Interim update, the [big one] will take a little longer while I coordinate with Buscher.
In the meanwhile, have the last update of March, v09 Medicae-edition:
-Hotfixed previously mentioned integrated (Slaangor capture, Spraygun clips)
-Flashgitz battlesprites added.

-Medicae Armour added, novice enabled medic armour + inventory art and codex articles/art. You need to research it first.
The Medicae Armour replaces the Hospitaller armour as the early game medica armour, it's pretty cheap to produce but bad at direct combat (decent front armour though).
Hospitaller armor (And tech) moved in to midtier and cost bumped. Until it is unlocked (And you can afford it), Novices will have a role + cheap backup medics later.
Medicae Voice Lines added.
Medicae has a Auxmedikit, with half the charges and a weaker melee attack.

-Frateris Milita inventory art added;

-Elohim, Retributor and Sister Superior codex art updated and articles expanded.
-UnitUi sprites (the tiny ones) added for Elohim, Retributor, Sister Superior, Frateris Militia and Medicae.