Welcome to the global fantasy-themed overhaul mod.
This time, the aliens did not come, instead - magic came to Earth. And along with it, strange magical creatures, sorcerers, zombies and other fantasy clichés.
Or not really?
Choose a patron country on which the gameplay will depend.
Learn magic technologies and throw away your guns.
Evolve your operatives from ordinary humans to demigods ... or monsters.
Learn powerful battle spells.
With all these bells and whistles, go down to the abode of Aliens ...
and lose outright to the horrors there.
Available languages: US English and Russian.
Download: mod.io (https://mod.io/g/openxcom/m/x-chronicles)
V 1.6
- OXCE 8.0 ready;
- minor bugfixing.
- fixed funding rise in early game;
- decreased cost of scientists per 5000/month;
- powered up invader ships;
- mana-depleting amulets now cause stun when mana=0;
- fixed many Ufopedia articles;
- fixed healer power hit with weapon in backpack (OXCE newer than 7.15 required);
- prepared for new OXCE (>7.15);
- fixed dwarf research unavailability for those who fear golems;
- minor bugfixing;
- minor balancing for easier game;
- Fixed some english strings;
- Added new early mission type: savage ritual;
- increased starting money;
- More money;
- Fixed archmage guard;
- Added archmage necro-tower terrain for yard and interior;
- minor bugfixing;
- minor bugfixing (text strings, unusable alvi bows);
- balancing: more money on start;
- Temporary fix for an OXC (or OXCE) bug with second-stage mission deployements. Now rifts will work almost properly.
- Minor bugfixing;
- Minor prices balancing.
- Added new race: elves, with their own items and missions.
- More QOL ufopedia articles;
- Bugfixing and balancing;
- Mod is finally complete, maybe will be some bugfixes if needed.
- fixed critical bugs;
- fixed a lot of minor bugs;
- fixed unit resurrections (OXCE 7.10 needed);
- added more map blocks;
- expanded fire prism to be multi-charged;
- removed funding rise from countries without alien activity.
- Added new items: chain lightning spell, stigmata rod.
- Added new events;
- Added new transformations: body might, spiritual might;
- Fixed ufopedia pages: ork, arrows, scrolls;
- Fixed Mess mission CTD;
- Minor bugfixing;
- Minor balancing;
- added new units: lich, golden snake, poison spirit, chain werewolves;
- added new mission: post-apoc ruin rift;
- added new items: new arrows, 8 new artifacts, scrolls, x-shields, bag of holding, improved amulets;
- added 3 new armors for summoners;
- added new spells: fire extinguisher.
- added new facility: gate polygon;
- new mechanic: flying suits without mana become walking;
- new mechanic: regenerative armor.
- buffed late-game enemies;
- minor balancing;
- fixed detention centre building;
- fixed temple vs undead mission;
- fixed manufacturing tree;
- fixed burning through shield;
- minor bugfixes.
Critical fixes.
- fixed critical bug with old nests;
- fixed critical bug with legion villa;
- fixed events placeholders;
- fixed alien units melee threat;
- balanced psi-college cost;
- balanced handheld shields, now they discharge slowly over time;
- balanced psi-weapons aim, now psi-strength can cause decrease of aim, not psi-skill;
- rebalanced nest growth speed;
- added new items: frost staff, auto cannon;
- new unit: legion speculator;
- phantom now gain same skills as summoner (requires nightly OXCE);
- scepters can be manufactured now;
- mana shield available without armor;
- new ufopedia articles and hints;
- stronger flying ships hull;
- nerfed fire staff;
- nerfed telekinesys hp damage;
- cheaper invader equipment research;
- dart gun and rifle now have range power reduction;
- less range for MI-8;
- slower handheld miniguns;
- more shots for tank minigun;
- simple amulets can be researched without psi-lab;
- more nest for harder difficuty;
- more temple retaliations;
- temples of light and death arrive earlier;
- more cores beyond rifts and as reward;
- balanced alloy spears.
- removed some unnecessary techs;
- more ways to get golem techs;
- HUGE ufopedia articles fixing (mostly for EN).
- windwall shield now really immune to smoke;
- no more overflow mana pool from mana shield training;
- collapsed units no more regain shields;
- fixed 40 mm grenades for Groza rifle;
- undead pain immunity properly placed;
- fixed active/inactive obelisks requirements;
- minor terrain fixes;
- minor bugfixes;
V. 0.99.12
- added new spells: degeneration, repair armor;
- added new armor: medic;
- added 2 new events;
- added multiple cities on the globe, thanks to Solarius Scorch;
- Balance: more chances to prevent invader missions by shooting down their ships;
greatly increased mana training speed, mana shield now train mana too;
more retaliations;
more psi-skill drawback from heavy armor;
shield of light now counters curses;
some research tree tweak;
- Fixes: multiple unit sprites fixed;
rifts now opens near your bases more often;
less invader ship stairs burnouts;
fixed some movement costs on the different terrains;
fixed maps of marshall and rifts;
multiple minor fixes;
V 0.99.11
- Added more craft maps;
- Added new rift encounters: floating rocks, with air elemental enemies and cydonia with ghosts;
- Added new encounter - UFO and sectoids;
- Added new buildings: detention center; rehabilitation center;
- Added peace with Legion;
- Added new random events;
- Added 2 new blesses;
- Fixed psi-crystall production with new specialist - crystallomancer;
- Fixed chosen one abilities;
- Bugfixing.
V 0.99.10
- dwarves arc is finished (or maybe 99%). New units, new mission, new research tier.
- 3 new X-com units: golems (for summon and for manufacturing);
- new Ufopedia articles;
- new Amazonian level;
- new enemies for Amazonian hell (final bosses);
- new intro;
- multiple new events;
- hazmat wooden vest added;
- X-Com undead energy, wounds and armor fixed;
- empty retaliation fixed;
- many ufopedia articles fixed;
- invader lord interrogation fixed;
- temple of light mission spawn fixed;
- manufacturing fixed.
V 0.99.9
- added ability to damage armor for many creatures;
- added missing ufopedia articles;
- fixed HWP reload (no more reload for tanks during mission);
- fixed many shock weapons to ignore stun immunity;
- fixed pilot bonuses;
- fixed sentinel transformation;
- fixed plane glyphs manufacturing;
- fixed high blessings requirements;
- nerfed Lumen resistances;
- fixed spawned units, now they have no TU right after spawn;
- multiple minor fixes of research tree and ufopedia;
- minor balancing;
- added new race - dwarves (not finished yet, but allready can be encountered);
- added new items - magic gloves;
V 0.99.8
- Fixed critical bug with interception sprites;
- Fixed bug with Aliens on flying ships instead of Adventurers;
- Added new units: earth golem, solaris, triffid;
- Added new spell - poison cloud;
- Added new facility - Artifical Sun;
- Fixed Legion cowardness by adding new unit - Legion Saggitarius. Now footmen will rush into melee properly;
- Now player can manufacture lesser wands without scriptor;
- Increased efficiency of stone shield and darkness shield against bullets;
- some new research topics;
- as allways, bugfixing and balancing.
V 0.99.7
- Added new primitive race: serpenters (with more poison weapons);
- Added new undead transform;
- Added new plane: Vulture;
- Added stun batons (i know you wanted it);
- Added many missing ufopedia articles;
- Added new events;
- Improved many ufopedia articles;
- multiple bugfixing and balancing (including less damage from smoke and better melee accuracy);
V 0.99.6
- added new UFO - the temple ship;
- IMPORTANT: rebalance, no powerful invaders will spawn while x-com posess no magic nech;
- bugfixing, all prefious hotfixes included;
V. 0.99.5
- added new unit: phoenix
- added new terrain: fire dimension
- added some lore articles
- added 2 new craft equipment glyphs.
- added new facility, psi barrier
- fixed HMGs for using by normal people;
- added new faction: temple of Death, with their own ships and stuff;
- added submod Cyrillic names for XCHR;
- added 5 new melee weapons;
- minor bugfixing
V. 0.99.4
- Added two new facilities for base defense. Runed missiles and fiery bolts;
- Added ufopedia articles for all Aliens, all Aliens now researcheable;
- Added some other articles for explanation of storyline;
- Added a pair of events for immersion;
- multiple bugs fixed, thanks to wolwerine.
V. 0.99.3
Major update.
- Added choice of side in the confrontation: light or darkness, with facilities, items, spells and events;
- Added Light blessings, working for whole combat;
- Added Light Temple faction with their own units;
- Added more summons;
- New mission arc - espionage;
- Civilians will change through world events;
- Bugfixes;
Warning: not really tested, so expect bugs
V. 0.99.2
- Fixed nasty error with archmage tower;
- New units: wight, herald;
- New terrain: mushroom forest;
- New events with trustee countries;
- Minor fixes.
V. 0.99.1
- Added new armor: crusader;
- Added some mapblocks for Archmage yard;
- Multiple bugfixes in research tree, thanks to ted_die;
- Fixed Archmage tower spawn, thanks to ted_die;
- Cleaned starting base;
V. 0.99
- initial release.
Copy to the mod folder, run the game and chose "Base game" X-Chronicles.
Thanks: to OpenXcom authors for a brilliant game; to Yankes and Meridian for powerful OXCE, to the other modders from whom I borrowed something.
Release status:
Mod is finally complete, maybe will be some bugfixes if needed.
If you want to help:
- This mod desperately needs a spell check of English translation.
- I will be grateful for bug reports.
All X-Com resources belongs to X-Com franchise owners (Take-Two Interactive, i think)
All other is under CC-NC-BY-SA , as mr.Hobbes insisted.
Discord: abandoned.
Very nice! Looking forward to playing this and seeing how much further it develops.
First patch released.
- Added new armor: crusader;
- Added some mapblocks for Archmage yard;
- Multiple bugfixes in research tree, thanks to ted_die;
- Fixed Archmage tower spawn, thanks to ted_die;
- Cleaned starting base;
Well, colour me tickled. I'm trying this out as soon as I have the time.
Gave this a try tonight and this is such a fun mod! Playing on beginner Ironman, I’m about 5 hours of playtime in. Really looking forward to seeing how everything progresses :).
I went with US for both patron and starting location, and just captured my first outcast mage. Now that I understand a bit more how shields work with some trial and error I’m really enjoying just how different this feels from both the base game and XCF.
No bugs so far, just straightforward fun!
One small bit of feedback: I’d love for the soldier inventory to show all three accuracy types if it isn’t too hard to do, what with how important melee and throwing accuracy are here.
Edit: Might have found a bug. I just researched Block Bow, and it’s not showing up for purchase, while in the tech tree viewer it indicates it should be now.
Edit 2: Another possible bug; when I researched Chemical Threat, it revealed the Combat Vest Hazmat armor, but it’s not for purchase and I can’t find it in the tech tree viewer.
Edit: Might have found a bug. I just researched Block Bow, and it’s not showing up for purchase, while in the tech tree viewer it indicates it should be now.
Thanks, will check.
Edit 2: Another possible bug; when I researched Chemical Threat, it revealed the Combat Vest Hazmat armor, but it’s not for purchase and I can’t find it in the tech tree viewer.
If you buy full complect then you will be able to equip simple or hazmat.
I just noticed and came to edit again to correct myself; I apparently hadn’t bothered putting more armor on people since I unlocked it. Looks like it’s working as intended, sorry about that!
I just got the new laboratory, excited to start unlocking some magic!
Edit: A possible research bug; In the Tech Tree Viewer Water Shield says it Depends On: Not Available. It looks like it’s unlocked by lots of things, but I hadn’t seen that before elsewhere and wanted to check.
I managed to shoot down my first small flying ship and even succeed at raiding it, so I’m happily researching Runewood now. I feel like I’m so very close to unlocking some magical stuff beyond runed weapons, which would be a gamechanger. I’m using the combat vest more for the hazmat mask than anything else against invaders, as in general they kill me in one hit anyways.
I did also get chitin armor, but only enough materials for three suits so far so I’m being extra careful with anyone wearing it.
Edit 2: got myself the Runewood vests and they’re incredible! I had two, lost one to a fire wand which felt thematically appropriate.
When it comes to damaged armor and repair, what determines if you get the damaged armor? Is it if the corpse survives to the end of the mission?
Edit 3: I lost due to overextending and getting a negative score several months in a row, so I’ve started a new game in eastern Europe, and Russia is my sponsor this time around. I’m off to a good start! I like how different the loadouts are. One bug: upon researching the “Contract with the Russian Army”, I’m now able to buy the UB-32M Launcher, but there’s no UFOPaedia entry for it. Same with the ammo, the 57mm C-5M rockets.
Version 0.99.2 is up.
- Fixed nasty error with archmage tower;
- New units: wight, herald;
- New terrain: mushroom forest;
- New events with trustee countries;
- Minor fixes.
Sweet! I’ll give this a go later this week. Really enjoying this mod!
OK. Let's see.
The Block Bow works now with the update! I’m able to purchase it now ;D.
However, one item still isn’t showing up in the UFOpaedia; the UB-32M Launcher and its ammo, the 57mm C-5M rockets. I’m assuming they’re for interceptors?
I’m really looking forward to seeing everything else in this mod, my Russian start continues to be much more successful than my last one. If it goes poorly I’ll probably start again in China to see the PLA gear.
However, one item still isn’t showing up in the UFOpaedia; the UB-32M Launcher and its ammo, the 57mm C-5M rockets. I’m assuming they’re for interceptors?
It should be in vehicles and vehicle armaments. Please, provide savegame.
So the rockets do show in the UFOpedia, but when I try to inspect them in purchasing it doesn't show up. Here's my save:
Ah, now i understand.
No, not a single craft weapon will work like this. This is because middle-click leads to "item" ufopedia, but craft weapons use "craft equipment" pages instead of launcher-items.
Ah good to know! Then everything is working well so far with this update. If/when I run into the new enemies I’ll post my thoughts on them :)
Can I turn off tooltip popups somehow?
Can I turn off tooltip popups somehow?
No, but they must pop up one time each. Do they repeat?
No, but they come each month i think. Its just things that i already knew or read about at first launch in ufopedia. Little bit annoying but nothing too serious.
Pretty solid mod btw. Everything just works.
Hey, couple of questions:
What the deal with Kord HMG, cant figure out how to use it. For Strength cap is 40 but this gun weight is 48.
I tried to do some mambo jumbo(kneeling or drop/pickup) but nothing really works. Penalty for TU just not allows to shoot it even once.
It's seems like usual Arrows not on the list somewhere like block bows previously. I researched them from marauder girls but still cant buy/manufacture them. Also maruders/orcs etc dont drop them for some reasons only feudals.
What the deal with Kord HMG, cant figure out how to use it. For Strength cap is 40 but this gun weight is 48.
I tried to do some mambo jumbo(kneeling or drop/pickup) but nothing really works. Penalty for TU just not allows to shoot it even once.
Will check. Penalty must make it ALMOST useless while you have only normal operatives. Not fully useless. :)
It's seems like usual Arrows not on the list somewhere like block bows previously. I researched them from marauder girls but still cant buy/manufacture them.
They are'nt usual. They are made of enchanted materials. Usual arrows... i can add them, for fun.
Also maruders/orcs etc dont drop them for some reasons only feudals.
They drop them if they dont shoot even once.
Will check. Penalty must make it ALMOST useless while you have only normal operatives. Not fully useless. :)
Yeah that cought me off guard in face of few orcs. :)
They are'nt usual. They are made of enchanted materials. Usual arrows... i can add them, for fun.
At least Block Bows should have their own ammo or they are useless once you research them.
Also i have like 10 longbows and 5 short ones in storage and dont mind to do some pewpew. :)
And more like request:
Can you add different sounds for different weapons? Because for example Pecheneg wich shoots with vanilla sound of pistol does not feels convincing enough. :)
XPiratez and HQsounds for FMP already have a lot of cool stuff for everything.
I would add it myself, but i just don't know how.
XPiratez and HQsounds for FMP already have a lot of cool stuff for everything.
I would add it myself, but i just don't know how.
You can provide me a sound files, named by weapon names.
Well for me this will mean major spoilers, cause i dont know wich guns game have
Also i have no idea how chinese guns should sound. :)
I dont have sounds in categories, just wanted to mention that other mods already have something like this.
Here some examples:
Iirc block bow has better stats than the short bow; I don’t recall compared to a long bow.
I want to share such staffs. ;D
I think they are perfect for this fashion ;D
1. Bloody Staff Rage
2. Phoenix Rod
3. Staff Necromancer
For the glory of sword and magic! :)
Here are a few more weapons that might come in handy. ;D
1. Electric Hammer
2. Axe Gothic
3. Mace Gothic
4. Plasma Sledgehammer
More weapons! God of weapons! ;D
I want to share such staffs. ;D
I think they are perfect for this fashion ;D
1. Bloody Staff Rage
2. Phoenix Rod
3. Staff Necromancer
For the glory of sword and magic! :)
Awesome sprites, my friend! imho they totally fit this great mod. :D
I'm getting a crash in a rift mission when it tries to load the second part. In the attached save the selected sniper should finish off the last enemy.
I'm getting a crash in a rift mission when it tries to load the second part. In the attached save the selected sniper should finish off the last enemy.
Thanks, will be fixed in next update. Tomorrow, i think.
Version 0.99.3 is up.
Major update.
- Added choice of side in the confrontation: light or darkness, with facilities, items, spells and events;
- Added Light blessings, working for whole combat;
- Added Light Temple faction with their own units;
- Added more summons;
- New mission arc - espionage;
- Civilians will change through world events;
- Bugfixes;
Warning: not really tested, so expect bugs
Good morning.
I would just like to ask something. By any chance, have you seen Hobbes's comment in the mod.io page for X-Chronicles?
Good morning.
I would just like to ask something. By any chance, have you seen Hobbes's comment in the mod.io page for X-Chronicles?
Yes, but this comment is obsolete since Hobbes decided to re-publicate his creation.
Good morning.
I would just like to ask something. By any chance, have you seen Hobbes's comment in the mod.io page for X-Chronicles?
I better remove that comment. ;)
Nord, I just saw you also went CC-NC-BY-SA with your mod, nice!
I’m excited to try the new version soon!
I don’t fully know the etiquette for this here, so apologies if this comes across wrong/rude:
I really like the goblin assets you have here, and was wondering who made them, as I’d like to ask permission to use them for my own modding.
I really like the goblin assets you have here, and was wondering who made them, as I’d like to ask permission to use them for my own modding.
Initial idea was published in "resources" for everyone to use, but for my mod i reworked it almost completely. These sprites based on sectoid, though.
So, use them as you want, i'm not say anything against that.
Upd.: found. It was first in Foxc topic, Here (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,1465.60.html). But still, it was only inspiration and i made that spritesheet from sectoid.
I feel like there are ladders in the game that are supposed to work like elevators but... don't. I am currently stuck on a ship assault mission where a legion resident mage is stuck below deck with no access. I don't have good enough explosives to breach the hull, so it's now a nigh impossible task.
P.S: couldn't attach more from my phone, so the most telling one is here.
P.P.S: The error occured on 0.99.2 since I didn't know about an update. Now I have to wonder if changing the version mid-mission will break anything.
P.P.P.S: SOLVED! I was indeed on a late version. Now everything works.
Version 0.99.4 is up.
- Added two new facilities for base defense. Runed missiles and fiery bolts;
- Added ufopedia articles for all Aliens, all Aliens now researcheable;
- Added some other articles for explanation of storyline;
- Added a pair of events for immersion;
- multiple bugs fixed, thanks to wolwerine.
I certainly don't regret learning about this mod's existence. It's so much fun.
Guys, the X-Chronicles mod has a discord. :)
For more convenient communication and feedback on the game :)
Version 0.99.5 is up.
- added new unit: phoenix
- added new terrain: fire dimension
- added some lore articles
- added 2 new craft equipment glyphs.
- added new facility, psi barrier
- fixed HMGs for using by normal people;
- added new faction: temple of Death, with their own ships and stuff;
- added submod Cyrillic names for XCHR;
- added 5 new melee weapons;
- minor bugfixing
Am I doing something extremely wrong or is the balance still a work in progress?
I'm in March 2022, multiple Magics researched, but no way to cast them. Almost 50 research topics with 90 scientists and each take at best 5 days, usually vastly more. The strongest weapons I have are still HMGs and X-equipment, and it takes a ton to actually take someone down, not really sure how to take someone in alive except for luck (police batons, darts and tasers are not even close to useful). In my last month I had 34 landed UFOs, a camp, a nest, 2 forts, over 20 other missions and at least 40+ UFOs that didn't land within my borders. I've researched outcast mages, pirates, orcs and goblins completely, with a lot of legionaries, wizards, barons and similar also researched. I tried just skipping a month to see how long it would take, at this pace it would literally take me thousands of hours to get through an in game year. All of this is with China start.
Am I doing something extremely wrong or is the balance still a work in progress?
Please provide save file.
Infinite loop? 0.99.5
0) Load attached save
1) Select batbayar
2) Rotate to point to the legion manipul
3) Take a snap shot
Game freezes just before the projectile hits (but doesn't crash-crash with the crash dialog).
Am I doing something extremely wrong or is the balance still a work in progress?
I'm in March 2022, multiple Magics researched, but no way to cast them. Almost 50 research topics with 90 scientists and each take at best 5 days, usually vastly more. The strongest weapons I have are still HMGs and X-equipment, and it takes a ton to actually take someone down, not really sure how to take someone in alive except for luck (police batons, darts and tasers are not even close to useful). In my last month I had 34 landed UFOs, a camp, a nest, 2 forts, over 20 other missions and at least 40+ UFOs that didn't land within my borders. I've researched outcast mages, pirates, orcs and goblins completely, with a lot of legionaries, wizards, barons and similar also researched. I tried just skipping a month to see how long it would take, at this pace it would literally take me thousands of hours to get through an in game year. All of this is with China start.
Interesting. December 21 here; also china start. Mostly the same tech level (not bothered researching HMGs), just started training the psi's.
I agree research is very slow - currently have 140 scientists across two bases and just started research base 3! Researched just 23% of the tech tree. About 50hrs of play time to get here!
Also agree that some of these enemies take forever to take down with their shields; kind of like goblins and then orcs did at the start (goblins should've been easier!), though they (goblins) now die fairly nicely with x-rifles.
Also also agree that too-much happens in a month. I don't have numbers quite as high as you, but I can easily end a month with a score of 4000 or so.
(Crashy savegame in previous post is this game)
Also also agree that too-much happens in a month. I don't have numbers quite as high as you, but I can easily end a month with a score of 4000 or so.
Ok, got it.
Please provide save file.
Strange. You researched only Wizard, and no other mages. Capture them, interrogate them and you will be happy. :)
Strange. You researched only Wizard, and no other mages. Capture them, interrogate them and you will be happy. :)
I did research the Outcast mage completely. The only other mages I have seen are Wizards and the Priestesses or something like that.
If you are thinking of Rune mage, which I did see is a requirement for runes, that is a no go as I have seen none in my game. I thought they were a late-game enemy after wizards.
To be fair there is a good chance I'm just blind and missed them. Which faction do they accompany? The ones I have encountered so far are goblins, orcs, pirates, legionaries and footmen.
I did research the Outcast mage completely. The only other mages I have seen are Wizards and the Priestesses or something like that.
There's spiritualists too (they're the ones that look like ethereals), thunder priests, and fire priestess + fire servant.
That said, I have now researched "pyrokenesis" the blurb of which implies it's a spell but no idea how to use it.
On the other hand, my "spells" page on the ufopedia lists "psi-pulse" (from "savage psions" it seems) and "blizzard" (from the frost demon apparently) . No pyrokenesis on there (it's under "XCOM Research". And no idea how to use any of these either.
27% research
Excellent job Nord! Some bugs/feedback:
* antidotes seem to be pointless. Except maybe one mission, never had a soldier get poisoned. They just die same-turn.
* There's a bug with the Revolver Shotgun. Sometimes you fire and nothing happens. It takes the TU's but there's no sound, not hitting anything, and nothing gets set on fire (incendiary ammo, but also happens with stun ammo). Happens maybe 1 in 20 shots?
* Only the main base can research "special" technologies, i.e. Reports, pyrokenesis, etc. Nothing to transfer to the secondary research base.
Edit: I got "report: Queen of the nest" from a mission and transferred it to my secondary base: still couldn't research it
* Koas moving make the walking sound. I think the floaters do too.
* I got a "shaihulud overview" from a goblin shaman (it's in my ufopedia). Then shaihulud's come along and I can now research both the autopsy and the live specimen. Sure enough, when I research the corpse, nothing pops up. - attached save - base: "2 - Russia"
* My main base has a large detector. Shouldn't that be a large radar?
Attached save; right next to "Shota Baratashvili" there's an invisible unit. You can only see it from one angle. Even trying to walk into the square doesn't find it. It's to the square directly to the left, adjacent to the door. One of those flying things.
To be fair there is a good chance I'm just blind and missed them. Which faction do they accompany? The ones I have encountered so far are goblins, orcs, pirates, legionaries and footmen.
They can be encountered with Feudals and Legion. But i'll check it, maybe there must be more of them.
On the other hand, my "spells" page on the ufopedia lists "psi-pulse" (from "savage psions" it seems) and "blizzard" (from the frost demon apparently) . No pyrokenesis on there (it's under "XCOM Research". And no idea how to use any of these either.
You can use pyrokinesys by any battlemage. When you gain one.
Excellent job Nord! Some bugs/feedback:
* antidotes seem to be pointless. Except maybe one mission, never had a soldier get poisoned. They just die same-turn.
Maybe later?
* There's a bug with the Revolver Shotgun. Sometimes you fire and nothing happens. It takes the TU's but there's no sound, not hitting anything, and nothing gets set on fire (incendiary ammo, but also happens with stun ammo). Happens maybe 1 in 20 shots?
It is not a bug, just all pellets missed and fly out of map, without hitting anything. Engine limitation.
* Only the main base can research "special" technologies, i.e. Reports, pyrokenesis, etc. Nothing to transfer to the secondary research base.
Edit: I got "report: Queen of the nest" from a mission and transferred it to my secondary base: still couldn't research it
Read ufopedia. You need HQ to research important projects.
* Koas moving make the walking sound. I think the floaters do too.
Thanks, will fix.
* I got a "shaihulud overview" from a goblin shaman (it's in my ufopedia). Then shaihulud's come along and I can now research both the autopsy and the live specimen. Sure enough, when I research the corpse, nothing pops up. - attached save - base: "2 - Russia"
Normal thing.
* My main base has a large detector. Shouldn't that be a large radar?
You build it? In one version was a bug with starting base, i forgot to remove test facility. Normally, you have no radars on gaame start.
Attached save; right next to "Shota Baratashvili" there's an invisible unit. You can only see it from one angle. Even trying to walk into the square doesn't find it. It's to the square directly to the left, adjacent to the door. One of those flying things.
Normal effect. Purple smoke blocks vision.
Thanks for the responses Nord. I eventually did find Rune mages.
Got a bug to report: Protector sells for a lot more than you can buy it for, creating an infinite money source. I know that some items can be sold for more than they can be bought for on lower difficulties, but I quickly jumped into a superhuman game to check and Protector costs $28000 to buy and sells for $44000.
Thanks Nord.
You can use pyrokinesys by any battlemage.
In that case:
a) It should probably appear on the "spells" tab of ufopedia
b) Should it not have "battlemage" as a requirement? Same for all spells?
[antidotes] Maybe later?
Antidotes are replaced by poisoncure it seems, so there is no "later" as I've had them for ages too. Glass spiders are the only things that anti-poison stuff is useful against so far.
[revolver shotgun]It is not a bug, just all pellets missed and fly out of map, without hitting anything. Engine limitation.
I'm not convinced. It only happens with that particular gun and there's no shooting sound-effect either when it happens. Also, given the extremely limited range of that weapon, how are the pellets leaving the map anyway? But I don't know the engine, you do!
[missing projects] - Read ufopedia. You need HQ to research important projects.
Oh yes. I read that a month ago when I started this game.
* Glass spiders are an interesting concept but *really* annoying to find. I've had missions go 80+ turns against them. Bughunt doesn't start as there are more than 3 left (I've upped it to 10 now in the script).
* I've fiddled with missionScripts.rul in the /mods/XCHR/rulesets directory to change all of the executionOdds
to be much lower. Unfortunately it seems to be getting ignored (to test, I deleted the entire script apart from the first 11 lines and stuff still appears). When does it get applied? New month? I really don't want to start a new game to reduce the geoscape-event-rate.
* Tazers do kinetic damage; should be electric
* Balance: Archmage castle - I don't know if it's because I'm inept, but I've researched just about everything I can at this point (32%), then this turns up. There is -100% chance of me being able to even get past the courtyard. The knights have absurd shields and looking at the specs, 20points of armour too (on top of 50% kinetic resist and 80% melee), so just about no weapons will work against them either (and certainly no reasonable way to capture one). I tried a stand-off in my skymarshal but they eventually swarmed it and all I'd done was kill a single reaper.
The blessed footmen are similarly unreasonable given their armour is higher than almost all damage you're likely to do when you meet them. No idea how I'll catch one given their armour ignores all the stun weapons..
* Still no sign of a rune mage; just swarms of tedious legion with a hint of invader. :-(
Honestly, at this point I think I'll just give up; there's far too much grinding. :-( Sorry.
* Tazers do kinetic damage; should be electric
No they should be not.
* Balance: Archmage castle - I don't know if it's because I'm inept, but I've researched just about everything I can at this point (32%), then this turns up. There is -100% chance of me being able to even get past the courtyard. The knights have absurd shields and looking at the specs, 20points of armour too (on top of 50% kinetic resist and 80% melee), so just about no weapons will work against them either (and certainly no reasonable way to capture one). I tried a stand-off in my skymarshal but they eventually swarmed it and all I'd done was kill a single reaper.
The blessed footmen are similarly unreasonable given their armour is higher than almost all damage you're likely to do when you meet them. No idea how I'll catch one given their armour ignores all the stun weapons..
Use spells. If you dont haave spells, dont try to beat Archmage.
* Still no sign of a rune mage; just swarms of tedious legion with a hint of invader. :-(
Honestly, at this point I think I'll just give up; there's far too much grinding. :-( Sorry.
Ok, i'll do something with it. Balance is a hardest part.
Tazers - real-world they're electric. Game-wise it would make sense too given:
a) the current animation is electric (same as thundermage and the electric wand).
b) it would give an alternative way to stun things rather than relying on kinetic.
Use spells. If you dont have spells, dont try to beat Archmage.
It's a balance problem because the Archmage can appear before you have battlemages (or even the hint of them!). I've captured just about everything I've seen except the blessed-footmen group things because they only appeared on one mission (about a game-month ago) on a large UFO and I was massively outclassed, them being almost impervious to x-rifles after all, and all the stunning weapons.
Balance: Yeah, that's a tricky one. Designing difficulty is a completely different skillset from putting together all of the parts. You're clearly great at putting it all together, but (and I mean no offence), balance isn't your strongest area. ;-) (for my part: I absolutely cannot do art!).
And that's before we get to the difficultly of designing difficulty modes. Heh.
The good news is that it's a thing that can be learnt much more easily than art/programming and there's a ton of blog posts and youtube vids out there on balance and difficulty.
My suggestions:
Geoscape: Think up how many events there should be a month on the geoscape and how many of them the player should feel they need to do. I'd say 3-5 missions per month.
Then balance the appearance of different things so that the geoscape events ramp up to ... say ~10 things a month (middle difficulty), though again with the aim the player isn't doing all of them as missions. Maybe create a spreadsheet to help keep the number-of-events at whatever the target is by including the research/month filters and percentage chances (who doesn't love a good spreadsheet ;-) ).
Tactical: Not sure sure how to fix this one, but having to shoot out ~80 points of shield on a legion footman with an x-rifle is tedious (manipuls even more so!). And when there are ~10 of them on a ship and they're the primary antagonists for a sizeable number of months... :-o
Probably smaller squads to allow lower health on the enemies. Skymarshal is a massive 18 after all (do love the doors!) and I've had that forever. The downside to a larger squad is that you end up with more grind: Either more enemies or stronger enemies. At least with more enemies there are more dopamine hits as you take them all down. :-)
Think about the original XCOM: bullets kill Sectoids in 2-3 hits fairly reliably. Same with gillmen and harpoons, Plasma weapons kill Mutons in 2-3 etc. One or two more hits for the terrorists generally (cyberdiscs and bullets = :-( ). I'd suggest that's a good balancing target. I think it's similar with the newer (firaxis) xcom's.
My 2p. :-)
I haven't gotten that far myself, but as I understand it, you are trying to take on midgame & lategame enemies with early game/early midgame tech (you get X-rifles in the latter part of the first year) and regular operatives. That's not a balance issue, but the issue of either the RNG/bugs screwing you over or you missing something about the mod mechanics.
I haven't gotten that far myself, but as I understand it, you are trying to take on midgame & lategame enemies with early game/early midgame tech (you get X-rifles in the latter part of the first year) and regular operatives. That's not a balance issue, but the issue of either the RNG/bugs screwing you over or you missing something about the mod mechanics.
I see where you're coming from and it's a good point, but I'm at about the same level as Skybreaker ( https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,10233.msg145681.html#msg145681 ) both in time and tech-level. So if it's either the RNG or missing something, it's not that uncommon. The balance issue specific to the archmage is that it probably shouldn't appear that early. Easily solved with either an increase to the "firstAppears" months counter, or (better) add a research requirement for a tech that can handle it (battlemages?) or both (best).
Logic dictates that this is correct. The taser has small harpoons that conduct electricity, so if they don't penetrate the armor, the electricity probably won't work.
I haven't gotten that far myself, but as I understand it, you are trying to take on midgame & lategame enemies with early game/early midgame tech (you get X-rifles in the latter part of the first year) and regular operatives. That's not a balance issue, but the issue of either the RNG/bugs screwing you over or you missing something about the mod mechanics.
That is a balance issue, because no high-level enemy must spawn when you are not prepared. If you do things right, of course. Now legion and temples came too fast, as i think. Maybe i should implement arc scripts...Logic dictates that this is correct. The taser has small harpoons that conduct electricity, so if they don't penetrate the armor, the electricity probably won't work.
Logic dictates that this is correct. The taser has small harpoons that conduct electricity, so if they don't penetrate the armor, the electricity probably won't work.
Afraid I must disagree. What if that armour is made of chainmail? High cutting defence (in the real world), and a fair kinetic defence but you're going to be enjoying several thousand volts if a tazer hits you.
Similarly a (sufficiently hot) fire-blade would cut straight through armour that has very high thermal conductivity in the same way a hot knife goes through margarine. And a freezing knife would dramatically increase the brittleness of certain materials making them more likely to shatter even if the damage is applied via cutting (doesn't matter if the knife cuts through the armour, only that the armour has high thermal conductivity to facilitate removing of the heat from the target's body). This is why there is type-specific damage ratings for the armour.
And again, from a game-play perspective (which is more important):
a) The tazer sprite is showing electrical damage.
b) It's necessary to facilitate capturing by having other types of capture damage.
The point about chainmail is not accurate. If there's an insulating layer below the armor, e.g. padding, then the electricity will travel preferentially through the metal of the armor, not the body. For example, safety gear for doing performances with Tesla coils includes what amounts to a full-body suit of chainmail.
I tested this with superhuman. Maybe that was my first mistake - I think many mods are balanced so that you should try much lower level at first.
It's rather difficult to make sense of the game mechanics. It makes no sense that a hunting knife or a basic spear is more efficient than guns against monsters.
In March I was already having a lot of trouble with an orc terror mission, but finally managed it with saves/reloads (each of them took about 3 spear hits; guns were mostly useless). In the beginning of April, a terror mission was spawned with a dozen spellcasters(?), minotaurs(?) etc. Completely impossible to handle more than a couple of them with spears or guns which you will have to hit 10 times to make an impact. I wonder if this is balancing issue, too difficult encounters coming too early, or I'm just missing something? Or like in TWoTS you get a large number of scripted missions way too early which you have zero chance to succeed so you are actually supposed to figure out it's impossible at that stage and abort the mission (e.g. polyph mission at start, alien dungeon when you still have gas cannors, etc.).
I was really interested in trying a fantasy setting but having little idea how you're supposed to manage the more difficult monsters will probably make me go back to more traditional and easily understandable mods. But I suppose some love this "discovery" approach.
..Completely impossible to handle more than a couple of them with spears or guns which you will have to hit 10 times to make an impact. I wonder if this is balancing issue, too difficult encounters coming too early, or I'm just missing something? ..
Use explosives.
Thanks for your sharing. It is very useful!
Use explosives.
Yes, that helps a bit, but you may still need to use 3-4 each (or maybe more, when the throws miss). Quite a bit or grenanes if the mission includes about 12-18 monsters. Later on, there apparently were also tougher enemies such as barons with even higher shields. At that point, however, you already have access to the combined gun/grenade launcher (shouldn't the grenades produce an arcing shot? - I suppose the engine doesn't support arcing type for one kind of ammo, non-arcing for another, however), which is awesome and can be used to deal with all the enemies. Except, now, there is a new mission, "spirit hunt" and these don't seem to be able to deal any damage.
Generally agree with your points about balance psavola. Orcs were a huge pain early on, but I'm afraid it only gets worse later on with new enemies. Fortunately Nord's reply earlier implied there may be a balance pass coming so might be worth waiting.
Except, now, there is a new mission, "spirit hunt" and these don't seem to be able to deal any damage.
They're basically impervious to almost everything (as in 0% damage!). Incendiaries (fire) are the way to go (revolver shotgun!). At the risk of too many spoilers: there aren't many of them in the battle
The point about chainmail is not accurate. If there's an insulating layer below the armor, e.g. padding, then the electricity will travel preferentially through the metal of the armor, not the body. For example, safety gear for doing performances with Tesla coils includes what amounts to a full-body suit of chainmail.
Duh, of course yes! Silly me! I've even seen people wearning the (grounded!) chainmail suits playing with giant Tesla coils.
I had to skip those spirits, because there was no weapon accessible able to harm them. Now I'm in month 14, have set up a couple of bases - for the lack of anything else to do with the sponsor money - and just had the first landed UFO.
For the last 5-6 months, I have no longer had nothing to research, except a random new monster type or a live alien now and then. Looking at the research tree, to get any real progress one would likely have to capture more live enemies to learn of runic weapons, runes, magic, etc. The problem is that there appear to be no means to do so except by accident or by taking big risks of melee combat. Tazer appears to be a useless weapon so you're essentially out of options. Lore-wise requiring capturing more live enemies and interrogating them makes sense (also like in TWoTS) but I wonder if the means how to do so is balanced. The only thing I'm wondering are smoke grenades as an "attack weapon", because it appears to stun the soldiers in one turn, but the enemies don't appear to stay in it long enough or it's not otherwise effective. So, as it is, you just get a random stunning with regular weapons or a surrender now and then. And that doesn't seem to be enough to steadily progress the research tree with only ~50 researchers. EDIT: I had missed dart rifle and tranquilizer darts; those seem to be useful at least against goblins.
Another really strange feature is "melee-range dodging" - there is very little point why it is better to fire your weapons from 1 square away rather than from an adjacent square. I can't understand why you need to run 1 square away before counter-attacking, if an enemy comes next to you (and attacks you first). This makes me even wonder if there is some bug in this feature.
I had to skip those spirits, because there was no weapon accessible able to harm them. Now I'm in month 14, have set up a couple of bases - for the lack of anything else to do with the sponsor money - and just had the first landed UFO. ...
Spirits can also be hurt by explosives. If you went with the US, normal, OICW M2 AR, and M202 grenades should have all killed it with a direct hit. Damage-type grenades for MILKOR MGL do kinetic damage instead of explosive but that's a bug, I figure.
Yeah, this mod expects you to capture at least some of the enemies for interrogation to make progress, that's why you've found your first UFO so relatively late. Enemy bodies are also useful but I think explosives have a high chance of destroying them. To capture them more reliably you can also use melee.
Melee-range dodging is the same as in Files/Piratez and etc. The idea is that the enemy has a reach to try to interrupt your agent's attacks by grabbing his arms, pushing the gun away or something similar. Your agents can do the same. Give some of your agents sticks and police batons and send them in melee more. It's a melee-heavy mod.
...Damage-type grenades for MILKOR MGL do kinetic damage instead of explosive but that's a bug, I figure...
No, Milkor have frag grenades (like in reality), other grenade throwers have HE shots.
...Tazer appears to be a useless weapon so you're essentially out of options...
What about dart pistol/rifle?
And i think about adding back close-combat shock batons, like.. with melee damage and shock properties.
What about dart pistol/rifle?
dart pistol/rifle do *less* damage (11) than a tazer (15)!
It's why I said previously that even mid-game enemies are somewhat impervious to all ranged capture tech.
dart pistol/rifle do *less* damage (11) than a tazer (15)!
It's why I said previously that even mid-game enemies are somewhat impervious to all ranged capture tech.
But have way better range an damages target energy.
A large UFO landed and the mission seemed brutal. Something like a dozen of warriors with 80(?) shields and some mages with 120(?) shields. So the former take about 8-10 hits from the grenade launcher, the latter even more. Appears to be impossible unless you save/reload to get a very good starting position where they don't kill most of you at turn 1 and from where you can deal with them just one by one. Are you even supposed to be able to deal with them? How?
But have way better range an damages target energy.
I don't know about energy, but while I do love the dart rifle (for the accuracy), the point remains that they're pretty ineffectual against the armoured enemies.
A large UFO landed and the mission seemed brutal. Something like a dozen of warriors with 80(?) shields and some mages with 120(?) shields. So the former take about 8-10 hits from the grenade launcher, the latter even more. Appears to be impossible unless you save/reload to get a very good starting position where they don't kill most of you at turn 1 and from where you can deal with them just one by one. Are you even supposed to be able to deal with them? How?
Yeah, I know that feeling. :-( Especially as I had a terrible start.
I did it with copious amounts of save-scumming. The mages are fairly easy to kill with conventional weapons (if you survive their attacks). The warriors (legion footmen I guess) are a tedious annoying grind; they're why I simply gave up doing any mission that didn't have something worth capturing. I'd suggest waiting for the balance pass before continuing; I am.
...I'd suggest waiting for the balance pass before continuing; I am.
I'm working on it.
Version 0.99.6 is up.
- added new UFO - the temple ship;
- IMPORTANT: rebalance, no powerful invaders will spawn while x-com posess no magic nech;
- bugfixing, all prefious hotfixes included;
Thanks Nord.
I've taken a look at the changes (via WinMerge), and unfortunately there's nothing in there to address the tedious grind aspects. Per my previous posts, there are simply too many geoscape events and too many enemies at those events with far too many hitpoints. But maybe that's just me.
It's a shame, your TWoTs mod was incredible and excellently balanced. I fear I'm going to have forgo continuing this mod. Ah well. Thanks again.
Thanks Nord.
I've taken a look at the changes (via WinMerge), and unfortunately there's nothing in there to address the tedious grind aspects...
Well, there is changes. Dont know how you rank them via WinMerge, but as you wish.
I resumed my earlier play. No legionaires anymore (yet). Some small ships are reasonably difficult, when they include a fire and/or rune mage (alienRaces.rul:STR_FEUDALS suggests about 1/10 odds for small UFO being full of mages and wizards, in most cases these are straightforward). You need reasonable RNG and/or save scumming to avoid heavy casualties. Also, just a moment ago (October 2021), a large ship landed on a terror mission. First look outside shows a rune mage and a baron facing the osprey entrance. If I understand correctly, these have started spawning after you get the !X-contract! (why this spelling, by the way?) ie. STR_INTERNATIONALIZATION. At least with that spawn location the mission appears to be impossible, so I might need to skip that (or save scum it)
I kind of agree with xcommie that there are quite a few of "boring" events, which are usually relatively easy but might take some time (graveyards, rifts, other animal encounters, a mad psion). I suppose it could be argued that it's good to have some kind of missions. But these won't really give you much money or points, so I suppose the main point is getting training for the soldiers. I guess there are less than five a month, so not a huge problem.
It is also interesting how the economy of XCHR differs from the main games. At least until now you are almost completely dependent on council funding, you don't get much from missions - except when you can sell ships' rune glyphs. This means that the game needs to run for multiple years (waiting for more money from the council to be able to expand). Likewise, at least so far manufacturing has been useless; there is not much to produce with your engineers, so to date I have only kept 1 engineer. I suppose this results in a "grindier" game based more on waiting for the time to pass by.
Do you suggest to increase funding? Or maybe increase prices of invader stuff?
Can I ask why the x-series weapons are so heavy? The rifle clip weighs as much as a normal rifle, and the x-sniper is actually heavier than the Heavy Cannon.
EDIT: the rifle is heavier than the rocket launcher??
Can I ask why the x-series weapons are so heavy? The rifle clip weighs as much as a normal rifle, and the x-sniper is actually heavier than the Heavy Cannon.
EDIT: the rifle is heavier than the rocket launcher??
They are meant to be used not by normal humans, but by psions.
Do you suggest to increase funding? Or maybe increase prices of invader stuff?
I'd suggest increasing sell prices of invader stuff, at least. Also, I'd suggest making various special events (beast terror missions, graveyards, rifts, etc.) yield something you can sell for some money (currently the corpses aren't worth much at all), for example shai-huluds could be disassembled to produce expensive teeth or something. At the moment, these missions are money-wise worthless, yet take some time to complete (especially if you have village mazes, tough enemies, etc.; FWIW I also got glass spider once in antarctic and the mission was unsolvable: one of them was camouflaging on an inaccessible ice island, and I had to use debug mode to get rid of it)
I'm currently in January 2022 and total council funding is at 19M (I have the whole globe covered with 6 bases). There's still 3-4M surplus every month (with about 150 scientists). Yet I'm still only 19 % through the research tree. To make the game progression faster and reduce the grinding elements somewhat, I suppose you could also increase the council funding and how fast it grows. There could also be some items engineers could manufacture and you could sell, to make use of engineers and earn money, but I understand completely if you want to avoid that kind of economy (I have felt it's rather stupid myself).
They are meant to be used not by normal humans, but by psions.
Hmm? I wonder if these are phased properly. You are able to get X-contract likely much earlier than getting psions. It seems you get on the path leading to psionic powers through researching fire mage, rune mage, etc. I have postponed researching them to delay legionaires and more difficult enemies appearing.
But for what it's worth, X sniper rifles are at least very usable with humans. Others I haven't used that much (though rifle could be useful with spare clips).
BTW, I think the first alien base (hive) appeared in October 2021 or so. I don't think there's much chance of dealing with it yet, so I have had to leave it be and grow. Also, there have been some other enemies that seem to be non-defeatible for now (for example the UFOs with stalkers and the other beasts, the other ice thingies behind ice rift).
I only just got a psi lab running, but have been using the x-weapons for months. Can't carry much other gear but they can actually burst down shields
I think there still should be some time limits after which the stronger enemies would start coming, otherwise it's awfully nice of them to just wait for X-Com to get strong enough to deal with them. But they should be higher than the ones in the previous version.
Hmm? I wonder if these are phased properly. You are able to get X-contract likely much earlier than getting psions. It seems you get on the path leading to psionic powers through researching fire mage, rune mage, etc. I have postponed researching them to delay legionaires and more difficult enemies appearing.
But for what it's worth, X sniper rifles are at least very usable with humans. Others I haven't used that much (though rifle could be useful with spare clips).
BTW, I think the first alien base (hive) appeared in October 2021 or so. I don't think there's much chance of dealing with it yet, so I have had to leave it be and grow. Also, there have been some other enemies that seem to be non-defeatible for now (for example the UFOs with stalkers and the other beasts, the other ice thingies behind ice rift).
If you have built a psi-lab and have a surplus of weak artifacts, you should start researching wizards and rune mages asap if you want to progress, you are super close to getting soldiers with a higher potential and the ability to use magic. Don't know where the red line for the appearance of the temple factions is, but I figure it's higher than just learning what you can from those two. Don't go deep into the runes tree though, to be safe.
What would more money achieve? Let the player hire more scientists?
This feels like a mistake lol
What would more money achieve? Let the player hire more scientists?
Yes. That would accelerate getting into mid- and end-game. I have already played over two years game time, and am still in early game phase (though I suppose I could have entered mid-game already if I had rushed it). *) It could have gone a bit faster with more research and (to lesser degree) more efficient tech to capture essential and tougher live invaders. But it is of course up to the author how long a campaign he wants to create. In contrast, I loved the pacing of TWoTS, but this mod is obviously intended to run much longer.
*) Other alternatives to accelerate the game could be making the traditional weapons, X-rifles etc. more efficient - to make the missions faster as most enemies would be knocked out with 1-2 hits - and/or reducing the amount of rather useless encounters (animal terror missions, rifts, etc.) that after a couple of instances do not really progress the plot.
This feels like a mistake lol
I reported similar with TWoTS (by the same author). It was intentional that even tanks can be taken out of action temporarily by certain weapons. Of course, the message is confusing - but it is probably engine limitation and cannot be changed. I suppose it's the same here.
Just noticed something strange. If Irungu Tikolo launches a grenade at a Footman, the game freezes just before the impact of the missile (and you can't do anything). If you shoot the footman twice using rifles, he dies all right. Previously in the mission I already killed a footman with a grenade launcher. I wonder if Nord/OXCE dev has ideas what's going on? I'm using the OXCE snap 2022-06-16. I still have debug enabled in options.cfg if it matters.
There are some warnings in the logs about some things to fix in the mod, but I don't suppose they are relevant.
[27-06-2022_14-52-46] [INFO] Creating transparency LUTs for PAL_BATTLESCAPE...
[27-06-2022_14-52-46] [INFO] After load.
[27-06-2022_14-52-46] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_MALE_VIP': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the unit is marked with 'capturable: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[27-06-2022_14-52-46] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_PHOENIX': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[27-06-2022_14-52-46] [INFO] Loading ended.
[27-06-2022_14-52-46] [INFO] Data loaded successfully.
[27-06-2022_14-52-46] [INFO] Loading language...
[27-06-2022_14-52-46] [INFO] Language loaded successfully.
[27-06-2022_14-52-46] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[27-06-2022_14-52-46] [INFO] Using software scaling routine. For best results, try an OpenGL filter.
[27-06-2022_14-52-53] [WARN] Image Resources/TerrainPack/Geoscape/TEXTURE15.png (from lodepng) has incorrect transparent color index 255 (instead of 0).
[27-06-2022_14-52-53] [WARN] Image Resources/TerrainPack/Geoscape/TEXTURE36.png (from lodepng) has incorrect transparent color index 255 (instead of 0).
[27-06-2022_14-52-53] [WARN] Image Resources/TerrainPack/Geoscape/TEXTURE57.png (from lodepng) has incorrect transparent color index 255 (instead of 0).
[27-06-2022_14-52-53] [INFO] MCD BOAT_FURN object 0 has 0 armor
[27-06-2022_14-52-53] [INFO] MCD BOAT_FURN object 17 has 0 armor
Yes. That would accelerate getting into mid- and end-game. I have already played over two years game time, and am still in early game phase (though I suppose I could have entered mid-game already if I had rushed it). *) It could have gone a bit faster with more research and (to lesser degree) more efficient tech to capture essential and tougher live invaders. But it is of course up to the author how long a campaign he wants to create. In contrast, I loved the pacing of TWoTS, but this mod is obviously intended to run much longer.
*) Other alternatives to accelerate the game could be making the traditional weapons, X-rifles etc. more efficient - to make the missions faster as most enemies would be knocked out with 1-2 hits - and/or reducing the amount of rather useless encounters (animal terror missions, rifts, etc.) that after a couple of instances do not really progress the plot.
This mod is similar to something like Xcom Files so it's got tons of research topics that are just fluff or of minor importance. So you don't have to complete many of them to progress the plot or get cool tech.
Making traditional weapons more effective would raise a question why the countries even bothered with the XCom project in this story. Why learn magic or develop better guns when you can just shoot the guy with a sword? Magic shields have elemental weaknesses so some weapons are better suited to wear them down or can straight up ignore them. As for mission types, I like rifts, there are higher numbers of enemies but also good rewards if the mission is complete and they give only a small reputation hit so you can ignore them if you don't want to play them.
Animal hunts are more demanding but shorter and also can be ignored.
Cemeteries are short and rare.
Spirit hunts and mad psions are almost like free exp and rep, they are super short. Very rare.
I think one aspect that could be improved would be the maps. I am not a fan of that railway station with a long 2-3 story building across it, for example.
...otherwise it's awfully nice of them to just wait for X-Com to get strong enough to deal with them. ...
There is one minor trick... aliens will not wait. They will spawn more and more hives with no excuses. He he he.
I think one aspect that could be improved would be the maps. I am not a fan of that railway station with a long 2-3 story building across it, for example.
Totally agree. Do you have more maps to include?
Do you have more maps to include?
I'd take a look at some of those towns with sand and metal fences everywhere, especially the one with a multi-story construction with fences instead of walls in the south-east part of the map and black colored trash dumps around the middle of map.
Monster hunts/rifts: those abandoned zones with red brick buildings might have a bit too many places for monsters to hide while your soldiers sweep the town, especially the one with big buildings on the north-west side of the map.
One mission against spies was a big nice-looking city street with multiple big buildings but all enemies ended up hiding in the one in the northwest corner of the map behind my transport. I didn't end up needing to check all other buildings and I found the enemies pretty quick, but the only way to get to them without trying to make holes in the walls was a door facing the end of the map with two one-tile-wide paths leading to it, one much longer than the other.
Those cool-looking jungle temples might be a bit too large for rift clearing with too many small ruins and impassable vegetation. Also, I was on the first one long enough to activate the enemy search mode because I couldn't see that the big pyramid has tiny doorways to its basement and the last giant was stuck there.
It keeps giving me an error when I try to load the mod
"ERROR: failed to load 'X-Chronicles' ; mod disabled
this mod name is already used"
It keeps giving me an error when I try to load the mod
"ERROR: failed to load 'X-Chronicles' ; mod disabled
this mod name is already used"
Maybe you put both archive and unpacked mod in "mod" folder?
Infinite loop? 0.99.5
0) Load attached save
1) Select batbayar
2) Rotate to point to the legion manipul
3) Take a snap shot
Game freezes just before the projectile hits (but doesn't crash-crash with the crash dialog).
Endless loop during detonation caused by MCDs having zero armor property.
In this case probably BOAT_FURN objects 0 and 17.
But there's a lot more invalid MCDs:
[23-07-2022_10-57-47] [ERROR] Error in terrain: XBASE dataset: XCOMBITS object 48 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[23-07-2022_10-57-47] [ERROR] Error in terrain: RICE_FARM dataset: IDT_FARM object 41 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[23-07-2022_10-57-47] [INFO] Zero movement cost on floor object: walk:0 terrain:RICE_FARM dataset:IDT_FARM index:41. Found using OXCE test cases.
[23-07-2022_10-57-47] [INFO] Zero movement cost on floor object: fly:0 terrain:RICE_FARM dataset:IDT_FARM index:41. Found using OXCE test cases.
[23-07-2022_10-57-47] [INFO] Zero movement cost on floor object: slide:0 terrain:RICE_FARM dataset:IDT_FARM index:41. Found using OXCE test cases.
[23-07-2022_10-57-47] [ERROR] Error in terrain: RICE_FARM dataset: IDT_FARM object 51 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[23-07-2022_10-57-47] [ERROR] Error in terrain: RICE_FARM dataset: IDT_FARM object 52 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[23-07-2022_10-57-47] [ERROR] Error in terrain: RICE_FARM dataset: IDT_FARM-WATER object 21 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[23-07-2022_10-57-47] [ERROR] Error in terrain: IDT_SNOWFOREST dataset: IDT_SNOWFOREST object 83 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[23-07-2022_10-57-47] [ERROR] Error in terrain: IDT_SNOWFOREST dataset: IDT_SNOWFOREST object 84 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[23-07-2022_10-57-47] [ERROR] Error in terrain: IDT_SNOWFOREST dataset: IDT_SNOWFOREST object 85 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[23-07-2022_10-57-47] [ERROR] Error in terrain: IDT_SNOWFOREST dataset: IDT_SNOWFOREST object 86 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[23-07-2022_10-57-47] [ERROR] Error in terrain: IDT_SNOWFOREST dataset: IDT_SNOWFOREST object 87 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[23-07-2022_10-57-47] [ERROR] Error in terrain: IDT_SNOWFOREST dataset: IDT_SNOWFOREST object 88 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[23-07-2022_10-57-47] [ERROR] Error in terrain: IDT_SNOWFOREST dataset: IDT_SNOWFOREST object 89 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[23-07-2022_10-57-47] [ERROR] Error in terrain: DUSKURBAN dataset: DAWNDECOR object 69 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[23-07-2022_10-57-47] [ERROR] Error in terrain: DUSKURBAN_2 dataset: DAWNDECOR object 69 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[23-07-2022_10-57-47] [ERROR] Error in terrain: DUSKURBAN_3 dataset: DAWNDECOR object 69 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[23-07-2022_10-57-47] [ERROR] Error in terrain: DUSKURBAN_UNDVSTEMPL dataset: DAWNDECOR object 69 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[23-07-2022_10-57-47] [ERROR] Error in terrain: DAWNURBAN dataset: DAWNDECOR object 69 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[23-07-2022_10-57-47] [ERROR] Error in terrain: DAWNURBAN_2 dataset: DAWNDECOR object 69 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[23-07-2022_10-57-47] [ERROR] Error in terrain: DAWNURBAN_3 dataset: DAWNDECOR object 69 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[23-07-2022_10-57-47] [ERROR] Error in terrain: DAWNURBAN_UNDVSTEMPL dataset: DAWNDECOR object 69 has armor: 0. Found using OXCE test cases.
[23-07-2022_10-57-47] [FATAL] FileRecord::at(TERRAIN/BEACH.MCD): requested file not found.
That's also not a complete list, as you can see the test crashed because of missing resources.
And here's the missing resources:
[23-07-2022_11-03-03] [INFO] ----------------------------------------------2. check for existence of mapblock MAP and RMP files
[23-07-2022_11-03-03] [INFO] MAPS/ISLANDURBAN00.MAP not found
[23-07-2022_11-03-03] [INFO] MAPS/ISLANDURBAN01.MAP not found
[23-07-2022_11-03-03] [INFO] MAPS/ISLANDURBAN02.MAP not found
[23-07-2022_11-03-03] [INFO] MAPS/ISLANDURBAN03.MAP not found
[23-07-2022_11-03-03] [INFO] MAPS/ISLANDURBAN04.MAP not found
[23-07-2022_11-03-03] [INFO] MAPS/ISLANDURBAN05.MAP not found
[23-07-2022_11-03-03] [INFO] MAPS/ISLANDURBAN06.MAP not found
[23-07-2022_11-03-03] [INFO] MAPS/ISLANDURBAN07.MAP not found
[23-07-2022_11-03-03] [INFO] MAPS/ISLANDURBAN08.MAP not found
[23-07-2022_11-03-03] [INFO] MAPS/ISLANDURBAN09.MAP not found
[23-07-2022_11-03-03] [INFO] MAPS/ISLANDURBAN10.MAP not found
[23-07-2022_11-03-03] [INFO] MAPS/ISLANDURBAN11.MAP not found
[23-07-2022_11-03-03] [INFO] MAPS/ISLANDURBAN12.MAP not found
[23-07-2022_11-03-03] [INFO] MAPS/ISLANDURBAN13.MAP not found
[23-07-2022_11-03-03] [INFO] MAPS/ISLANDURBAN14.MAP not found
[23-07-2022_11-03-03] [INFO] ROUTES/ISLANDURBAN00.RMP not found
[23-07-2022_11-03-03] [INFO] ROUTES/ISLANDURBAN01.RMP not found
[23-07-2022_11-03-03] [INFO] ROUTES/ISLANDURBAN02.RMP not found
[23-07-2022_11-03-03] [INFO] ROUTES/ISLANDURBAN03.RMP not found
[23-07-2022_11-03-03] [INFO] ROUTES/ISLANDURBAN04.RMP not found
[23-07-2022_11-03-03] [INFO] ROUTES/ISLANDURBAN05.RMP not found
[23-07-2022_11-03-03] [INFO] ROUTES/ISLANDURBAN06.RMP not found
[23-07-2022_11-03-03] [INFO] ROUTES/ISLANDURBAN07.RMP not found
[23-07-2022_11-03-03] [INFO] ROUTES/ISLANDURBAN08.RMP not found
[23-07-2022_11-03-03] [INFO] ROUTES/ISLANDURBAN09.RMP not found
[23-07-2022_11-03-03] [INFO] ROUTES/ISLANDURBAN10.RMP not found
[23-07-2022_11-03-03] [INFO] ROUTES/ISLANDURBAN11.RMP not found
[23-07-2022_11-03-03] [INFO] ROUTES/ISLANDURBAN12.RMP not found
[23-07-2022_11-03-03] [INFO] ROUTES/ISLANDURBAN13.RMP not found
[23-07-2022_11-03-03] [INFO] ROUTES/ISLANDURBAN14.RMP not found
[23-07-2022_11-03-03] [INFO] ----------------------------------------------3. check for existence of mapdataset MCD, PCK and TAB files
[23-07-2022_11-03-03] [INFO] TERRAIN/BEACH.MCD not found
[23-07-2022_11-03-03] [INFO] TERRAIN/BEACH.PCK not found
[23-07-2022_11-03-03] [INFO] TERRAIN/BEACH.TAB not found
Here's a more complete list of MCDs that need fixing:
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] ----------
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] SUMMARY
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] ----------
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] AV2: 72, 73
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] BOAT_FURN: 0, 17
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] CHAIRS: 17, 18
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] CONTAINERS: 10, 26, 27
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] COPTER: 29, 53
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] CRAFTBITS: 0
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] DAWNDECOR: 69
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] GRAVES: 12, 13, 14
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] IDT_FARM: 41, 51, 52
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] IDT_FARM-WATER: 21
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] IDT_SNOWFOREST: 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] LANTERNS: 17, 18
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] LAVABITS: 7, 8, 9
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] MAGIC: 11, 12, 13
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] MAGIC_TOOLS: 4, 5, 6, 7
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] MEDIEVAL: 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] NEST_ENTRANCE: 0
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] NEST_PODS_1: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] NEST_PODS_2: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] NEST_PODS_3: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] NEST_PODS_4: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] NEST_PODS_5: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] PORTAL1: 0
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] PORTALBITS: 0
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] QUEEN1: 9
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] SAVANNABEACH: 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] SHIP_DECK_1: 32, 33
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] SHIP_DECK_1_B: 32, 33
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] SHIP_DECK_2: 32, 33
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] SHIP_DECK_2_B: 32, 33
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] SHIP_DECK_3: 32, 33
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] SHIP_DECK_3_B: 32, 33
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] SHIP_DECK_TEMPLE: 32, 33, 47
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] SHIP_HULL: 30
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] SHIP_HULL_B: 30
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] TABLES: 32, 33
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] UFO1: 15
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] WALL_DECO: 28, 29, 30, 31
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] WARCAMP_CONSTR: 20, 21
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] WARCAMP_FURN: 2
[23-07-2022_11-21-37] [INFO] XCOMBITS: 48
And more details can be found in the attached openxcom.log file.
Endless loop during detonation caused by MCDs having zero armor property.
In this case probably BOAT_FURN objects 0 and 17.
But there's a lot more invalid MCDs:
Seems very likely this is also the cause for the similar bug reported by me last month (the enemy being shot at was standing on the deck of the ship having zero armor properties):
Just noticed something strange. If Irungu Tikolo launches a grenade at a Footman, the game freezes just before the impact of the missile (and you can't do anything). If you shoot the footman twice using rifles, he dies all right. Previously in the mission I already killed a footman with a grenade launcher. I wonder if Nord/OXCE dev has ideas what's going on? I'm using the OXCE snap 2022-06-16. I still have debug enabled in options.cfg if it matters.
That's a lot of bugs. Will do what i can to fix.
Upd.: Most of them are reserved spaces, but some glitches found. Thanks, Meridian.
Good news for anyone who would like the mod to have a better English translation. I have been helping Nord with the translation (ver. 0.99.4 got a bunch of my corrections for the earlygame content) and I have finally finished making A TON of improvements to it. Don't know when a new version of the mod comes out so I decided to just post my work here in the meantime. Criticism (preferably any missed mistakes and unnaturally sounding sentences or words) is welcome but no need to bother with midgame (training mages and learning magic) and beyond yet, since I am still working on that.
Installation: download the attached en-US.yml file, put it into the Language directory of the XCHR mod and replace the old file with it. Enjoy.
List of changes: 1) pretty much all of the earlygame and early-midgame content translation should now be correct and all grammar fixed, the content beyond that point have also received some love but there's still much to be done.
2) fixed a minor bug with the Ufopedia descriptions for short and poison short swords.
Good day everyone! Here is a long overdue feedback on mod. I mostly played on 99.2, and a bit on 99.6 (continued same playthrough), so some things may be already changed.
First of all thank you, Nord, for making such beautiful mod in a intresting setting! There can not be enough quality mods!
I don't care much about graphics. They are good and functional IMHO. Only issue I ever had is that in craft interception window cannons on some craft (don't remember which exactly) could be made better visible, easy to confuse it with unarmed barge.
Most of the feedback will be about balance. Sorry if it is all over the place.
Tactical part
- Soldier stat caps are probably the first thing that player sees. And are they low, especially HP! Yeah, this is probably realistic, but requires getting used to. Armour becomes MUCH more important.
- And you don't really have defence against most wands until well in game (I am not there yet). Speaking of which I don't believe I could play this mod on hardcore. Even if I was patient, used smoke cover(which is also an attack) extensively, still there is too much left to chance, and mages have too high reaction and too good shields IMHO. If there are fire mages against exit of the craft, expect to be brutally murdered by reaction fire fire. One somewhat reliable strategy against arcing wands is to hide under the craft. It can not be intended, right? Right?
- Low stat caps don't cripple starting weapons too much, you still get decent accuracy (and it is easier to reach top stats). One exception is Saiga that can reliably miss from 3 tiles (and I am used to perfect close-range precision of shotguns from other mods).
- But melee is near impossible with limited accuracy coupled with dodge mechanic and LOW TUs!!! TUs are IMO more important to melee-oriented characters than melee accuracy. And enemies have much hugher TUs. Only melee weapons with decent accuracy are enchantred spears, BUT they 1) break, 2) don't pierce shields unlike slashing weapons. Second best is composite spear, but hit chances are rather low.
- X weapons. Is this indended that STR influences accuracy more than ACC for all weapons, from pistol to sniper rifle? Keep in mind that they are available well before soldier enchancement, but it is very hard to get decent accuracy from them. I use just one, shotgun. This thing is an absolute shield-breaker and orc/minotaur killer. Pistol and rifle I tried and rejected. The rest I saw in paedia and did not try (I expect perfect accuracy from sniper rifle with its rate of fire).
- Bow fire arrows ignoring shields while tazers do not. Where is concistency? Intuitively neither should ignore shields. Is it posible to add fire damage via scripts only if shield is down?
- Smoke choking friend and foe. While maybe realistic to a degree, it can be used to cheese game in unfun ways. Smoke even affects shelds! On 99.2 where there was a mage camping on lowest deck of a ship, without stairs, killing him was a nightmare. I used grenade launcher to make hole in floor, and then immediatily recieve reaction fire, plenty of it (since guy had full TUs with nowhere to move). Downed him by throwing a smoke grenade through a hole and waiting for many, many turns.
- Shields are generally a pain, they just take so many time to breach with conventional weapons (speaking of legion especially). If there are a number of legionaries around craft, and you can't bring them down fast enough, there basicaly only one option - to retreat. Probably introduce some kind of bullets or grenades or something that would be better against shields, but no effect on enemies (a response using Earth tech, though weaker than magic options)?
- SU-57 widely available in 2021. This makes the mod a fantasy one, not portals or fireballs ;-)
- GM-94 using single grenades along with batches of 3. This does not work very well1 1) you can't load 3 single grenades in a row to get 3 total, 2) you don't have reason to load single grenades, because it is not faster than loading 3. 3) GK-94 autoequip tends to take grenades intended to Grozas. I suggest dropping support of single grenades.
Strategic part
- Item costs are generally lower than in other mods, even craft ammunition. This feels good as you don't feel limited. Earth weapons are intended to be bad compared to magic anyway, right?
- Most of income comes from score and capturing live enemies (and later from flight glyphs). This gives reason to completing missions and capturing enemies, which is good.
- Research pace is generally unchanged from vanilla and here is a problem, because researchers cost the same and are the largest part of player's expenses. You eagerly expect end of every month to build another lab (or couple, if you did good) and hire scientists. Techs which don't lead to practical results are a pain. Like researching a giant rat or something. Result is like "Just a giant rat", but research costs suggest you probably did a full genome decryption.
- While you wait that much time, there is nothing new to do. All missions have been replayed over and over. You keep downing small crafts to keep money flowing, but this is done with same weapons, against same enemies, again and again. You get at max a couple new toys a month (and X toys are too heavy to enjoy right now).
- All good things are bottlenecked by strong artifact. I looked in paedia browser where I can find it, and it looked like some very hard encounters. I never captured a commander, and never once saw a nest. And have problems with legionarries even. Maybe there could be an event or somethin to spawn the thing if you don't find it in some reasonable time? Continuing the story, it is november 2021, I got 120 scientists and decided to stop wasting time on giant rats and research the artifact after all. After paedia disappointment, I looked in mod files, in hope of event which I suggested above, and found that artifact could also be found in high-level bases.
- Okay, let's find a base. There are some countries with high alien activity, and I saw ships landing in specific places. Let's scan. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. WTF? I opened a save and confirmed there are 3 bases, at least one of them high level. And it is in the same country I am searching. What's wrong? Copy-pasted its coordinates to craft (with some perecision loss), but still could not find. WTF?
- All craft have base detection range 10 km???!!! This is next to nothing. Base radars also don't detect enemy bases. Is this intended? I suppose it could be, bases need to level up undetected, otherwize you won't get the artifact, right?
- Tactical mission was a major pain in the butt, I never savescummed this much. In the end I did not manage to clear the fort, but was lucky that one mage carrying artefact died near my craft, so I loaded uncosious soldiers and retreated. To be researched and continued... Sometime, maybe.
P.S. One tiny thing, if I may. Regarding weapon accuracy. Some examples as composite spear that has 105% * 1.1 * MELEE accuracy. What is the point of 1.1 multiplier? One thing I like in Piratez is that what I see is what I get. Displayed accuracy is chance to hit when all attributes are 100. Even if there are complex calculations. Same applies to X weapons, where 1.5*STR-0.006*STR^2 + 0.2*ACC results in 90 when both STR and ACC are 100. It would be easier to compare weapons Piratez way, and because of that, easier to balance.
Thanks for feedback.
Half of issues, described in it, was fixed (i hope so) on the way to the current version.
Important things i must look at is:
Smoke damage - too harsh for lower hp levels,
Melee accuracy - need to balance somehow...
Research cost. Yep, maybe.
Thanks again, i have things to think about.
- All good things are bottlenecked by strong artifact. I looked in paedia browser where I can find it, and it looked like some very hard encounters. I never captured a commander, and never once saw a nest. And have problems with legionarries even. Maybe there could be an event or somethin to spawn the thing if you don't find it in some reasonable time? Continuing the story, it is november 2021, I got 120 scientists and decided to stop wasting time on giant rats and research the artifact after all. After paedia disappointment, I looked in mod files, in hope of event which I suggested above, and found that artifact could also be found in high-level bases.
It's a possible reward for a rift mission.
Version 0.99.7 is up.
- Added new primitive race: serpenters;
- Added new undead transform;
- Added new plane: Vulture;
- Added stun batons (i know you wanted it);
- Added many missing ufopedia articles;
- Added new events;
- Improved many ufopedia articles;
- multiple bugfixing and balancing (including less damage from smoke and better melee accuracy);
Version 0.99.8 is up.
- Fixed critical bug with interception sprites;
- Fixed bug with Aliens on flying ships instead of Adventurers;
- Added new units: earth golem, solaris, triffid;
- Added new spell - poison cloud;
- Added new facility - Artifical Sun;
- Fixed Legion cowardness by adding new unit - Legion Saggitarius. Now footmen will rush into melee properly;
- Now player can manufacture lesser wands without scriptor;
- Increased efficiency of stone shield and darkness shield against bullets;
- some new research topics;
- as allways, bugfixing and balancing.
I had this event pop up in the first few months of a campaign, well before I'd discovered any magic. Probably needs to be a check so this only happens after you actually have healers.
Ok, will check.
Also, i can not upload new version now, so:
If someone capturing legionaires, you need to add string
liveAlien: ""
in the file
I like this mod so far but what I miss are some extra ufopedia explanations at the start of game regarding what is going on, why is X-com even formed (as while goblins, orcs, serpenters might be dangerous for local police, they don´t seem too threatening to any competently led modern army unit). I would also like if there were more bafflement of scientists researching magical topics and them trying for a time to explaing everything as some weird advanced technology and then giving up and accepting that magic exists.
What I would also like to see is something similar to what you had already made in The World of (Terrifying) Silence - improvised X-com weapons using alient tech - what I mean is something similar to zrbite torpedo or ammunition for heavy weapons, in this case it would be I don´t know, maybe heavy sniper ammo and ammo for heavy cannon using parts of magic crystals (or any other rare substance which would force you to use such ammom sparingly and only on heaviest of enemies) to cause devastating effect on shielded targets.
...What I would also like to see is something similar to what you had already made in The World of (Terrifying) Silence - improvised X-com weapons using alient tech...
There is something like this in midgame.
Version 0.99.9 is up.
- added ability to damage armor for many creatures;
- added missing ufopedia articles;
- fixed HWP reload (no more reload for tanks during mission);
- fixed many shock weapons to ignore stun immunity;
- fixed pilot bonuses;
- fixed sentinel transformation;
- fixed plane glyphs manufacturing;
- fixed high blessings requirements;
- nerfed Lumen resistances;
- fixed spawned units, now they have no TU right after spawn;
- multiple minor fixes of research tree and ufopedia;
- minor balancing;
- added new race - dwarves (not finished yet, but allready can be encountered);
- added new items - magic gloves;
Great work so far. Do you plan do add missing descriptions for knights and knight captains in next version? And regarding humanoid invaders (including elves and dwarves) - are there plans for player to be able to recruit them later in game? Another thing I would like to see in mod is extra hint article regarding stats of operators - player should know right from start that stats limits mentioned in article about x com operatives are final and only way to increase them is via various transformations and maybe you could add some extra transformation between Basic operators and psions - maybe state you are cooperating with should allow you to inject your agents with some kind of supersoldier serum (which should raise stat limit for your soldier by 5)
Another thing I noted today that after constructing farsight chamber and detecting UFO text says : Hyperwave transmissions are decoded. Maybe replace it with something else, I don´t know, our farseer has detected an object or something like that...
Great work so far. Do you plan do add missing descriptions for knights and knight captains in next version? ...
Now, when i know about it, sure.
... are there plans for player to be able to recruit them later in game?
Not recruit, but peaceful interactions are planned.
...Hyperwave transmissions are decoded. ...
Thanks, will fix.
@Nord : About those hybrid weapons present in mid game - do you mean pulse weapons ? As I managed to get them by the time I already had effective melee weapons and enough capable mages and they were not very usefull. Also why do I need to capture hybrid weapons from enemy agents before being able to develop my own pulse weapons ? Why cant my scientists develop their own pulse wepons (of course after knowing enough about mana and having scriptor probably) without need to capture hybrid weapons ?
And if I may ask, is there a reason why Avenger (The Ultimate Craft) is the slowest of all hybrid ships ?
Another thing are there plans for extra X-com drones after getting basic set (with machinegun, rocket launcher) ? Even if magic wood can not be used to make a better armored drone, maybe you could equip drone with at least some mana enhanced missles or pulse machine gun.....
Edit: Alson noticed that some creature currently known to me as STR_DARK_LADY is missing description in research screen.
Noticed strange thing while playing - i encountered white werewolf in combat but in after action report despite paralyzing one, game still reports to me that I acquired only white werewolf corpse. And while I clicked on one during combat by middle mouse button, despite being alive game reported me that I´m looking on white werewolf corpse.
Edit: Noticed that vulture ship has 4 available weapon slots (with being unable to mount anything on fourth slot) on equip craft screen despite description speaking only about 3.
Noticed during air combat that vulture ship is missing model and instead there is only shield glyph displayed.
Edit2: And if I may ask - what is higher education that is required for many highly advanced research topics ? (is it Psi Institute, if yes that why rather not call prequisite to many advanced technologies Psi Institute rather than higher education)
Is it intentional that revenants can not wear armor of any kind ?
In tech tree viewer I noticed topic lacking proper name - STR_INVADER_REPORT_PALADIN.
Also noticed in tech tree viewer that large rockets and incendiary rockets tech is present in game, but I´m unable to research them - do you plan to add them later or are they something to be deleted ?
It seems that I can not unlock research topic Invader ruler interrogated despite having interrogated Archmage as well as Thunder prelate (could it be connected to item required : Invader ruler interrogated ?). Edit: Temporary (not sure if it will not cause another problems) fix seems to be just removing line needItem: true from STR_INVADER_LEADER_INTERROGATION in research.rul.
In en-US.yml I noticed small typo:
I find it bit strange that all advanced ships, such as Avenger, Owl, Vulture does not require anything to built aside from mana crystals. Not even runewood or flightglyphs (and in case of Vulture not even trapped dark spirit) are required.
I find it bit strange that all advanced ships, such as Avenger, Owl, Vulture does not require anything to built aside from mana crystals. Not even runewood or flightglyphs (and in case of Vulture not even trapped dark spirit) are required.
I've added mana capacitor to the requirements in next update. Good idea about dark spirit.
It seems that I can not unlock research topic Invader ruler interrogated despite having interrogated Archmage as well as Thunder prelate (could it be connected to item required : Invader ruler interrogated ?). Edit: Temporary (not sure if it will not cause another problems) fix seems to be just removing line needItem: true from STR_INVADER_LEADER_INTERROGATION in research.rul.
In en-US.yml I noticed small typo:
Hello there, pretty good mod, I really enjoyed it so far, in particular in the early-ish game when you're using explosives and grenade launchers to defeat goblins and pirates.
Just have a few questions. First, how long does it take a nest to get to level 3? I've been waiting to get a tentacular so I can finally progress with the main story. Also are there any issues with the temple of light ships? I haven't seen any so far, so I had to use Necromancy instead.
And last, any plans to include golemancy? Could be fun to use them as replacements for drones later on.
Hello there, pretty good mod I really enjoyed it so far, in particular in the early-ish game when you're using explosives and grenade launchers to defeat goblins and pirates.
Just have a few questions. First, how long does it take a nest to get to level 3? I've been waiting to get a tentacular so I can finally progress with the main story. Also are there any issues with the temple of light ships? I haven't seen any so far, so I had to use Necromancy instead.
And last, any plans to include golemancy? Could be fun to use them as replacements for drones later on.
Time of nest growing is randomised to 2-3 monts for each stage.
Yes, looks like temple of light have some issues, but i ca not understand it now.
Yes, golems are planned.
Version 0.99.10 is up.
- dwarves arc is finished (or maybe 99%). New units, new mission, new research tier.
- 3 new X-com units: golems (for summon and for manufacturing);
- new Ufopedia articles;
- new Amazonian level;
- new enemies for Amazonian hell (final bosses);
- new intro;
- multiple new events;
- hazmat wooden vest added;
- new Needle ship graphics;
- X-Com undead energy, wounds and armor fixed;
- empty retaliation fixed;
- many ufopedia articles fixed;
- invader lord interrogation fixed;
- temple of light mission spawn fixed;
- manufacturing fixed;
- minor bugfixing;
Upd.: sorry, small but nasty bug has been forgotten. Download will be available tomorrow.
Upd.2: Download available.
I’m trying this mod for the first time (i play XFiles a lot, loved it, and also some 40K and PirateZ but didn’t like them).
Can you give some general hints on how to start and want to expect, so i may avoid many hours of restarts ?
I go with one base in France, and then i select Russia, as i guess they will be more blunt and brutal and dwarfy ?
Then there is a mission with 5 one-eyed wolves and they destroy me.
Back to the base after i reload and retry several times, but even many bullets seem to not kill anything, so, escape.
I wait until the Russia let me buy some items like armors and guns.
So, am i suppose to "wait" at first, to get some better stuff, or should i go and try and die more ?
Thanks, this mod seems very worthy.
First missions CAN be completed with starting equipment. Expect casualties, though. Recommendations: use various approaches, not only rifles.
playing this mod and its amazing, tks for your work on it.
just something curious happens. I have two terror mission at same city at same time.
Dont know if is a bug or if should happends but here it is.
This is not really bug. Just random thing. And not too many cities in your region. I have in plans to add more cities, but this is low priority task.
At last!
Version 0.99.11 is up.
- Added more craft maps;
- Added new rift encounters: floating rocks, with air elemental enemies and cydonia with ghosts;
- Added new encounter - UFO and sectoids;
- Added new buildings: detention center; rehabilitation center;
- Added peace with Legion;
- Added new random events;
- Added 2 new blesses;
- Fixed psi-crystall production with new specialist - crystallomancer;
- Fixed chosen one abilities;
- Bugfixing.
Next update after two months.
This mod looks interesting, I'll start to play it.
The recoloring of the hair at the Battlescape does not work for the Choosen armor.
It works if the script for the glowing stripes is removed.
I'm not familiar enough with y-scripts, but could that be fixed? Maybe by adding hair recoloring too in the script, or checking the api if that is supposed to happen?
Thanks in advance :P
Apart from that, you made a nice mod! I finished my first campaign two months ago and it was fresh and really fun.
I worked on the English translation and fixed smaller issues/inconsistency/etc with the ruleset.
Can these things be included? What is the best way to do that? Do you have a Github repository maybe?
I worked on the English translation and fixed smaller issues/inconsistency/etc with the ruleset.
Can these things be included? What is the best way to do that? Do you have a Github repository maybe?
Post file here or through discord. I will merge it before the next update.
Post file here or through discord. I will merge it before the next update.
See the attachment.
There were a lot of non-existing bulletSprite=100 entries. I marked them with FIXME and gave them the value 0 when I could not find a proper one.
See the attachment.
There were a lot of non-existing bulletSprite=100 entries. I marked them with FIXME and gave them the value 0 when I could not find a proper one.
Thanks, but i will fix it another way.
Game crashed when I researched Extraterrestial Equipment. The error log says 'Research STR_UFO_MATERIALS not found'
I have it recorded on video and I have the save file, if there's any more info you need.
This is a bug, yes. New version is on the way, will be ready in a week or less.
Version 0.99.12 is up.
- added new spells: degeneration, repair armor;
- added new armor: medic;
- added 2 new events;
- added multiple cities on the globe, thanks to Solarius Scorch;
- Balance: more chances to prevent invader missions by shooting down their ships;
greatly increased mana training speed, mana shield now train mana too;
more retaliations;
more psi-skill drawback from heavy armor;
shield of light now counters curses;
some research tree tweak;
- Fixes: multiple unit sprites fixed;
rifts now opens near your bases more often;
less invader ship stairs burnouts;
fixed some movement costs on the different terrains;
fixed maps of marshall and rifts;
multiple minor fixes;
Great. :)
Also glad to see the rifts fix. I lost one game when I tried to stick to 1 base because no rift spawned in range for 3 months so I'm super glad to see that patch note.
I would love if the low walls could be vaulted or climber over. Both for the player and the enemies. I know someone was working on something like that, though I have no idea if it went anywhere. Looks like it made all walls climbable which is definitely not what I'd want, but it might be on the right track to making selective things climbable (or even the creation of climbing enemies or climbing armor).
Here's a link to a showcase: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVQrEJTwuAg
On the subject of fences, the chainlink fences are impervious to nearly all small, or even heavy weapons fire. Explosives still tear them down, but I've had tanks fire machine guns and every bullet bounces harmlessly off a chainlink fence. I suspect this has to do with the lowered damage and hit point values in the X-Chronicles. I'd much rather it were easier to tear holes in the fences. If possible I wish melee weapons could cut through them as well, so enemies could slash through the fence.
On a whole I'm loving the concept and enjoying seeing all the cool shit you put into this. I'll no doubt have more feedback when I complete the game.
Every X-COM player knows that completing missions with rookies is very frustrating. Well, how about completing missions with civilians with 40 TU? Search for the last hiding alien was never so frustrating before... Also, if in other mods a trained soldier had no problems breaking walls with his mighty fist, in X-Chronicle he can't break even glass doors, not even with assault rifles.
The idea of this mod is great, but realization not so much. It is too grindy. Missions are similar, too little immediate goals in geoscape. "How long do I have to perform such things?" -- player asks regularly. Who knows? There are lot of research locked behind acquiring something specific and player have no idea where to get them. Which means player can't skip missions, because, maybe it is there...
I like the fact that there is no soldier's ranks. Even in base game soldier ranks does not represent soldier's value, especially if you hired many rookies to guard secondary bases.
I played at most 1/5 of this mod (probably less) before finally decided to debug to the end. O-o-ohhh... This mod is huge and hardcore! Enemies immune to Ctrl+K and Ctrl+J is something new!
No, sorry, I don't think I will return to this mod. Too hard, not rewarding enough.
Thanks for feedback. I'll check glass doors. It is needed, but too time consuming.
As about other things... yes, it is somewhat grindy. But i have the central idea, around which the mod is built. And if i change story too much, this idea suffers. So, only balance tweaks i can do without lose my "core" of the mod.
But, latest changes with mission breaks (by shooting ufos) and using tech tree can decrease grind level.
three questions.
how do I do the battlemage exam? I researched it awhile ago, but while the healer exam shows up in my transformations, battlemage exam is nowhere I can find.
What is the mana operator? I see it mentioned in UFOpedia and was expecting to find it in a research. but I've researched everything available and did not find it. Am I missing something?
I've gained the ability to create spells, but for some reason only fireball and fire claw. How do I get the other level 1 sigils?
three questions.
how do I do the battlemage exam? I researched it awhile ago, but while the healer exam shows up in my transformations, battlemage exam is nowhere I can find.
You need a psilab and a polygon facilities.
Maybe i miss it in ufopedia, will check.
What is the mana operator? I see it mentioned in UFOpedia and was expecting to find it in a research. but I've researched everything available and did not find it. Am I missing something?
Any soldier with mana.
I've gained the ability to create spells, but for some reason only fireball and fire claw. How do I get the other level 1 sigils?
By interrogating Aliens (alien spellcasters).
Few words about story. Mostly related about "Aliens".
Initially I misrecognized aliens as slightly more scary animal races. My bad, ufopedia mentioned the distinction, but I noticed that only later.
Oh, just noticed that there is no article for "Contact: Animals". No wonder I missed the difference.
Interrogations of invaders grants information about them and their society, but nothing about their relationship with animals and aliens. I would expect something like: "Yes, Reapers and Dire rats are our pets, but we also have no idea who are Aliens."
After acquiring strong artifact, scientists learned that artifacts comes from alien organs. Why invaders haven't told about that earlier? Why invaders never speak about aliens?
Invaders' agenda: "... The invaders do not try to conquer new worlds, the reason for which the subjects we questioned describe as 'The arrival of the Master'. ..." Well, that is interesting. Can you tell something more about that "Master"? Apparently no. Subject already expired...
And now the most "funny" part.
The main threat: "... Then, in the deepest nest, what the invaders call the "Advent" will happen. ..." :o So does that means that event the last goblin peasant knew that Aliens will eventually destroy Earth and nobody told us earlier??? Why???
I think game would be much engaging if the main threat would be known earlier and then player would have to consciously gather pieces of solution.
I think game would be much engaging if the main threat would be known earlier and then player would have to consciously gather pieces of solution.
Maybe. You have some ideas?
Thank you, that cleared up a couple things. But the sigil thing continues to be a problem. I've interrogated every spellcaster available. I have the sigils unlocked but cannot craft them.
Easier to show, here:
...I've interrogated every spellcaster available. I have the sigils unlocked but cannot craft them...
No. You have researched spells, from books maybe. To craft their sigil you still must interrogate live alien spellcasters. Look into aliens in the techtree to see what they can provide to you. Like on the screenshot.
I definetly must add more explanations of this into ufopedia...
btw, another playthrough, good. More bugs to be revealed nad fixed.
Maybe. You have some ideas?
I already mentioned 2 important ideas: "aliens = bad" knowledge earlier, what to do next info all the time.
I think after researching "Invaders' spoken language" it should be possible to interrogate for "alien threat". Average marauders know only basic stuff about Earth's inevitable future, but they should know those who know more (and where to find them).
In original game you research alien corpse that gives you alien containment, then you research live soldier that tells you that you need a leader and where to find it. Then this leader tells about commander. Player always know what to do next. In X-Chronicles this is especially important, because finding yourself out of research topics is very likely.
Ah I see, I need to capture more monsters. All right then. Thank you.
I am able to make battemages and mentats but I can't seem to make farseer and biomage specialist. I have several soldiers with more than 35 psi skill. What else is needed? The ufopedia only lists 35 psi skill is needed.
I am able to make battemages and mentats but I can't seem to make farseer and biomage specialist. I have several soldiers with more than 35 psi skill. What else is needed? The ufopedia only lists 35 psi skill is needed.
Biomage requires psi-lab, 15 mana crystals and one healer adept.
Farseer requires psi-lab, 15 mana crystals, crystal orb and mentat adept.
Ah, so I need a healer and a mentat adapt. Got it. Thank you.
I like that you need to train your soldiers as requirement for certain buildings. It's a unique concept for an x-com mod.
Currently enjoying the mid game. I must admit the beginning was a bit of a grind, but it gets a bit better with weapons that have better accuracy (and soldiers with better accuracy).
Still trying to figure out the weaknesses of enemies. Sometimes they go down with a single electric blast, sometimes it takes 4 electric blasts for the the same unit. Some units are immune to certain elemental damage, etc.
So far fire looks the weakest. Electric is good against shields. Ice is also good.
Mana crystals are hard to come by, but I just got the tech to be able to manufacture more.
I like the small numbers with damages and health. And big numbers with the shields. Makes it also more unique.
Research tempo is fine, I'm used to X-pirates where research is also slower and have 'gateway' research that takes very long to complete.
How do I make medical armor? I can make warrior and crusader, but I can't seem to craft the savior/medical armor.
How do I make medical armor? I can make warrior and crusader, but I can't seem to craft the savior/medical armor.
You can not. ;D
It is a bug. Watching your playthrough, allready fixed a ton of bugs.
Dont know, should i release new version with only fixes, or begin to add something new and update later.
Ah. OK then.
I'd like a bug fix patch if you've already got the work done.
Version 0.99.13 is ip.
- added new items: frost staff, auto cannon;
- new unit: legion speculator;
- phantom now gain same skills as summoner (requires nightly OXCE);
- scepters can be manufactured now;
- mana shield available without armor;
- new ufopedia articles and hints;
- stronger flying ships hull;
- nerfed fire staff;
- nerfed telekinesys hp damage;
- cheaper invader equipment research;
- dart gun and rifle now have range power reduction;
- less range for MI-8;
- slower handheld miniguns;
- more shots for tank minigun;
- simple amulets can be researched without psi-lab;
- more nest for harder difficuty;
- more temple retaliations;
- temples of light and death arrive earlier;
- more cores beyond rifts and as reward;
- balanced alloy spears.
- removed some unnecessary techs;
- more ways to get golem techs;
- HUGE ufopedia articles fixing (mostly for EN).
- windwall shield now really immune to smoke;
- no more overflow mana pool from mana shield training;
- collapsed units no more regain shields;
- fixed 40 mm grenades for Groza rifle;
- undead pain immunity properly placed;
- fixed active/inactive obelisks requirements;
- minor terrain fixes;
- minor bugfixes;
Good evening, I would just like to share an error that I encountered. I have attached the screenshot of the error and my current save to this message. Hoping for your swift response. Thank you.
Oh, my bad. Replace your file with this.
Upd.: in fact, take this too.
Thank you.
I'm at November 2023. I think the bottleneck is that I need to meet a dwarf, how do I find one?
Thank you.
I'm at November 2023. I think the bottleneck is that I need to meet a dwarf, how do I find one?
To meet dwarves you need to research all of golems. It can be done via capturing them (hard to do after "earth defense force"), or by interrogating spiritists and other ivaders (which you prefer to kill or ignore).
But bottleneck is not only there. Your last nest mission in the nest must have been special. But it was not. :-[ I have noticed a serious bug. It will be fixed in the next update, but now you can provide your savefile and i will redact it manually.
Here it is. One is fixed, other is fixed and 4 more spiritists in prison.
Dont forget to update to a new version.
Version 0.99.14 is up.
Critical fixes.
- fixed critical bug with old nests;
- fixed critical bug with legion villa;
- fixed events placeholders;
- fixed alien units melee threat;
- balanced psi-college cost;
- balanced handheld shields, now they discharge slowly over time;
- balanced psi-weapons aim, now psi-strength can cause decrease of aim, not psi-skill;
- rebalanced nest growth speed;
To meet dwarves you need to research all of golems. It can be done via capturing them (hard to do after "earth defense force"), or by interrogating spiritists and other ivaders (which you prefer to kill or ignore).
But bottleneck is not only there. Your last nest mission in the nest must have been special. But it was not. :-[ I have noticed a serious bug. It will be fixed in the next update, but now you can provide your savefile and i will redact it manually.
Oh shit, I researched "earth defense force". Never saw a spiritist.
I'll update to the latest version. I see there is a fix with: "more ways to get golem techs"
Thank you
I can't figure out how to make the hero armor.
I can't figure out how to make the hero armor.
You can see items you can manufacture, but havent fulfill requirements in manufacturing window, button in the upper left corner, choose "facility missing" instead of "default".
You can use tech tree to see manufacturing projects (marked with [m]) to see which facility it needs.
For hero armor you need psi college.
Also, chosen one pulse have perfect aim, but somehow it doesnt display correctly.
My game crashes when I try to build a detention centre.
In the attached save at the end of the day the detention centre research is completed, but the game crashes when I build one.
There is a bug with Battle Magisters. Once they reach this level they are unable to hit anything with weapons (staff, rifle, etc)
Also their hit changes become very low. Less than 50% when standing almost next to it. Or 20% when a few tiles away.
But they'll have over 100 points in firing accuracy.
It is not a bug. Read the ufopedia of staves/scepters.
Ah, got it. I'll use their powers to increase their psi skill then.
I have the chosen one with the hero armor.
I also have researched inactive obelisk and golem origins.
I went to an old nest again with the hero but I got the same cut scene again and the hive was destroyed.
Do I need dwarves to continue the story?
Yes. And legion patrician.
Ok, I hope those have a high change to spawn during the month.
Where do I get a rune workbench? Based off lore I assume invader forts but I haven't seen any. Do I need to let invader camps develop?
Where do I get a rune workbench?
Can be found on a ship of stronger Invaders.
My first large ship just spawned and it had one. Thank you.
It seems the recipe for sorting dwarf warrior's stuff is incorrectly bound to the dwarf hunter's corpse.
Thanks, fixing.
Version 0.99.15 is up.
- added new units: lich, golden snake, poison spirit, chain werewolves;
- added new mission: post-apoc ruin rift;
- added new items: new arrows, 8 new artifacts, scrolls, x-shields, bag of holding, improved amulets;
- added 3 new armors for summoners;
- added new spells: fire extinguisher.
- added new facility: gate polygon;
- new mechanic: flying suits without mana become walking;
- new mechanic: regenerative armor.
- buffed late-game enemies;
- minor balancing;
- fixed detention centre building;
- fixed temple vs undead mission;
- fixed manufacturing tree;
- fixed burning through shield;
- minor bugfixes.
Not sure if this was included in bugfixes, but in my 0.99.14 game I encountered a few bugs with stairs. In the first picture soldiers cannot walk up the down right/up left stairs below the selected unit. This also affects other stairs on the map with the same orientation, but the down left/up right stairs work fine. In the second picture there is floor over the stairs down. The unit cannot go downstairs directly, though they do seem to be able to walk through one of the window tiles to fall to the ground floor which I assume is another bug.
Edit: Installed update and went to test stairs. Issue remains, and I encountered a new bug where I have two options to equip psion suit. I don't see any difference in stats, is there any other difference?
Finished it. Was nice seeing a different map for the endgame than the pyramids.
Good mod!
The research for stealth suit seems bugged. I got all 3 different enemies researched but it never unlocked.
Oh, i saw a stairs bug. Forget to fix, sorry. Next time will do.
Research of stealth is suspicious, i admit. Need to think about.
I've found a few bugs with scrolls. First, the main entry for scrolls is not in english. Perhaps related is that the manufacturing options show debug text, though they do still work. What doesn't work is researching scrolls. My base Manufacturing has a shock bolt scroll it should be able to research, but no option appears in the research list.
Also, I have a follow up on the Psion suit issue I mentioned in the edit of my last post. I noticed one of my mentats is not able to see though walls. I believe they were one I equipped with the suit after the issue started. I also noticed that my non-specialized troops only have one option. Could the second option be a generic version of the suit without the specialization-specific abilities?
Edit: Added a battle save showing the suit issue. Inge Skjelbraid Should be able to see the enemy but cannot. She also has a normal punch instead of Paralyzing Palm.
Edit2: The entry for "Orc Soldier" under "Invader Races" causes a crash on viewing. It should already be unlocked in the already attached save.
Oh, thanks for bugreport. Will fix soon.
To research scroll, you need to know proper spell. So if you want fireball scroll - you need to know what fireball is. After that, scroll can be researched without scientists. Just empty research project.
In my earlier post I neglected mention that I did have shock bolt researched. Could you define "empty research project?" Unless I am misunderstanding you, I meet all the requirements but still cannot research the scroll. Here is my latest save, and the scroll is in the base named "Manufacturing."
Found it. Here, replace this file.
That worked. Thank you.
Edit: I have some new bug reports. The numbers of Psi-lab space and laboratory space for the Shrine are mixed up. Also, I can't find a description for the Nova spell. I don't see it listed in the Ufopedia and middle clicking the Nova Sigil in the craft equip screen won't bring up the description. In the included save, I have one on the Avenger at the base HQ.
Thanks, will fix.
I'm having trouble finding some of the endgame items I need to research. I need
to capture a patrician and archmage and find a tower core and (two?) inactive obelisks.
The only hint I have is that someone here mentioned an archmage's castle
which I presume will have two of what I need, but I don't know what triggers that to spawn. I have completed the "Legion" research which is supposed to affect game progression and stormed a level 3 nest and finished the master related researches.
Is there something else I need to do or am I just being unlucky with mission spawns?
archmage tower will spawn randomly after "Invaders' agenda" researched, patrician can be acquired via special mission after "legion" research, inactive obelisks can be found on temple ships or in archmage tower.
Thank you. I haven't seen any of those missions yet, so I maybe I am just unlucky. Though what causes
Temple Ships
to spawn? I've had the several of the temples run cleansing/conversion/etc but they never brought any. Have I been shooting them down too aggressively/not aggressively enough and they ended their flight mission early or are they part of a different flight mission I just haven't seen yet?
..Have I been shooting them down too aggressively..
Dang. I'll try letting the next ones run free then. Thanks again.
Yes, i'm fixing it.
I have encountered another crash. For me it occurs soon after starting the attached save. Taking different actions (launching craft, starting production, etc.) seems to slightly alter the time it occurs, but nothing I have tried has averted the crash.
Version 0.99.16 is up.
- Added new items: chain lightning spell, stigmata rod.
- Added new events;
- Added new transformations: body might, spiritual might;
- Fixed ufopedia pages: ork, arrows, scrolls;
- Fixed Mess mission CTD;
- Minor bugfixing;
- Minor balancing;
Minor bug, I think when a soldier wearing the hazmat version of the wooden armour dies, they don't leave behind a damaged suit of wooden armour for repairing.
I finished the game today. I found the progression of things interesting, going from normal guns to magic guns to pure spells and melee. The diversity of enemies was also fun, and the way different shield types encouraged diversity in weapons. I did find the final part of the final mission to be an anticlimax, since I was able to win it before the enemy got a turn, but I choose to believe I was just too well prepared. A few other things I wanted to mention:
- I never encountered a goblin leader, so I could never complete the goblin research. Where do they spawn?
- Since the dwarves were the last research I needed to unlock the final mission, I did not have time to really use golems. I did bring a silicate on the final mission but it was underwhelming compared to even my biotransformed soldiers.
- Someone mentioned that they could not research 'invisible enemy.' I noticed the same. I included my save file from before the final mission so you can see.
It will probably be a while before I play again, but I'm interested to see what additions you will have made when I do.
Thanks, i ill look at invisibility research.
After intense inner debate I decided to give this mod another chance. Oh, it is so good that I did that! After an intense and seemingly endless early game grind with “civilians” (this time I was morally prepared for it) something entertaining finally began to happen. The true “beginning” of this mod is when you acquire “strong artifact”. Before I share my impressions and everybody falls asleep, I want to report about multiple bugs.
Some articles in ufopedia are missing (texts in translation files are present): Nest study report #6, Stalker, Blood magic and Invader interrogation 2, which is especially disappointing, because this 1 of 2 indicators, that invaders know about aliens (the other is chronomancer legend).
I managed to get “Nest study report” even after killing the queen. After reading “Alien origins” I assumed that you need live queen.
No animation for dying Insectoid. My blood lust demands it!
When Wight dies it produces a stray pixel. Yes, I am very nerdy right now!
Machine guns of tanks eats ammo even if I don't shoot. I know that in X-Piratez there is no such problem, so it should be solvable, I guess.
Something is wrong with the intellect of many units. Often, when there is no trajectory (bows) or too far away (wands), enemy unit just stands still.
Staffs are 2 handed weapons, but red “2” is visible only in inventory screen. Also, it looks like mages don't know about that and often have knives in their second hand. This prevents them from shooting at me. But some mages actually are able to use staffs with one hand!
Ufopedia says that Fire Shields don't protect from smoke, but it does.
Ufopedia says that Dragonsnake has 80 Fire Shield, but in reality it has 180.
Something wrong is with the research of Spitter. When I researched Naked spitter, I got an article about Armored spitter. When I researched Armored spitter, I got an articles about Creeping spitter and Naked spitter. Also the images in Ufopedia (and in battlesacape when middle clicked) of all 3 spitters are the same.
Araja produces footsteps sound while moving. How cute! Actually many units produces footstep sound while clearly shouldn't.
Frost geode does not extinguish flames on the floar. Does it suppose to work only on units?
And finally the most funny bug. Battle cocktail: “... Extremely unhealthy, those who uses it will suffer a -30 penalty to morale.” There is one caveat: you can't use it on yourself. And the one who is loosing morale is the “doctor”. A remorse, I guess...
If someone is still reading this, I want to talk about not necessarily bugs, but strange things.
“Rift Stabilization” article suggests using “the isolating equipment”. I guess article means gas mask, what else could it be? Well, nothing on the other side was toxic. Sometimes it was cold, once there were no air at all, but nothing that gas mask could solve. Also, none of enemies uses gas weapons (except gas balloons), only me! Why gas mask even exists in this mod?
There is no indication whether Flash grenade was effective or not. (X-COM files has.) This is one of the reason why Flash grenade as almost unusable. Do they even works through shields?
Does Farsight chamber works as mana detector? Looks like no, but that should be noted in the article.
Lumen suppose to fly around and light up an area, bet it is subjected to the same “L” rule. So, if you want that Lumen to actually shine, all your soldiers have to shine as well, and that is not what you want at night!
Sometimes you can't see an alien in alien nests at all, despite standing right next to it. I figured out what is the problem. While you are standing on top of pipe-like terrain, your head is inside the ceiling, so you can't see anything (checked with F10). Is that an intended behavior?
Can you please explain the difference between QBL-06 ammo? I can't understand that.
Can you please explain how blocking with shield works?
And now, when nobody is still reading this, I want to talk about an overall experience. No, I haven't finish the game. It is the November 2022. Still waiting for an arrival of an Archmage. (15% per month... I hope I will not have to modify game files to proceeder.) Not seen any Temple ship yet. (Do I have to stop assaulting other landed ships?) But I managed to capture the Tentaculat. Initially failed to research the Savage Magic before goblin raids stopped occurring. It was literally the last thing I got from shaman. Never saw a goblin leader. Will he ever come? Luckily there was one goblin raid recently, so I got that Savage Magic.
As I said earlier, the beginning was very tedious. Not so tedious as previously, because I already knew what was coming. But that also means, that transition between “civilian” soldiers to “supermen” psions was even more satidfying. Normally, if mod is good, I can't wait to play it again. This time I am actually horrified by the necessity to go through the early part of the game. But it could be even worse if there was no “shield left” indications. I actually wish such indications were in other mods with shields too. Normally I rarely use explosive weapons, but here they are very effective, somewhat different experience for me.
In the middle game it was somewhat unpleasant to constantly patrolling the globe with balloon in search for new nests. Sadly this process cannot be automated. Luckily I already build large detectors, so most of the globe is covered.
I often used a possible exploit to train mana. You just stand in smoke while wearing Psion suit. You don't even need to participate in battle. Is this an appreciated tactics?
Runes and most other amulets are so underwhelming! How many damage I must take to confirm that they are actually working as intended? Because if they are not, then I will probably will never notice it. Also their research is very time consuming and leads nowhere. I think runes should be reworked into something tangible.
Next problem is not unique to X-Chronicles, but here it is much more obvious. Most corpses/live animal researches gives nothing except flavor text. You need one corpse to unlock a containment, but what to do with the rest of them? Discard them just because you already saw their articles in the previous champaign? I strongly believe that player should not choose between lore and progression. And I have a solution! For each corpse/live specimen that does not unlock anything, besides what every corpse/live specimens unlocks, there should be 2 research projects: lengthy project (100 scientist-hours) and quick project (10 scientist-hours), that have the “containment” prerequisite. Once you research your first corpse (lengthy project), quick projects for all other “lore” corpses unlocks and all lengthy projects are blocked. Now you don't need to spend tons of research for an essentially useless project. What do you think about this idea?
X-Chronicles is probably the only mod where “mana” is mana and not something else. X-Chronicles finally taught Celatid how to multiply. Ufopedia of the original game mentioned Celatid ability to clone, but Celatids were never able to do so. Until now.
Looks like I have a problem.
For testing purposes I tried to force the generation of the "Temple Mess" and the "Archmage Visit" so that they appear during next month.
I modified "executionOdds" to 100 of "templemess" and "archmagevisit".
"Archmage Visit" did appeared in the "alienMissions" section, but "Temple Mess" not.
I noticed that "templemess" has "conditionals: [-3]". My knowledge of game modding is limited, but, after reading docs, I assumed that mission with label 3 should not be generated in order to generate "templemess". The mission with label 3 is "templeraids", so I modified "executionOdds" of "templeraids" to 0.
Then I restarted the game, loaded save before month ended, waited until new month and checked generated missions: still no "Temple Mess", but STR_TEMPLES_RAID is somehow present despite I set "executionOdds" to 0!
Am I doing something wrong? Have anyone seen "Temple Mess" in the latest version (0.99.16)? I have a suspicion, that something is broken...
I figured out that STR_TEMPLES_RAID on the new month (with 0% chance) was the leftover from the still going mission from the previous month. So I deleted this mission form "previous month" save file. But I still can't see "Temple Mess" in the next month (diespite 100% chance)!
Oh! "Temple Mess" has "STR_RUNE_RULES" research prerequisite, which I can only get after conquering the mage tower! That is why mission didn't spawned.
Looks like everything is working fine. I hope I will have patience to wait for "Archmage Visit" with it's 15% chance per month.
I continued my playthrough, which began on older version of the mod (paused on 99.10 or about that).
What is the expected order to unlock major roadblocks? Mine was strong artifact (from rift) -> psi initiation (from grinding small Legion ships, mediums are above my ability). I have yet to get runes. If wizards are guys that pair with barons, then I only ever saw one a while back. Capturing him proved troublesome, and I just killed him. Don't remember encountering a runemage either.
In recent versions it seems that less ships enemy spawn (less grind, hooray!). Also crew seem more random, I got to see medieval guys a couple times again (without mages though), and somewhat less legion ships.
Now I got my first nest, and it doesn't seem plausble to clear it with terrestrial tech. Will try with my limited stash of wands. But the biggest problem seems to be the high morale hit, there are 4-5 turns before everyone starts panicking. Otherwise I could try grinding. (Yes, there are a couple unresearched amulets, which could possibly help with morale given their names, but still no way to replicate them). What is expected tech level to clear nests?
Looks like you are on the right path. Strong artifact and few mages (rune or general) are required to get really started.
Clearing a nest with only one level is doable with psions armed with autocannons. (You have to search them with balloons before nests grows larger.) Aliens are scary, but not very resistant against explosions. The biggest threat will be Dragonsnakes that are hard to kill even with autocannons.
Cannot use "Blessing of the Sun". A Ritualist is holing it in hand, use costs 0 (instead of 85% TU), clicking that does nothing? Does this thing requires not releases version of OXCE?
Oh! Blessings can be activated using upper right button! Understood, but it would be nice to have that in description somewhere.
Thanks for the mod, it's been on my must play now for months.
My current frustration is that certain missions no longer show up, such as the Archmage castle in the clouds.
When it did show up, it was far too difficult to finish even with save scumming.
Now I get tons of swarm missions (up to Large size, and Old nests that are too hard for me), Legion missions, and just started getting Death Temple ones.
Never got missions for Legion Patrician, and no longer getting missions for Archmage things.
I think my lesson is to never finish the research saying "Affects Game Progression" until I finish all the things from the current phase of the game
A question about a certain "commendation"
I have "After the Limb" on all soldiers except ones recruited in later versions of the mod. Even on soldiers that never saw battle. Looking at translation files, is it supposed to be granted after a certain mission?
If it is a bug, I will remove it by editing savefle. Should help with nest morale problem somewhat )
A question about a certain "commendation"
Looks like a bug. I must check it, thanks.
While playing the mod, I have had no base defense missions. Is that intentional? There are base facilities around that, but never happens. Maybe later in the game?
Only temple factions can do base assaults, so you must annoy them enough by shooting down their ships.
I played more and encounter more bugs:
No ufopedia articles for "Sign of Master" and "Death temple retaliation".
"Armor repair scroll" does not work (but also does not get consumed).
When I shot down the biggest temple ship and ground assaulted it there were no ship! Only light temple warriors randomly standing on the map. And I was hoping to get the "Inactive obelisk"...
Also, ufopedia page about stalkers did appeared. It looks like not every stalker reveals it.
Sadly I don't think I will finish my current campaign. I am morally exhausted for waiting for an unknown. Looks like I need the "Inactive obelisk" in order to progress. As far as I know, it can be found in archmage's castle or on temple ship. I had an "archmage visit" once, but found only "Active Obelisk" (if I recall correctly). I had "temple mess", but not found a ship at all. Both events are rare and who knows when they will appears. Please, reconsider that 15% chance! I think 33% would be fine.
I'm almost stuck in the same trap too Nord.
Saw two archmage visits when my tech was laughably low, and got slaughtered, even with max Save Scumming.
None since.
Since the author suggests in this thread that folks should let certain alien flights go unharmed, to unlock important events, this advice should be codified in some in-game hint as well. Or otherwise suggested when you research certain keystone topics. I have researched all the Legion things except for Legion Patrician, which I am still waiting to see. How do I get to see that? Do I need to leave Invader Forts around for a month untouched?
Similar for Fire Temple missions, and Death missions. Those research trees seem to have reached an impasse.
Thanks, that is an important feedback. I shall fix these bugs ASAP.
Maybe this is bugs. I really should check.
I have researched all the Legion things except for Legion Patrician, which I am still waiting to see. How do I get to see that?
I am not 100% sure, but by reading mod files this should be something like:
Get inactive obelisk from archmage or temple ship.
Use it to unlock mission with more advanced Dwarves.
Capture dwarf VIPs and learn how to open your own rifts. (Also learn how to finally beat the game.)
Open rift to patrician villa and make Legion patrician suffer for all the hassle you had to go through to get here!!! >:(
I guess I should have shot down the Huge temple ship, instead of waiting for it to land
I guess I should have shot down the Huge temple ship, instead of waiting for it to land
As far as I know, they never land. So you have to shoot it down.
Been continuing my playhrough. Will post general observations another time, now some map issues.
1. Floating little trees. Should probably be 1 level lower?
2. No floor behind the door. Seems to be unintended.
3. Stone floor in Archmage tower is flammable?! Was initially ignited by HE autoguns, then fire spread. Can't extinguish with either extinguishers or wands (worked on stairs, but not on floor).
Thanks, i will check.
As far as I know, they never land. So you have to shoot it down.
Good to know.
I spent a full month or so only battling aliens, letting everybody else go through. I managed to get both an Archmage and a Huge temple ship handled - so now getting back onto track. My difficulty now is to get a Shrine, I need to capture a Priestess of Light. But since we are allied, I don't fight them anymore.
I even stunned one in a Magic Battle, but she did not end up in my inventory.
So I can't build a shrine )-;
So I can't build a shrine )-;
You can buy a priestess after legion peace treaty.
Hi Nord,
X-Chronicles uses alien race attribute `retaliationMission`, which will be removed next week in the new oxce release.
Please update to replacement attribute `retaliationMissionWeights`
Ok then, new update will be soon.
I'm getting much closer to the endgame, but still stuck waiting for events.
By now, have gotten two heroes, and one dwarf visit.
Sadly I didn't get all the types of dwarves stunned and captured, so I'm stuck waiting for one more visit.
No more research available until i get the dwarf hunter. How many months do I spend blowing up swarms before I get another visit?
I am leaving one Nest at the oldest stage, just in case I need it for the final endgame. Any suggestions on how to move the plot along better?
My game just had a fire temple retaliation that went straight to my base, then crashed xcom. I have a save file that will reproduce it.
Crash dialog says "Map generator encountered an error: map block XBASE_M_19 is not defined in XBASE.
[11-01-2024_21-11-23] [WARN] No free channels available
[11-01-2024_21-11-24] [WARN] No free channels available
[11-01-2024_21-11-24] [WARN] No free channels available
[11-01-2024_21-21-31] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Map generator encountered an error: map block XBASE_M_19 is not defined in terrain XBASE.
[11-01-2024_21-21-31] [FATAL] 0x5da620 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[11-01-2024_21-21-31] [FATAL] 0x5db490 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[11-01-2024_21-21-31] [FATAL] 0x41c880 exceptionLogger()
[11-01-2024_21-21-31] [FATAL] 0xbf68d0 MPEGaction::MPEGaction()
[11-01-2024_21-21-31] [FATAL] 0xe31680 void std::iter_swap<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > > >(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >)
[11-01-2024_21-21-31] [FATAL] 0xe41f10 std::__detail::_Compiler<std::__cxx11::regex_traits<char> >::_M_expression_term<true, true>(std::pair<bool, char>&, std::__detail::_BracketMatcher<std::__cxx11::regex_traits<char>, true, true>&)::{lambda(char)#1}::operator()(char) const
[11-01-2024_21-21-31] [FATAL] 0x5245c0 OpenXcom::BattlescapeGenerator::generateBaseMap()
[11-01-2024_21-21-31] [FATAL] 0x529a40 OpenXcom::BattlescapeGenerator::generateMap(std::vector<OpenXcom::MapScript*, std::allocator<OpenXcom::MapScript*> > const*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, OpenXcom::RuleStartingCondition const*)
[11-01-2024_21-21-31] [FATAL] 0x52e4e0 OpenXcom::BattlescapeGenerator::run()
[11-01-2024_21-21-31] [FATAL] 0x6f9f00 OpenXcom::GeoscapeState::handleBaseDefense(OpenXcom::Base*, OpenXcom::Ufo*)
[11-01-2024_21-21-31] [FATAL] 0x6fe640 OpenXcom::GeoscapeState::time5Seconds()
[11-01-2024_21-21-31] [FATAL] 0x710cc0 OpenXcom::GeoscapeState::timeAdvance()
[11-01-2024_21-21-31] [FATAL] 0x6be2a0 OpenXcom::Timer::think(OpenXcom::State*, OpenXcom::Surface*)
[11-01-2024_21-21-31] [FATAL] 0x5f2d40 OpenXcom::Game::run()
[11-01-2024_21-21-31] [FATAL] 0x41c950 SDL_main
[11-01-2024_21-21-31] [FATAL] 0xa11c10 console_main
[11-01-2024_21-21-31] [FATAL] 0xa11d30 WinMain
[11-01-2024_21-21-31] [FATAL] ??
[11-01-2024_21-21-31] [FATAL] ??
[11-01-2024_21-21-31] [FATAL] 0x7ffe0a5b2560 BaseThreadInitThunk
[11-01-2024_21-21-31] [FATAL] 0x7ffe0abaaa30 RtlUserThreadStart
Version 0.99.17 is up.
- fixed critical bugs;
- fixed a lot of minor bugs;
- fixed unit resurrections (OXCE 7.10 needed);
- added more map blocks;
- expanded fire prism to be multi-charged;
- removed funding rise from countries without alien activity.
I just downloaded 0.99.17, and saw a message around corrupted save
[17-01-2024_21-19-16] [INFO] Loading ended.
[17-01-2024_21-19-16] [INFO] Data loaded successfully.
[17-01-2024_21-19-16] [INFO] Loading language...
[17-01-2024_21-19-16] [INFO] Language loaded successfully.
[17-01-2024_21-19-16] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[17-01-2024_21-19-16] [INFO] Using software scaling routine. For best results, try an OpenGL filter.
[17-01-2024_21-19-25] [ERROR] Corrupted save: Invalid base for mission.
Since I was on openxcom 7.9.8, I updated to the newest: 7.11.0
I saw the same issue at startup there.
Using v0.99.16 with 7.11.0 allows the save to load, just like with 7.9.8
Attaching save to help diagnose. Thanks
As always, please upgrade versions ON THE GEOSCAPE.
Upd.: forget to remove test objects. version updated, if you want to play - please update.
Hi Nord - I finished the game in 0.99.16 - never got any of the versions to run, always had the same error reported above.
If you would like, I can give a summary of my impressions and suggestions.
Regardless, thanks for the impressive and imaginative mod. It's the first I have finished in the OpenXCom install, first X-Com of the old series I have finished since 1995!
You' re welcome.
Just tried version and get the following error message-see attached.
Just tried version and get the following error message-see attached.
That's a recent change in OXCE.
I will write a separate post about what it is and how to handle it.
We will also change it from an error to a warning (for a limited time) to give modders time to migrate.
continuation of Meridian post:
To allow new version of OXCE handle this dummy rulesets, I added new node `ignore: NAME`. This inform engine that it should skip
this position. Name can be even `~` if you don't need any.
I decided to give this a try.
It feels like many researches are taking way too long. In particular, interrogations of people and autopsies of humanoids and regular monsters (By which I mean such things as giant scorpions, werewolves, etc.) should probably not take hundred or more scientist-days.
Aditionally, it would be useful if Monster Hunt missions told you if the enemies were monsters or aliens prior to entering the mission, so that you could get the proper loadout. Something similar to the distinction between Raider terror and Savage terror.
At present, I have researched Invader Paths, and am waiting for a Rift mission. I do hope that Scavenger Armor (which I am on the path to researching) is a significant upgrade over Wooden Vest, though I guess I would settle for it being equal but cheaper.
Thanks for feedback. I'll think about inerrogation cost.
My thoughts about the game ...
- the budget is so tense , that during first year you can not afford any grow but forced facilities (just shielded lab, prison , ..
Scientist cost fortune ( hiring and salary) - and the lots of projects (autopsies & most invader weapons) take huge effort and no benefit.
- good mission score gain extra bonus that is great
- there is almost nothing to sold for reasonable money in the begin and I was stuck until I got some mysterious devices 6Mil each ..
(may be magic stuff and amulets can be sold for double amount to be much fair)
- I suggest to cut down time of simple weapons or autopsy reports with no further dependencies
- researching some fast aliens could unlock FOAM-GRENADES (reduce TU)
- bows are during low throwing stats hardly used
- sniper and heavy guns helps a lot and are essential
- shields and amulets are awesome
- some maps are too COMPLEX (shopping center) and very often clogged with objects
- CIVILIANS in every mission does not have reason (it is hard to save them and can dramatically cut down the score )
- lack of variety in ranks (Id prefer if there will be a strong boss monster and several weak ones rather than many same)
- pirate ships are great
I am quite unhappy about exponential Celatids.
If you can't get the first Celatid before it triples itself, they will just keep multiplying faster than you can possibly kill them off. At least in early game.
...If you can't get the first Celatid before it triples itself, they will just keep multiplying faster than you can possibly kill them off. At least in early game.
If you meet celatids in early game, RUN. :)
I did run. But now that I have the Light X-Arms, I can wreck them at range. The most dangerous foe I destroyed so far was a blue floaty crystal that had brown shields and shot out lightning and spikes. Had to go melee on that thing with Runed Bone Knives, after I depleted most of the shield with various guns. Still, a guy was vaporized.
My current concern is that my research is too slow. I have 30 scientists working all the time, but I just can't keep up with all the researches popping up and the captures. I also can't afford additional lab and scientists.
A possible bug. I can't field X-Sniper Rifle in near a "landed UFO". It's the one whose landed sprite is a purple elipse. I can use any of my other weapons, but not X-Sniper Rifle.
Edit 2: I have just discovered that the "Hint: Enemy Bases" is false. Enemy bases (Nests) can be detected by patrolling planes in a few hours. A Skyranger over England discovered a Young Nest in Scotland, Adult Nest in Portugal and Old Nest in Finland. Also a Space Rupture in England.
I guess I have to start the game from beginning, now that I know I can scan for hostile bases and destroy them before they become too powerful.
A possible bug. I can't field X-Sniper Rifle in near a "landed UFO". It's the one whose landed sprite is a purple elipse. I can use any of my other weapons, but not X-Sniper Rifle.
Can't reproduce. Maybe savefile/screenshot?
.. Enemy bases (Nests) can be detected by patrolling planes in a few hours. ..
Actually, this is a bug. Will fix it, thanks.
In my opinion the Monster haunting and Swarm-UFO are less attractive than the other ones.
I suggest to add extra reward for mission completion
monster haunt - several damaged artifacts (the monsters were controlled by this - bat lately when artifact broke they become wild)
dead rise - few mana crystals (they powered the undead)
Swarm - UFO - something like seeds of plants (if they land the purpose is to build nest and grow the plants there)
Other ideas
Chitin shield - better for deflecting physical attack (can be broken)
Buglings - add some bigger beetle (like swarm brute ) for later waves .
Can't reproduce. Maybe savefile/screenshot?
Sadly, I did not make a screenshot and overwrote my savefile. From later playing, I now know it was a UFO that pretended to be a Space Rupture. It had the same sprite, similarly chaotic terrain, same enemies, and in Space Rupture, you also can't use X-Sniper Rifle (Which can be checked from custom battle).
But it was detected as landed UFO and disappeared when I fled from the mission.
Actually, this is a bug. Will fix it, thanks.
Well, I'd like to still have some way to detect nests. The hardcoded 20% for exactly one undiscovered base is clearly too low, seeing as the aliens managed to get 3 Nests in just my area without me detecting a single one.
Well, I'd like to still have some way to detect nests. ..
You need more research. :)
You need more research. :)
For which I need a Strong Artifact. For which I need to sort a Nest's 'plants'. For which I need to destroy a Nest. For which I need to detect a Nest I can defeat, which probably means a Young one.
Researching any magic you can do is gated beyond detecting a Nest and defeating it (possibly more, if you roll poorly on the Sorting of Nest's 'Plants'), or killing a vast number of Invader Rulers.
And the longer Nests exist without being detected, the higher the chance that even if I detect one, it will be an Old Nest, which I probably can't defeat without magic of my own.
As I said, 3 nests spawned just in Europe, and I didn't randomly detect a single of them. Who knows how many had spawned in other parts of the world?
Valuable source of artifacts in early game is Rifts. They are relative easy and spawn regularly.
Version 1.0 is up.
- Added new race: elves, with their own items and missions.
- More QOL ufopedia articles;
- Bugfixing and balancing;
- Mod is finally complete, maybe will be some bugfixes if needed.
Encounter an error while doing a Rift mission involving shooter beetles. Was about to get to the second half of the mission before the game crashed on me
Version 1.0 is up.
- Added new race: elves, with their own items and missions.
- More QOL ufopedia articles;
- Bugfixing and balancing;
- Mod is finally complete, maybe will be some bugfixes if needed.
Congratulations on 1.0 !!
I hope I can find some time this year to give this mod a try.
Valuable source of artifacts in early game is Rifts. They are relative easy and spawn regularly.
Hmm, I never found any artifacts near rifts. I am not sure if I did any after I researched Rift Stabilization though.
Nord, I would also like to congratulate you on the release. This is such a unique and also enormous project.
I would certainly like to watch Meriian's LP of it!
How did you make that savefile? It looks like it is geoscape save of fast battle.
Also, cant reproduce. Do you have a save from battlefield? Autosave maybe?
Thanks. Nice to hear.
Of course you must go through.
Oh, yes! I was waiting for 1.0 to try this mod again.
Sadly, judging from update notes, acquiring all necessary parts to actually finish a game is still a nightmare.
The worst part is that, even if you read mod files, it is still impossible to know where to find those necessary items, because these are coded into binary map files.
BTW, does anyone knows how to read map files? It would greatly help with sanity drain...
BTW, does anyone knows how to read map files? It would greatly help with sanity drain...
MCDEdit does.
MCDEdit does.
:-\ MCDEdit edits ".mcd" files, indeed. Aren't stuff like "inactive obelisk" hides in ".map" files?
:-\ MCDEdit edits ".mcd" files, indeed. Aren't stuff like "inactive obelisk" hides in ".map" files?
Tiles go on maps, but their definition goes in the terrain files.
I'm not sure what you want to do... If you want to put some objects on maps, then you need MapView, but if you want to edit those objects, then you need MCDEdit.
I'm not sure what you want to do... If you want to put some objects on maps, then you need MapView, but if you want to edit those objects, then you need MCDEdit.
I don't want to edit anything. I want to see stuff. More specifically where to find important items like "inactive obelisk", "mind probe" thingy and maybe other stuff. Such info is not inside readable yaml files, I checked. So that I know what mission to await, do I need to leave forts for now and so on. I can't find that info in MCDEdit.
If you don't want to cross-reference MCD 'Target_Type's, item 'specialtype's and which maps have what objects on them, the easiest way would be to use Quick Battles, debug-killing, and see what loot you get. Maybe not all missions will work with QB mode, but I'd think most would (no idea though, never actually played X-Chronicles :-[ ).
If you don't want to cross-reference MCD 'Target_Type's, item 'specialtype's and which maps have what objects on them, the easiest way would be to use Quick Battles, debug-killing, and see what loot you get. Maybe not all missions will work with QB mode, but I'd think most would (no idea though, never actually played X-Chronicles :-[ ).
Quick Battles would probably be my last resort since I don't want to see that much in advance.
I found Target_Type: 59 (0) in MCD Edit program. Are you saying this field "spawns items"? ??? Looks like mission is really impossible.
Yes, that's the link between the loot and the MCDs. If it's 0, you get nothing. There's a tooltip for values carried over from the base game (though these items may have been removed in X-Chronicles, IDK).
There can also be certain conditions where these items are not recovered, I recall 'allowObjectiveRecovery' and of course 'recoveryDividers' can be set too low.
If you don't want to use Quick Battle, I'm afraid extensive cross-checking of items, MCDs and terrains is the only other way. And not very precise, since to check whether an object is actually on the map and just not potentially on the map you kinda need to see the map. :)
Personally, I'd just close my eyes, click OK in the equip screen, CTRL-K right after and wait ten seconds. :P
How did you make that savefile? It looks like it is geoscape save of fast battle.
Also, cant reproduce. Do you have a save from battlefield? Autosave maybe?
I have attached the other save files of my current playthrough. Also, if it helps, prior to these saves, I had actually been using the previous version of the mod before I replaced it with the latest version. I then continued my playthrough afterwards.
Elves are not limited to the area I patrol.
Also, I am being blamed for whatever the invaders are doing in both the Americas and South Africa. I've done every mission I possibly could have, yet still it seems I will lose at the end of the month from negative points.
Edit: I was wrong. It seems I ran from 2 missions at some point. Not in the last few months though, I think.
Yep, no easy solution...
Personally, I'd just close my eyes, click OK in the equip screen, CTRL-K right after and wait ten seconds. :P
Have I mentioned previously that some enemies in X-Chronicle are immune to CTRL-K and CTRL-J? :D
Elves are not limited to the area I patrol.
Oh, i know i miss something.
It's a bug. You need to find a string
STR_ALVI_VISITED: false #true
In the file "missionscripts.rul and fix it like this:
Also, if it helps, prior to these saves, I had actually been using the previous version of the mod before I replaced it with the latest version.
That is a key, i think. This kind of problem was fixed in v.1.0
Upd.: quickfix uploaded to mod.io. Please replace file in "/xchr/ruleset/" golder.
Valuable source of artifacts in early game is Rifts. They are relative easy and spawn regularly.
I can confirm that in 2nd or 3rd rift got Strong artifact ....
(But you have to complete second stage begind rift .. RIFT STABILIZATION research is needed)
Version 1.0 is up.
- Added new race: elves, with their own items and missions.
- More QOL ufopedia articles;
- Bugfixing and balancing;
- Mod is finally complete, maybe will be some bugfixes if needed.
Great job, so I try to start a new game ...
Looks like so much has been added since I played it. Don't know when I'll have the opportunity to give the completed mod a go but I find I keep thinking more about this one then most of the other mods I've tried. It's such a wild reinterpretation.
Current playthrough progress:
I discovered the Rifts, but did not yet research them properly. Live captures and armor have priority.
It turns out that the grenade launcher is great against blue shields. Sometimes I drop an outcast mage in just one hit.
A rift did open once out of my reach, but since the despawn penalty is just 10 points (as opposed to the 50 points from dead civvies if you look and run), it was not so bad.
The interrogation roulette is quite annoying. It was the second-to-last Marauder Boss that gave me the Magic Items research, finally allowing me to research Shielded Lab. I had similar issues with Savage Magic, but runed weapons are not quite as necessary as proper research.
Edit: I am currently chasing something that, at least in the interception window, looks like a medium scout. I suspect bugginess.
Edit2: It landed and is actually a medium scout with sectoids. But since their plasma weapons have different sprites, they might be intended foes?
That is a key, i think. This kind of problem was fixed in v.1.0
Upd.: quickfix uploaded to mod.io. Please replace file in "/xchr/ruleset/" golder.
Nope, still getting an error. Already replaced the rule.
"The council of funding nations is very pleased with your excellent progress, BUT REFUSES TO INCREASE FOUNDING!!!" (Monthly score: 1219)
Is this an intentional behavior? What is the threshold for actual funding increase? I can't find that in configs.
OK, with score 1410 few countries decided to give me additional 51 000$. Let's have a party!
Also noticed missing string: STR_FOREST_RUMORS. And no article when researched...
And M2010 SR has 10 bullets, not 5 (from ufopedia).
And no bullet hit sound for Barret M82.
The funding thing is probably from original X-Com.
Every country decides separately if it will increase your funding based on how pleased that particular country is.
I sadly do not know the minimum points to increase and the maximum to decrease funding. In either case, it happens by 1/20 to 1/5 of the country's current funding, rounded to 1 000$.
Additionally, every country has a funding roof above which they will not go. (I noticed this playing XPiratez).
Nope, still getting an error. Already replaced the rule.
That quickfix was for other problem. I'll look at your save when it will be downloaded at last. (Awful internet connection)
Is this an intentional behavior?
Yep. They are happy, you make it good enough, why pay more? :D
If seriously, only those nations will increase funding, where you have missions completed. If you get a ton of rating points from research or other sources, this will give you only a single-time reward.
As of other feedback - thank you, i will fix that ASAP.
Upd.: EleriumWard, by unknown reason i can not download files attached to forum (maybe my internet is too bad). Can you upload it elsewhere? I will try again during night, anyway.
1. With Rift Stabilization, rift missions tell me to enter the illuminated exit. However, there is no exit zone. The "Run Away" window doesn't even have it listed.
2. I got the same error as EleriumWind (Crash to Desktop due to not being able to place any X-Com units) when killing all Acid Slugs on my side of the Rift.
Also, I think your internet failed you when trying to upload the quickfix, whatever it was supposed to be. The version on mod.io is exactly the same as the one from 4.4.2024, including the elves being allowed to attack before you visit them. The last edited file within Ruleset is units.rul, edited on 23:18 3.4.2024. Edit: Sorry, didn't notice there was a single file missionscripts.zip.
I found an error source. Now i need to find a way to fix it.
Please, wait for the new version.
Ouch! Lost in July 2021 due to low score on Veteran difficulty. At least I saw a bad ending cutscene...
I accepted and won pretty much all missions available to me. I tried to save as many civilians I can, but with 40 TU not much can be done. I even managed to take down 1 ship and with an interceptor.
Last 2 month alien activity was 2500. On the other side of the globe.
I think game needs more balance.
I will edit save file to continue playing. And it looks like I will do this every month from now on. 4 invader's bases somewhere around the globe is not a joke.
Also, Roacher's death animation still misses few frames.
And "wild psionic" attack without sound. Is it intended?
I am morally obliterated in my current game, so will not continue it. I already forgot how difficult is to acquire first psions... And those fences... I hate them!!! Normally a fence is just a one time obstacle, but not in this mod where it is permanent.
I am looking forward for updates. Aside from bugfixes we really need some rebalancing. Game says that I am not supposed to worry about things around the globe until I decide to. And yet I was defeated by alien activities not within my range. This should not happen, at least on medium difficulty.
Hi is it intended, that scientist cost so much ?
- Hiring, salary, small lab size ?
(in first one or two years you can hardly afford more than 30 scientist)
There is lot of research (and especially many autopsies and creature analysis that give you nothing)
that even if you know what you are researching you spend a months with almost no progress.
I'd suggest increasing sell prices of invader stuff, at least. Also, I'd suggest making various special events (beast terror missions, graveyards, rifts, etc.) yield something you can sell for some money (currently the corpses aren't worth much at all), for example shai-huluds could be disassembled to produce expensive teeth or something. At the moment, these missions are money-wise worthless, yet take some time to complete (especially if you have village mazes, tough enemies, etc.; FWIW I also got glass spider once in antarctic and the mission was unsolvable: one of them was camouflaging on an inaccessible ice island, and I had to use debug mode to get rid of it)
I'm currently in January 2022 and total council funding is at 19M (I have the whole globe covered with 6 bases). There's still 3-4M surplus every month (with about 150 scientists). Yet I'm still only 19 % through the research tree. To make the game progression faster and reduce the grinding elements somewhat, I suppose you could also increase the council funding and how fast it grows. There could also be some items engineers could manufacture and you could sell, to make use of engineers and earn money, but I understand completely if you want to avoid that kind of economy (I have felt it's rather stupid myself).
Hmm? I wonder if these are phased properly. You are able to get X-contract likely much earlier than getting psions. It seems you get on the path leading to psionic powers through researching fire mage, rune mage, etc. I have postponed researching them to delay legionaires and more difficult enemies appearing.
But for what it's worth, X sniper rifles are at least very usable with humans. Others I haven't used that much (though rifle could be useful with spare clips).
BTW, I think the first alien base (hive) appeared in October 2021 or so. I don't think there's much chance of dealing with it yet, so I have had to leave it be and grow. Also, there have been some other enemies that seem to be non-defeatible for now (for example the UFOs with stalkers and the other beasts, the other ice thingies behind ice rift).
How for the love of god you have 19m from council? I barely scrap by selling most of the stuff since i cant keep more than 30 scientists in July of 2021 and i just got x weapons
How for the love of god you have 19m from council? I barely scrap by selling most of the stuff since i cant keep more than 30 scientists in July of 2021 and i just got x weapons
Note that this was almost two years ago. The mod has likely changed A LOT in the meanwhile. So I'm not sure if my earlier comment is still too relevant. (I haven't played the mod since; I'd personally prefer a mod that uses completely a fantasy setting. It is difficult for me to suspend the disbelief as there are 2000's guns and weapons available but they just don't work anymore.)
How for the love of god you have 19m from council? I barely scrap by selling most of the stuff since i cant keep more than 30 scientists in July of 2021 and i just got x weapons
I have same , issue, may be the earlier release was not so strict.
(huge difference make a capturing of enemies ... as much as you can .. you sell them for more and score more points so in the end you my gain increased funding from countries)
An interesting mechanism could be STUFFING TROPHY
- required research of both autopsy and living specimen
- 3 types (
small animal - rats, snakes, scorpions, fire fly
medium animal - werewolf, minotaur, naga ..
huge animals - worms, giants , ...
- manufactured in workshop for small fee ( 500$ - 1000$ ) and mediocre time (time: 200 - 400)
- sold for 30 000 - 50 000$
- manufactured in workshop for small fee ( 500$ - 1000$ ) and mediocre time (time: 200 - 400)
- sold for 30 000 - 50 000$
I don't see a reason for having a monetary production cost on something that can only be sold. The only thing the fee does is prevent you from making the stuff if you are already in debt and need money badly.
Otherwise, the effect would be same as if you subtracted the cost from the value.
I don't see a reason for having a monetary production cost on something that can only be sold. The only thing the fee does is prevent you from making the stuff if you are already in debt and need money badly.
Otherwise, the effect would be same as if you subtracted the cost from the value.
The idea of fee is to be more realistic (for studding you need something more than just a corpse) however pure math says, you can add/substract anything from both sides.
Weird error. I cant end any battle due to error with something about spawning an unit after i kill the last enemy. The only thing i changed in save file is funding since i had problem with it
Version 1.1 is up.
- Temporary fix for an OXC (or OXCE) bug with second-stage mission deployements. Now rifts will work almost properly.
- Minor bugfixing;
- Minor prices balancing.
To Nonenone, Mathel, EleriumWind: it is all the same bug, and it is fixed with crutches and patchleather. :) Xcom spawn zone in rift missions will look ugly, but no ctd's.
Version 1.1 is up.
That is awesome .. I confirm that rits work properly
- Minor prices balancing.
Im playing now on Beginer difficulity and haw to lowered engineer &scientist salary to reasonable values (vars.ruls) :
costEngineer: 30000
costScientist: 35000
othervise is playing too frustrating due to lower numbers of missions and enemies
( capturing prisoners and seeling helps a lot but in 2021 Aug 30 S + 5 Eng Brings ~300 K $ deficit each month )
With lab + shielded lab => 30 S the game research flawing quite fine ..
There should be some reward for finishing swarm landed or shoted down UFO
(dosens of golden jewelry , lot of mana crystals or srystel orbs ....
if I compare it to looting pirate ship where is lot of cannons , glyps and runewood to sell )
Version 1.1 is up.
It works. Though I do wonder who built those buildings in the Acid Slug world.
Also, Ouch. The poisonous air in that world hurts even through gas masks.
Without researching Internationalization, something in south Africa and South America is eating vast amounts of points. My only base is in east Europe. Looking into the savefile, I think it's Marauders raiding places with flying boats from their camps.
Version 1.1 is up.
- Temporary fix for an OXC (or OXCE) bug with second-stage mission deployements. Now rifts will work almost properly.
- Minor bugfixing;
- Minor prices balancing.
To Nonenone, Mathel, EleriumWind: it is all the same bug, and it is fixed with crutches and patchleather. :) Xcom spawn zone in rift missions will look ugly, but no ctd's.
"The council of funding nations is very pleased with your excellent progress, BUT REFUSES TO INCREASE FOUNDING!!!" (Monthly score: 1219)
The funding thing is probably from original X-Com.
I understood what was going on. When alien activity is exactly 0 countries will not increase their funds no matter how well I am performing. As soon as ships start flying some countries decided to donate more.
If seriously, only those nations will increase funding, where you have missions completed.
No, this is definitely not how it works. Not in original game, not in this mod, not in any other mod I tried.
No, this is definitely not how it works. Not in original game, not in this mod, not in any other mod I tried.
Why are you telling the mod author how his mod works?
Nord has written a script specifically for this mod (and told you how it works).
It doesn't work like the original game and it doesn't work like any other mod... because it was modded.
In that case I have a bug to report.
I started in USA and completed multiple terror and monster hunting missions there -- USA is not raising their founds. (Well, I did received some 250000$ in events.)
But as soon as alien activity started in France, China and Australia, France and China raised founding, but of course I never completed missions there, not reaching.
I can attach a save file if needed. Aren't everyone else experience the same thing?
My experiences are that areas where I am active raise their support, areas where I am not sometimes raise, sometimes lower.
I more have issues with extremely high alien activity in areas I can't possibly reach.
I more have issues with extremely high alien activity in areas I can't possibly reach.
Must become less frustrating with last bugfixes, though more for a new game. (If you have bug-spawned enemy bases - nothing will change) But i can fix your savegame, if you provide it.
Must become less frustrating with last bugfixes, though more for a new game. (If you have bug-spawned enemy bases - nothing will change) But i can fix your savegame, if you provide it.
Here it is. At the end of the month I would lose from negative points, even if I won every mission and shot down every airship I could catch up to.
Well, here is your save file.
I must say, though, that this save had no bugs. You just, well.. developing too slow. :)
Version 1.1 is up.
- Temporary fix for an OXC (or OXCE) bug with second-stage mission deployements. Now rifts will work almost properly.
- Minor bugfixing;
- Minor prices balancing.
To Nonenone, Mathel, EleriumWind: it is all the same bug, and it is fixed with crutches and patchleather. :) Xcom spawn zone in rift missions will look ugly, but no ctd's.
Good morning. I have confirmed that the issue I mentioned has been resolved. Thanks.
Well, here is your save file.
I must say, though, that this save had no bugs. You just, well.. developing too slow. :)
I am sort of trying to get enough income before I get Internationalization that I don't lose from debt quickly afterward. Better weapons will be nice, but as far as I understood the UFOpaedia, getting Internationalization is when I am expected to protect the whole planet, which means getting another base, which means basically doubling my spending. And I already have to resort to selling Flight Glyphs.
I guess I could cash in those two Strange Devices that don't seem to fill any purpose, but I was betting on them doing something in a later version.
Edit: Not sure if it is something you can control, but I feel like when you wipe out all creatures on Earth side of a Rift then abort after crossing through it, the civilians that survived the fight on the Earth side should be considered saved, not "killed by others". You should be able to just close it, same as if did not have Rift Stabilization.
I can confirm, after 1.1 update it became easier to survive during the second year. Slightly. Right now an article with "new bases -- more responsibility, for now only things around your base matters" is very misleading. Player have to build second base before "Internationalization" in order to survive.
So my advice for those who struggle is, once you discovered invader's base on the other side of the globe, sell all your interceptors, all your scientist in order to stash necessary amount of founds to place your second base with a hangar, living quarters and storage near that invader's base. You can't ignore it for too long.
HI, for me there is some weird things
- renting F-22, J-20,and SU-57 cost same as purchasing and even more than advanced interceptor ?
is it this intended ?
- as well Skyranger and Skymarshal and Ospray should cost less (approx 1/10 - 1/6 of purchase )
- you can research ceramic runeblade without knowing workbench or runicscripts (this prerequisites should be included)
- in some missions you can gain something from a list as a reward (artifacts, wands, .. or jewelry)
- in my oppinion the reward shuld be m,ore balanced in totla cost, becasouse numner of missions per month is limited and getting only trinkets can cause frustration.
- i do not know if it is possible that you get I.E. one strong artifact or 3 weak artifacts or 6 crystals or 20 jewelry ..
- if you can get only one item than it could be adjusted to insted jewelry you gain a treasure box that ingeners can analyze a and make more items of various kind and quantities
HI, for me there is some weird things
- renting F-22, J-20,and SU-57 cost same as purchasing and even more than advanced interceptor ?
is it this intended ?
You do not purchase fighter jet, but renting it from government. If you build your own fighter - you dont need to pay rent.
- you can research ceramic runeblade without knowing workbench or runicscripts (this prerequisites should be included)
Yes, this is normal. As described in ufopedia - this is a first step of reproducing enchantments, without knowledge of principe.
Well, rifts are always a gamble. It spawns randomly, and give randome award.
According to ufopedia Elven Bows are supposed to be unusable, yet I can use them after researching. Extremely overpowered weapon. Also it is strange that Elven Bows have standard training, so they train shooting accuracy, not throwing.
Actually every bow have standard training... I guess I should train throwing somehow differently.
---Another UPDATE---
No, bows actually train throwing skill. (A am still bad at reading configs...)
So is it intended that "Battle cocktail" lowers morale of the "doctor", not the "patient"? I mentioned that earlier, but no comments were received.
According to ufopedia Elven Bows are supposed to be unusable, yet I can use them after researching. Extremely overpowered weapon. Also it is strange that Elven Bows have standard training, so they train shooting accuracy, not throwing.
Thanks, will fix.
So is it intended that "Battle cocktail" lowers morale of the "doctor", not the "patient"? I mentioned that earlier, but no comments were received.
Extremely overpowered weapon.
Problem is not bow itself but elven arrows that has 90% armor reduction ...
(3-4 can kill a tusk with ease )
In my oppinion 50 % should be enough
You have a 20 % chance to loot a book form mage/prist .
(looting some ships has even lower chance due to long list of what you can get)
Then you have another 20% chance that it will be deciphered as rune book
. And this book is essential for further progress ...
I killed ~ 10 mages and ~50 outcast and got only 2 Books
(safe file attached)
So in my opinion I sugegest to increase chance of looting magic books in this way
outcast - from 20 to 25
mage - from 20 to 30
Adding some extraloots for camp or bigger ship like this (you have 75% that you''ll get a book)
Do you have same experioence with magic book looting ?
since 1.1 I seems thet during ship mission I encounter orc instead mage otcast - that means even less magic books
Oh, boy! What is the likelihood of this happening?
(Three young nests in Haiti.)
And that is how Americas look like after I finally managed to scan them with a Balloon (and destroyed 3 nests in Haiti):
Don't you think it is too harsh? Definitely was much easier before 1.0. And all of that is with extremely low founding. USA and Canada already left the project, Brazil most probably will follow them next month.
Hi, loving this mod thankyou so much for making it.
Sadly, am getting a consistent crash on battlescape on my latest mission. Seems to trigger when I look south.
This is with the 1.1 XCOM Chronicles with version 7.12 of Open XCOM extended. Save from just before the crash is attached. Just walk somebody out of the helicopter and it should happen.
Too slow for 2023. Maybe i should reconsider geoscape difficulty...
Too slow for 2023.
Man, do you even play your own game??? How am I suppose to be faster with such founding:
"Flight glyph"s were around 75% of my income! I am already playing as good as it is possible, because I know the research tree, I know priorities. I won almost every battle or fled (because I already know all enemies (except those pesky elves (RIP no reloading in champagne))), I shoot down almost every craft (that is why I was able to stay above 0 while sky was filled with red crosses). There just no room for mistakes! Right now I have 60 scientists, maybe I can afford additional 20.
Right now I have 60 scientists, maybe I can afford additional 20.
I strongly recommend (as posted earlier) modify vars.rul
costEngineer: 30000 instead 35000
costScientist: 35000 instead 45000
that is 600 000 difference for 60 scientist
I assume that the cost could be even lower ( 25000 per Eng and 30000 per Sci are vanilla game values where is not so much topics to research)
Now I am encountering lot of swarms UFO (landings and crash sites) that should be much rewarding than just corpses of aliens.
(at least some gemstones or raw metals)
Man, do you even play your own game??? How am I suppose to be faster with such founding:
"Flight glyph"s were around 75% of my income! I am already playing as good as it is possible, because I know the research tree, I know priorities. I won almost every battle or fled (because I already know all enemies (except those pesky elves (RIP no reloading in champagne))), I shoot down almost every craft (that is why I was able to stay above 0 while sky was filled with red crosses). There just no room for mistakes! Right now I have 60 scientists, maybe I can afford additional 20.
I think we are his balance testers.
Too slow for 2023. Maybe i should reconsider geoscape difficulty...
But seriously, scientists are too expensive and research takes too long to be any faster. Especially for someone who doesn't know the tech tree.
My calculations for time expected required to get Atmospheric Sattelite, which is probably that baloon that Vakrug mentioned. Until you get that, you can't defeat more than 1 base per 5 months on average, since you can't find them any faster. And since you won't be able to defeat any adult or old nests, you really won't be doing even that.
Counting with 30 scientists, since that is how many I can barely afford.
USA police contract: 5/30=1 day
The police contract is signed: 0
first autopsy (Slug Corpse) 100/30=4 days
Shielded Prison 200/30=7 days
Basics of the invader spoken language (from Goblin Fighter): 100/30=4 days
Contact: Savages: 80/30=3 days
Invaders' spoken language: 210/30=7 days
Weak Artifact: 500/30=17 days
Magic Items (from Marauder boss) 3*130/30=13 days
Arriving spots of the Invaders (from marauder Boss, having Magic Items): 2*130/30=9 days
Shielded Lab: 500/30=17 days
Invader paths (from Outcast Mage, having Invader Transport, AsotI, and Magic Items) 5*150/30=25 days
!Sky under control!: 300/30=10 days
Advanced Radars: 400/30=14 days
Rifts: 250/30=9 days
Rift Stabilization: 450/30=15 days
Contract with the US army: 120/30=4 days
Contract with the army is signed: 0/30=0 days
Contact: Invaders: 100/30=4 days
USA special forces equipment: 100/30=4 days
The special forces equipment contract is signed: 0/30=0 days
Large-caliber weapon: 120/30=4 days
The unusual equipment is needed: 0/30=0 days
Internationalization: 350/30=12 days
!X-contract!: 200/30=7 days
Strong Artifact: 600/30=20 days
Psionic: 500/30=17 days
Mana Crystal: 800/30=27 days
Mana Capacitor: 450/30=15
Detection of Mana Sources: 300/30=10 days
The sum is 279 days. Assuming average research rate, perfect missions, and always having what you need to research already in your stores, you can expect the player to have the Atmospheric satellite no sooner than 279days into the game, which is 6th of October 2020. If they beeline for it.
If, however, the player gets unlucky on interrogation roulette, they don't manage to catch enough Outcast Magi or Marauder Bosses, or even their stabilized rifts all either lead to hostile environment or don't contain a Strong Artifact, it can take a lot longer.
And since beelining for the Atmospheric Satellite means skipping defensive techs (Chitin&Runewood armors) and useful weapons (Bows and Wands), you can't expect players to beeline for it anyway.
Come on, it is not Scientists who are expensive, it is utterly broken founding problem! In <1.0 there were too much founding eventually, good that that was "fixed", but not in such a way.
Nests also spawn like crazy like I showed earlier. This can be beneficial, but realistically not.
Counting with 30 scientists...
Form the day one? This can happen only after "Shielded Lab" and not necessary you can afford all of them after that.
Form the day one? This can happen only after "Shielded Lab" and not necessary you can afford all of them after that.
Of course not. That is merely a simplification. Realisticaly, you would buy to 20 within the first month and 10 more while building the Shielded Lab.
I also didn't account for the time to build buildings, items and people to arrive, looting to happen, missions to spawn, and possibly more logistical delays I might have forgotten about.
And looting is another roulette, because you need to kill and loot Invader Leaders and Magi for Weak Artifact and just Invader Magi for Mana Crystal
I think we are his balance testers.But seriously, scientists are too expensive and research takes too long to be any faster.
Well I am in 2022 (August and able to get detection)
I confirm that research is extra slow with many useless autopsies (however with hidden potential)
i.e. were wolf Autopsy + capture can produce something with armor that can increase mobility
spike-boar can unlock some upgrade for chitin armor that have better i resistance vs kinetic
- second stage should be free of civilians
- in second stage there should be more interesting stuff (MAGIC BOOKS, AMULETS, ... ]
- with x-technology quite easy
(Later when you gain strong artifact rifts are annoying and sometimes not worth exploring )
So I suggest to make more tiers of rifts
1 . rats , scorpions, glass spiders , fiery flies (weak artifact, amulets)
- not spawning after researching camouflage or weak artifacts
2. shooter beetles, floater, slugs, giants . shai-hulud (strong artifact or magic crystals ) + weak artifact
- not spawning after research strong artifact
3. spike boar, werewolf (forced darkness) [rune-wood , crystals ] + [weak,weak , strong artifact]
- not spawning after scriptorium is unlocked
4. spirits
- psionic inspiration prerequisite
- as a reward [magic books. library, e t.c ]
- I'd prefer in all rifts some stronger variation of creatures (similar to prismatic spider and floating jelly)
- seems quite OK
- I'd prefer more guarantee loot [i.e amulets or runes ]
- there should be some better loot when complete land UFO mission
- stalkers
-- should have a bit less shields and be less effective vs strong armor (chitin or wooden)
- pincer warm and larva
-- quite deadly - please reduce range or damage just cause fire, or poison can be enough - player can mitigate it by extinguishers or poison cure ) or accuracy
- brutes are quite OK
- I like tusk and killing it only with that special blades with armor nullification
SHIELDS overall
- sometimes works in weird way ( some shots drain none, some 2, some 5, some even 15 points from shield)
- I recommend to consider some shield as a number of shots that can block (regeneration - regenerate some shots)
that makes tactical using some low damage auto-shot weapons to kick down the shield
path to MAGIC
- in my opinion too difficult (looting books an translating proper one is too luck depending)
- I'd prefer in all rifts some stronger variation of creatures (similar to prismatic spider and floating jelly)
I was nicely surprised when entered rift world after fire flies and encounter phoenixes.
It was great enjoyable tactical fight
Version 1.2 is up.
- minor bugfixing (text strings, unusable alvi bows);
- balancing: more money on start;
costEngineer: 35000 - > 30000
costScientist: 45000- > 40000
initialFunding: 1600 -> 1650
That is ridiculous !
With 3 bases all missions done and paying 50 * 35 k per scientist I am at balanced budget (Able to buy 1 or 2 new facilities per month) and still stuck in research ..
In order to be this mod even playable i Suggest :
- cut down all research time by 1/2 - 1/3
- increase probabilities when sorting corpses (you gain always something )
- set scientist salary to 35 k
- double bonus reward ( performanceBonusFactor: 175 -> 350 )
- cut down all shields to 1/2 (it is really annoying to have lucky 4-15 shots to take down one unit shield)
I am not sure what typical play-out should look like according to your intentions
but my experience is :
- first 3 months - unskilled soldiers with low chance to hit survive
- till the end of year - hard terrors with tough orcs and deadly casters (get chitin armor and some better weapons)
- next year - Rifts , gaining internacionallization -with good x-weapons, starting psi research
- 3rd year - gaining wooden armor and scavanger - finally some money from selling flying glyphs
- now - slowly exploring magic - annoying missions (1/2 - 3/4) with aliens (get almost nothing losing a lot)
I am able to fight effectively vs 1 st level aliens, but 2nd level aliens are deadly and hard to kill
- i suppose with magic it should be better , but path to magic and spells is long (extensive research and absurd dependencies on luck when looting low chance items )
- in case pf looting instead picking just one item from many ,
I suggest to create a roll sets
- [30, {STR_ARTIFACT_WEAK: 1 }]
- [25, { STR_MAGIC_BOOK: 1 }]
- [20, {STR_DAMAGED_ARMOR: 3}]
Hints about shields:
White (wind) shields can be cut through with anything that deals cutting damage, such as knives or fiery arrows (They really only stop guns, explosions, and smoke, but blades are the most available other damage type).
Blue (water) shields are succeptible to explosions.
And any shield is weak to shotguns from close range. They go over armor, so there is no damage reduction for them, just resistances.
From what I recall from playing two years ago, almost all the shields and enemies that you came across in the first couple of years could be dealt rather easily with explosives (grenades or explosive guns). That kind of broke the immersion of the fantasy setting. But my recollections might be failing me or this could have changed.
costEngineer: 35000 - > 30000
costScientist: 45000- > 40000
initialFunding: 1600 -> 1650
That is ridiculous !
With 3 bases all missions done and paying 50 * 35 k per scientist I am at balanced budget (Able to buy 1 or 2 new facilities per month) and still stuck in research ..
initialFunding affects the calculation of any funding raises.
Also, some invader weapons sell costs was raised.
initialFunding affects the calculation of any funding raises.
Also, some invader weapons sell costs was raised.
I see but at first look on paper it seem like spit in the sea ..
Still I recommend to think about increasing 'performanceBonusFactor' a bit (~ 250 )
and add extra score for shooting-down /riding aliens UFO (if it is possible)
This month I cleaned three young nests and 3 medium aliens UFO and scored a 9000 pts (that is ~ 1 575 000 $)
that allowed me just cover my expenses - in order to fight aliens you need strong psi soldiers and train them in gyms (to have some reasonable stats)
It is 2023-10-01 and I am totally burned out, so I decided to halt my current playthrough. (95% probability I will never continue.)
At this point I think that, at least in theory, I can beat this game. Most of my soldiers are specialized mages (level 1) with maxed mana. Human factions are no longer a threat. Most of the world is under radar coverage (that can reveal bases), the rest can be easily patrolled with the balloon. There are 8 old nests. New nests are popping up regularly, but I have no problems taking them out. Sky is filled with red crosses, but my 5 Ravens can prevent score loss. UFO counter is above 1000 now. Situation is under control, but the necessity to play more for at least 5 years before I will be able to take old nests down while constantly shooting off endless swarms makes me terrified. If I will ever continue this game I will probably edit the save file to reduce the number of old nest to 2.
I still think that founding currently is broken and something has to be done to fix that. Although founding is still better now then before 1.0, where player was eventually flooded with money making some parts of progression irrelevant. For example, in my previous game before 1.0 I have acquired impulse weaponry very late. There were no longer useful because I already had access to signs.
Slogan "Suffering awaits" is much more suited for X-Chronicle.
What shold be balanced, then? Less nests? Less nest-spawned broods?
What should be balanced, then?
(Facepalm) How many times I have to write, that number 1 problem is broken founding??? In order to fix that, first thing to do is to write down how exactly founding is done right now.
only those nations will increase funding, where you have missions completed.
No, this is not how it is right now, already reported about that! If you would play your own game you would notice it too! Right now founding is mostly tied to UFO-s activity and not missions.
And what if founding worked the way you described? Also bad. Most of the world is not part of founding members. Tiny France will never increase founding because it is... tiny and a likelihood of missions on their soil is also tiny.
Less nests? Less nest-spawned broods?
I don't know if it is even possible, but there should be limits of old, medium and young nests count. If you want to declare a player a looser for allowing too many nests to spawn, then do it with an event, and not by crushing players will to continue, like it is now. (I think this problem with nest will be solved automatically if founding was fixed.)
Funding and/or research times.
When I got many points in my home country, I got a $1 000 000 bonus. That is nice, but not a good basis for funding, as it requires for the aliens to actually attack my home country a lot.
And with research, it still takes too long. Research costs are comparable with the research costs from UFO: Enemy Unkown, but you can afford only a fraction of the scientists.
Additionally, many necessary researches are gated beyond interrogation roulettes, which means that not only does research take way too long, but you also often can't research what you need because you either got unlucky and failed to capture the necessary enemy, or they just gave you intel on something utterly pointless.
The only way I am getting through months right now is repeated raiding of a Nest in Australia. I can not destroy it, but I can crush it's surface defences and sometimes even clear B1, getting around 300 points each time.
The only way I am getting through months right now is repeated raiding of a Nest in Australia. I can not destroy it, but I can crush it's surface defences and sometimes even clear B1, getting around 300 points each time.
Nests are good source of points. I am able to clean young nest, and clean surface and next two levels of adult nest (in this case with some saving and lot of luck - crystal with lightning spell is just disaster because I do not see a way how to avoid/dodge/resist it's atack)
If I compare it to TWOTS (a great mod for XCOM2-TFTD) I miss several mechanic
1] damage types
- in TFTD in a year you can get a great variety (melee, acid, stun, gauss, explosive)
- in XCHR you just have kinetic, melle, stun
(some weaopons have other effect but uses kinetic melee atributes for checking hit]
2] tanks
- in TFTD you get early some tanks that can explore and tank a damage
- in XCHR i did not find yet (ateter two years) a path to gain tanks
3] effective armor
- in TFTD you get quite soon a good spectrum of armors that can soak some damage and prevent you from being 1 shoted.
- in XCHR most armors does not protect much (I supose there coud be source of this by underestimating bonuses from enemies stats ) first hit cut down (air/water shield ) second one kills .
Version 1.3 is up.
- More money;
- Fixed archmage guard;
- Added archmage necro-tower terrain for yard and interior;
- minor bugfixing;
When I tried to switch version 1.3 on, it told me it requires version 7.13 of OXCE.
But the latest release of OXCE is 7.12, with 7.12.8 as experimental.
Edit: Metadata also says it is version 1.2 of X-Chronicles.
When I tried to switch version 1.3 on, it told me it requires version 7.13 of OXCE.
But the latest release of OXCE is 7.12, with 7.12.8 as experimental.
Edit: Metadata also says it is version 1.2 of X-Chronicles.
As you can suggest, i put number "3" in a wrong place. :) I will reupload file.
Upd.: done, please download updated archive.
I started a new game to test the new funding.
Whatever is done to make it so missions are required for increase in funding is backfiring.
In the first month, I fled a mission in Germany and lost funding. Okay.
In later months, I have been winning missions all over Europe, but no funding increase. Probably because Europe is not actually covered in funding nations, and the places were usually outside of any funding nation.
While it is interesting mod so far, few things that annoy me are either multiple minor typos, wrong description for weapons or lacklustre descriptions. For example SWD SR rifle has following description:
STR_SWD_UFOPEDIA: "the 7,62-mm sniper rifle of Dragunov is taken advantage of the Soviet Army in 1963. High precision counterbalances a difficult aiming. clip on 10 cartridges 7,62x54mm.{NEWLINE}Ignores no LOS penalty."
with first sentence not making much sense
Better description would be
STR_SWD_UFOPEDIA: "The 7,62-mm sniper rifle of Dragunov was adopted by the Soviet Army in 1963. High precision counterbalances a difficult aiming. Clip on 10 cartridges 7,62x54mm.{NEWLINE}Ignores no LOS penalty."
Another example is
STR_DIRE_RAT_UFOPEDIA: "The bite of these huge rats often causes blood poisoning."
which is a bit lacking.
What about something like this.
STR_DIRE_RAT_UFOPEDIA: "Enormous rats distantly related to our terrestrial rodents. The bite of these huge rats often causes blood poisoning." (not saying that my version is something genius but it is slightly better).
Another thing that while not typo, or bug that annoys me is in Hint section of Ufopedia. Some articles have names that start with small letter while other with large.
For example
STR_DIFFERENT_DAMAGE_TYPES_HINT: "Hint: multiple damage types"
uses small letter for name of hint while
STR_MANA_HINT: "Hint: Mana"
uses large letter for name of hint.
It would be better if all names of various HINTS were unified.
Another thing I´ve noticed.
Shouldnt name of Runed spear be rather Rune spear of Runic spear ?
The same with Runed bone knife - correct name should be Runic bone knife.
One things that is mildly confusing is enemy ship detection. After taking control over first landed enemy ship after you research "sky under control" you get the ability to construct small radar system. Maybe before being able to research sky under control you have to research tech like "Intruder craft detection", which will explain why normal military radars are unable to detect enemy ships and why X-com radars suddenly are able (basically something about intruder ship being made out of wood and that in combination with present magic runes allows enemy vessels to enter airspace of various states almost undetected).
Another thins is inablitiy to use Runic bone knife, rune spear and runic axe without savage magic researched. But why exactly ? Those weapons are not exactly sonic weapons in your (excellent) World of terrifying silence which lacks any parts that would allow normal human to use them. Maybe some explanation about why X-com operatives are unable to use such weapons before savage magic is researched would be nice (maybe such weapons require some maintance - some special cleaning procedure, some unexplainable ritual, without which they will violently release all energy stored in its runes).
Noticed small bug in description of mad psion female, it starts with : This man has acquired which should be changed to This woman has acquired.
Name of X-minigun ammo uses small letter instead of large one - I mean it should be "Minugun ammo box" instead of "minigun ammo box".
While mod is interesting so far I noticed that for the first half of year there are basically only two mission types:
a)Monster hunt
b)Marauders/savages attacking city
and it tends to get a bit repetitive.
While I have no skills in creating missions I think that you should add at least two extra types of missions for the first year of game.
a)First one would be about marauders/savages seizing control over remote village and taking all villagers to some unknown place. X-com would be involved after police unsuccefully attempted to free hostages and were repelled by magic skill of marauders/savages. Mission should take place in wilderness, there should be 10-12 hostages present in one area of map and surrounding them should be marauders/hostages.
b)Second one should be about savages/marauders attempting some weird ritual in wilderness to either honour their gods or gain magical power over part of nature to use it for their goals. X-com should be informed about this via something like - Unexplainable patterns in weather are ravaging some area and unknown forces from invaders are suspected to be cause. Mission should as well take place in wilderness.
Small typo (I hope that it is typo and not me not realising some rule of english language) I just noticed. One technology is incorrectly named "invaders writing language". It should be "Invaders written language".
Thanks, i will think about it.
Another thing that would help game is inserting extra transformation between rudinentary agents and psions. As it is not that hard to end up with many agents with maxxed skills which basically get nothing from missions. Maybe after player research x-institute there should be option to research bio-enhancements for agents which would allow player to increase skills of his agents by 5 points. Of course this transformation as well as other transformations should require med bay build in base. Bio enhancement should not be required for psion transformation. Description for this transformation should talk about how through best available earth technologies scientistcs were able to devise potent hormonal mix which allows agents to reach above what was considered possible for humans. This procedure should have some problems though as this mix used for bio enhancement of agents was developed so quickly it has some detromental effects - maybe -5 to bravery due to changes in agents brain which makes them susceptible to irrational behaviour.
So far (almost 2 game years have passed) it seems that undead are utilized rather sparingly, which is shame as I could easily imagine terror missions happening 10 months into start of game which consists of undead beings led by a single dark mage terrorizing some minor city and X-com being called to save the day.
As well maybe 14-16 months into game dead rising from grave missions could be replaced with its tougher version with there being actual dark wizard as well as few extra undead present in the graveyard.
Noticed small typo in shield of darkness description. Article describes various resistances of shield and kinetic resistance simply says 30 without %.
Noticed small typo. When clicking on white werewolf during tactical battle instead of displaying its name as "White werewolf" text says "White werewolf corpse".
Another small typo - description of technology Use of scepters speaks in second sentence that "Unlike wands, staves" shouldnt it rather be "Unlike wands, scepters".
One thing I noticed is that despite being present in game large rockets and incendiary rockets can not be researched, manufactured or bought by any way (at least it seems that way so far). Is this working as designed by you or do you plan to add large rockets and incendiary rockets later ?
Is this working as designed.. ?
Just noticed that corpse of tentaculat lacks proper name - when you check one in tactical part of game it just says STR_TENTACULAT_CORPSE. Temple of death retaliation mission lacks name as well, currently it just displays STR_DEATH_RETALIATION_MISSION.
Another small typo found : All Grimoars are called Grimuars, which should be fixed.
Thanks for your feedbacks. It is really helpful.
Thanks for your feedbacks. It is really helpful.
Thanks :). Do you plan to add runic ammunition for all major X weapons (as we already have runic cannon present in game as plane weapon) which would be manufactured by engineers in workshop ?
And what about mana crystal infused rocket for your trusty :) rocket launcher ?
Slightly modified two ending slices so that they are more understandable.
Warning for others !!. Do not look unless you have already finished mod.
Not sure what is causing it but sometimes nest creatures, that are visible on radar have absurd number as speed - for example 563 789 546. I´ve noticed this on two occasion and in both occasions nest creatures have landed.
Not sure what is causing it but sometimes nest creatures, that are visible on radar have absurd number as speed - for example 563 789 546. I´ve noticed this on two occasion and in both occasions nest creatures have landed.
It is intended.
After finishing this mod (excellent one :) ) I think that I had major problems during initial part of game as no matter that I finished every possible mission on map (with score OK at least), that my base was located in cooperating country, I was still suffering from extremely low ammount of cash which prevented me from expanding my base in any meaningful way and caused research to take very long time (as I was unable for at least 1 year to afford one extra laboratory staffed with scientistcs) and made start of game feel after first 10 missions very tedious.
Anyway, do you plan to add some merpeople in game and maybe even missions under the sea where X-com agents would try to find and destroy villaged of merpeople which are starting to colonize ocean floor and attacking various shipping lanes ?
Version 1.4 is up.
- Fixed some english strings;
- Added new early mission type: savage ritual;
- increased starting money;
Thanks for your great work :). I will go again over english language text file and see if there is still anything that needs fixing.
So far I found this
STR_ARTIFACT_STRONG_UFOPEDIA: "Unlike weak ones, this artifact radiates two orders of magnitude stronger. Scientists believe that it can be used as a power source. Besides, tests show unusual changes in the laboratory animals contacting such object."
Removed "to" from last sentence.
STR_BEYOND_RIFT_ICE: "The ice world behind the Rift"
Changed ice to ice world (as original name was rather funny - outsider entities offering ice to random visitors :) )
STR_BEYOND_RIFT_ROCK: "Rocks behind the Rift"
Honestly not sure how to rename this one - but something better is required - maybe Rocky plains beyond the Rift or Rocky wasteland behind the Rift.
STR_DARK_TENTACLE_UFOPEDIA: "Summons a tentacle of living Darkness where the caster points. Ignores half of armor, demoralizes target. {NEWLINE}{NEWLINE}Mana: {ALT}20{ALT}. Moral: {ALT}5{ALT}"
Added word target to the last sentence so it is clear what is demoralized by spell.
STR_DARK_TWISTER_UFOPEDIA: "A whirlwind of Darkness which demoralizes target. Especially effective against an armored target. {NEWLINE}{NEWLINE}Mana: {ALT}40{ALT}. Moral: {ALT}15{ALT}"
Slightly rewritten description for spell.
STR_DESERT_EAGLE_CLIP: "Desert eagle clip"
Added missing e in word eagle.
STR_DRONE_S_UFOPEDIA: "A military-grade quadrocopter used for reconnaissance and site survey. Unarmed.{NEWLINE}Night vision: {ALT}15{ALT}"
Replaced not armed with unarmed.
STR_FIRE_INITIATE_UFOPEDIA: "Newcomers to the Temple of Flame must follow the path of a initiate. Spending time in household work, prayers and meditations, new converts are imbued with the ideology of the temple and prepare for initiation into priestesses. Only those who have the blessing of the Flame can become initiates (Fire Shield: {ALT}100{ALT})."
Replaced can get in last sentence with become.
STR_FOOTMAN_UFOPEDIA: "The soldier of a feudal retinue recruited from peasants. It is trained in hand-to-hand fight and archery and supplied with a leather armor, slightly weaker than kevlar vest, and a standard protective amulet. (Shield of wind: 30)"
Replaced word modern word squad with better word retinue.
STR_GM94_FLASH: "GM-94 flash grenades"
STR_GM94_HE: "GM-94 HE grenades"
STR_GM94_SMOKE: "GM-94 smoke grenades"
Changed word order in names of grenades to make much more sense.
Few things that could be changed...
STR_HEAVY_FOOTMAN_UFOPEDIA: "The strongest and skilled footmen receive heavier weapons and scale armor. The scales obviously belonged to some unknown animal. (Wind shield: {ALT}60{ALT})"
Added word unknown to second sentence so that it is clear that scales come from animal unknown to human biologists.
STR_GRIMUAR_TORNADO_UFOPEDIA: "A magical book that describes a tornado spell. An experienced magician can cast the spell as instructed, spending {ALT}45 Mana{ALT} to summon rapid gusts of wind which can devastate a large area."
STR_GRIMUAR_FIRE_RAIN_UFOPEDIA: "A magical book that describes a rain of fire spell. An experienced mage can cast the spell as instructed by spending {ALT}40 Mana{ALT} and summon deadly rain of fire upon battlefield."
STR_GRIMUAR_GHOUL_UFOPEDIA: "A magical book that describes the summon ghoul spell. An experienced summoner can cast the spell as instructed by spending {ALT}50 Mana{ALT} to summon an advanced undead servant ready to do his bidding."
STR_GRIMUAR_STORM_UFOPEDIA: "A magical book that describes an electric storm spell. An experienced mage can cast the spell as instructed by spending {ALT}30 Mana{ALT} and bring forth massive storm, which can be deadly even to most dangerous enemies."
Slightly extended description of spells grimoars are supposed to allow its user to cast.
STR_HQ_UFOPEDIA: "The working place for the command structures of our organisation. It is necessary prequisite for some advanced projects. Only one per base."
Minor tweaks to HQ description.
STR_INSECTOID_AUTOPSY_UFOPEDIA: "The studied sample is not strictly speaking an insectoid. This distant relative of arthropods is as insect-like as humans are like theriodont. The sample has a functional heart, developed respiratory and circulatory systems. General biological basis allows this organism to function under the same conditions as Terrestrial organisms. Can be dangerous to terrestrial fauna if it is allowed to establish colonies in the wild due to its large requirements for nourishments."
Rewrote last sentence as it made no sense and added one extra sentence. Maybe add mission (if it is possible) to „smoke out“ colonies of insectoids which managed to get through portals and establish new colonies in the wild and are threatening nearby villages, farming comunities etc... Such mission (again if possible) would take place underground in cave system created by buglings.
With Kaa serpents being much more dangerous, than their description in Ufopaedia would suggest I think that they deserve a slightly better description.
STR_KAA_AUTOPSY_UFOPEDIA: "Above average large serpent similar to common rattlesnakes. While these alien snakes are as resistant to bullets as normal earth rattlesnake, it is their hypnotic gaze, that is true danger for even skilled agents."
One thing to add from me - in this mod you have created one of the coolest fictional craft ever - Vulture in visage and in concept has almost no equal (Skull like aircraft piloted by evil spirit always eager for battle, you can hardly top it). You can maybe add extra negative event (if it is posible) for Vulture craft going out of control (it is after all plane piloted by evil spirit) and shooting down an civilian airplane for - 500 rating.
Another thing is that if player decides to either worhip light or dark should it not be possible to ultimately sue for peace with church which worhips light/dark (with other becoming more agressive as you are now considered of opposing religion) ?
I really enjoy the mod thus far despite progressing very slowly since I had to focus on expanding and build bases around the globe to increase my chances to get more funding so my research suffered a lot., I managed to build radars and shoot down the alien swarms. preventing them to build a nest/base on the globe.
the only downside is that since research is slow and things unlocks slowly and I already maxed the soldiers stats I am forced to plow though missions that makes it less rewarding and the game bogs down to a chore to deal with.
I suggest the making of a submod halving the research count on all projects so that people who want to play the game for the story and content that the mod has to offer.
I really enjoy the mod thus far despite progressing very slowly since I had to focus on expanding and build bases around the globe to increase my chances to get more funding so my research suffered a lot., I managed to build radars and shoot down the alien swarms. preventing them to build a nest/base on the globe.
the only downside is that since research is slow and things unlocks slowly and I already maxed the soldiers stats I am forced to plow though missions that makes it less rewarding and the game bogs down to a chore to deal with.
I suggest the making of a submod halving the research count on all projects so that people who want to play the game for the story and content that the mod has to offer.
I agree, the slowness of research can easily result in game becoming boring due to being forced to attend many missions with fully maxed soldiers, which gain nothing from them.
Another idea I believe I possibly mentioned before but I would love to see xcom reloadabe wands guns
Started test-play, found some weak points. Will redone some research in early game.
Another idea I believe I possibly mentioned before but I would love to see xcom reloadabe wands guns
No. It is intended.
nice and alright. apart from these two points I brought up the mod is a hidden gem and a must play for any openxcom fan. I am considering to try my self make a submod so that the research projects are 50% shorter than they are currently now. I have no experience whne it comes to modding but I believe I can atleast pull this off.
The new ritual missions looks great ..
Still I would prefer to see more of them in the early phase of game due to absence of civilians .
In my opinion, with bad roll you are unable to save at least half civilians in early terrors or monsters hunt . Then you get negative score and less funding, that is crucial in the beginning.
I finished my submod basically reducing majority of the research down to 50%, now for fomality sake I would like to get permission to upload it here Nord.
I finished my submod basically reducing majority of the research down to 50%, now for fomality sake I would like to get permission to upload it here Nord.
If you want.
But using mod.io will be better.
yeah, good idea, I did not think of it
I noticed in my playthrough that psion agent enemy that I captured in a spy mission did not offer a ufopedia article about them, atleast I unlocked the research of "activites of special services and psionic"
I found a bug I believe in the damage calulation with the stats of the soldiers, I have two battlemages, one with psi strenght of 70(gone through the first exam) For some reason he has higher damage output of 80 damage using the "metal staff of mage" than a soldier that has 75 psi and does mere 64 damage. How does that make sense? Both have the same max psi skill of 80 since they use psion suit. The second mage does simply less damage despite having higher psi strenght.
I edited the savefile and increased the psi strenght of the first mage from 70 to 75 psi strenght and suddenly when loading up the save his damage output was nerfed down to 64 too. I do not know if it is wepaon specific but this phenomenon happens also when using arcane glove. I pressed alt to see the damage values of the weapon when hoving the mouse over them in the inventory/equip screen.
Oh wow, just for fun I tried to see the damage values of a max stat psion that has yet to focus on a magic class yet. he has max psi strenght of 30 and psi skill 35 with 45 mana (using psion suit) he have a damage output of 104 compared to 80 damage from a psi strenght 70 mage.
hmm, I decided to read the ufopedia article and suddenly all of this makes sense, it says the higher mage power(psi strenght) it will reduce the efficency of the weapon. Still I find it strange, why did you add this nerf to the weapon?
wondering if I'm doing something wrong. It's like May 2021 and I'm still only getting terror, strange creature, and ritual missions on a loop. I did manage to get a shielded lab built but it only unlocked a few wands that I can't even really use because they're disposable and I don't have the tech to build/buy more. The only outlier mission I got was attacking a landed pirate ship but after that nothing.
I've managed to get basically all the possible interrogation research from people I've captured too.
Just wondering what I have to do to get different missions since the grind is kind of wearing on me.
edit: nevermind right after I commented this I managed to get a rift spawn in and I poked through the tech tree after that, lots of nice goodies
I just unlocked sigils and it feels great. It does not have the nerf of weapon damage like the staff and scepters have which is great. the only downside is slightly more mana consumption for each cast spell and that it takes more tu to shoot.
I unlocked spiritist/spiritualist as specialization but I can not figure out how to make them summon units, I tried runnin oxce 9.7.7 but the mod says it need oxce 9.12 or higher to be enabeled. so this needs a fix I suppose. for the record I am mainly playing on brutal OXCE.
I unlocked spiritist/spiritualist as specialization but I can not figure out how to make them summon units, I tried runnin oxce 9.7.7 but the mod says it need oxce 9.12 or higher to be enabeled. so this needs a fix I suppose. for the record I am mainly playing on brutal OXCE.
Not sure about brutal compatibility.
For summoning items you can search techtree for "totem"
highest oxce version is currently 7.13, tomorrow 7.14 is released
versions 9.7.7 and 9.12 don't exist
Solaz played XCOM Chronicles a while ago and he was clearing the surface and deep 4 leveled nest. He thought it would have more levels so he rushed his soldiers to the room with hole in it to abort/finish the mission in an attempt to get to the next level. Naturally he lost the mission live on YouTube as level 4 of the nest is the last level and to win it it requires the player to kill or stun all enemies.
His complaint is that the information page does not say it is the last level and made him confused, he had to redo the fourth level as he had luckily a backup save
It totally floored me when he realized that he lost in the stream but I agree with him, it should be clear for the player that when they reach the fourth level of the nest that it is the last.
Did he pressed "abort" button, then "confirm" without reading the text? There should be warning about "0 people in entry zone, 0 people in exit zone, X people outside".
I also didn't know that you have to clear the last level. Often it easier to just kill them all.
That's a recent change in OXCE.
I will write a separate post about what it is and how to handle it.
We will also change it from an error to a warning (for a limited time) to give modders time to migrate.
Hi Nord,
I forgot about this, but the new deadline (1.1.2025) is nearing, so it would be good to prepare the ruleset for the upcoming validation.
I counted 1 error in TWoTS and 138 errors in X-Chronicles.
Afftected file in TWoTS is alienDeployments.rul
You can change this:
- alienRank: 5
lowQty: 4
to this:
ignore: DUMMY
- alienRank: 5
lowQty: 4
It gives OXCE a hint that KEY_PIRATES is not a real entity and it should not try to load it as a separate object.
Affected files in X-Chronicles are:
Easiest way to search for them is probably searching for string "- &", but check by eye too, maybe there are false positives.
You can also see this validation in the log file.
All those entries that look like this:
[14-09-2024_11-18-31] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'Mod': Obsolete (to removed after year 2025) operation Missing main node at line 100
[14-09-2024_11-18-31] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'Mod': Obsolete (to removed after year 2025) operation Missing main node at line 452
[14-09-2024_11-18-31] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'Mod': Obsolete (to removed after year 2025) operation Missing main node at line 963
[14-09-2024_11-18-31] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'Mod': Obsolete (to removed after year 2025) operation Missing main node at line 1381
[14-09-2024_11-18-31] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'Mod': Obsolete (to removed after year 2025) operation Missing main node at line 1982
Ok, will check. Thanks.
Did he pressed "abort" button, then "confirm" without reading the text? There should be warning about "0 people in entry zone, 0 people in exit zone, X people outside".
I also didn't know that you have to clear the last level. Often it easier to just kill them all.
When you get to the room with the hole it still says " (X amount) Units in target exit." if your standing on the glowing floor.
Had it said 0, it would be more obvious you cant use that exit anymore.
Sorry, dont have enough internet right now to watch stream.
I still can check for terrain bugs. What kind of surrounding was there? (Blue crystal, green slime, etc)
Sorry, dont have enough internet right now to watch stream.
I still can check for terrain bugs. What kind of surrounding was there? (Blue crystal, green slime, etc)
It was basically the same as floor 3 with light blue flooring and crystals around, I just thought it was deeper since it was the first big nest I was clearing and all the others had a queen.
Ok, so they were in target exit and then disappeared after abort mission was pressed?
Upd.: found it. Yes, pretty... inconvenient.
Right now i can only add description to this level's briefing.
Hello everyone, I have written a webnovell inspiered by my experience in playing xcom chronicles, much of the stuff is original with the help of chat GPT to help me write the story.
Nord, I would like to upload my story to the internet, the only things I has taken from your mod is some ufopedia articles information and the alien creatures you describe in the game. For fomality sake I would like to get your permission to proceed.
Sure, why not.
Version 1.5 is up.
- fixed funding rise in early game;
- decreased cost of scientists per 5000/month;
- powered up invader ships;
- mana-depleting amulets now cause stun when mana=0;
- fixed many Ufopedia articles;
- fixed healer power hit with weapon in backpack (OXCE newer than 7.15 required);
- prepared for new OXCE (>7.15);
- fixed dwarf research unavailability for those who fear golems;
- minor bugfixing;
- minor balancing for easier game;
Thanks to _Solaz for his playthrough.
Trying X-Chronicles again, XChr 1.5, OXCE 7.15.0 . The game crashed to desktop during a Goblin Terror.
Last save, log, and message attached.
Specifically, it happened when I moved a soldier next to the passenger door of the van, but I am not sure if that is the cause.
Specifically, it happened when I moved a soldier next to the passenger door of the van, but I am not sure if that is the cause.
Invalid LOFTemp somewhere.
Also, there is one more forgotten node without ignore: DUMMY
[23-12-2024_12-21-44] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'Mod': Obsolete (to removed after year 2025) operation Missing main node at line 1484
in soldiers.rul, close to - &CONJURER_MAGISTER_KEY
Also, for OXCE 8.0, the following changes need to be done:
- remove trailing whitespace from all ruleset files
- add missing colon after femaleLast in Belarusian.nam
- add missing quotes in Polynesia.nam ('Akamu)
- change FixRadius: 0.0 to FixRadius: 0 in items.rul
and, if not much trouble, change the files visible on the attached screenshot from UTF-8 BOM to UTF-8: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=12367.0
Invalid LOFTemp somewhere.
It appears to be the moped nearby. I only need to turn the soldier in their current position to face east directly at the bike and the crash will occur. The crash only happens at certain angles and positions tho.
Both sections of the vehicle have invalid loft records for UFO's loftemps.dat and I don't see x-chronicles providing its own version of the file.
Rifts still tend to appear outside of my range, even before Internationalization.
This is the third one that appeared in Europe in this game. This one is the westernmost yet.
Correction: It's actually in Africa. But they all spawned outside of the range of my Ospray.
I hope i'll check it all in this year.
Another thing: Recovered Phoenix Ashes are not researchable, even though the Phoenix ashes research topic exists according to the Tech Tree Viewer.
At Experienced difficulty, buying a Protector costs $28 000, but it sells for $30 000. This is nice, but probably not intended.
Tile boundary in front of Mustafa Kalender seems to be impassable, for no obvious reason.
Motion Scanners, similarly to Protectors have a greater sell price (54 000) than buy price (45 500).
Version 1.6 is up.
- OXCE 8.0 ready;
- minor bugfixing.
Thank you, looks good.
With low priority, try to turn off "Lazy loading", which will show you some more errors that can be fixed later.
Savages are doing rituals in Antarctica.
Savages are doing rituals in Antarctica.
Poor polar researchers...
Thanks, i'll check.
So Celatids can shoot new Celatids. OK
If a new Celatid lands on an occupied tile, it is shoved onto the nearest unoccupied tile. OK.
This tile can be a fully enclosed one. Bad.
I had to use Debug to find this Celatid, since exploring the whole map did not reveal it.
Hadn't tried the newest version but when I last had a run it seemed that alien nests get out of control very quickly for a new player, especially if you get the progression tech for them too early or don't know to shoot down every flyer.
If possible I was thinking that it could have a reduced spread rate depending on difficulty or ramp up over time.
Even a 1 time event that the council yells at you with a score loss but clears up hives if you let them get out of control with like 10
Also when Xcom gets the tech to go global, unlocking all starting nations weaponry while your still barely into magic would make sense to me
Hadn't tried the newest version but when I last had a run it seemed that alien nests get out of control very quickly for a new player, especially if you get the progression tech for them too early or don't know to shoot down every flyer.
This was balanced multiple times. Some people thinked that nests spread too fast, some - that too slow. Right now it is a medium speed. (Maybe uncomfortable for both... ;D )
Also when Xcom gets the tech to go global, unlocking all starting nations weaponry while your still barely into magic would make sense to me
Saw it in your playthrough. Interesting idea.
Getting hit in the shield of your Psion Suit causese anti-training in Mana.
The last Ghost Hound is below Sebastian Olsen. If you have Abduzoir Abdurakhmonov stand in a fire and end the turn, then kill the Ghost Hound, he loses 5 max Mana at the end of the mission. If you kill the Ghost Hound without it, he does not.
I know, this apply only to those, who has reached maximum mana pool. Maybe the script can be improved to not confuse players... I'll think some more.
Had another idea that it could be cool to have rare soldiers appear while recruiting that either had bonus starting stats or boosted training caps.
So that either way they can have a unique buff over the other soldiers (like maybe they rolled a +10 boost to melee acc so its 10 higher than the normal max)
This could be explained with them being naturally gifted in mana and their body using it, but not to the point of being a full psion.
Mostly just an idea to give a small boost in early game and they could even loose the buff when transformed into psion when it's not as impactful anymore