That's not how it works. Either the research topic (f. ex STR_ADEPTAS_ARMORS_DEP1) lists which dependencies it needs, of which all have to be met.
Or one research topic (f. ex STR_FLOATER_SOLDIER) unlocks a different research topic (f. ex STR_ADEPTAS_ARMORS_DEP1). The dependencies of your topic don't matter if you got a different one unlocking yours. Then dependencies aren't being checked on unlock (unlike requires)
You can try the attached rul file.
So run them all through DEP1 like this?
With each dependency having the unlock, instead of DEP1.
I.e the chain should be:
1. "research ANY ONE of the listed (flying) units",
2. This Unlock "DEP1" (DEP1 has no research cost, so the player gets it right away without researching it as a topic)
3. DEP1 is set as dependency for all of the Flying type armors. If other dependencies are fulfilled,
4. The Flying Type Armor of your faction is now available as a research topic.
(haven´t made DEP1 the dependency for the Assault Marine Armor yet but that´s the idea).
To limit each armor unlock to only one faction or strategy, it might require several DEP1 versions, like for assault armor: