Author Topic: [submod] XCom Files Arsenal Additions (ver 0.8.1f Anarchic Anachronism)  (Read 72436 times)

Offline AlicePaws

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For X-Com Files 3.1 (No issues so far)
Savegame compatibility:
I can't guarantee that everything will work, but it shouldn't lock you out of any research, I still recommend restarting your campaign. page:
GitHub Repository (Most up to date but not always stable)

Additions include:
-- New Hangar Vehicles --
- Motorbike: Single person vehicle, for those playthroughs where you want to send out lone agents against the world, faster than the sports car
- B52 Stratofortress: Serves as a craft between the dragonfly and the first skyranger in terms of transport ability, multi-role, can equip heavy cannons, howitzers, heavy plating or heavy fuel tanks, VERY expensive and cannot hunt down UFO's with its speed, lastly you can unlock higher cargo capacities while sacrificing fuel economy and the ability to equip heavy plating
- Shadowstorm: Upgraded Lightning, can go to space, 12 troop capacity, stealth, extra electronics slot and flare dispensers on top!

-- Vehicle Armors --
-- LWP (Light Weapons Platform) Available before Promotion III
- LWP's are nimble tanks meant more for scouting than pure offense, they can be modified with Night camouflage or extra Plating, they posess some natural camouflage already without the Night camo, the plating will slow them down considerably and affect some of the accuracy however while also negating any natural camouflage they had. Night versions also have slightly more sensitive light sensors allowing slightly better night vision. Riot versions are sturdier than regular light tanks and the Taser turret can be plated for even more defense, this will hurt your movement and camouflage however.

- Light Tank Autocannon Armor (With options for either Plated or Night camouflage upgrades)
- Light Tank Cannon Armor (With options for either Plated or Night camouflage upgrades)
- Light Tank Machinegun/Twin Machinegun (With options for either Plated or Night camouflage upgrades)
- Riot Tank Teargas Launcher/Rubber Launcher
- Riot Tank Taser Cannon (Option for a Plated ugprade available)

-- Armors --
- Riot Vest
- Riot Vest (Shield)
- Heavy Riot Suit
- Prototype Tactical Suit (Earlier Tactical Suit)
- Night Jumpsuit
- Tactical Nightsuit

-- Weapons --
-- Attachments
- Stock: Improves Auto-fire capabilties and stability while making the weapon bulkier to use
- Bipod: 50% accuracy penalty while standing, provides slightly increased range, slight TU discount and a slight increase to accuracy while kneeling
- Grenade Launcher: M16 with an underbarrel grenade launcher, compatible with most ammo
- Masterkey: M16 with an underbarrel shotgun, can use small shotgun and pump action shotgun ammo

-- Pistols
- Beretta 93 R "Raffica" (Attachments available: Stock) (the good ol Beretta 92 FS but with a burst fire option, you have a slight onehanded penalty bonus)
- Beretta Large Clip (for both the original Beretta 92 Fs and the new Beretta 93 R)
- Manurhin Revolver: .357 revolver made for accuracy, magnum hits harder but is better at landing shots
- Revolver .357 tritanium drums
- Manurhin Scoped Revolver: (Attachments available: Bipod) longer barrel and a scope attached for longer shots, harder to use
- BlackOps Revolver: BlackOps version of the Manuhrin Revolver
- BlackOps Precision Revolver: (Attachments available: Bipod) BlackOps version of the Manurhin Scoped Revolver
- Alloy Flare Gun (Improved flare gun and improved flare gun round both made from Alien Fuel Trace)
- Illuminator Flare Rounds for both regular Flare Gun and Alloy Flare Gun
- Cyber Taser: enhanced taser, can use regular battery or an enhanced overvolted battery with AOE capabilities later on
- Light Hand Cannon: shortened version of the Light Cannon
- Mauser Schnellfeuer, full auto capable Mauser as well as a Mauser big clip (Can use a stock)
- Auto-9MP: (Attachments available: Stock) A machine pistol and probably the best one in the game
- Scoped and BlackOps Scoped Magnums: Able to use bipods, compare Manuhrin Revolver and BlackOps revolver to their scoped counterparts to see the differences, mostly more range and accuracy at the expense of slower to shoot and weight/bulkiness
- Stenchkin Automatic Pistol and a big clip for both it and the Makarov (Can use a stock)
- Sturmpistole: A pistol sized grenade launcher, can use the flare gun's ammo as well (Can use a stock)
- Assault Storm Pistol: Alloy version of the Sturmpistole, an upgrade to the Alloy Flare Pistol (Can use a stock)

-- Submachine guns
- MP5K: Compact MP5 that uses a smaller magazine than its bigger counterpart, fearsome firerate and recoil requires skill to use

-- Assault Rifles
- AN-94 Rifle: (2 shot hyper accurate hyper burst, need to adjust the accuracy a bit, but it does the burst correctly now)
- FG42 Rifle: Multipurpose rifle with limited magazine capacity. (Can use a bipod) (Dual commendations)
- HK51: A submachine gun sized FN FAL (Dual commendations)

-- Shotguns
- BlackOps Smart Auto Shotgun: Big magazines and a general upgrade (need some balancing for this one)
- Accurized Shotgun: Longer range and less harsh dropoff, worse snap shot accuracy and more expensive TU costs
- Assault Auto-12 shotgun, lighter than the USAS-12 but a bit harder to handle
- BlackOps Accurized Shotgun: Same as above but improved
- Razor Shotgun: inspired by the Alloy Cannon in XCOM 2012, shoots out razor sharp alloy shards/blades, if you've researched the Tracite technology you can also manufacture Tracite infused ammo capable of igniting on impact
- Frag-12 Ammo for the BlackOps Auto Shotgun (Meant to breach open regular doors and ignore some armor, this is a very contentious item for me, I don't want to have the equivalent of the OP Battlefield 3 auto shotgun shenanigans, simply an option for suppression and breaching, I am not sure how to balance the stats of this thing, I also rarely use this gun is more of a niche since it doesn't have any options for armored foes like the slugs on other shotguns do, nor the CC/Stunning capabilities of the regular and BlackOps shotguns)
- Flechette Ammo for Shotguns
- Breaching Ammo for Shotguns
- Flak Ammo for Shotguns (tritanium flechette)
- Dragonbreath Ammo for Auto-Shotgun and Shotgun
- Flashbang and Teargas rounds for the KS-23M shotgun

-- Sniper Rifles
- Added HE Ammo to M82 Barrett
- Pulse Sniper Rifle: Hard hitting but just as hard to use

-- Heavy Weapons
- Muckstar Cannon: Enhanced Taser Cannon, can use regular battery or an enhanced overvolted battery with AOE capabilities later on
- Plasma Gatler: Like the Scatter Laser, but in plasma form
- NSV Machine Gun: the Soviet counterpart of the .50 cal machinegun, ingame it is an variant of the HMG which features both AP and Tracer ammunition (can sometimes ignite)

-- Anti-Tank Rifles
- PTRD1941 Rifle: 14.5mm single shot rifle, has AP and HE rounds
- PTRS1941 Rifle: 14.5mm semi-automatic rifle, has AP and HE clips
- NTW20 Denel: 20mm semi-automatic rifle, AP and HE clips
- S18 Solothurn 1000: 20mm semi-automatic rifle, AP and HE clips
- RT20 Rifle: 20mm recoilless rifle, single shot, bigger AP and HE rounds
- M42 Carl Gustav Rifle 20mm recoiless rifle, single shot, biggest AP and HE rounds
- Model SS41: 7.96 mm semi-automatic rifle, less damage but big clips and can shoot twice per turn, AP and HE clips

-- Launchers
- Mortar Tear Gas Shell (meant to be the cross between the pepper spray and a smoke mortar shell, depletes TU's affects a bit of morale and stuns a bit)
- Mortar Star Shell: A big flare that will last 8 turns (subject to change)
- M72 LAW: One use rocket launcher, lighter and cheaper than the RPG
- M3 Carl Gustav: multi-purpose launcher with ammo such as Star (flare) and Flechette rounds in addition to HEAT and HEI rounds
- BlackOps Smart Launcher: -See scripted weapons section-
- Teargas ammo for Grenade Launcher and Milkor
- Breaching Ammo for Milkor and Grenade Launcher (high damage to tile, low radius, lower damage to units)
- Mini mortar: Smaller payload and less range but lighter, can fire faster and can can unlock "bundle" ammo so they function as a clip (3 mortars in a clip)
- M.A.G.M.A. Launcher: A rocket launcher that uses chemical filled rockets (Stun, Gas and Napalm ammo)

-- Throwables
- Tear Gas Grenades (Pepper spray but turned into grenades, be it for hands or grenade launchers)
- Proximity Flares (why not?)
- Breaching Charge (high damage to tile, low radius, lower damage to units)
- Resuscitator: -See scripted weapons section-
- Stasis Grenade: -See scripted weapons section-

-- Vehicle Weapons
- Canister Shot for HWP Tanks (think of a shotgun for tanks, good for infantry bad against armor)
- Vehicle Smoke Dispensers: Like the ones on your scout drones but scaled up
- Light Cannon: scaled down HWP Cannon (HE/AP/Canister)
- Light Autocannon: Firepower focused version of the Light Cannon, cannot use canister shell ammunition (HE/AP)
- Machinegun and Twin Machinegun: A machine gun for your LWP's, the Twin barrel version trades accuracy and ammo control for more firepower
- Riot Launcher: Can shoot Teargas canisters and Rubber bullets
- Riot Taser: A scaled up Taser Cannon for our LWP's
- Vehicle Flares: they work like a scaled up flare gun right now, but might consider changing them to just flares

-- Scripted Weapons --
- BlackOps Smart Launcher (Regular Grenade Launcher AND Proximity Mine launcher depending on ammo)
- Illuminator Flare/ Star Rounds (they act like literal flares when shot, no damage or fire, will despawn after certain amount of turns)
- Stasis Grenade (Pauses wounds for a number of turns then resumes wounds, lasts 5 turns, subject to change)
- Cardioplasmic Resuscitator (Stabilizes wounds that would kill you at the cost of extra sanity and morale, will heal 1 wound per turn at the cost of sanity and morale, lasts 3 turns, subject to change)
- Tear gas grenades and rounds: like a flashbang with reduced effects but lasts twice as long
- Impact Vest: Reduces physical damage when taken up close, provides the most protection from frontal attacks (Bladed weapons will get through!)
- Riot Stab Vest: Protects against stabbing attacks, provides the most protection from frontal attacks.

-- Commendations --
- Anti-Tank Infantry: Gives a bit of strenght, energy and firing accuracy
- Custodian: Non-lethal takedowns for AI units
- Current elemental commendations: Chemist (Chemical), Arsonist (Incendiary)
- All the new weapons introduced have their respective commendations, and two of them feature "dual" roles so they get commendations there too
-- Transformations --
- Gilldog Gene therapy (For all animals currently, future ones will only be for your dogs): increases most stats by 5 and will increase armor on all sides by 2
- Basic Law Enforcement Training: +5 To most stats, unlocked very early

-- Alien Units--
Muton Berserker: Melee oriented, lots of TU's and hitpoints as well as a deadly AOE punch that can disorient you (Unlocks Impact Vest)
Muton Heavy Gunner: Has access to the plasma gatler, better armored than its normal counterparts (Unlocks Plasma Gatler)

-- Cultists --
Red Dawn Logistics Crewman
Red Ops Officer
Red Ops Juggernaut
Acolyte Of Dagon
Proselyte Of Dagon
Hand Of Dagon
Black Lotus Knight
Black Lotus Archwitch
The One (Black Lotus Shadow)

-- Misc --
- Added nameAsAmmo properties to the following weapon's ammo:
BlackOps Auto-Shotgun exotic ammo
Shard Shotgun ammo
Shotgun exotic ammo
Flare Pistol ammo
LWP Riot Launcher ammo
Light Hand Cannon ammo
KS-23M exotic ammo
All anti-tank rifles
M3 Carl Gustav ammo
BlackOps Smart Auto-Shotgun ammo
Mortar exotic ammo
Barret HE ammo
Some others I may have missed, but most if not all the exotic ammunition I added should now work with it

0.8 Anarchic Anachronism
Changed aiming formula for Blackops Scout Rifle and added auto firing mode (2 shots)
Added a snap shot for the NSV Machinegun
Added Accurized FN FAL
Added M-21 Rifle
Added VSSK Sniper Rifle
Added RSh-12 Revolver
Added ShAK-12 Rifle
Added M16 Beowulf
VSSK, RSH-12, M16 Beowulf and SHAK-12 can fire two type of rounds:
1) Heavier subsonic ammo designed for controlled penetration and maximum damage against soft targets
2) Lighter armor piercing ammo designed for heavily armored targets
And more...

Fixed shields not properly taking damage resistances that werent kinetic or incendiary, they will now properly attenuate damage and receive the proper damage as well as also have their durability reduced by the affected damage.
- Old shields when hit with 50 kinetic if they had 20 armor would properly send the damage to be calculated against your soldier as 30 but would reduce their durability by the full 50
- Old shields when hit with 100 plasma  if they had 20 armor would check damage type and if there were no plasma damage reductions it'd treat it as 0 therefore nullifying the damage
- New shields when hit with 50 kinetic still send the 30 damage to your soldiers armor but will now properly take off 30 durability instead of 50
- New shields when hit with 100 plasma if they had 20 armor will now check damage resistance, default to 100 if none is found and will continue the normal path of damage instead of nullifying it
Shields had their armor values slightly buffed:
- 10 for Riot (was 8 )
- 12 for Combat (was 10 )
- 14 for Alloy (was 12 )
- 20 for Assault (was 15 )
- 18 for Stormtrooper (was 15 )
Reduced amount of debug logs in some scripts
Fixed malformed Muton sprites
Added missing strings for Muton Berserker and Heavy strings
Added missing category for Impact Vest
Fixed FG42 commendations
Fixed self referencing BOps Smart Auto Shotty Tritanium ammo reqs
Removed github patch (deprecated)

fixed BlackOps Smart Launcher ammo missing categories
Added monthly buy limits to ammo provided by sharing tech with M.A.G.M.A.
Added new soldier types as being eligible for the law enforcement training transformation
Fixed BlackOps Executioner sprite
Added recovery points for Male VIP hostage
Slightly buffed M42 Carl Gustav (Clip size +1 , +2 more power, stronger against armor)
Slightly buffed RT-20 (Clip size +1, +1 more power, stronger against armor)
All tracite related equipment should be buyable (with a monthly limit) after sharing the Tracite tech
Rebalanced tracite equipment prices accordingly
Groza, AK47 and AKM can now use extended clips
Added missing extra page for M16 M203 and Masterkey underbarrel ammo
Fixed Greatest Manors not unlocking their respective milestones
Reduced BlackOps Scout Rifle's regular clip to 15 (This was an oversight, it was always meant to have 15 on both Trit and Regular)
Added missing string for the plated light tank machine gun
Altered Cult Convoys progression so that you no longer need to find the HQ to raid the warehouse, if you capture the warehouse specialist (the special mini boss) you unlock the HQ's location
Added Tracite Rocket manufacturing
Tracite and Tritanium Var Cannon Clip manufacturing is more expensive
Gas Rocket, Mortar, Mini Mortar and Sturmpistole Gas Clips are more expensive to manufacture
Added missing Large Fuel Tank ufopedia entry.
Added missing Convoy/Warehouse article entries
Golden Whisper now has male sounds
Updated version compatibility (Purely visual)
Updated the values shown in the Wieldable shields ufopedia articles to reflect the updated ones

Commented out some obsolete armors in scripts causing crashes on boot
Replaced bad transparency on backgrounds thanks to gchpaco

I am balancing my guns with the Weapons Overhaul submod by Eddie as the basis, it makes some of the early weapons a lot fun to use plus some extras
Eddie's Weapon Overhaul,9683.0.html
Has been fully integrated into the mod

the Shadowstorm craft or Tactial Lightning as its known originally was made by 60mm, all I did was adapt it for XCFAA

Notice to Android users in particular: If you run into specific issues please let me know/show me your error logs so I can further debug

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« Last Edit: June 22, 2024, 04:30:16 pm by AlicePaws »

Offline Mrvex

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Re: [MOD] XCom Files Arsenal Additions
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2021, 05:47:22 pm »
You know, i was always thinking about making a mod similar to this, to add new toys to XCOM, but since that went nowhere i guess they are nothing but ideas but i wanted to add hollow point rounds (larger flat damage but worse against armoured enemies), dragon rounds, some WW2 weapons like panzerfaust or MG42 and i even thought off to make Goliath as drone armor as XCOM suicidal unit.

What i've came up with also supposed to add new early game weapons to XCOM through workshop, that you would get a new resource called scrap and you would use it to manufacture home made weapons for XCOM, mainly molotovs and nail bombs as a way to get incendiary weapons and grenade like weapons before the explosives license, they would be far weaker than the standard stuff but still a petrol bomb landing on cultists face will hurt alot.

One interesting concept i came up with a new weapon type, the Wavelenght Emitor Cannon, which would shoot microwave beams with auto mode (low armour pierce but would do incendiary damage) and gamma beam mode (Which would have massive penetration and would probably do emp damage but would damage living things considerably too)

And laser weapons in general could get different ammo types affecting their wavelenght and their purpose, shorter wavelenght would penetrate more while longer would do things like ignition and could work as a flashbang in the penalties it would cause.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [MOD] XCom Files Arsenal Additions
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2021, 08:17:46 pm »
Neat! I am starting my holiday now, so can't really do much with modding, but at a glance these look pretty interesting and not going overboard.

Offline AlicePaws

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Re: [MOD] XCom Files Arsenal Additions
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2021, 09:51:00 pm »
You know, i was always thinking about making a mod similar to this, to add new toys to XCOM, but since that went nowhere i guess they are nothing but ideas but i wanted to add hollow point rounds (larger flat damage but worse against armoured enemies), dragon rounds, some WW2 weapons like panzerfaust or MG42 and i even thought off to make Goliath as drone armor as XCOM suicidal unit.

I do actually want to add hollow points at some point, the thing is that they rely more on the stats than adding a new weapon which is ironically a bit harder for me at the moment since I'd need to playtest it, as for the MG42 or panzerfaust I dont see why not, it's just a matter of getting the spritework done since I'm not much of an artist (example #1 my funky extended mag for the beretta, the first attempt had me in tears)

What i've came up with also supposed to add new early game weapons to XCOM through workshop, that you would get a new resource called scrap and you would use it to manufacture home made weapons for XCOM, mainly molotovs and nail bombs as a way to get incendiary weapons and grenade like weapons before the explosives license, they would be far weaker than the standard stuff but still a petrol bomb landing on cultists face will hurt alot.

this sounds like a fun addition actually, I don't see why not even make the cultists wield some of these, I don't see it very logical for the church of dagon to have access to napalm/incendiaries but not have molotovs or nail bombs

One interesting concept i came up with a new weapon type, the Wavelenght Emitor Cannon, which would shoot microwave beams with auto mode (low armour pierce but would do incendiary damage) and gamma beam mode (Which would have massive penetration and would probably do emp damage but would damage living things considerably too)

And laser weapons in general could get different ammo types affecting their wavelenght and their purpose, shorter wavelenght would penetrate more while longer would do things like ignition and could work as a flashbang in the penalties it would cause.

Again, another thing I wanted to experiment with! I love turbolaser weapons so much I always skip the regular laser, I would love to give them some varied ammo's to make them maybe compete, as well as even the plasma weapons getting different types of ammunition

The one weapon I forgot to add was this version of the Taser weapons that were "overclocked" or amped up and would cause wounds/burns but would also stun more effectively, so you're trading a bit of the non lethalness for a better  chance to stun or get through armor

Neat! I am starting my holiday now, so can't really do much with modding, but at a glance these look pretty interesting and not going overboard.

Enjoy the  break! I tried very much to not stray too far away from the original vision, I have many ideas but some of them are too disruptive for the mod and I want to have the more grounded ones (I don't see why they wouldn't get an AN-94 rifle for example)

I don't want to make the game too easy either I just want more tools to work with or have new strategies form because of these new tools like the idea of a breaching tank

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Re: [MOD] XCom Files Arsenal Additions
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2021, 10:30:49 am »
This sounds like an interesting mod. I dunno how many of these weapons compare to the ones you get from Black Ops and forward, chances are they (logically) fall behind, but it is a nice touch. I'll look forward to see it more fleshed out to give it a try.
Currently in my campaign I have BO weapons after rushing the right research topics, so early weapons won't do much for me, but the new upgrades to existing stuff seems interesting.

Offline AlicePaws

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Re: [MOD] XCom Files Arsenal Additions
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2021, 05:01:27 pm »
This sounds like an interesting mod. I dunno how many of these weapons compare to the ones you get from Black Ops and forward, chances are they (logically) fall behind, but it is a nice touch. I'll look forward to see it more fleshed out to give it a try.
Currently in my campaign I have BO weapons after rushing the right research topics, so early weapons won't do much for me, but the new upgrades to existing stuff seems interesting.

I have the same issue with BO weapons, they feel like they make everything else nearly obsolete or come too quickly (I try not to rush them but, it's hard when you CAN and kind of should)

I do intend to add maybe a BlackOps Smart Grenade Launcher and Shotgun later on (like an actual two handed version)

Offline HT

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Re: [MOD] XCom Files Arsenal Additions
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2021, 10:44:41 am »
I have the same issue with BO weapons, they feel like they make everything else nearly obsolete or come too quickly (I try not to rush them but, it's hard when you CAN and kind of should)

I do intend to add maybe a BlackOps Smart Grenade Launcher and Shotgun later on (like an actual two handed version)

To be fair, they ARE meant to be better than most "normal" weapon, as they're state-of-the-art guns used for... Black Ops. The balance is their ridiculous price, which should stop you from getting them immediately (in theory). Still, stuff like the Miniguns take care of nearly every foe with little issue (once one of your guys is strong enough to lift that thing).

As for getting a "smart grenade launcher", that sounds cool. How would that work? An improved GL with better accuracy? A multi-round one like the Tactical GL (which makes the regular one somewhat obsolete)? As for a two-handed shotgun, aren't they two-handed by default in most cases, other than the sawed off?

Offline AlicePaws

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Re: [MOD] XCom Files Arsenal Additions
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2021, 05:17:03 pm »
To be fair, they ARE meant to be better than most "normal" weapon, as they're state-of-the-art guns used for... Black Ops. The balance is their ridiculous price, which should stop you from getting them immediately (in theory). Still, stuff like the Miniguns take care of nearly every foe with little issue (once one of your guys is strong enough to lift that thing).

As for getting a "smart grenade launcher", that sounds cool. How would that work? An improved GL with better accuracy? A multi-round one like the Tactical GL (which makes the regular one somewhat obsolete)? As for a two-handed shotgun, aren't they two-handed by default in most cases, other than the sawed off?

Smart grenade launcher would be something akin to the XM29, lot more ammunition since they're smaller grenades, accuracy and range, I'd probably add something ridiculous like 20mm buckshot to those, as for the two handed smarty, well we only have one smart shotgun in the game and it's a sawn off one handed version, I attempted to make a smart version of the auto shotty, but it's missing a few balancing passes, smart weapons don't necessarily do more damage per shot which makes it a bit trickier than simply bumping up the stats (which i literally did)

Offline AlicePaws

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Re: [MOD] XCom Files Arsenal Additions
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2021, 04:00:48 am »
The next version(v0.37) is going to take a bit longer to release since I'm going to focus on making sure all the content in the mod works, has the proper requirements and tech and all the good stuff so you can play your campaign without issues, I wanted the first cycle to be about content creation, the second cycle will involve integration and see how the different pieces interact with each other and some further refinement and polish. (This was the case for v0.36, and some fixes and polishes have indeed been done!)
Another important feature I want is modularity, you can turn off any weapons you don't want, so you can literally just open the mod folder and delete the respective ruleset file you don't want, v0.36 has been uploaded, enjoy!

Features worked on:
- Artillery commendation (Kills with your AI using Howitzer Cannons and Mortars)
- Howitzer Cannons and Mortars for HWP's (Mortars are self explanatory, Howitzer Cannons are extreme range cannons that have a minimal range and at the most extreme of distances the damage slightly increases due to projectiles reaching their final velocity, they need a skilled AI to correctly harness, limited ammo and extremely expensive TU costs, you cannot move and fire)
- Acceletron Cannon (Railgun-like Shard Cannon)
- Project Infernite (Elerium tier Tracite)
- Plasma Gatler for the aliens so they can mow you down :) they need new toys as well!
« Last Edit: June 07, 2021, 02:08:47 am by 8mono »

Offline HT

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Re: [MOD] XCom Files Arsenal Additions
« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2021, 12:14:17 am »
Tried the 0.36 version a little. Some projects should not be available or viewable in the Ufopaedia until you get the prerequisites, and yet they are, like the Shard Shotgun.
The Riot Gear doesn't unlock a riot armor type used by SWAT/insert elite police force here, it could be cool to have something between the Armored Vest and the Kevlar Vest for example. I dunno how the Teargas grenade compares to the flash grenades you already have in XCF.
The smart auto-shotgun seems to be OP, and it can be seen from minute 0 even when you shouldn't be able to buy it yet, and it looks like the ultimate shotgun ever, with the baton shells being perhaps a bit too good. I was also able to see the Heavy Laser article even though I haven't unlocked lasers yet in my playthrough.
Regarding the light tanks, they're a fun idea, I was hoping to get a bigger combat drone chassis before unlocking the HWP ones, but no dice. Your mod tries to do that, but funnily enough the light chassis are as big as a tank regarding size. The light cannon also has too many ammo IMO, compared to the regular rocket launcher and cannon from the HWP vehicles.
The 'paedia mentions something about a twin rocket launcher, but I wasn't able to see it, only a dual machinegun variant, but perhaps I didn't peer carefully enough.
No idea what's the purpose of the explosive shells of the shotgun that are not pellet-based like the rest of the ammo.
The Shard Shotgun I wasn't able to try, but it is probably hax since few things resist well Cutting damage.
Overall, a good work, although it needs some tinkering.

Offline AlicePaws

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Re: [MOD] XCom Files Arsenal Additions
« Reply #10 on: June 07, 2021, 01:13:32 am »
Firstly thank you for the feedback, helps this mod be a lot better  :D

Tried the 0.36 version a little. Some projects should not be available or viewable in the Ufopaedia until you get the prerequisites, and yet they are, like the Shard Shotgun.

I am still in the process of making sure the requierements for the Ufopaedia articles are correct, I was still struggling with the opposite problem, they wouldn't show up so I had to brute force them but yes it is on my radar to make them all be visible when they're supposed to  :)

The Riot Gear doesn't unlock a riot armor type used by SWAT/insert elite police force here, it could be cool to have something between the Armored Vest and the Kevlar Vest for example. I dunno how the Teargas grenade compares to the flash grenades you already have in XCF.

Armor seems to be a bit complicated to make, I would love to add a Riot Armor with a Shield and all, it won't protect you against bigger calibers but it sounds like a good transition from Kevlar to Armored Vests. Riot Gear right now is super basic, I think we only have two items, I have a LWP Riot Tank coming that shoots out Rubber bullets and Smoke coming out to help it feel less lonely. I'll see what I can do with armor but no promises, it just seems a bit daunting when looking at the armor files. As for the Tear Gas grenades and mortar shells, they're pretty weak at the moment, I wanted to add the flashbang effect to them as well because otherwise they're just a morale damaging version of a flashbang that doesn't even reduce stats, they do a bit of stun but I feel like they need to do more of..well everything I just didn't want to go overboard with them since they're sort of an early game tech. They damage TU's, Morale, and apply a bit of stun.

The smart auto-shotgun seems to be OP, and it can be seen from minute 0 even when you shouldn't be able to buy it yet, and it looks like the ultimate shotgun ever, with the baton shells being perhaps a bit too good. I was also able to see the Heavy Laser article even though I haven't unlocked lasers yet in my playthrough.

Yeah I haven't really had any balance passes applied to it, it shreds and baton rounds shouldn't actually be that fast to fire since realistically I dont think they'd have enough power to cycle the next round. My dilemma with baton rounds is that they're one of the reasons why my BO Shotgun (the regular one) stays relevant for a while, nothing else but the KS-23 shoots them so I wanted to have another shotgun with it...but I don't really think this ones a good fit OR they have to be nerfed to the ground, perhaps I should remove the Auto shots and nerf the TU's when you use them specifically (I mean and plus that whole shotgun needs to be toned down a lot)

Regarding the light tanks, they're a fun idea, I was hoping to get a bigger combat drone chassis before unlocking the HWP ones, but no dice. Your mod tries to do that, but funnily enough the light chassis are as big as a tank regarding size. The light cannon also has too many ammo IMO, compared to the regular rocket launcher and cannon from the HWP vehicles.
The 'paedia mentions something about a twin rocket launcher, but I wasn't able to see it, only a dual machinegun variant, but perhaps I didn't peer carefully enough.

I was undecided if I wanted an auto-cannon with a lot less power but was full auto capable or simply a smaller cousin to the regular cannon, the extra ammo I think you're right is a bit too much, Size wise do you mean the battlescape 2x2 sprite? or how much space they take up in your vehicle? I don't think I can change the sprite thing but I'm sure I could do something about them taking up maybe 3 slots instead? 2 sounds like a bit too much, but who knows I'll look into that

No idea what's the purpose of the explosive shells of the shotgun that are not pellet-based like the rest of the ammo.
The Shard Shotgun I wasn't able to try, but it is probably hax since few things resist well Cutting damage.
Overall, a good work, although it needs some tinkering.

Cutting is such a powerful damage type, it makes the shotgun look so so much cooler though :( but ideally I think we want a kinetic type shotgun that ignores some armor and deals some extra wound damage instead, I wanted explosive damage to not penetrate but chip away armor, do a bit of AOE and also just be able to destroy the enviroment, the Tracite Rounds are more of an incendiary deal and I think they deal a bit of AOE, the Frag-12 are the AOE effect plus the extra terrain damage. Frag-12 rounds to my understanding shoots one big slug full of explosives, so you're also getting a lot more range, there might be more nuances to that though

Again, thanks a lot for the feedback!

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Re: [MOD] XCom Files Arsenal Additions
« Reply #11 on: June 07, 2021, 01:39:23 am »

I was undecided if I wanted an auto-cannon with a lot less power but was full auto capable or simply a smaller cousin to the regular cannon, the extra ammo I think you're right is a bit too much, Size wise do you mean the battlescape 2x2 sprite? or how much space they take up in your vehicle? I don't think I can change the sprite thing but I'm sure I could do something about them taking up maybe 3 slots instead? 2 sounds like a bit too much, but who knows I'll look into that
Don't mention it! As for the sprite, I mean it should be somewhat smaller if possible, a bit bigger than an agent but not as big as the armored car sprite you're using, since they're supposed to be light vehicles. No idea if that's feasible though.
As for how much space it takes within a transport, it should be as a regular HWP does, aka 2 spaces, maybe 3 for balance reasons if necessary.

Offline AlicePaws

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Re: [MOD] XCom Files Arsenal Additions
« Reply #12 on: June 07, 2021, 01:59:52 am »
Hotfix released for some dumb things that are easily fixable now that I learned how to properly lock the Ufopaedia articles until needed!

Don't mention it! As for the sprite, I mean it should be somewhat smaller if possible, a bit bigger than an agent but not as big as the armored car sprite you're using, since they're supposed to be light vehicles. No idea if that's feasible though.
As for how much space it takes within a transport, it should be as a regular HWP does, aka 2 spaces, maybe 3 for balance reasons if necessary.

The spritesets are a mess (and I don't mean the quality! I love them and props to the artists, just the system that's used in the engine is a mess for my millenial eyes used to polygons and regular textures), I honestly wish I could just shrink them but from what I'm seeing I'd need to edit every single one of them or shrink then move them so they're centered for all like 40 pieces, it's a bit weird, also for the vehicles, we have a limit for the number right? if the number's in place I think 2 spaces could work, if not I would have to make them 3 space based, I'll start tweaking it in a bit, for now I've done the "dumb" fixes

Update: you can't change the size, but setting the size from 2 to 3 results in a hilarious 3x3 vehicle that refused to load and crashed the game, it wont accept decimals either because its literally going from 1 to 2x2 to 3x3, I was planning on making a super heavy tank that needed a whole class of transport that enabled such super heavy tanks but... I guess they can just be differently colored tankier tanks xD
« Last Edit: June 07, 2021, 03:00:38 am by 8mono »

Offline krautbernd

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Re: [MOD] XCom Files Arsenal Additions
« Reply #13 on: June 07, 2021, 03:43:00 pm »
Update: you can't change the size, but setting the size from 2 to 3 results in a hilarious 3x3 vehicle that refused to load and crashed the game, it wont accept decimals either because its literally going from 1 to 2x2 to 3x3, I was planning on making a super heavy tank that needed a whole class of transport that enabled such super heavy tanks but... I guess they can just be differently colored tankier tanks xD

You might also want to check the Ruleset Reference:

Size of the unit wearing this armor, in Battlescape grid units. 1 means 1x1 unit, 2 means 2x2 unit, other sizes are not supported.

"Half-size" (or non-square) units are not supported, as no drawing methods exists for these, not to mention path finding etc.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2021, 03:48:12 pm by krautbernd »

Offline AlicePaws

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Re: [MOD] XCom Files Arsenal Additions
« Reply #14 on: June 07, 2021, 10:34:56 pm »
You might also want to check the Ruleset Reference:

"Half-size" (or non-square) units are not supported, as no drawing methods exists for these, not to mention path finding etc.

Yeah after reading into that it makes perfect sense as to why you'd only have square sized units too, and I figured the 3x3 vehicles was a long shot, that being said it shed some light into other questions I had floating around, thanks!