Author Topic: [ADDON] ROSE - Rebalanced Orks and Sisters, Expanded  (Read 24364 times)

Offline Leflair

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Re: [ADDON] ROSE - Rebalanced Orks and Sisters, Expanded
« Reply #45 on: March 22, 2021, 08:02:50 am »
You can gain Devotion, haven't changed anything there from the 40k base mod:
  STR_DEVOTION_UFOPEDIA:  "{NEWLINE} Devotion represents an individual's dedication to a specific idea or cause. Those with incredible faith in their icon can manifest its will in the material universe.{NEWLINE}{NEWLINE} Most soldiers will gain Devotion only by prayer or excercising psychic abilities. Sisters of Battle will gain Devotion simply by participating in combat, but their faith may be shaken by the powers of the Warp (flashing red in battle)."
  STR_PSI_TRAINING: "Train Devotion"
  STR_REMAINING_PSI_LAB_CAPACITY: "Remaining Chapel capacity> {ALT}{0}"
  STR_IN_PSIONIC_TRAINING: "In Devotion Training"

If you mean psi-strength, that might be an options setting (at least the specifics for training:
  STR_ALLOWPSISTRENGTHIMPROVEMENT_DESC: "Psionic strength of the soldiers can be improved by experience and training."
  STR_ANYTIMEPSITRAINING: "Psionic training at any time"
  STR_ANYTIMEPSITRAINING_DESC: "Allows assigning soldiers to psionic training at any time of the month. Remember, initial training takes from 30 to 60 days."

As to which facility, I always mix it up but:
STR_PSI_LAB: "Chapel"
STR_PSIONIC_LABORATORY_UFOPEDIA: "{NEWLINE} This facility is a Chapel to the Emperor in which our forces can pray, increasing their Devotion."
If it's not a stand alone facility it should be "provided by" either the Library or Inquisitors office.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 08:09:45 am by Leflair »

Offline Thatguysenpai

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Re: [ADDON] ROSE - Rebalanced Orks and Sisters, Expanded
« Reply #46 on: March 22, 2021, 09:10:42 am »
Yes, I did mean Psi-Strength specifically, since they still increase devotion as you said. Allowing them to train Pstrength with the chapel is an interesting idea, I didn't even realize it was possible, but it's not really what was thinking. I think screening recruits for PSI is fun, but I realize that's probably personal preference. No need to worry about it, it was just a passing thought.

Offline Leflair

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Re: [ADDON] ROSE - Rebalanced Orks and Sisters, Expanded
« Reply #47 on: March 22, 2021, 09:50:20 am »
Psi attacks (MC or panic) aren´t as common in the 40k mod vs XCOM, so I´ve not given it much thought. Might get a rework when/if we introduce more Chaos sorcerer/daemon shenanigans that involve psi.

Guess Genestealer cults might also be relevant.

Offline Leflair

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Re: [ADDON] ROSE - Rebalanced Orks and Sisters, Expanded
« Reply #48 on: March 22, 2021, 09:47:49 pm »
From the Work In Progress pile:

These guys are currently in ROSE with place holder art, if you bump into some rather unfriendly green guardsmen it's the Deserter faction.

Like the Heretic Sisters faction, these guys are not necessarily Chaos aligned. Got some plans for them, like bounty missions and other problems they might be causing.

Offline Leflair

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Re: [ADDON] ROSE - Rebalanced Orks and Sisters, Expanded
« Reply #49 on: March 24, 2021, 06:48:57 pm »
Cooking up a ever growing mound of things for the next update, here's the Flashgitz placeholders-be-gone:

based on this rad lad:

As you might guess, the Flash Gitz are the "devastators" of Ork armies (well, them and the Lootaz/Deffgunners). They got the flashiest, fanciest and snazziest guns. Including the tripple barrel snazzgun I added a while back, and the plasma weapon.

At least with these sprites, they'll be pretty easy to pick out from the crowd.

Offline Thatguysenpai

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Re: [ADDON] ROSE - Rebalanced Orks and Sisters, Expanded
« Reply #50 on: March 25, 2021, 09:18:41 am »
Bug Reports: Seems like the traitor guard sergeants who spawn with the chaos plasma carbine don't have the right ammo, their guns start empty and they don't shoot at all.

Also, I did an eldar webway mission which was 90% tzeentch sisters, with like 2 banshees mixed in. Not sure if that's intended or not.

Offline Leflair

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Re: [ADDON] ROSE - Rebalanced Orks and Sisters, Expanded
« Reply #51 on: March 25, 2021, 10:30:25 am »
Do you know which map/mission type the plasma pistol thing was on? Could be a left over where I´ve removed weapon sets (but they somehow get a pistol).

The Webway mission is intentional, as they can now spawn some ambushes of non-Eldar forces (naimly Tzeentch/Radical Inquisitor out to get the Eldar goodies before you do).

Offline Thatguysenpai

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Re: [ADDON] ROSE - Rebalanced Orks and Sisters, Expanded
« Reply #52 on: March 25, 2021, 08:27:26 pm »
It was a max level traitor guard base I believe, and the sergeants had the plasma carbine, the one with the bayonet. I accidentally hit the debug shortcut while trying to run and noticed their guns were empty on their turn.

Offline Leflair

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Re: [ADDON] ROSE - Rebalanced Orks and Sisters, Expanded
« Reply #53 on: March 25, 2021, 08:48:28 pm »
Found him and two others, possibly left overs from when the carbine used the standard rifle clip.

Try this fixed 40k.rul file as replacement:

Two self-fix solutions:
1) Go into 40k.rul and search for carbine, replace the STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP with STR_PLASMA_SPRAY_CLIP.
solution 2) Go into items_40k.rul and add STR_PLASMA_RIFLE_CLIP below STR_PLASMA_SPRAY_CLIP on the compatibleAmmo section for the STR_PLASMA_CARBINE_CHAOS.

If you run into crashes with captured beastmen/slaangors, use this items_40k.rul

There's a new release in the works, but still running tests on it.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2021, 08:40:07 pm by Leflair »

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Re: [ADDON] ROSE - Rebalanced Orks and Sisters, Expanded
« Reply #54 on: March 30, 2021, 08:49:49 pm »
Interim update, the [big one] will take a little longer while I coordinate with Buscher.

In the meanwhile, have the last update of March, v09 Medicae-edition:

-Hotfixed previously mentioned integrated (Slaangor capture, Spraygun clips)
-Flashgitz battlesprites added.

-Medicae Armour added, novice enabled medic armour + inventory art and codex articles/art. You need to research it first.
The Medicae Armour replaces the Hospitaller armour as the early game medica armour, it's pretty cheap to produce but bad at direct combat (decent front armour though).
Hospitaller armor (And tech) moved in to midtier and cost bumped. Until it is unlocked (And you can afford it), Novices will have a role + cheap backup medics later.
Medicae Voice Lines added.
Medicae has a Auxmedikit, with half the charges and a weaker melee attack.

-Frateris Milita inventory art added;

-Elohim, Retributor and Sister Superior codex art updated and articles expanded.

-UnitUi sprites (the tiny ones) added for Elohim, Retributor, Sister Superior, Frateris Militia and Medicae.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2021, 09:28:26 pm by Leflair »

Offline Thatguysenpai

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Re: [ADDON] ROSE - Rebalanced Orks and Sisters, Expanded
« Reply #55 on: April 01, 2021, 05:27:01 am »
Would you consider changing the requirement for seraphim armor to include all variants of Raptors? Frankly it's a change I'd like to see in the base game as well, in my current playthrough I believe I've seen 2 raptor UFO's in the history of the campaign, and when I stunned one of them it happened to be a raptor saboteur, which doesn't unlock it.

EDIT: Also, I have been getting some crashes, one regarding a "STR_EMPERORS_DAUGHTERS" and failing to form a mission I believe, and then another when I tried to assault a landed Flying Fortress, regarding something named STR_NURGLE. I have attached my save file, not sure how to reliably replicate it except to pass time, but it has happened a few times in a row now.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2021, 07:47:26 am by Thatguysenpai »

Offline Leflair

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Re: [ADDON] ROSE - Rebalanced Orks and Sisters, Expanded
« Reply #56 on: April 01, 2021, 09:47:43 am »
I have been looking into how to do "either/or" kinda tech unlocks. The plasma pistol for example uses this technique to unlock from either the standard chaos plasma pistol, or the new slaaneshi one.
I could look into applying that to Raptors/Warptalons/Stormboyz.

As for the crashes, haven't heard of these before. If you encounter it again, take a screenshot of the error message pop-up box. I'll try to see if it can be replicated on my end.

e: Included a updated research file in the download. It "should" allow researching any live flying type enemy to unlock the Seraphim armor research, give it a shot.

I'm uploading a fixed main zip file, but here's the fixed alienMissions_40k.rul file that will eliminate that crash bug you had (at least for the Daughters, couldn't find any obvious error with the Nurgle one):
Replace your existing alienMissions_40k.rul in the Ruleset folder of the ROSE submod with this file.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2021, 12:37:20 pm by Leflair »

Offline Thatguysenpai

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Re: [ADDON] ROSE - Rebalanced Orks and Sisters, Expanded
« Reply #57 on: April 02, 2021, 07:21:58 am »
I have checked, and the new research.rul file seems to be actually requiring ALL the flying enemies to be researched in order to research seraphim now lol. At least in my ongoing game, hard to test in a new one I suppose.

Offline Leflair

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Re: [ADDON] ROSE - Rebalanced Orks and Sisters, Expanded
« Reply #58 on: April 03, 2021, 04:15:26 pm »
The way I read the Ruleset reference, this part:
"Dependencies : List of research projects that can unlock access to this one. If the full list is researched, or if one of the projects on the list "unlocks" this one, it becomes available. "
Means that researching any of the units that make up the depency lists of DEP1-DEP3 should unlock the Seraphim armour.

Here´s the code:
    cost: 180
    points: 20

Offline Buscher

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Re: [ADDON] ROSE - Rebalanced Orks and Sisters, Expanded
« Reply #59 on: April 03, 2021, 05:00:07 pm »
That's not how it works. Either the research topic (f. ex STR_ADEPTAS_ARMORS_DEP1) lists which dependencies it needs, of which all have to be met.

Or one research topic (f. ex STR_FLOATER_SOLDIER) unlocks a different research topic (f. ex STR_ADEPTAS_ARMORS_DEP1). The dependencies of your topic don't matter if you got a different one unlocking yours. Then dependencies aren't being checked on unlock (unlike requires)

    cost: 180
    points: 20

    requires: # is checked for unlock
    dependencies: # are not checked for unlock

    cost: 75
    points: 50
    needItem: true
      - STR_ADEPTAS_ARMORS_DEP1 # will unlock topic

You can try the attached rul file.