Ugh just had a serious wipe out. 14 troops in just under 3 days and lost the game :/
2 on a crash site, one while breaching the other from sniper fire.Jan 17 (ordered a bunch more dudes from the fat loot)
4 on a terror mission to cyberdisc fire. Jan 18
3 on a crash site, two from breaching and one from pointing the rocket launcher at her feet. Jan 19
Leaving me 7 for a base defense mission that arrived literally just as my own men made it back from the last crash....
Well they fought hard but MC'd a guy with a demo pack and he chucked into a mess of guys killing three. Three others going down fighting with a kill to death ratio approaching 5 to one
It was down to my last trooper as she was fatally wounded, and with half a belt on her SAW knowing where the last few are. She takes 1 strafing step and gets shot pointblank.
Game Over....January 19
I need HWPs that work and the MGL Please.