it.
Delayed heavily by the changes needed.
We'll see when the next one comes out.
Delayed heavily by the changes needed.
We'll see when the next one comes out.
Take your time.
No need for a separate ruleset since it's an option that must be enabled. I will pattern the weapons on existing ones for accuracy, tu and stun damage
Ah of course, the option would enable also the modded weapons....
Ah of course, the option would enable also the modded weapons....
So once you turn on that option, everything will work, but it's gonna delay the next release. Pkrcel, you really want recoverable armor, right?
You bet! Repairable armor makes a lot of sense.
Of course I've just begin to use the dual weapon tank (Grenade Launcher + CAnnon).... that guy kicks ass (a la fatboy slim).
LOL it downed a Muton all by itself with TUs to spare :o
You bet! Repairable armor makes a lot of sense.
Of course I've just begin to use the dual weapon tank (Grenade Launcher + CAnnon).... that guy kicks ass (a la fatboy slim).
LOL it downed a Muton all by itself with TUs to spare :o
The dual weapons are working on your side?
Odd! Maybe I need the nightly build?
Newest version:
SPOILED (https://)
- added new plasma craft weapon
- corrected alloy aerospace and alien communication ufopedia
- removed Elerium shotgun rounds
- change 'arrays' to 'pulse' name - pulse laser cannon, pulse plasma cannon
- moved items out of misc file into respective mod files.
- misc file only has the lighter electro flare and adjusted radars
Next :
- laser and plasma tanks if they are working for others.
- ufopedia order and listorder adjustments (mostly ufopedia order)
- adjust toughness of tanks (too tough right now)
Proposal: Single shot heavy laser cannon. Kinda like the Spartan Laser from Halo. Comes late in the laser progression. Allows for a laser SSRL (so to speak) My only misgiving is that it will completely chew the-hell-up sectopods.
Once all the above is sorted out and I give it one more bug pass on it... I'll declare 2.0 done and release and and start on the 'Retaliation' DLC pack for it, which will borrow somewhat from the Alien Armory mod, and also have some other new additions.
The dual weapons are working on your side?
Odd! Maybe I need the nightly build?
It works with infinite ammo for the 40mm gun, but I guess it's as intended.
I run my own compiled OpenXcom, so maybe a nightly is in order for you?
I wouldn't go overboard with laser weaponry in your shoes, I only have the coherency tier but 'chewed up' an ethereal landed battleship pretty well (only half squad wiped
Single shot heavy laser cannon. Kinda like the Spartan Laser from Halo. Comes late in the laser progression.
No problem. I like it. (with a good accuracy)
Allows for a laser SSRL
Not necessary. I won't use it.
I suggest to replace the stun rod with the "Electro-Shocker" from civilian.
It works with infinite ammo for the 40mm gun, but I guess it's as intended.
I run my own compiled OpenXcom, so maybe a nightly is in order for you?
I wouldn't go overboard with laser weaponry in your shoes, I only have the coherency tier but 'chewed up' an ethereal landed battleship pretty well (only half squad wiped
I have my own compiled build (some mods to damage calculation) as well, so I must be not subscribed to the right git branch or something.
But if it's working, I might finally be able to get out 2.0 very soon, but at least get out 1.998 tonight with 2 laser tanks and 3 plasma/blaster tanks.
No problem. I like it. (with a good accuracy)
Not necessary. I won't use it.
I suggest to replace the stun rod with the "Electro-Shocker" from civilian.
The 'Spartan Laser' would end up being like a SSRL, since it would only be one (highly accurate) shot before you had to dispose of it. Since it would be more powerful than the sniper rifle, I'll have to make it one shot and 3x2 otherwise it would make the rifle useless.
I will investigate the the civilian mod and see if it works
The 'Spartan Laser' would end up being like a SSRL, since it would only be one (highly accurate) shot before you had to dispose of it. Since it would be more powerful than the sniper rifle, I'll have to make it one shot and 3x2 otherwise it would make the rifle useless.
The 'Spartan Laser' would end up being like a SSRL, since it would only be one (highly accurate) shot before you had to dispose of it. Since it would be more powerful than the sniper rifle, I'll have to make it one shot and 3x2 otherwise it would make the rifle useless.
I will investigate the the civilian mod and see if it works
Maybe make the weapon 3x2 with a 2x2 clip that only has one shot? That would represent the high energy power pack being all drained in one shot, but without the whole weapon (electronics, lenses and all) going to waste after one shot. Unless you want to represent the shot being so powerful it melts the weapon, but that doesn't sound very safe to use.
This way, a trooper can still only carry 3 shots (2x hands + backpack), but it's not quite as ridiculous as carrying 3 of the same weapons, and you can have some troopers carrying just a powerpack to toss to the guy with the weapon if needed. Then you can also make the weapon part even more expensive (you only need to manufacture it once), the shot relatively high TUs (so you can shoot once and recharge, but not shoot again) and it is more likely that players won't have plenty of shots when facing sectopods.
Actually, that might be exactly what I'll do for my laser cannon..!
Maybe make the weapon 3x2 with a 2x2 clip that only has one shot? That would represent the high energy power pack being all drained in one shot, but without the whole weapon (electronics, lenses and all) going to waste after one shot. Unless you want to represent the shot being so powerful it melts the weapon, but that doesn't sound very safe to use.
This way, a trooper can still only carry 3 shots (2x hands + backpack), but it's not quite as ridiculous as carrying 3 of the same weapons, and you can have some troopers carrying just a powerpack to toss to the guy with the weapon if needed. Then you can also make the weapon part even more expensive (you only need to manufacture it once), the shot relatively high TUs (so you can shoot once and recharge, but not shoot again) and it is more likely that players won't have plenty of shots when facing sectopods.
Actually, that might be exactly what I'll do for my laser cannon..!
I was thinking something along those lines, that the lasing medium and lenses would be very expensive.
Thanks for the suggestion, going to totally go this route. Giant laser cannon that takes 1 shot 2x2 power packs.
It borders on a 'laser rocket launcher' weapon. Nice concept, still seems a bit overboard.
Too bad you're claiming back my elerium shells....I need that elerium back
I have my own compiled build (some mods to damage calculation) as well, so I must be not subscribed to the right git branch or something.
But if it's working, I might finally be able to get out 2.0 very soon, but at least get out 1.998 tonight with 2 laser tanks and 3 plasma/blaster tanks.
Maybe, I'm working on my branch but I'm mostly on par with master. Might be a week behind or such.
Having a nightly to spare and double-check is always worth though.
It works with infinite ammo for the 40mm gun, but I guess it's as intended.
I run my own compiled OpenXcom, so maybe a nightly is in order for you?
I wouldn't go overboard with laser weaponry in your shoes, I only have the coherency tier but 'chewed up' an ethereal landed battleship pretty well (only half squad wiped
Okay, which tank is this? Only the SMG should be set up for infinite ammo
The one called 'STR_TANK_AGLAUNCHER'
The one called 'STR_TANK_AGLAUNCHER'
Ah, Okay. Will investigate
I think there are some SFX to be cheked in the new version, particularly during "HIDDEN MOVEMENT" I continuosly get a 'wooosh!' like sound (like a jet passing by, or a high velocity projectile) when I usually hear the UFO door.
The most recent Beta, 1.9975
Not the same file? 14.1KB vs 571 bytes ?
You did a lot if change or something is missing...
I think there are some SFX to be cheked in the new version, particularly during "HIDDEN MOVEMENT" I continuosly get a 'wooosh!' like sound (like a jet passing by, or a high velocity projectile) when I usually hear the UFO door.
Probably a file # collision. I will check into it.
The most recent Beta, 1.9975
Not the same file? 14.1KB vs 571 bytes ?
You did a lot if change or something is missing...
I moved out some Wolfram Lance tech level vehicle weapons out of it and into the main files. The misc only has adjust radars and lighter electro flares
I moved out some Wolfram Lance tech level vehicle weapons out of it and into the main files. The misc only has adjust radars and lighter electro flares
OK. I understand.
The one called 'STR_TANK_AGLAUNCHER'
Just for your info, if I use this tank in a mission and come back, I end up with 259 HWP grenades in store no matter what. I looked around but can't tell what's going on. BTW the 259 is consistent.
I at first tought I misclicked when buying ammo...i transferred 129 units to another base....but then a second time after the mission i have 259.
Just for your info, if I use this tank in a mission and come back, I end up with 259 HWP grenades in store no matter what. I looked around but can't tell what's going on. BTW the 259 is consistent.
I at first tought I misclicked when buying ammo...i transferred 129 units to another base....but then a second time after the mission i have 259.
That is absolutely bizarre. Once I get a new oxc build up that shows both weapons, I'll look into it.
Hm the downloadlink (on page 1) leads to a 404 :(
Oh and I can assure you my electro-shocker works fine :-)
the latest package just go to the latest POST from kingmob. He doesn't update the first post afaik
Sorry about that. Once it's out of beta I will rock a first post correctly. Heh.
The SAW Ammos.
The weight is 4.
Improved... 6 ?
It is supposed to be the same ? Like the others ?
The SAW Ammos.
The weight is 4.
Improved... 6 ?
It is supposed to be the same ? Like the others ?
Fixed! Thanks!
With the latest nightly exe, the two weapon tanks work great. I just need to finish up putting together the new tanks and I'll release beta 1.999 tonight.
2.0 will be at the end of this week.
You work fast!
Thank you!
Well I know where the rest of my week is going....
Appreciated everyone.
and my GOD there are massive ufopedia order issues I need to
Latest Beta: 1.998
Version 1.998
- fixed weight of SAW alloy ammo
- fixed Wolfram tanks so that they use ammo correctly
- fixed rate of fire on the tank weapons
- fixed the explosive footprint for tank rockets and grenades
I'll take a look tomorrow.
Merci for the new Build.
In the UFOPEDIA, it is supposed to be:
Version 1.998
- fixed weight of SAW alloy ammo
- fixed Wolfram tanks so that they use ammo correctly
- fixed rate of fire on the tank weapons
- fixed the explosive footprint for tank rockets and grenades
AWWW, I was so in love with the LMG+Grenade tank.... ;D hope it's still the same.
BTW, a couple words about the MGL...it rocks until mutons (which basically shrugh HE ammo off not to mention AP), but it's a wonderful weapon....the right tool to reach for "diffuclt corners"...it highlights the "spotter" role to the maximum extent.
And it clears the field from pesky obstacles in a hanfuls of TUs, while also being more versatile than the HE charge.
I really love it, too bad you need a truck to tow around the ammos.... :P
AWWW, I was so in love with the LMG+Grenade tank.... ;D hope it's still the same.
BTW, a couple words about the MGL...it rocks until mutons (which basically shrugh HE ammo off not to mention AP), but it's a wonderful weapon....the right tool to reach for "diffuclt corners"...it highlights the "spotter" role to the maximum extent.
And it clears the field from pesky obstacles in a hanfuls of TUs, while also being more versatile than the HE charge.
I really love it, too bad you need a truck to tow around the ammos.... :P
The only thing different is that the lmg and gmg autofire works.
I'm a little worried that the mgl is too effective. With enhanced grenades it is quite potent. I am half temped to make the ammo 2x2 squares.
I will have to play around a biy more.
I can't say, I find myself using it purely for the fun of it.....Ethereals and Mutons basically are resistant to it, but (for instance) snakemen are definitely not.
Also the MGL does NOT fire with no line of fire even if you override holding CTRL key (much like a 'cannot throw here' ) so it can't (easily) be used to demolish pesky walls to give your snipers a corner.
The AP flechette I found most ineffective, but consider I'm against almost exclusively the two top tiers.....
Incendiary ammo itself is VERY useful in jungle since the MGL may spread fire out MUCH more effectively than others (rocket and grenade).
I can't say, I find myself using it purely for the fun of it.....Ethereals and Mutons basically are resistant to it, but (for instance) snakemen are definitely not.
Also the MGL does NOT fire with no line of fire even if you override holding CTRL key (much like a 'cannot throw here' ) so it can't (easily) be used to demolish pesky walls to give your snipers a corner.
The AP flechette I found most ineffective, but consider I'm against almost exclusively the two top tiers.....
Incendiary ammo itself is VERY useful in jungle since the MGL may spread fire out MUCH more effectively than others (rocket and grenade).
Reinforced shotgun is missing autofire. 1.9981 out tonight.
Did not know it should have it! :o
Hey Diox, I'm willing to bribe you for help, do you have a paypal?
I do not. What's the problem dude?
I do not. What's the problem dude?
I previously put together the HWP for my mod correctly, but it was refusing to work.
I didn't know that I needed a version past the initial 1.0 release to get two weapon tanks to work.
Did not know it should have it! :o
It should. Also, with the elerium shotgun shells removed, it needs it to make it worth even having.
Ok I love your tanks, however I have a small request so I can get started on my let's play....
Upping the number of HWPs to allow me to carry more scout drones...
Because having a limit of HWPs of is pretty rough when you want two scout drones and breaks up my tactical doctrine :(
so can you edit the skyranger to allow 6 HWPs? And the avenger to 8? Yes, I know this sounds crazy.... However, I have attempted to do this on my own and not gotten anywhere really....
Ok I love your tanks, however I have a small request so I can get started on my let's play....
Upping the number of HWPs to allow me to carry more scout drones...
Because having a limit of HWPs of is pretty rough when you want two scout drones and breaks up my tactical doctrine :(
so can you edit the skyranger to allow 6 HWPs? And the avenger to 8? Yes, I know this sounds crazy.... However, I have attempted to do this on my own and not gotten anywhere really....
I might have a release ready that has the coherence tanks and fourth state tanks done tonight. I'll make those small changes and push it out in a separate ruleset for ya.
Great, this eve I lost a whooping 1 laser tank per mission.... Hope those are a bit resilient.
Because it was mostly me rookies with laser weapons that took out my tanks..... -.-'
Coherency Tanks will be delayed one more day. Life derailed me.
I was also kinda looking for a different non-hover tank so I could do alloy ground tanks and then make hovertanks require floater + cyberdisk research for the floaty bit.
Just got to flying suit, is it normal that there are no stats modifiers on the suit? ...given the other ones this quite surprises me.
EDIT: Yo King, hope to be useful here, attached ypu can find a skeleton rulest for armor repairs. So far I was able to repair my power suits, so it seems okay, but I leave ut here for you to look and correct if you wish.
Ooh armor repair. Gimme
Just got to flying suit, is it normal that there are no stats modifiers on the suit? ...given the other ones this quite surprises me.
EDIT: Yo King, hope to be useful here, attached ypu can find a skeleton rulest for armor repairs. So far I was able to repair my power suits, so it seems okay, but I leave ut here for you to look and correct if you wish.
Weird, they should have stat changes on the flying suit, let me see what's up.
Awesome! Thanks.
The numbers look good. The listorders and such don't matter because I am going to be doing a major reorg before 2.0
I made a small number of changes to make the names match to your ruleset PK, but no other changes. I may double the sell prices before 2.0, though
Working on getting the Plasma Tanks together right now. The Laser Tanks have all be tested and work great. I also made another huge change as shown here:
There will be no ammo sheets for the plasma weapon's ammo, however. Just for the tier 0 and 0.5. Also all the tank ammo will have ufopedia entries so you know how much ammo to buy, since it's a bit opaque to know how much LMG or GMG ammo to buy.
Before 2.0, the tank's armor will be nerfed a bit more, however, still keeping the same damage cut (% of damage) as currently used in the mod.
BTW I haven't run any number on my ruleset, I mostly hijacked the ones from armor repair and gravarmors and set "plausible" repair costs and times.
So I should have noted that the set has ALL to be eventually balanced out.
Nevertheless I hoped to ease you from the nitty-gritty of the buildup.
Hope to see the new tanks soon.
On an unrelated note, you think you will eventually publish a 'DLC' for 2.0 onwards that deals with PSI?
EDIT: still playtesting, the ET_Armor_repair.rul file required 0 Alien Alloys to repair the heavy personal Armor. Fixed in the attached.
OK I'm a bit stuck. I have latest mod version and after raiding 10+ bases being very careful not to blasterbomb anything or let anything blow up, I have yet to unlock hwd. I am worried of is because I am using the full expanded base mod? When I disable that mod tho, game crashes when I try to attack any alien base.
Seems odd. I checked the ruleset for et mod and can't tell if I need an item from alien base for hwd or just capture different race engineer?
Loving the mod btw. Plasma lmg are a blast. And I had an aha moment when I noticed the increase sale value of certain items after converting. Makes perfect sense.
OK I'm a bit stuck. I have latest mod version and after raiding 10+ bases being very careful not to blasterbomb anything or let anything blow up, I have yet to unlock hwd. I am worried of is because I am using the full expanded base mod? When I disable that mod tho, game crashes when I try to attack any alien base.
Seems odd. I checked the ruleset for et mod and can't tell if I need an item from alien base for hwd or just capture different race engineer?
Loving the mod btw. Plasma lmg are a blast. And I had an aha moment when I noticed the increase sale value of certain items after converting. Makes perfect sense.
Eeep, the HWE might be bugged. You need an engineer and a device called an 'Hyper Wave Encoder'. Just post your save file and I can add it to your inventory.
The biggest problem with testing for the hwe is I have to get to the point where there is the alien base.
Alright, no worries. Its actually kinda interesting playing without the hwd . will post my save tomorrow. Cheers on the good work!
I hear you've been working with HWP a lot. I've encountered a bug where the game closes up whenever my explosive shot Tank/Cannon fires and the bullet hits the ground. The explosion doesn't come up and the game just closes, not crashes. I don't know what is going on. Any advice for a noob modder?
I hear you've been working with HWP a lot. I've encountered a bug where the game closes up whenever my explosive shot Tank/Cannon fires and the bullet hits the ground. The explosion doesn't come up and the game just closes, not crashes. I don't know what is going on. Any advice for a noob modder?
Check your hitsound and hit animation.
Check your hitsound and hit animation.
Yeah, got it all solved now. The nightlies moved the hitAnimation: 26 from SMOKE.PCK to hitAnimation: 0 from X1.pck. Weird. Well, thanks!
I got super excited to finish my play thru and just changed flag to false to enable me to research hw encoder.
I got super excited to finish my play thru and just changed flag to false to enable me to research hw encoder.
Which flag?
The one for hw encoder. But then when I completed research on it I still can't research or build hwd ?
The one for hw encoder. But then when I completed research on it I still can't research or build hwd ?
Do you have alien communication researched?
Okay, going to give myself a navigator and the hwe and see if I can get to it. Is a bug most likely in requirements.
Cool, thanks!
Got it sorted, it's a requirements issue. You can either just give yourself " - STR_HYPERWAVE_DECODER" under 'discovered' in your save file, or change the requirement as shown in the PlasmaWeapons ruleset:
cost: 370 # 670
points: 10
it was previously a 'requires'.
Now I just need to get a save file to the point where there's an alien base I can raid to make sure the item is appearing. It's as a corpse item right now, but I might change it to an electroflare type of item. I just need it to appear in the map!
I should have the 1.999 version ready to go by Friday.
Then will be stabilization, and fixing all the bugs found by the online x-com tool and taking suggestions and tweaks to the ruleset.
Then there will be the 2.0 final release..
Awesome. Great mod!
I should have the 1.999 version ready to go by Friday.
Then will be stabilization, and fixing all the bugs found by the online x-com tool and taking suggestions and tweaks to the ruleset.
Finally, we concentrate our efforts to remove the bugs. Count me in.
I'll do the translation, and test the new release 1.999.
Man, your workshops are going to get a workout in this mod.
They DEFINITELY do already. I have some 150 engineers (maybe 160) that go full steam converting weapons , repairing armors, ammunition (rockets, satchels) and when (ever!) I get some spare time I manufacture for selling....yeah pipe dream, it's been MONTHS since I could do that!
Do you think that increasing manufacturing requirements affect balance with mods like this? Does having to make so many items hinder you from being on an equal footing with the enemy progression?
Even in my modest UpClose and Personal Modpack, I've wondered if the balance would be affected by having to make lots of custom weapons/ammo etc.
Cheers, Ivan :D
They DEFINITELY do already. I have some 150 engineers (maybe 160) that go full steam converting weapons , repairing armors, ammunition (rockets, satchels) and when (ever!) I get some spare time I manufacture for selling....yeah pipe dream, it's been MONTHS since I could do that!
I get that. Maybe I've made a mistake.
Do you think that increasing manufacturing requirements affect balance with mods like this? Does having to make so many items hinder you from being on an equal footing with the enemy progression?
Even in my modest UpClose and Personal Modpack, I've wondered if the balance would be affected by having to make lots of custom weapons/ammo etc.
Cheers, Ivan :D
I am wondering that as well. That's why I am hoping for sommo feedback. What's taking too long to build? I can see reducing the time cosf on converting alien weapons.
What'a your experience, Ivan?
I am wondering that as well. That's why I am hoping for sommo feedback. What's taking too long to build? I can see reducing the time cosf on converting alien weapons.
What'a your experience, Ivan?
I haven't had a chance to play your mod yet. And I'm only getting into midgame with my mod.
Some of the ways I have tackled this, is keeping manufacturing time costs down. Especially conversions. For example, I have the Zapper, that uses a Stunrod and Alien Alloy to create a smaller, more powerful stun weapon. My thought is that because this is a conversion/mod of existing resources, the time should be low. I'd like one workshop to make a squadset in about a day. I've also got stun bomb grenade conversions and blaster bomb conversions modeled like this too.
I know how long it takes to build some of the big ticket items like the Avengers and other craft, and these are Game Pace items that are important, and I don't think my other additional items should greatly detract from that. My big question is my dart gun, whose initial clips are really small (6 rds), and I could see the need to constantly be making those. That was one of the effects of the Toxi-Gun in Xcom Apocalypse (which I see my dart gun being like in many ways). You had to keep a constant manufacturing line going to make the ammo because the mags were small and you used up a lot each mission.
My strategy is to diversify my manufacturing. I leave one workshop going in my initial base building battle expendables (Flashbang grenades, dart gun ammo, zappers, etc) and build out a three workshop facility in my second base that will generate money when idle and big ticket items otherwise (armor, craft, and HWPs if I was playing with them). So far its working out, but my demand for flashbangs (which is only my first level Battlefield domination tech) is really high. I can go through 10-15 per mission.
Anyway, just some thoughts.
Cheers, Ivan :D
I haven't had a chance to play your mod yet. And I'm only getting into midgame with my mod.
Some of the ways I have tackled this, is keeping manufacturing time costs down. Especially conversions. For example, I have the Zapper, that uses a Stunrod and Alien Alloy to create a smaller, more powerful stun weapon. My thought is that because this is a conversion/mod of existing resources, the time should be low. I'd like one workshop to make a squadset in about a day. I've also got stun bomb grenade conversions and blaster bomb conversions modeled like this too.
I've modeled my costs off existing times. But the conversion from alien to human weapons takes about 40 man hours, which is about the same as half the time it takes to make a plasma clip. The fun part you have to remember is that all the engineers are working 24h 7d. So one engineer can crank out a converted weapon in less than two days in game.
I know how long it takes to build some of the big ticket items like the Avengers and other craft, and these are Game Pace items that are important, and I don't think my other additional items should greatly detract from that. My big question is my dart gun, whose initial clips are really small (6 rds), and I could see the need to constantly be making those. That was one of the effects of the Toxi-Gun in Xcom Apocalypse (which I see my dart gun being like in many ways). You had to keep a constant manufacturing line going to make the ammo because the mags were small and you used up a lot each mission.
Well you can always balance the utility of the dart gun against the constant need to be constructing new clips for it.
In mine, for the trio of alien weapons, you can use the clips/mags left by dead aliens. But if you want to use the human designed ones (plasma DMR, SMG and the like), you have to do conversion to the clips to get there, or build brand new ones. Those take about 10 hours to do, or 1/8 of the time of building a new clip/mag.
My strategy is to diversify my manufacturing. I leave one workshop going in my initial base building battle expendables (Flashbang grenades, dart gun ammo, zappers, etc) and build out a three workshop facility in my second base that will generate money when idle and big ticket items otherwise (armor, craft, and HWPs if I was playing with them). So far its working out, but my demand for flashbangs (which is only my first level Battlefield domination tech) is really high. I can go through 10-15 per mission.
I'm trying to keep anything from dominating too much. Each weapon (except the busted shotguns) should have their own place on the battlefield. The SMG's are one handed have crazy autofire accuracy, but hit like a wet sock. The assault rifle can do it all, but won't wow you while doing it. The DMR hits hard, but if you need to get a ton of shots on target, good luck with that. The SAW is MOAR DAKKA but is slightly weaker than the assault rifle and the sniper weapons are horrifying, but finding a way to reliably use them can be problematic.
Everything in it's right place. The only thing I find myself using too much are the damn explosive satchels and light rockets.
Anyway, just some thoughts.
Cheers, Ivan :D
Thanks for the insight
I eagerly give you my feedback Kingmob, along with an attached filesave once I get back to my place (you can infer MANY things from there I suppose).
The only thing I can't speak of is the Hyperwave decode/encoder thing: I discoreved HWD right before you entered the encoder part....I was saving three alien bases for it :P
Manufacturing times in my opinion feel right, VERY much so.
The only "problem" I had was with producing Tier 1+ armors, which takes what seems to be an egregiously LONG time compared to the tier 0-0.5 stuff (ESPECIALLY against alloyed conventional armors, which are done overnight by a 50 eng team), and THAT basically is the main reason I felt so compelled to introduce armor repair....seemed to me to make sense and balances out nicely.
Right now the only problem is that once you're stocked with armors, you RARELY ever lose them since it most always come back damaged at worst from a mission, you only destroy them when destroying friendly corpses with HE damage or leave behind fallen comrades when aborting.
In that very case I do my best to recover as much equipment as possible when running away so that might be a gameplay enhancement in a way ;D
I just wish there would be a way to RANDOMLY determine if the recovered damaged armor is beyond repair, but the game engine offers no way to do that currently.
From a manufacturing point of view I had no troubles keeping my Alloy ammo stocked nor my Light rockets or Satchels. Satchels are great, I find myself using them even thou I have a decent stock of alien grenades, I THINK that they might weight s bit more to balance out, but honestly with the added Power Armor strenght I struggle to give my soldier ENUFF stuff to carry w/o being overdone.
Barring the shotgun, whose issues might have to be carried over the botched shotgun mechanics (I say that because NO ammo on the shotguns could match the firepower of a LASER PISTOL which can fire a LOT even w/o autofire given the extremely fast snap), I think that rockets are the suffering bits in the amrory:
- Enhanced Light rockets dwarf all the other alternatives, cheap, manufactured quickly, light and small, you might want to reintroduce the "3 squares" light rocket to balance in.
- The Armor piercing Rocket finds next to no usage in my playthrough, I only used it when I was wary of the area effect engulfing MY own soldiers (during base defense). then again when Enhanced Light rockets entered the scene their nice blast power given the not overwhelmingly large blast radius make it a perfect weapon for Sectopods and Cyberdisks (the latter might be killed off W/O exploding as a bonus, the former MIGHT be softened up since the're the x4 damage to 4-tiles HWP).
- The large rocket I find it more useful for demolition than any other use, to save my guys from concussion damage, so I usually carry ONE or TWO of them, but I consistenly stayed with one in the later stages.
- the incendiary rocket is superseded by the MGL incendiary grenade ammos, I have used ONE in all my playthrough so far and don't plan to ever use one again.
Well, summing it up...about manufacturing I think that given the greatly improved arsenal available, it only makes sense that manufacturing becomes more important and more unwieldy, it balances the enhanced weapon choice and availability, raising costs and maintenance.
For a more comprehensive picture, again look at my save: it's a no psi superhuman ironman, I lost THREE commanders and TWO Skyrangers teams (you can look at the dates in memorial to hint some history). But my score has always been in the very high grounds and I never struggled economically.
To be fair I also think I am NOT a particularly good player.
It's a bit biased from the easy HWD availability and no PSI perhaps, but there's no unbalancing matter in the player's side I guess, and there's a fair challenge to be had going on, but nothing TOO scary.
I disabled PSI because at this point I would be MCing most anything in the battlefiled, that is the thing in the game that needs SERIOUS workout and don't think mods can ever strighten up the thing.
Basically I would have had my squad wiped a couple more times and *maybe* a base lost to Sectoids (the Japan one) if I had psi in the game but I guess I would be roughly in the same (winning) position by now since I could be PSI impervious.
Going furhter, your mod is so tactically sound that now the players has means to crush the AI to the point that it's no longer smart enuff to compete, the Laser LMG can easily be dubbed "Sectopod DDT" and the Laser sniper rifle is BRUTAL against those (from the side mostly) since it can one-up them at times....it's not AUTOMATIC, but a human player can leverage things "easily" and fight fairly a team of ethereals.
If I may, to "equal" those terms we definitely need a final tier alien race, tougher than ethereals and maybe with PSI wielding leaders and commanders.
Coupled with NO Psi active use by humans except from some form of PSI Resistance training that can come from this late game alien.
Oh and also Melee stun for all the regular weapons, oh I won't use it all that much but I really miss it; BTW I think that keeping this in a separate ruleset could still be worth.
Also up to now the blaster launcher only worked in my favor, since REGULARLY the leader of the UFO fires one shot in panic and kills himself along maybe the navigator, causing major panic havoc in the regular alien troops, giving away their position berseking or dropping weapons (I do not play with alien pickup weapons thou, I've seen some strange behaviour in my trials).
Well that was quite a random train of toughts! hope the're some usefulness there...and simply Keep up the good work.
If I could peak inside here a minute....an observation relating to the aliens getting crushed by xcom with this mod. I installed the alien armory mod alongside this and aside from maybe balance issues on the xcom side, it gives the aliens a fighting chance again. No game crashing incompatibility so far as I can tell.
I have been playing a whole hell of a lot here recently to be able to offer some meaningful feed back and have been mulling over some of the things I experienced.
The new HWPs kick ass.
They are power pieces upon the battlescape and allow serious firepower to be brought to bear in a meaningful way. They are perfect for clearing and controlling the outside of UFOs and offer the ability for flexible tactics and demolition work in a single package and have good survival rates. I will push forward with a GMG HWP and use it to ice windows and roofs of buildings while pushing forward and run soldiers right up its tracked ass and duck to use it as a piece of mobile cover and smoke them all with a scout drone. Scout Drone will then make the initial penetration of the UFO before my soldiers basically ROFLPWN any aliens inside.
The ability to turn the turret independent of the tracks is a blessing and a curse. It saves a LOT of TUs and can give you an advantage in surprise, which is good for a unit that has low reactions, but it also exposes the side armor which is weaker than the front Glacis... fair trade in my eyes anyway, but a GREAT deal in ET2 because tanks are so much better at surviving.
The ability to designate equipment that compliments the ability scores of a soldier is VERY powerful and makes me smile. I can easily assign equipment that gives maximum tactical flexibility to an individual, so more soldiers are as useful as they can possibly be to the squad as a whole.
The starting armors suck, but give a way better chance for soldiers to survive a friendly fire accident and I dig that.
The rocket launcher is redundant in my own personal opinion... With SSRL and ISSRL everyone becomes a rocketeer and the increased aimed accuracy for the rocket launcher doesn't make up for the fact that EVERYONE can have one in their backpack. The power of it is meh, but I'm using it to pop cyberdisks... who effectively take 4x damage from HE so even if I have to shoot it twice, I am way more likely to have two guys with a rocket to do it.
SAW is pretty good... it is about right for what it is happy with it.
Auto pistol is pretty cool, but needs an increase of accuracy extending two more squares.
Magnum is perfect.
Shot gun is better than previous versions, still a little wonky.
Marksman's rifle falls in a middle ground that I hate. The assault rifle is a better choice in almost all situations because the difference in accuracy is negligible and costs way less TUs because of percentages. The difference in damage and being able to take WAY more shots with an assault rifle vastly outweighs the bump in aimed and snap accuracy of the markman's rifle. In comparison with the sniper rifle it makes me shake my head because the TU percentage of the Sniper rifle is too high for the damage. Yes, accuracy is high and it offers great accuracy but is so overshadowed the mobility offered by either the MR or AR that why would I take the Sniper? like ever? It sucks for reaction fire, and gives basically zero mobility for being able to take a shot that could save the life of a soldier.
I actually propose a fix that is this.
1. Up the snapshot accuracy of MR by 5% (to 75) and reduce aimed shot accuracy of MR by 10%(to 110) and Reduce aimed shot TU% of MR by 5(to 50)
2. Reduce aimed shot accuracy of AR by 10 (to 100) and reduce TU% of aimed shot to by 5 (to 45%)
3. Increase snap shot accuracy of SR by 5 (to 55) and reduce TU% by 5 (to 35) and decrease aimed shot TU% by 15 (to 55%) and increase damage by 5 in all ammo categories
This should make the differences a little bit more pronounced so you can get two aimed shots with the MR without moving or 3 slightly more accurate shots. Gives the assault rifle guy a little bit more options on engaging a target and makes a sniper rifle a little bit better for reaction fire and allows a little bit more of shooting and scooting so a sniper can actually snipe instead of standing there like a dumb shit because he can only take on average 1-2 steps and a facing movement. or one step and crouch which often breaks line of sight. Meaning most of the time my snipers get replaced with Assault rifles or DMR because they can actually take a few steps.
Other thoughts....
I hate PSI with a purple piss passion because it is OP and has some serious flaws and quirks that would be cool if addressed properly... let me give a few examples.
In vanilla we have psi and the actual user does not need to see the target... As long as the target is seen by an alien then they are fair game. This is silly. If a PSI user doesn't have to see the target then that would mean that a Psi user can "feel" the target and thus should know immediately on landing where the aliens are at and conversely the aliens would know where the humans are at. Can we say broken?? ??? What about the fact that aliens can basically hack unmodified humans. WHAT? that is like Using WIFI to hotwire a 57 Chevy and have it go all Christine. I could actually see an HWP being controlled more than an unmodified human because of the technological nature of an HWP. Anyways...
The aliens need scaling races/ modified races that increase in difficulty and number to reflect their change in doctrine. We see this on the horizon of the community already with mods adding cybernetic enhanced sectoids. I personally would love to see at least seven new races/ variants using both recolored sprites and new art work.
1. Mechtoids- Love these guys!!!
2. Cyberlids- I have a thread on these guys and looks like Arthanor is picking up the ball ;D https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=2986.0
3. MVII- Muton, variant two. the ones that get rolled out when a species is not being conquered fast enough by alien standards (Tougher, stronger, more TUs) think Spartan Mutons.
4. Snake Mutants- Suggested by Arthanor and he's doing it as far as I know.
5. Waspite- obviously an improved floater
6. Gazer-sons of bitches....
7. Mechtereals- Uparmored etherals...with Blue Cloaks instead of orange. Nightmare time for xcom soldiers.
8. Grim Reapers- Reapers with sectopod like traits of gun and armor... blacked out except for their bright shiny alloy jaws
9. Dread pods- Sectopod with higher armor and a full auto plasma gun and higher reactions
10. An entire range of cyberdisks equipped with different weapons
Alien weapons.
1.Infection weapons that are used to turn more people into Chrysalids
2. Alien small launcher bombs that go boom
3. Maybe fourth or fifth class of Alien weapons that are equate to DRT (dead right there) for all but the most heavily armored troops.
4. ??
Of course I was able to get back to my place only now. Attached the belated savegame ;D
Comments Later.
That's some nice feedback!
As a fellow mod developer who also struggle with balancing and making every weapon relevant, I can suggest a few things, maybe. I don't have a marksman rifle per say, but I do have two tiers of laser sniper rifles and two tiers of gauss ones. Usually, gauss has better damage/accuracy and laser has autoshots, but that doesn't work for sniper rifles. So what I did is play around with the TUs, Range and Accuracy of my weapons.
I see my laser sniper rifles as a DMR: It fires faster (less TU), it has a shorter effective range (minimum range 10 instead of 15-20, snapshot maximum range 15 instead of 20-25), and it is less accurate than the gauss sniper (my real sniper weapon).
I also reduced the accuracy of the sniper weapons (you can see up to 150% accuracy in certain mods) in favor of damage. Giving someone a sniper rifle doesn't make them good at shooting. If I got one, I probably wouldn't hit anything. What it does is take a marksman and turn him into a death dealer. The marksman brings the aiming ability, the rifle brings the range and damage. Otherwise, sniper rifles are awesome for rookies and that's just wrong. With high damage and high accuracy, snipers become great for the "shot that really counts", killing that one alien that everyone else missed and is poised to unleash hell on the squad next turn.
Regarding aliens, I do indeed intent on developing improved chryssalids and snakemen. Once I am satisfied that the XAE is "complete". In general, every mod that introduces new better weapons needs to be balanced by delayed access and new stuff for the aliens too, but that's a lot more difficult to do (whole sprites for new aliens, compared to only 8 handobs for a new weapon). I have a lot of hope for my next mod compilation, "Horror from Above", which will include new weapons and races in the same modular fashion as the XAE.
Cheers! And KingMob, keep up the good work :) HelmetHair, feel free to drop by the XAE ;)
@cjones: I think that mixing Equal Terms with other arsenal mods can only wreck havoc in the game balance, unfortunately. King worked hard to shape the weapon choice and adding AAE might not cope well. Of course its only a possibility.
@HH my experience is radically different from yours, the sniper rifle does its job wonderfully, it costs the right amount of TUs for a *sniper* and its not superseded by the DMR, which I quite like in its own way, keeping in mind that I have most ARs out in the field and a couple to three between DMR and Sniper.
I can't see the sniper rifle to be granting more mobility, it just goes along very well, even more so when you have Powered armors and your TUs & Stamina allow for more than decent movement between shots.
I also beg to differ GREATLY regarding the rocket launcher. While it's true that most of my troops sport an ISSRL in the backpack, the launcher has an incredibly long shelf life and it's more effective.
The one shots are very handy, but they do not one-up the launcher.
@Arthanator. You're view about snipers is interesting, but its more along the lines of the anti-materiel rifle you see in Xeno Ops.
anyway you should be giving the sniper rifle to your marksmen and not rookies, because the high TU costs has to make those shots DAMN SURE to be hits otherwise you're paying too much of an opportunity costs.
Just researched Plasma Ammo: Pistol to Magnum but:
- in the manufacture list, this conversion is under the "weapon" topic while I was expecting it to be under "ammunition"
- The required items are 1 plasma rifle mag while I was expecting it to be a pistol mag
EDIT: sorry hit save instead of preview.
Looking at the ruleset, ALL ammo remanufacturing falls under the weapon category.
@HH my experience is radically different from yours, the sniper rifle does its job wonderfully, it costs the right amount of TUs for a *sniper* and its not superseded by the DMR, which I quite like in its own way, keeping in mind that I have most ARs out in the field and a couple to three between DMR and Sniper.
I can't see the sniper rifle to be granting more mobility, it just goes along very well, even more so when you have Powered armors and your TUs & Stamina allow for more than decent movement between shots.
I also beg to differ GREATLY regarding the rocket launcher. While it's true that most of my troops sport an ISSRL in the backpack, the launcher has an incredibly long shelf life and it's more effective.
The one shots are very handy, but they do not one-up the launcher.
Different tactical doctrines I'm certain, but allow me to explain my logic.
The snap shot accuracy is lower with a RL vs a SSRL .40% vs. 55% at the same TU% cost with the RL having a 125% Aimed shot accuracy while the SSRL is 110% and both having the same HE damage if using small rockets. Now if we look at their weight comparison a SSRL is more effective to deploy because a rocket launcher with a small rocket weighs 14 while an ssrl is 7. Plus starting at 52 TUs a soldier can shoot two ssrls while still using 2 points for facing movments from pulling from the backpack. Not so with the RL where a reload is a minimum of 15 and more likely with a small rocket 19 or 25. Plus even the weakest soldier can hump one This is not even counting the ISSRL which has the same stats as a large rocket and weighs one point less so a soldier can carry 2 for the price of one rocket launcher and an improved small rocket with two pounds left over for other equipment; Meaning less reliance one a few dudes, because those special rocketeers will die horribly leaving you pwn'd which is completely avoidable by spreading more and better equipment across the squad.
A sniper rifle does not grant mobility and neither does armor, but it's excessive weight, piss poor snap accuracy and excessive TU % Cost make it merely mediocre because I can spam the shit out of guy with 10 AR bullets for the same TU cost or shoot twice with a MR vs 1 once with a sniper rifle where everything has to be special snowflake perfect because the TU cost is so high....even it's high damage is outweighed by this fact that it is virtually bunk in an urban environment. Whats more is that its TU cost could be trimmed to still only allow one aimed shot and make the rifle more effective because a soldier could actually move into position or out from cover instead of waiting for the "perfect" shot. Especially since reaction fire is basically out of the question because even with maxed out firing accuracy you are looking at 63% chance to hit on snap.
make sense?
Did anyone else notice heavy plasma (converted) seems to have no weight in base sell screen?
make sense?
Of course it does...ah,should have pointed out that I was espressing opinions based on my gameplay, I was not really dismissing your points per se, but aiming at overlapping your views with what I see in equal terms as Kingmob's desired outcome for the weapons roles.
Sure, we have different tactical doctrines, as long as I do NOT have one since as I stated I'm not that big player and I have no battlefield experiece nor theoretical traning in squad tactics. :P
Running the numbers may give some interesting comparisons, but I have around a hundred battles under my belt in Equal Terms and find myself in situations VERY CLOSE to what Kingmob has expressed was his intended outcome: I routinely use (almost) the whole range of weapons with a (what I feel is) a balanced use of each.
For example the sniper rifle in my opinion CLEARLY had to suck at reaction fire, otherwise you'd dominate easily also the urban landscape placing tropeers accordingly.
It's a bit more complicated, by I just saw it's 3 AM here and tomorrow I'll drive for 600km......Ill be back ;D
I eagerly give you my feedback Kingmob, along with an attached filesave once I get back to my place (you can infer MANY things from there I suppose).
The only thing I can't speak of is the Hyperwave decode/encoder thing: I discoreved HWD right before you entered the encoder part....I was saving three alien bases for it :P
I still need to get a save right before an alien base raid. But I mostly spend my time in the text editor than the damn game.
Manufacturing times in my opinion feel right, VERY much so.
The only "problem" I had was with producing Tier 1+ armors, which takes what seems to be an egregiously LONG time compared to the tier 0-0.5 stuff (ESPECIALLY against alloyed conventional armors, which are done overnight by a 50 eng team), and THAT basically is the main reason I felt so compelled to introduce armor repair....seemed to me to make sense and balances out nicely.
Right now the only problem is that once you're stocked with armors, you RARELY ever lose them since it most always come back damaged at worst from a mission, you only destroy them when destroying friendly corpses with HE damage or leave behind fallen comrades when aborting.
In that very case I do my best to recover as much equipment as possible when running away so that might be a gameplay enhancement in a way ;D
I just wish there would be a way to RANDOMLY determine if the recovered damaged armor is beyond repair, but the game engine offers no way to do that currently.
I agree as well, but I never would have thought of reclaiming armor. I'll have it floating out there as an included optional ruleset for sure.
From a manufacturing point of view I had no troubles keeping my Alloy ammo stocked nor my Light rockets or Satchels. Satchels are great, I find myself using them even thou I have a decent stock of alien grenades, I THINK that they might weight s bit more to balance out, but honestly with the added Power Armor strenght I struggle to give my soldier ENUFF stuff to carry w/o being overdone.
I am definitely raising the weight on the satchels. They will be moved up to around a weight of 7, I think. Also, gonna reign in most of the explosives 1 whole square since it counts the squares in a weird way. (more on this later)
Barring the shotgun, whose issues might have to be carried over the botched shotgun mechanics (I say that because NO ammo on the shotguns could match the firepower of a LASER PISTOL which can fire a LOT even w/o autofire given the extremely fast snap), I think that rockets are the suffering bits in the amrory:
I really wish the shotgun was more than just a hack, but until I can devote some time to fully working on the code behind the shotgun shot generation, it really can't be fixed. Conceptually, it's easy as can be: weapons have a minute of arc spread and on firing, it determines the first line of fire and then all pellets will be + or - 1/2 of that minute of arc spread. But the way the game draws the shots and determines hits makes it much harder to detangle and implement that above method.
- Enhanced Light rockets dwarf all the other alternatives, cheap, manufactured quickly, light and small, you might want to reintroduce the "3 squares" light rocket to balance in.
- The Armor piercing Rocket finds next to no usage in my playthrough, I only used it when I was wary of the area effect engulfing MY own soldiers (during base defense). then again when Enhanced Light rockets entered the scene their nice blast power given the not overwhelmingly large blast radius make it a perfect weapon for Sectopods and Cyberdisks (the latter might be killed off W/O exploding as a bonus, the former MIGHT be softened up since the're the x4 damage to 4-tiles HWP).
- The large rocket I find it more useful for demolition than any other use, to save my guys from concussion damage, so I usually carry ONE or TWO of them, but I consistenly stayed with one in the later stages.
Hmm, seems the small rocket is just a problem, but I need a differentiation between the small rocket and the HE 40mm grenades. I could take the small rocket down to 1 square (which is center + 1 square for a diameter of 3 squares) and the enhanced down to 2, or just have them both at two. Not sure how I'm going to handle it.
The APFSDS rocket should be an HWP killer, but if I bring up the damage far too much, it then can be used to chop through exterior UFO walls. What I need to investigate is whether I can set the walls to take less damage from AP. Then I can take the AP damage on that rocket up to 200 and really start having some fun.
I also need to fix the HE damage resistance for all the 4 square HWP types, from tanks to sectopods. Only the reaper should be fearing wide dispersal HE shells. 1.0 will be now 0.35 for HWP and then adjusted from there.
- the incendiary rocket is superseded by the MGL incendiary grenade ammos, I have used ONE in all my playthrough so far and don't plan to ever use one again.
The incendiary never worked right in the original game and therefore doesn't work right in this game. I guess it's kinda a placeholder for later work.
Well, summing it up...about manufacturing I think that given the greatly improved arsenal available, it only makes sense that manufacturing becomes more important and more unwieldy, it balances the enhanced weapon choice and availability, raising costs and maintenance.
I'm very glad to hear that you think this is all working well.
For a more comprehensive picture, again look at my save: it's a no psi superhuman ironman, I lost THREE commanders and TWO Skyrangers teams (you can look at the dates in memorial to hint some history). But my score has always been in the very high grounds and I never struggled economically.
To be fair I also think I am NOT a particularly good player.
It's a bit biased from the easy HWD availability and no PSI perhaps, but there's no unbalancing matter in the player's side I guess, and there's a fair challenge to be had going on, but nothing TOO scary.
Going to check out your save shortly here.
I disabled PSI because at this point I would be MCing most anything in the battlefiled, that is the thing in the game that needs SERIOUS workout and don't think mods can ever strighten up the thing.
Basically I would have had my squad wiped a couple more times and *maybe* a base lost to Sectoids (the Japan one) if I had psi in the game but I guess I would be roughly in the same (winning) position by now since I could be PSI impervious.
I never use PSI either. It's far too exploitable and makes the game laughably easy. 1) mind control alien. 2) make alien turn around to see all their buddies 3) fire a few shots with enough TU left over to throw the weapon in their hand. 4) Repeat.
Some of the options for MC requiring LOS helps a bit, but all that does is keep you from beating whole maps while never leaving the skyranger. Now you have to at least get out of the Skyranger before you mind control everyone.
Going furhter, your mod is so tactically sound that now the players has means to crush the AI to the point that it's no longer smart enuff to compete, the Laser LMG can easily be dubbed "Sectopod DDT" and the Laser sniper rifle is BRUTAL against those (from the side mostly) since it can one-up them at times....it's not AUTOMATIC, but a human player can leverage things "easily" and fight fairly a team of ethereals.
That's the idea, to give more tactical options, which, unfortunately can make the game easier, but can also make the game more fun.
If I may, to "equal" those terms we definitely need a final tier alien race, tougher than ethereals and maybe with PSI wielding leaders and commanders.
Coupled with NO Psi active use by humans except from some form of PSI Resistance training that can come from this late game alien.
Oh and also Melee stun for all the regular weapons, oh I won't use it all that much but I really miss it; BTW I think that keeping this in a separate ruleset could still be worth.
Also up to now the blaster launcher only worked in my favor, since REGULARLY the leader of the UFO fires one shot in panic and kills himself along maybe the navigator, causing major panic havoc in the regular alien troops, giving away their position berseking or dropping weapons (I do not play with alien pickup weapons thou, I've seen some strange behaviour in my trials).
Well that was quite a random train of toughts! hope the're some usefulness there...and simply Keep up the good work.
Thanks for all the thoughts, it's really going to help me to tune this mod properly for version 2.0!
If I could peak inside here a minute....an observation relating to the aliens getting crushed by xcom with this mod. I installed the alien armory mod alongside this and aside from maybe balance issues on the xcom side, it gives the aliens a fighting chance again. No game crashing incompatibility so far as I can tell.
I was looking at the Alien Armory to incorporate into my DLC mod called 'Retaliation' (with the mod maker's permission). The weapons in the mod would be the 0.5 tier for the alien forces, and there would be a new 1.0 tier for the aliens using particle beams.
This was going to also include a new enemy type based on enemies seen in another Xcom game.
But this portion of the mod is still just in early planning.
I have been playing a whole hell of a lot here recently to be able to offer some meaningful feed back and have been mulling over some of the things I experienced.
The new HWPs kick ass.
They are power pieces upon the battlescape and allow serious firepower to be brought to bear in a meaningful way. They are perfect for clearing and controlling the outside of UFOs and offer the ability for flexible tactics and demolition work in a single package and have good survival rates. I will push forward with a GMG HWP and use it to ice windows and roofs of buildings while pushing forward and run soldiers right up its tracked ass and duck to use it as a piece of mobile cover and smoke them all with a scout drone. Scout Drone will then make the initial penetration of the UFO before my soldiers basically ROFLPWN any aliens inside.
The ability to turn the turret independent of the tracks is a blessing and a curse. It saves a LOT of TUs and can give you an advantage in surprise, which is good for a unit that has low reactions, but it also exposes the side armor which is weaker than the front Glacis... fair trade in my eyes anyway, but a GREAT deal in ET2 because tanks are so much better at surviving.
The tanks are going to be nerfed a bit, as far as their toughness and I expect before 2.0 they will be bumped back up to somewhere in between, so expect them to be weaker than now, but not too much.
And the way you re using the tanks is exactly how you are supposed to use an armored vehicle tactically, it becomes the bullet sponge and used to clear structures and fight other armor.
The ability to designate equipment that compliments the ability scores of a soldier is VERY powerful and makes me smile. I can easily assign equipment that gives maximum tactical flexibility to an individual, so more soldiers are as useful as they can possibly be to the squad as a whole.
The starting armors suck, but give a way better chance for soldiers to survive a friendly fire accident and I dig that.
That's exactly the idea behind this mod, providing tactical options, especially in a turn based squad game like this is just huge. What really disappoints me is that this sort of modding can only be done in games that have this level of depth, like openxcom and jagged alliance. You could never wedge something like a DMR or a Submachine gun into the 2012 Xcom, because there's not enough breadth of tactical options in the game.
The rocket launcher is redundant in my own personal opinion... With SSRL and ISSRL everyone becomes a rocketeer and the increased aimed accuracy for the rocket launcher doesn't make up for the fact that EVERYONE can have one in their backpack. The power of it is meh, but I'm using it to pop cyberdisks... who effectively take 4x damage from HE so even if I have to shoot it twice, I am way more likely to have two guys with a rocket to do it.
I am going to have to address this, unfortunately, with a nerf to the SSRL and ISSRL's aimed accuracy and by doing some adjustment to armored HWP, like I did with the X-com tanks. Most likely, 1.0 for damage resistance is going to become 0.35. I'll have to play with it a bit.
SAW is pretty good... it is about right for what it is happy with it.
It's a bullet hose. Without a suppression stat, it loses some of it's tactical punch, but I think it works just fine without it. It's one of my favorite midmap dominators. Two guys with SAWs across the street as two guys with SMGs or Shotties cross. If something ugly pops up, get the scouts out of the alley of fire and then just open up with two massive auto fire strings from both gunners.
Auto pistol is pretty cool, but needs an increase of accuracy extending two more squares.
I assume you mean autofire dropoff range. I'll play with it a bit. The gun isn't supposed to be as accurate as say a Glock C, but it's because of using the powerful 5.7mm rounds. It's for that close work inside UFOs.
Magnum is perfect.
Shot gun is better than previous versions, still a little wonky.
The magnum is just so much fun to use, even if it looks and sounds much cooler than it actually is...
Marksman's rifle falls in a middle ground that I hate. The assault rifle is a better choice in almost all situations because the difference in accuracy is negligible and costs way less TUs because of percentages. The difference in damage and being able to take WAY more shots with an assault rifle vastly outweighs the bump in aimed and snap accuracy of the markman's rifle. In comparison with the sniper rifle it makes me shake my head because the TU percentage of the Sniper rifle is too high for the damage. Yes, accuracy is high and it offers great accuracy but is so overshadowed the mobility offered by either the MR or AR that why would I take the Sniper? like ever? It sucks for reaction fire, and gives basically zero mobility for being able to take a shot that could save the life of a soldier.
I find that my DMR guys get most of the kills in the map, and while my snipers don't do much on standard maps, they dominate on terror sites and turn base defenses into murderfests.
I actually propose a fix that is this.
1. Up the snapshot accuracy of MR by 5% (to 75) and reduce aimed shot accuracy of MR by 10%(to 110) and Reduce aimed shot TU% of MR by 5(to 50)
2. Reduce aimed shot accuracy of AR by 10 (to 100) and reduce TU% of aimed shot to by 5 (to 45%)
3. Increase snap shot accuracy of SR by 5 (to 55) and reduce TU% by 5 (to 35) and decrease aimed shot TU% by 15 (to 55%) and increase damage by 5 in all ammo categories
This should make the differences a little bit more pronounced so you can get two aimed shots with the MR without moving or 3 slightly more accurate shots. Gives the assault rifle guy a little bit more options on engaging a target and makes a sniper rifle a little bit better for reaction fire and allows a little bit more of shooting and scooting so a sniper can actually snipe instead of standing there like a dumb shit because he can only take on average 1-2 steps and a facing movement. or one step and crouch which often breaks line of sight. Meaning most of the time my snipers get replaced with Assault rifles or DMR because they can actually take a few steps.
Going to push these numbers into my spreadsheet for this and see how they look and then take it for a spin. Those adjustments wouldn't do too much to change the essential feel of those weapons and if they massively improve the utility, it may be worth it.
Other thoughts....
I hate PSI with a purple piss passion because it is OP and has some serious flaws and quirks that would be cool if addressed properly... let me give a few examples.
In vanilla we have psi and the actual user does not need to see the target... As long as the target is seen by an alien then they are fair game. This is silly. If a PSI user doesn't have to see the target then that would mean that a Psi user can "feel" the target and thus should know immediately on landing where the aliens are at and conversely the aliens would know where the humans are at. Can we say broken?? ??? What about the fact that aliens can basically hack unmodified humans. WHAT? that is like Using WIFI to hotwire a 57 Chevy and have it go all Christine. I could actually see an HWP being controlled more than an unmodified human because of the technological nature of an HWP. Anyways...
On board with you for the PSI. I haven't used PSI since 2002. I kinda wanted to see about making a code-change mod where instead of getting MC via a psi-amp, soldiers can get a 'hacking module' that lets them set weapons off (panic fire), empty the weapons (set weapons to zero shots) or even explode grenades and explosives on the target (this would require a great roll and high skill and strength). Kinda like an omnitool does in Mass Effect. It would tie well into my narrative I created about having to hack alien technology to get it to work.
The aliens need scaling races/ modified races that increase in difficulty and number to reflect their change in doctrine. We see this on the horizon of the community already with mods adding cybernetic enhanced sectoids. I personally would love to see at least seven new races/ variants using both recolored sprites and new art work.
1. Mechtoids- Love these guys!!!
2. Cyberlids- I have a thread on these guys and looks like Arthanor is picking up the ball ;D https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=2986.0
3. MVII- Muton, variant two. the ones that get rolled out when a species is not being conquered fast enough by alien standards (Tougher, stronger, more TUs) think Spartan Mutons.
4. Snake Mutants- Suggested by Arthanor and he's doing it as far as I know.
5. Waspite- obviously an improved floater
6. Gazer-sons of bitches....
7. Mechtereals- Uparmored etherals...with Blue Cloaks instead of orange. Nightmare time for xcom soldiers.
8. Grim Reapers- Reapers with sectopod like traits of gun and armor... blacked out except for their bright shiny alloy jaws
9. Dread pods- Sectopod with higher armor and a full auto plasma gun and higher reactions
10. An entire range of cyberdisks equipped with different weapons
Was starting to head down this route in my head, since I was going to roll out a changed Sectopod for this 2.0 release and in my planned 'DLC' called 'Retaliation', there was going to be another set and a half of weapons based on the response from the aliens. I wanted to do more than a few new units, but creating new units is extremely time consuming so I was just going to settle with one from previous games.
Alien weapons.
1.Infection weapons that are used to turn more people into Chrysalids
2. Alien small launcher bombs that go boom
3. Maybe fourth or fifth class of Alien weapons that are equate to DRT (dead right there) for all but the most heavily armored troops.
4. ??
1 is horrifying and awesome. Maybe a grenade or a satchel, but I need to see what the AI can handle.
2) Already was looking at this for the 0.5 tier, but thanks for the further support, definitely needs to be in there.
3) Particle beams, oh yeah.
4) Profit?
Thanks, seriously, for all the awesome feedback. This is going to help immensely.
Of course I was able to get back to my place only now. Attached the belated savegame ;D
Comments Later.
Awesome! I will check this out later.
Right now I'm not even working on the mod, I'm just writing replies to everyone.
Of course it does...ah,should have pointed out that I was espressing opinions based on my gameplay, I was not really dismissing your points per se, but aiming at overlapping your views with what I see in equal terms as Kingmob's desired outcome for the weapons roles.
Sure, we have different tactical doctrines, as long as I do NOT have one since as I stated I'm not that big player and I have no battlefield experiece nor theoretical traning in squad tactics. :P
Running the numbers may give some interesting comparisons, but I have around a hundred battles under my belt in Equal Terms and find myself in situations VERY CLOSE to what Kingmob has expressed was his intended outcome: I routinely use (almost) the whole range of weapons with a (what I feel is) a balanced use of each.
For example the sniper rifle in my opinion CLEARLY had to suck at reaction fire, otherwise you'd dominate easily also the urban landscape placing tropeers accordingly.
It's a bit more complicated, by I just saw it's 3 AM here and tomorrow I'll drive for 600km......Ill be back ;D
It is indeed complicated and I do not insist on their being one "perfect" mix of weapons that EVERYONE should use in all situations and that any particular tactic is necessarily better than another. However, it now appears that all my favorite toys are going to get the Axe.... Le sigh. :)
I also reduced the accuracy of the sniper weapons (you can see up to 150% accuracy in certain mods) in favor of damage. Giving someone a sniper rifle doesn't make them good at shooting. If I got one, I probably wouldn't hit anything. What it does is take a marksman and turn him into a death dealer. The marksman brings the aiming ability, the rifle brings the range and damage. Otherwise, sniper rifles are awesome for rookies and that's just wrong. With high damage and high accuracy, snipers become great for the "shot that really counts", killing that one alien that everyone else missed and is poised to unleash hell on the squad next turn.
This has been a massive issue with my high accuracy weapons, that they tend to do great in anyone's hands... and I've been trying to think of ways of solving it. But you mentioning it here will really set me to work tomorrow. Back to Excel. I'm thinking of having the Sniper Rifle at 200% accuracy, but drops by a huge amount at range, like around 7-12? The big thing about the sniper rifle is that honestly, at the ranges shown visually in the game, no one would need more than an ACOG (low magnification of around 1.5 to 2) type sight for high accuracy work...
I will need to crunch some numbers at ranges and different firing statistics to see how I can overcome this. This weapon should benefit the best of shooters.
Regarding aliens, I do indeed intent on developing improved chryssalids and snakemen. Once I am satisfied that the XAE is "complete". In general, every mod that introduces new better weapons needs to be balanced by delayed access and new stuff for the aliens too, but that's a lot more difficult to do (whole sprites for new aliens, compared to only 8 handobs for a new weapon). I have a lot of hope for my next mod compilation, "Horror from Above", which will include new weapons and races in the same modular fashion as the XAE.
Your work is great, another massive megamod that pretty much is a different take on the same problem. Heh. I'll need to do a pure run on your mod sometime soon.
Cheers! And KingMob, keep up the good work :) HelmetHair, feel free to drop by the XAE ;)
Thanks for all the help and the kind words.
It is indeed complicated and I do not insist on their being one "perfect" mix of weapons that EVERYONE should use in all situations and that any particular tactic is necessarily better than another. However, it now appears that all my favorite toys are going to get the Axe.... Le sigh. :)
Wait, what? What's getting the Axe?
There's going to be just small adjustments, I assure you.
Just researched Plasma Ammo: Pistol to Magnum but:
- in the manufacture list, this conversion is under the "weapon" topic while I was expecting it to be under "ammunition"
- The required items are 1 plasma rifle mag while I was expecting it to be a pistol mag
EDIT: sorry hit save instead of preview.
Looking at the ruleset, ALL ammo remanufacturing falls under the weapon category.
Damn, going to need to fix this. Doing so much replying tonight, tomorrow will be for bug logging.
Did anyone else notice heavy plasma (converted) seems to have no weight in base sell screen?
Another bug! Dammit!
It is indeed complicated and I do not insist on their being one "perfect" mix of weapons that EVERYONE should use in all situations and that any particular tactic is necessarily better than another. However, it now appears that all my favorite toys are going to get the Axe.... Le sigh. :)
Rationale behind nerfing the tank's armor: In my current build, I was having my soldiers slamming the tank with Sniper rifle shots and Laser DMR shots and even SSRL and the thing was barely under 140 hp. I just need to adjust the armor down enough that it will start taking damage from sniper rifles again.
The tanks are going to be nerfed a bit, as far as their toughness and I expect before 2.0 they will be bumped back up to somewhere in between, so expect them to be weaker than now, but not too much.
And the way you re using the tanks is exactly how you are supposed to use an armored vehicle tactically, it becomes the bullet sponge and used to clear structures and fight other armor.
I am going to have to address this, unfortunately, with a nerf to the SSRL and ISSRL's aimed accuracy and by doing some adjustment to armored HWP, like I did with the X-com tanks. Most likely, 1.0 for damage resistance is going to become 0.35. I'll have to play with it a bit.
Yep. I don't use the Aimed shot with a SSRL anyway. Because they are disposable and I use them like crazy and Might have 3-4 dudes popping off 1-2 rockets each... I'll live :) However, I will hope that you might actually add a third tier SSRL that mimics a IMPROVED APFDS rocket but weighs 9 and takes up 2x3 squares for popping sectopods.
It's a bullet hose. Without a suppression stat, it loses some of it's tactical punch, but I think it works just fine without it. It's one of my favorite midmap dominators. Two guys with SAWs across the street as two guys with SMGs or Shotties cross. If something ugly pops up, get the scouts out of the alley of fire and then just open up with two massive auto fire strings from both gunners.
Yep. Usually I say something to the poor bastard about to get lit up like "PREPARE YOUR ANUS!" before raining hell on the shmuck like Race Bannon on Henchmen.... Poor devils. :D
I assume you mean autofire dropoff range. I'll play with it a bit. The gun isn't supposed to be as accurate as say a Glock C, but it's because of using the powerful 5.7mm rounds. It's for that close work inside UFOs.
I have personally fired both an FN FiveSeven and an 18C (hurray for full retard!) and believe that you should reevaluate that statement. The reason is that motherfucker newton and his Third Law which I learned about after drinking too much and falling down a flight of stairs....anyways, both 9mm and 5.7 have similar amounts of total energy , however 5.7 accomplishes this by a high velocity and light bullet, while 9mm is a much heavier and slower bullet. 5.7 is not only very accurate because it's VERY high velocity means a flatter trajectory, but because it is throwing a smaller, lighter bullet so the recoil is noticeably less. Also it should hold 20 rounds and 30 is not reaching either. The 5.7mm would be way more accurate because it would be more controllable.
Sniper rifles should do minimal damage to a tank.... Seriously, AR500 can spall 50BMG at 3/8 of an inch in thickness.
I'll comment more later.... SLEEEPY
I have personally fired both an FN FiveSeven and an 18C (hurray for full retard!) and believe that you should reevaluate that statement. The reason is that motherfucker newton and his Third Law which I learned about after drinking too much and falling down a flight of stairs....anyways, both 9mm and 5.7 have similar amounts of total energy , however 5.7 accomplishes this by a high velocity and light bullet, while 9mm is a much heavier and slower bullet. 5.7 is not only very accurate because it's VERY high velocity means a flatter trajectory, but because it is throwing a smaller, lighter bullet so the recoil is noticeably less. Also it should hold 20 rounds and 30 is not reaching either. The 5.7mm would be way more accurate because it would be more controllable.
The 5.7mm I never have fired myself. But being a necked round, I expected it to kick like the Tokarev or the .357 sig, which I have fired and are similarly necked pistol rounds. After checking into things, it seems you are absolutely right. Most people put the felt recoil of the 5.7mm at 20-30% less than a standard, non +p or +p+ 9mm round.
So I will adjust the weapon a bit under your recommendation.
Sniper rifles should do minimal damage to a tank.... Seriously, AR500 can spall 50BMG at 3/8 of an inch in thickness.
Well, against a MBT, a 50 bmg would barely scratch it. But these are smaller, remote controlled vehicles, with armor only there to protect the internals and weapons Also, an AR500 can't deal with even the mild steel core .50 BMG rounds.
Well, against a MBT, a 50 bmg would barely scratch it. But these are smaller, remote controlled vehicles, with armor only there to protect the internals and weapons Also, an AR500 can't deal with even the mild steel core .50 BMG rounds.
I wasn't clear on this one and you are completely right mild steel cores will easily defeat reasonably thick plates of AR500 .
However, what I couldn't articulate (sleep deprivation) was that hard steel will cause the jacket break and pieces to spread out after penetration; spalling. Smaller pieces slow down faster in the presence of resistance... cuz Newton. When a bullet spalls it breaks apart and smaller pieces begin to fan out away from the penetration and every little fraction of an inch of space between one plate and another allows the bullet and or fragments to slow down or gives more of a chance to deflect. To a human a penetration would immediately mean game over because meat bleeds. To a robot? nope. Even in the event of a penetration of armor a half assed design would include outer and inner armor layers air gapped, with HDPE or kevlar backing behind the second layer, and the electronics would likely be sealed in their own protective enclosure with the actual components sealed into a block of epoxy. Not counting that there would probably be redundancy built in or that all of the HWPs have domes and curves for armor , meaning deflection and depending on the curvature of the armor and the attack angle would mean that the actual thickness versus the relative thickness HIGHLY favors the HWP.
Let's list this out of the advantages of an HWP armor.
1.Curved outer armor for initial deflection
2.Curved outer armor providing more relative armor against a penetration by its geometry
3.An air gap to catch high velocity spall and encourage deflection between inner and outer armor layers
4.Inner armor probably tilted 5 to 15 degrees relative to center-line to encourage deflection.
5.Spall shielding for inner armor penetration to slow or stop secondary spall
6.Electronic enclosure
7.Epoxy encasement
So could a sniper rifle with 50 BMG hurt a HWP? Yes, would it take losts of bullets? yes.
Now with a plasma based weapon... man that is a whole 'nother ball game.
Was that a little more clear? :o
I wasn't clear on this one and you are completely right mild steel cores will easily defeat reasonably thick plates of AR500 .
However, what I couldn't articulate (sleep deprivation) was that hard steel will cause the jacket break and pieces to spread out after penetration; spalling. Smaller pieces slow down faster in the presence of resistance... cuz Newton. When a bullet spalls it breaks apart and smaller pieces begin to fan out away from the penetration and every little fraction of an inch of space between one plate and another allows the bullet and or fragments to slow down or gives more of a chance to deflect. To a human a penetration would immediately mean game over because meat bleeds. To a robot? nope. Even in the event of a penetration of armor a half assed design would include outer and inner armor layers air gapped, with HDPE or kevlar backing behind the second layer, and the electronics would likely be sealed in their own protective enclosure with the actual components sealed into a block of epoxy. Not counting that there would probably be redundancy built in or that all of the HWPs have domes and curves for armor , meaning deflection and depending on the curvature of the armor and the attack angle would mean that the actual thickness versus the relative thickness HIGHLY favors the HWP.
Let's list this out of the advantages of an HWP armor.
1.Curved outer armor for initial deflection
2.Curved outer armor providing more relative armor against a penetration by its geometry
3.An air gap to catch high velocity spall and encourage deflection between inner and outer armor layers
4.Inner armor probably tilted 5 to 15 degrees relative to center-line to encourage deflection.
5.Spall shielding for inner armor penetration to slow or stop secondary spall
6.Electronic enclosure
7.Epoxy encasement
So could a sniper rifle with 50 BMG hurt a HWP? Yes, would it take losts of bullets? yes.
Now with a plasma based weapon... man that is a whole 'nother ball game.
Was that a little more clear? :o
Well, as described in my mod, all the gunpowder weapons are using tungsten carbide penetrators, which (as I am sure you are aware) are incredible penetrators. But what you are describing is what I envisioned as well, that the armor is layered composites, ceramic and steel so that they can both be somewhat resistant to plasma fire (carbon fiber and twaron aramids, combined with steel & Chobham type ceramic armor. But since these tanks are about the size of a subcompact car (think a smart-car) they have limited armor and that armor is a 'compromise' armor that has been put together based on trying to defeat different and exotic threats.
So with this armor, they shouldn't be killed with one shot from the BMG, but as I have them currently, it was taking around 10-20 shots to get the tank down to half health and they should be wrecked at about 8-15 shots. Meanwhile, frag grenades were roughing them up bad...
So, adjustments have to be made.
But seriously, thanks for the info on the 5.7x28mm round. That's quite the feat of ballistics for it to be as effective as it is, and kick less than the 9mm round!
Well...dial them back a little and then make a true Antimaterial rifle ;D
I'm thinking something along the lines of a Denel NTW-20 Chambered in 20x110 Hispano, even the timeline fits as it was first fielded by South Africa in 98 and South Africa IS an X-Com country ;)
Although an RT-20 would also work becaus of it's much shorter profile and introduced in Croatia in 94.... both fire the same round.
I would totally be onboard with either one lobbing a 2000 grain (130 gram) bullet down range at 2800fps (850m/s) at very high aimed accuracy and a very unreasonable weight.
If it was me I would make the NTW-20 weigh like 17 for gun 7 for 3 round magazine for a total of 24. Remove Snap Shot entirely and have 120% accuracy for aimed shot at 85% TUs doing 90 AP damage and 120 improved.
while if it was the RT-20 I would have it weigh 15 and each round would weigh 2. Still no snap shot but have 120% accuracy for aimed shots but 70 TU% to fire. So you could still load and fire in a single turn at the minimum TU statistic. Still doing 90 and 120
I giggled while writing this.... which means you probably shouldn't even consider it....
Yeah the 20mm anti tank rifle has gone through my mind, but because of the scale, the damage starts getting absurd. Having the 20mm do anything less than 4x the damage of the assault rifle would make it quite nerfed.
It's a bit of a no-prize explanation to have the bmg be able to take out the tanks with 8-12 shots, but if I afford a high invulnerbility to to human hwp then I'd have to give all alien hwp a near immunity to small arms and the way you have to face down 8-10 cyberdisks sometimes, that be waaaaay too bastardly.
Yep and nope. :)
My operatives already hate me so much that I regularly wake up with crap smeared on my mirror.
Nah, dial back the tanks. Let me run some numbers to see what would give you a 50% chance of popping an enemy four square and an xcom HWP.
Methinks there can be a happy middle ground...
Coming up with an interesting algorithm for making weapons that are only accurate in the hands of someone with high firing:
Set the weapon's accuracy to 250%, but aimed range at 15 and drop at 7
85: At 20 squares: 178% At 25 squares: 142% 30 Squares: 107.5% 35 Squares: 73%
60: At 20 squares: 115% At 25 squares: 80% 30 Squares: 45% 35 Squares: 10%
45: At 20 squares: 78% At 25 squares: 43% 30 Squares: 7% 35 Squares: 0%
That problem is that the numbers on the ufopedia screen are going to be complete bullcrap, but once you are in the field...
That is pretty interesting....
Anyway you can simply override the UFOpedia screen and put in whatever numbers you wish?
If so, then put the accuracy of what it would be 20 squares or less or whatever distance you arbitrarily set.
As long as those numbers line up then there shouldn't be a problem right??
You could "hack" the ufopaedia by making your own image that looks like the automatically generated weapon entry (type_id: 4) and using that with ufopaedia entry type 7 to put text on it. If you do it right, the player wouldn't see the difference.
Of course, if you tweak the weapon stats, you'd have to redo the image every time, but that's what you get for being fancy ;)
Getting what you want out of the weapon stats, even with the ranged based accuracy, is quite a challenge. It's very interesting to see what we all come up with! This long range accuracy calculation looks interesting.
Kind of similar, I am using minrange and snaprange to define a "band" in which snapshots are useful, especially for heavy/sniper weapons. That way snapshots are not good at either short nor long range, but still useful in the right circumstance. And the region of usefulness increases with trooper accuracy. Soon I will go through all XCom weapons to use that and make sure heavy weapons are no longer great at short range (a heavy laser/plasma really shouldn't be a breaching weapon!)
You could "hack" the ufopaedia by making your own image that looks like the automatically generated weapon entry (type_id: 4) and using that with ufopaedia entry type 7 to put text on it. If you do it right, the player wouldn't see the difference.
The other challenge to this is support for other languages. :(
True.. although you can still define the flavor text independently, all the headers would be stuck in English :/
You should ask if that is REALLY necessary?
I don't mean to sound hoggish, but this discussion has already been done a gazillion times. You can't model reality in this engine as it was RL, you have to play by the rules of the game...this means that you scale upon guys that see 20 squares apart, can fall from 9m heights without a scratch and when hit by hi pressure waves do not nudge an inch (though they may die)
Oh and there are PLASMA weapons weghting few pounds, right now we can't hold a fusion core straght...
Just sayin'...I love you mod King, since it is so weel done on the FUN aspect of the game, keeping a somewhat ECELLENT balance (HWP were though thou, :P ).
But going into KJ calculations to transmute them in "perfect" scores does not PLAY ALONG THE GAME, and you burn out on unnecessary work.
But this not to say that what's been discussed is uninteresting (!), still I think that some topics are way over OXCOM head.
Oh btw, other night I couldn' comment but I also WANT the small launcher that fires hi-tech explosives ;D
Was more of a thought exercise. The ranges are all wrong to make it excessively realistic. Just was more wondering if I could actually make a weapon that so greatly favors accuracy.
Tilting the system, I guess you can go anywhere :P
couldn't play for the last 2 days >:(, I'm mad
Got a new MGL Alien Grenade.
In testing right now. Hoping for a release for Monday.
Sorry everhyone.
Don't be sorry, this delay only sweetens my impossibility to play ;D
I got a notebook full of bugs that I am working on clearing now.
Hoping for a release soon!
I got a notebook full of bugs that I am working on clearing now.
No problem. Do not stress yourself.
E-cigarette... and relax.
Take it as it comes brother...
Good hunting.
I'm using a new username to match the one that I'm using at the OpenApoc forum.
I'm adding the French translation to the game there, so don't be afraid, I'm still the same "Alien French Translator".
Edit: Infini was my username before.
I'm posting here to:
- BUMP, this thread was slowly going southwards in the thread list ;D
- More seriously, I post because I think I've achieved a winning position end of september 1999. I'll be able to launch to Cydonia in less than a week (haven't built the avenger yet due to not really needing it), and more realistically I can launch by November with a FULL horde of (almost) Elite soldiers, fully equipped with hundreds of alien grenades, dozen of blaster bombs and hundreds of Heavy Plasma Clips (not to mention the Heavies themselves, none of which was manufactured, netting me TONs of elerium.
One-up'ing there, I also spare some 20 millions cash with which I could setup sort-of a robotic factory to mass produce pulse lasers and removing (most) need for funding.
Being this a NO PSI game, Cydonia is not that scary having also the possibility to level down most of that with blaster bombs.
I'm posting not to boast (it's not really a commendable result), but to do some post-mortem game analisys so far related to the mod(s) played and as such mostly Equal Terms since it's basically that, the statstrings and YetMoreUFOs! all with NO PSIONICS (first time ever), Ironman Superhuman difficulty.
My quick observations:
- Squad tactics make the game FUNNEST but in my opion a bit easier due to a not competitive AI.
- Weapon versatility is King (ahah!) and I always send TOO much time in the Equip Troops screen ;D
- You really don't need 50 soldiers for that UFO Assault, due to not having PSI opponents, 14 will do. Skyranger would need just a better engine....and that woudl call the day.
- HWPs are better than Vanilla, but troopers are STILL better.
- Heavy Plasma is still a great weapon, BUT Lasers fare way too well in comparison, in fact they're still my standard weaponry, they struggle only against the green-skinned aliens, as usual, but stun bombs+ HROF Laser SMG do wonders.
- The power armors combined with the alternative movement system of OpenXcom increase mobility to superhuman level: (CTRL+click to run, with the very high energy levels makes for nice map marathons with "no sweat". This is ondeed VERY nice and PLAUSIBLE, power armors are powered after all ;D
- The a-bit-more-limited availability of HyperWave Decoder it's surely a nice thing, since I was able to set up a global detection network far too easily without, I have four Alien bases on earth and did not have the need to assault one once. this was by choice to redice my monthly score but in the end was pointless due to the tiny score for the aliens.
This also put an end to terror missions far too early.
I think that once everything is set up the "DLCs" should include a ruleset for scripted terror missions that do not rely on the constraint of having a successfull streak of "terror mission" by UFOs that are too easily shot down.
This woudl combine very well with a "realistic earth countries" mod with much more cities and countries.
- Lasers are REALLY great, I delayed Plasma research indefinitely if not for the Heavy that unlocked Plasma Craft Weapons. Hey I think I already said that.
- This mod is great, it exponentially increases FUN, I cannot stress this enuff.
- Too bad for those shotguns, but that's the deal.
- I NEED MOAR SPACE for loot :o
Well, that was surely a lot of rambling.
I'll play along to reasearch also the other weapons and play around.
Holy Balls!
Your guys can run?!?!?!
Where in the hell is that documented? I just started using it.
Holy Balls!
Your guys can run?!?!?!
Where in the hell is that documented? I just started using it.
Alternate Movement in the "Options" screen.
but not listed in the wiki...
but not listed in the wiki...
so fix it :)
I did. But I needed to know exact numbers before I posted.
75% TU cost at 150% energy cost; btw.
Ah yes, since when I discovered that I simply can't go back.
ESPECIALLY in power suit.
My CTRL key is being seriously abused: run, STRAFE (so important) and override line of sight...sometimes I happen to keep it pressed and go to hell ;D
Okay, this should be the last release before final release.
Warnings: The listorders are a complete mess, but will be fixed before final.
This version contains all the conventional, laser, and plasma tanks.
Let me know what you guys think:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1502368/EqualTerms1.999Beta.zip (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1502368/EqualTerms1.999Beta.zip)
whooohooo, JUST IN TIME for my Cydonia launch.
Let's see what's in there....
Thank you.
I'll begin the French translation "when the final version" is released and send the result to you.
Couldn't open Resources/WolframLance/SAW/SawAmmo.gif
I will do a clean reinstall of the mod. There may have been a copy problem when I was building out the ammo shown for the tanks.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1502368/EqualTerms1.9991Beta.zip (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1502368/EqualTerms1.9991Beta.zip)
Sorry for that!
That's all right.
I'll take a look at it tomorrow.
Hey, just wanted to say that this is an awesome mod that I'd be hard pressed to go without now. Its helped build a solid foundation for my mound of mods and patchwork that I call my OpenXcom game.
With that preface however, I've noticed an issue however with Arctic and Jungle armor. To make sure it wasn't a different mod issue, I made a vanilla OpenXcom with just your mod loaded, went to the battlescape with one of every armor type (jungle, arctic, and urban), and then took pot shots at them to see what crashed what.
People equipped with Urban armor present no issue, but when someone with Arctic or Jungle camo armor dies, it causes a crash. I've tested this with the light, improved light, heavy, and improved heavy. Issue is present throughout the lines. Sad that, I liked Arctic the best since I always make my first base in either the north or south pole.
On a far more minor note, there appears to be some minute, (what I assume is) unintentional graphical changes between images of the soldiers in the inventory screen. The armor is noticeably higher on one of them in the urban armor, and the spots change from being heavily accented to faded.
I've noticed an issue however with Arctic and Jungle armor.
Since the beginning, I'm saying: 1 armor is enough.
Why the need to be in a general store?
So, if I understand, the "default" one is working, right?
You use the latest version, 1.9991?
I didn't test the new version yet.
I have version 1.998, I'll run the test real quick in 1.9991
Edit: Crash is still there. Doesn't give a message either, just a straight up crash to desktop. Granted, it always did that.
Crash is still there.
Always a good idea to upload a save file to help KingMob4313.
On my side, I begin the French translation tomorrow.
Just use the Default armor for now (I suggest).
Always a good idea to upload a save file to help KingMob4313.
On my side, I begin the French translation tomorrow.
Just use the Default armor for now (I suggest).
There will only be 1 more tank (the missing blaster bomb tank) and one more squad level weapon (A surprise) before 2.0.
I have version 1.998, I'll run the test real quick in 1.9991
Edit: Crash is still there. Doesn't give a message either, just a straight up crash to desktop. Granted, it always did that.
Crap, there's something weird going on and I can't seem to get it sorted.
Probably has to do with...
Ah, okay. Big sprites are missing. I will do a mini release with just those two rulesets ready to go.
Thanks for finding that.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1502368/Arctic_Jungle_Armor1996.zip (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1502368/Arctic_Jungle_Armor1996.zip)
This one must be installed a little different.
Aim it at your 'Data\Ruleset' folder in openxcom folder. That should fix it. I've added the missing floor and bigobs.
Thanks again! Arctic armor in the arctic, here I come.
Always a good idea to upload a save file to help KingMob4313.
I would, but I actually didn't test with a save. I just went to the quick battle on the main screen, equipped a soldier with it, and then shot them at the start. Pretty easy to test due to this, thankfully. I'll make sure to do that in the future though, if I run into anymore issues.
I need to downlaod the latest package King, I installed your ones but the plasma and laser tanks are still the vanilla ones and no more.
At work currently, but I will do a clean install and run the research tree up.
Is this a new save?
A mistake in the UFOPEDIA?
STR_HYPER_WAVE_ENCODER_UFOPEDIA: With the encryption device captured from the alien base, researchers have broken the encryption used by enemy forces. With additional research, a new facility for intercepting alien transmissions.
# Hyperwave
STR_HYPER_WAVE_ENCODER_UFOPEDIA: This small device is part of the communication system at the alien base.
the rul files have a bunch of duplicates
in ET_Wolfram_GunpowerWeaponsv1996
fireSound: 937
fireSound: 18
in en-us:
in ET_C_HWP:
in en-us:
stuff like this
listOrder: 10510
listOrder: 10499
weight: 28
bigSprite: 64
floorSprite: 77
invWidth: 2
invHeight: 3
armor: 30
recover: false
# Enhanced Armor
.. some values
.. some values
.. some values
weight: 28
bigSprite: 64
floorSprite: 77
invWidth: 2
invHeight: 3
armor: 30
recover: false
STR_CORPSE_TACTICAL_ARCTIC (and STR_CORPSE_KEVLAR_ARCTIC) exist twice in the list that is just a source of errors .. you change weight in the first occurence and its rewritten in the second one
similar problems in many of the other rulfiles :/
i would suggest to upload all here ( https://falkooxc2.pythonanywhere.com/rulcheck# -> multiple file ) and test them
the rul files have a bunch of duplicates
It's confusing for me now to translate now.
I put a hold ont it.
We all need to relax and take it easy.
At work currently, but I will do a clean install and run the research tree up.
Is this a new save?
Nope, it's the same playthrough I already shared (albeit more into the lategame, of course).
But I actually haven't researched all the tech tree yet.....might be something like that?
ANyway I noticed that the Sniper Plasma Mags cost 3 elerium (or 33 Heavy shots) for FIVE shots...this seems a bit too much (even thou that 160 damage is zounds!)
**Wrong Thread**
Please ignore me being a stupid....(Typical Right? :P )
I am working on the 2.0 release, using Falkos tools to help.
Infini/5th Avenue watch this space, I will let you have at it before launch.
Thanks everyone
Infini/5th Avenue watch this space, I will let you have at it before launch.
I'll be around. But release 2.0 if you wish. In fact, a lot of translation is already done. But with new stuff, sometimes, I need to figure out what is it exactly.
I'll send the full translation as fast as possible, and fix things later.
There's no hurry... we all need to RELAX.
:) :) :)
Edit: I did a spelling English mistake. My English is poor when I'm writing... :'(
Some bugs and questions/opinions.
- Some slightly odd ordering with Alloyed shotgun shells, they're under SSL instead of shotgun. Maybe the enhanced shotgun goes there and they're actually under that? I haven't made any yet, so I'm unsure of that. I figure said shotguns would probably be by the regular shotguns though.
- Armor is slightly unordered under buying, but selling its in good order.
- Alloyed shells also cost an interesting amount to build compared to some other objects, I'm curious as to why is that. Its cheaper to make enhanced large rockets than eight alloyed shotgun shells. Was an extra zero added on there? They currently cost 3000 per.
- There was a research for IMP_TANK_CHASSIS (or something akin, I'm kicking myself for not taking a screenshot of it now), but it didn't unlock anything. Tanks are surprisingly durable enough though, I've had one take several point blank autoshots from plasma pistol wielding aliens with barely a scratch in health.
- On the note of tanks, the machine gun tank comes with free 40mm shots, which is slightly curious. It ate up the 200 shots, but I didn't have any 40mm shots for it to use.
This section is more opinion than what I'd consider an actual bug, I'm more curious as to your input on this than action, if you have the time that is.
Accuracy seems a touch odd from play, lacking a bit of granularity in modifiers from range for a few weapons.
Machine pistols and submachine guns act fine, but weapons like the more two handed variety seem to have odd ranges I can't wrap my head around. Assault rifles can autoshot at max accuracy for surprising distances, sniper aimed shots don't lose that much when point blank (although a snap shot is always better there, which I consider good). Shotgun accuracy strikes me as weird at first due to it being so high, I used to use the shotgun mod by Warboy so I'm curious as to the differences there.
It also seems like that at times the jumps in accuracy from a block to another is surprisingly steep, or lacking at all is what I'm getting at I guess. Is this intentional, or might I have something messing with things? I have UFO Extender Accuracy on, so I don't know how that plays with (well or otherwise) your mod.
So far I've really been enjoying the mod and the options it brings to the table. I also love that tanks are actually useful, I was too used to them being useless that I didn't pick one up for a while until I was curious. Best 420,000 I've spent, honestly.
As a side note, I've edited the rulesheet for adding melee values to weapons (keeping the values as close to the original values for the type of weapon--with submachine guns (roughly in the middle of pistol-types and assault rifle-like types of weapons)) and accuracy (all base to 100% accuracy to make it actually worth an attempt, as they can miss unlike stunrods) being the only custom values--to accommodate for this mod, if anyone would like it I'd be more than happy to upload it.
EDIT: After playing around for a bit, I see what was throwing me off: weapons do have drop off, its just farther than I was used to and my engagements have been so far. Never mind the above then.
I'm not sure how helpful a save of mine would be, as its riddled with so many mods I'm not sure it may run without them. I've made sure they intersect with each other as little as possible though, though, so I don't believe they're contributing to the above. I could always be wrong though.
- Some slightly odd ordering with Alloyed shotgun shells, they're under SSL instead of shotgun. Maybe the enhanced shotgun goes there and they're actually under that? I haven't made any yet, so I'm unsure of that. I figure said shotguns would probably be by the regular shotguns though.
- Armor is slightly unordered under buying, but selling its in good order.
- Alloyed shells also cost an interesting amount to build compared to some other objects, I'm curious as to why is that. Its cheaper to make enhanced large rockets than eight alloyed shotgun shells. Was an extra zero added on there? They currently cost 3000 per.
- There was a research for IMP_TANK_CHASSIS (or something akin, I'm kicking myself for not taking a screenshot of it now), but it didn't unlock anything. Tanks are surprisingly durable enough though, I've had one take several point blank autoshots from plasma pistol wielding aliens with barely a scratch in health.
- On the note of tanks, the machine gun tank comes with free 40mm shots, which is slightly curious. It ate up the 200 shots, but I didn't have any 40mm shots for it to use.
1) Ugh, I'm doing a complete rework of the list orders for sell and ufopedia. It's a big freaking mess right now.
2) Same as above
3) that's a bug. Going to fix now.
4) IMP_TANK_CHASSIS is required for building laser tanks, but I may have it wired up wrong.
This section is more opinion than what I'd consider an actual bug, I'm more curious as to your input on this than action, if you have the time that is.
Accuracy seems a touch odd from play, lacking a bit of granularity in modifiers from range for a few weapons.
Machine pistols and submachine guns act fine, but weapons like the more two handed variety seem to have odd ranges I can't wrap my head around. Assault rifles can autoshot at max accuracy for surprising distances, sniper aimed shots don't lose that much when point blank (although a snap shot is always better there, which I consider good). Shotgun accuracy strikes me as weird at first due to it being so high, I used to use the shotgun mod by Warboy so I'm curious as to the differences there.
It also seems like that at times the jumps in accuracy from a block to another is surprisingly steep, or lacking at all is what I'm getting at I guess. Is this intentional, or might I have something messing with things? I have UFO Extender Accuracy on, so I don't know how that plays with (well or otherwise) your mod.
So far I've really been enjoying the mod and the options it brings to the table. I also love that tanks are actually useful, I was too used to them being useless that I didn't pick one up for a while until I was curious. Best 420,000 I've spent, honestly.
As a side note, I've edited the rulesheet for adding melee values to weapons (keeping the values as close to the original values for the type of weapon--with submachine guns (roughly in the middle of pistol-types and assault rifle-like types of weapons)) and accuracy (all base to 100% accuracy to make it actually worth an attempt, as they can miss unlike stunrods) being the only custom values--to accommodate for this mod, if anyone would like it I'd be more than happy to upload it.
EDIT: After playing around for a bit, I see what was throwing me off: weapons do have drop off, its just farther than I was used to and my engagements have been so far. Never mind the above then.
I'm not sure how helpful a save of mine would be, as its riddled with so many mods I'm not sure it may run without them. I've made sure they intersect with each other as little as possible though, though, so I don't believe they're contributing to the above. I could always be wrong though.
Thanks for the tips. Yeah, the ranges are a little bunged up, since the maps are only 50x50 squares, so many of the ranges roll right off the maps. But I'm basing the ranges on visual cues and weapon usage ranges.
Thanks for the bug reports and the opinions!
ANyway I noticed that the Sniper Plasma Mags cost 3 elerium (or 33 Heavy shots) for FIVE shots...this seems a bit too much (even thou that 160 damage is zounds!)
Gonna knock it down to 2.
Well, after a week's or so hiatus, I finally developed the plasma dream team (for the sake of researching everything) and stormed Cydonia.
I'm a bit disappointed by the Panic system, I did NOT find the brain but it got destroyed by the many panicking Ethereals, I was almost 75% through the base (turn 15 or such If I remeber correctly) when all of a sudden I won during alien turn.
Ethereals panicked starting as soon as turn THREE when I dispatched 3 chrissalid total (one of 'em was my first trooper causalty), I've seen as much as three panicked blaster-wielders (which suicided along their guard) and countelss plasma bolts in the dark. I killed 4 unarmed Ethereals and one with a Blaster Launcher but at 0 TUs due to (I guess) panic.
I lost a whooping THREE soldiers so far to the final turn and one was due to a misguided Xcom blaster bomb which turned a corner to tight.... ::)
I don't know if you tweaked the Cydonia deployment against Vanilla, but this sure was the most panicked Ethereal army I met. Was it not for the Chrissalids (which are notably Blaster-bomb resistant to extreme extent) I woudl hve gone through unscathed.
The deployments of for Cydonia are untouched.
I'll examine it.
Got a big break coming up, going to attack 2.0
Any updates on the latest?
Holidays had me smashed flat. Hoping for a release for Feb 1st. There are a ton of bugs that the file checker found.