Thx for the major update !
But I have a new problem. My game is "lagging" when I am spinning the earth. This bug is new from .97.
Hello Bobwolf, it may be not a bug, maybe depending on your computer. Please provide as most data ea you can, screenshot and saved games most of all. And please please reposr bugs
here. Thanks for you patience!
Edit: this 0.97 version was veery unlucky *sigh*
Edit: 2@Dioxine: please may the TU required for firing heavy machine gun be decreased? At least under 90%? Eg. between 70 and 80 would be fine, i'd go with 70 anyway since it's kinda useless for the first half of the game i think...
Edit: 3 and now the only "compain" i got

when playng at the most higher difficulty level (4 and or 5) sometimes progroms anc certain mission are unbeatable because
as soon as i made first steps out of my vessel i get shot and killed almost instantaneinly?!?! :oWhat the heck they got super duper reactions fire or maybe are fraking robots? This occpurs with machines (cyberdisc, ecc.) and humas! Please may these reactions times be slowered, for instance, by an half? Another point: may be the vanilla cyberdisc replaced by the vanilla hovertank, provided the latter are't already used by enemy in the game. The vanilla cyberdisc are really very "alienish" so somenthing more ordinary would be more setting to the framework