Certain someone once said that UFOPedia et al and Battlescape "Cannot ever be mixed". So much for that, lol 
Well, the battlescape/inventory below the UFOpedia window switches palette so it looks weird. I guess that's what that someone wanted to say. For me, it's a very minor nuisance... it doesn't even look that bad. And once you open an article, background switches to complete black anyway.
Yeah, I'm kinda feeling like it was more, "... that was alot of work to get that Ufopedia State to work in another where it was never intended.... we certainly don't want to do that again."
It was actually very easy. 3 lines of code for battlescape and 2 lines of code for inventory... but as said above, the images "don't mix well"

Quick and dirty.... but oh so good.
Any chance of figuring out how to change armor by r-clicking on a person (the another "impossible thing")? 
Do you mean changing soldier's armor directly in the Inventory screen by clicking on the paperdoll (or by a hotkey)?
I can look at that... shouldn't be too hard... might suffer the palette problem though... which I wouldn't mind.
Also, I guess that should work only when Inventory is opened during pre-mission equipment, right?