Author Topic: Introduce yourself  (Read 263979 times)

Offline Pandemonium

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Re: Introduce yourself
« Reply #240 on: August 06, 2021, 10:00:42 pm »
Hello all! I'm a 30-something-ish woman from the southern US. Pandemonium is my gamer-tag across multiple platforms. I'm a believer in the paranormal, including the UFO/abduction phenomena. However, my preferred explanation for that in particular isn't aliens. I love anything to do with history, world myths, science and physics or interstellar subjects. I have a Bachelor of Science majoring in General Science, minoring in World History.

I'm new here but an X-Com veteran. I've played X-Com since 1995. I'd heard of OpenXcom before but hadn't gotten around to installing it until this last weekend. I did a vanilla play-through on easy in a day, just to refresh my understanding and strategy of the timeless classic. I've also played it's successors.

I'm an old hat at the mod stuff but I've never dipped more than a toe or two into the modding itself. I've made simple mods for Stellaris, Vampires the Masquerade Bloodlines, Civilization 5, and some sprite changes to X-Com Apocalypse. I got my start in the old DOS based hex editors altering games like, Dune, X-Com, Afterlife, etc. I like the graphical mods more so than the rule changing mods or conversions.

My favorite memory of X-Com is from playing as a kid. I'd stay up well past my bedtime and play with the sound turned down so I wouldn't alert my parents. As a kid I believed aliens were real and really visiting people. I remember being worried that if they knew how much I enjoyed blasting Sectoids in the head they'd be upset with me! Hahahaha

Offline Chuckebaby

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Re: Introduce yourself
« Reply #241 on: January 27, 2023, 12:30:09 pm »
I'm Charlie (Chuck), an audio mastering engineer from Boston, MA (USA). I run a Mixing and Mastering digital audio group (on Facebook) with over 62k members.
Never really been a gamer or into gaming, I just play X com. I bought a PlayStation 1 in early 1995 when Sony first released them.
I bought X com almost by mistake and instantly fell in love with it.

I'm thankful to this forum where I can share my experiences and love for this game.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2023, 12:32:13 pm by Chuckebaby »

Offline ange.mac

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Re: Introduce yourself
« Reply #242 on: February 06, 2023, 08:41:05 am »

Ange Mac here, 38, New Zealand.
My neighbour showed me UfO: EU back in 1994 and it was the coolest thing I'd ever seen, but boy I sucked at it. I am finally giving it another crack after finishing EW and WOTC - I heard about OpenXcom about midway through EW and desperately wanted to play it instead but had to see the remakes through to completion first.
I have amateur game design, pixel art & music chops so may give modding a go in the future - I dream of a Mars Attacks! or War of the Worlds TC.

Looking forward to getting to know the community.

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Re: Introduce yourself
« Reply #243 on: February 10, 2023, 10:49:50 am »
I bought a used computer in the 1990's and it came with x-com 1&2. I think it was a 486 if not a Pentium.  The seller of the computer said those games were the only reason he bought the computer and he was done with them even though he still liked them.   That computer is long gone, but I still have the game disks. They have remained my favorite games though I don't play games often.  A few years later, I was offered a job at Microprose when I lived near their headquarters, but they were no longer working on x-com at the time and they didn't pay well, so there was no point in pursuing it.    I've always wanted to modify x-com.  I've worked on several mods for other games and have made graphics and voice acting for various indie games (most of which were never finished).  I was paid to animate sprites for a game which was later released on steam, and I've made games of my own.  I'm currently working on a fantasy mod for OXCE through IDT.

Offline KayDat

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Re: Introduce yourself
« Reply #244 on: August 02, 2023, 10:15:36 am »
Long time X-Com player, started with Apoc and worked my way backwards to TFTD and then UFO. Used to spend all my time over at XTC/Strategy Core back in the day, and recently decided to get back into the game, loving the QoL improvments with OXCE.

Offline Jot

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Re: Introduce yourself
« Reply #245 on: January 20, 2024, 08:51:50 pm »
Hi ufo-maniacs ;D  I'm 40+  :o  from Europe.... First i played Apocalipse in late 90ties (probably '98 or '99)-in its real-time mode  :) , then few years later UFO by dosbox and TFTD by dosbox, too... and then Open Xcom. I  scan this forum i think from i think 2 years, when i discovered OpenXcom and started play with it. But registered very recently  8) Now writing it to check if i can write something  ;D

Offline Unfetteredmight

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Re: Introduce yourself
« Reply #246 on: October 02, 2024, 08:29:40 am »
Hey everyone! I'm 49 years old, a father to two, a lifelong gamer, and a renaissance man. I was first introduced to X-COM on the PS1 nearly 30 years ago, and I was instantly hooked. While I liked the reiterations of X-COM well enough, none of them has that same feeling of the originals that has brought me back to play them again and again. Now I discover there is this community of kindred spirits that have made modding possible? Imagine my glee.. well you probably don't have to imagine do you? I felt like a kid on Christmas morning going through the list of mods available, so much is available I'm having trouble deciding what to start with first. Additionally, I have the option to make my own? Bursting at the seams with joy... Thank you to the developers that made this all possible and all the fine work the modding community has done thus far for our beloved X-COM.

Now where did that pesky Sectoid sneak off to... 

Offline MaryO

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Re: Introduce yourself
« Reply #247 on: December 11, 2024, 12:06:56 pm »
Hi there! I`m new here.

Offline Bizon

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Re: Introduce yourself
« Reply #248 on: February 04, 2025, 09:40:00 pm »
Hello, I'm long time lurker but playing X-Com from late 1990s.