I just installed the new version, and there are now a massively reduced number of possible agent faces, there are now only 16 in total (none of which are new from the previous version).
Nah, there are even more faces now. It's just that the 'change avatar' interface doesn't seem to play nice with 'maxLookVariant' values over 15. No idea why, ruleset reference makes it look like it should be able to go up to 63. Maybe all the different soldier types interfere with it somehow? Anyway, I imagine it's something to take up with Meridian.
Right now, you can just set 'maxLookVariant' back to 15 and just live with not having access to every single possible avatar from the armour interface. The man took it up himself. Update to OXCE 7.8.7 or higher (not that there's anything much higher yet).
Also, is there any way to change the palette back? The colors for UFOpedia look horrible IMO, almost intentionally so.
Go to customPalettes_XCOMFILES.rul and delete these lines.
file: Resources/Pals/NEW_XCF_PALLET.pal
No clue what you're talking about wrt UFOpedia. The Pedia palette itself is unchanged. Battlescape items and armours use a separate,
third palette there, and that's unchanged as well. You should notice that stuff tends to change colours a bit when you middle-click them.
I kinda like the new (or rather old

) blues, but on the whole the palette changes have IMO never been for the better and I've removed almost all of them from my copies as soon as possible. They obfuscate more than they immerse. YMMV and all that, of course.