Author Topic: [ADDON] ROSIGMA  (Read 173983 times)

Offline Leflair

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« on: May 02, 2021, 02:47:50 pm »
Welcome to ROSIGMA, a collab content mod that unites the two content submods ROSE and IGMA, expanding upon them further. page and download links:

Discord (quickest way to get answers to questions and bugs, but we also got extensive suggestion sections):
(Found the setting to not have the link expire after 7 days)

Latest update notes and hotfixes:,9687.msg138591.html#msg138591

Me, Buscher and Xom126 have been busy integrating these mods and the first release is now ready.
Special thanks to Cabal/CAPSHEP and Lord Flashheart for pitching in with their additions as well (see more below).

So what is ROSIGMA, ROSE and IGMA? The short version:
-Expanded enemy roster, Orks fully fleshed out, Chaos added to and new early, mid and late game enemies added.
-Expanded Adeptas, and Imperial Guard content. Units, armor, weapons, upgrade paths and abilities. Arbites isn´t the focus, but get access to some of the Guard arsenal.
-Gameplay Rebalance. Quality of life features like the new token system to replace the honour badges (and corpse storage pile), reduced grenade spam, changes in sight ranges and engagement ranges to make more weapons appealing.
-New code additions, new abilities and effects. Buscher is always cooking up new cool code additions and Xom126 has done some great work adding more idle animations to weapons and units.
-An expanded Strategy system for Marines, with each strategy having access to specific weapon types. This includes heavy weapons, bolter variants and melee weapons belonging to specific Strategy-themed weapon kit.

If you´ve played the 40k main mod previously and want more variety and new challenges, this is the mod for you. That said, don´t be scared away if you´re entirely new to the 40k mod either, this mod does not aim to be a hardcore difficulty mode and we´ve introduced plenty of quality-of-life improvements to make it appealing for new players as well.

ROSIGMA content notes:
-Integrates the ROSE and IGMA submods for a combined and expanded experience with the 40k mod.

Highlights, new Content:
-Adds over 70 new enemy types. This includes doubling the variety of Orks, introducing several factions of Chaos Sisters, new Traitor and Deserter Guardsmen and introducing entirely new unit types like the Chaos Squats, Daemon Undivided, Khornate Valkia, Tzaangor, Horrors, Slaangors and Slaanesh Anointed.
We aim to flesh out several factions and introduces new ones.

Orks Expanded:
-The Ork WAAAAUGH! Has been greatly expanded, new Orks foes include: Tankbustas, Kommandoz, Stormboyz, Burnaboyz, Mekboys, Flashgitz, Mega-Armored Nobz, Warbikers, Deffkopters, Weirdboyz and the Warboss!

New Ork Weapons:
- The new Ork units have an expanded arsenal, including the Tank hammer, a very sneaky slugga, snazzguns and more dakka than you can shake a stick at. This includes some more ranged options, so learn to spot them at afar to take them out early (the Flashgitz tend to stand out in a crowd).
 - The new Weirdboyz have an array of quite dangerous, if unpredictable, psyker abilities.

New Chaos and Heretic Sisters of Battle Foes:
- Chaos and Heretic Sister factions provides ample new threats for the early, mid and late game. While most are easier to dispatch than Chaos Space Marines, some have the blessings of the Chaos Gods and can prove quite tough, with hidden special abilities.

The Forces of Slaanesh Expanded:

 - Slaanesh fleshed out with early and midgame Slaangor warbands. They got more health than your cultists but not much better armor.
 - The Fiendgor is the new Slaanesh Terror Unit to round out the Daemonettes, quite quick, tough and have rending pincers that will damage armor and stun units.

- Late game Slaanesh Anointed elites wield new missile launchers based on some of those lovely old 40k designs. They are quite tough snakey lads.

A new Slaanesh Arsenal:
- Adds new enemy weapons, fleshed out Slaanesh weapons from auto- and lasguns to kombibolters and missile launchers.
 - Slaanesh weapons are precise, good at reaction fire and have armor rending, penetration and energy drain, at the cost of direct damage.

Tzentch  Expanded:
New in 1.05 is the Cults of Tzeentch:
- A techy, magic using force with a focus on energy weapons and good accuracy. They're more fragile than other forces, but do have quite a lot of summons.
Tzeentch (Blue for now) Horrors and Tzaangor are included.
Tzeentch Traitor Guard forces and an expanded Tzeentch themed Arsenal is in the works.

Nurgle Expanded:
- Nurgle has a smaller boost to his arsenal for now, but it includes a new Heavy bolter and a hand held version of the Nurgle launcher.
 - All Nurgle bolter rounds have recieved a new VFX effect to indicate you´re being hit by blight rounds.

New Imperial Deserters:
- The new Deserter faction adds new traitor guard for the early game and eventual bounty missions, not aligned directly with the forces of Chaos but perhaps manipulated by them.
 - All this (and more!) added with new enemy army lists, split between early, mid and late game variety and thematic lists that will keep you on your toes.
 - With the addition of more weak early game foe variety, it might be a little easier for new players.

Adeptas Expanded:
- Adds 9 new armors and units to the early-mid Adeptas game, including new voice packs to add variety.

 - With new promotion chains for medicae, assassins and the Sister Superior there are now more options and depth to the Sister playthrough.
 - The early Sisters game now sports Novices and Cantus rather than full on Battle Sisters.
 - Battle Sisters are recruited through a new Convent Barracks upgrade to the living quarters, which is unlocked by researching the early Adeptas specific techs (mobilization being the important one).
 - Assassins and Repentia having their movement speed and survivability increased.
 - The new Death Cult Assassin is a upgrade option that provides an "advanced" assassin armor to make them more viable late game.
 - The Ecclessiarchy have replaced the Guardsmen with their own Militia, hand picked fanatics kitted out (in this case) to pass as respectable troops. They got worse starting training than Guardsmen, but make up for it with guts! And high morale, but mostly guts.

- A new Sister pilot has been introduced, with bonuses to piloting. Expensive, she´s not a replacement for the Battle Sisters in the field.

- Changed Adeptas start, the Adeptas start now with Novices, Militia, Pilots and just a few Sisters to oversee them, with the higher end weapons and armors to be unlocked with research. You will get the option to recruit Sisters of Battle, or to train up and promote Novices (for a cheaper cost).

A new arsenal of Sisterhood weapons:
- Adds a new arsenal of fleshed out weapons for Adeptas.
  - Includes dedicated bolters, boltpistols, shotguns, sniper rifles, grenade launcher, grenades, rocket launcher, disposable rocket launchers, lascannon, meltagun, stormbolter, assaultcannon, several types of plasma weapons, a new AoE Gravgun and a mighty animated Zweihander power sword.
  - Generally  lighter weight at the cost of ranged accuracy and power of their Astartes counterparts.
  - These weapons are unlocked either through general research topics, or through capturing their new Chaos counterparts.
  - Some of these weapons can be unlocked for all factions play, Harmonic Beamer Meltagun and light "Malthus" lascannon.

-Imperial Guard expanded:
  -Mounted Heavy Bolter additional to Autocannon and Lascannon (also rebalanced to make them more worthwhile)
  -Multilaser and Heavy Plasma variant for Sentinels
  -More armor variants (Elysian-Like Jump Armor)
  -More soldier types (Veteran/Scion Officers and Penitents as fodder).
  -Krieg Guardsmen for more flavor (thanks Cabal/CAPSHEP for all the work and Lord Flashheart providing the base for the inventory sprite).
  -Krieg Lucius Pattern Heavy Lasgun and Heavy Stubber added.
  -Solo Pattern Light Bolters, well liked by PDF and rebels alike!
  -New Assassins, Vindicare and Callidus.


-For the Imperial Guard a slightly more expendable playstyle with a focus on heavy weaponry and hero skills:
  - Penitents are fodder which do not cost morale on death. Utterly expendable, nobody cares if they die.
  - Krieg Guardsmen trying to redeem themselves should always have exceptional morale. Kriegsmen will now appear randomly mixed in with other NPC guardsmen on Terror Missions.
  - Mounted Weapons (including the new wheeled heavy bolter) and Sentinels are the mainstay for heavy weapons.
  - Commissars, Priests and Officers are intended to allow normal Human soldiers to go beyond their normal abilities (buffing).
  - Vindicare Assassins are intended to destroy high priority targets from afar with specialized and expensive ammo.
  - Autoguns/Lasguns should be viable options in early/mid-game with more advanced ammo types (hotshot and such) to help them stay relevant.

Imperial Guard Arsenal expanded:
  -Different variants of weapons for Heavy Stubber, Officer Sword, Hellpistol, Smoke/Photon ammo for Grenade Launcher.
  -Buffing Roles (Officers and Priests).
  -Laser Designator for Airstrike (was Officer's special weapon before, which is now buffing).
  -Modified Drop-Transport and Tauros Valkyries (Drop-Transport got HWP slot, Tauros gets bigger arsenal of grenades and more troops).
  -Added Vulture to fill the gap between Thunderbolt and Marauder.
  -Upgrade with Transmission Decoder for the outpost (currently only works for IG).

Traitor Guard expanded:
  -New Valkyrie transport deployments.
  -Traitor and Chaos Ogryn, wielding Ripper Guns and Heavy Stubbers.
  -Battle Servitors with heavy bolter or missile pod limbs.
  -Penetante cannon fodder/suicide troops.
  -Floating Heretek engineers with beamer meltaguns and light lascannons.
  -New sniper long las, lascannons, ripper guns, hotshot and volleyguns.

General quality of life improvements:
 -Xom126s animated and very fancy, Mastercrafted melee weapon sprites have been worked in. This includes an Adeptas Zweihander, the Mastercrafted Powersword and the Weirdboy Stikk (for now). It will now be easier to identify the units with the best weapons!
 -QoL: Flying armor types can now be unlocked by researching other enemy flying units than just the basic Raptors.
 -QoL: Plasma pistols can now be unlocked by researching different plasma pistol types, this will be added to more weapons with variants in future updates.
 -Specialised ammo available for high prices at trade outposts.
 -Changes to availability of things like the Plasma Sentinel or Assault (flying) Armors, they are now easier to get the research for.

ROSIGMA Rebalance changes:
Weapon ranges and values have been tweaked, normal bolters have been buffed while grenade spam has been reduced.  Overall have long ranged weapons and vision ranges been reduced while midranged bolters have been buffed. The ideal engagement range should now be around 8-20 tiles.
 -Buff/Easier: Space Marine recruits starting bravery range buffed from 10-60, to 40-80. Still allows for slightly cowardly marines, without them accidentally recruiting Sir Robin.
 -Changed: Space Marine Heavy Bolters are now the cream of the crop that rises to the top, higher damage and rate of fire compared to non-Space Marine variants (if you can handle the recoil).
 -Harder: The Heavy Bolter effective range has been reduced to promote different weapons and give all weapon types their own niche.
 -Harder: Missiles and Lascannons accuracy have been slightly reduced, as has their effective range.
 -Buffed/Changed: Flamethrowers now do more damage against unprotected foes, have slightly better range (less self-immolation risk) and generally have been changed to use arcing shots (with a few exceptions). If you can reduce enemy armor, flamers will be quite effective.
 -Easier: All grenades have shorter range, and heavy grenades have the shortest range. From 20 tiles to 10-17 tiles of range depending on power or weight. Enemies will still use grenades but the aim is to reduce enemy grenade spam meta, Orks have proper Dakka now instead.
 -New: New grenade types have been introduced (more towards disabling, panic inducing or armor reducing/bypassing types). This makes them work more as an attrition tool than a random roll to see who´s dead this turn (and not in power armor).
 -Easier: Less Plasma early on, with the introduction of more Chaos early weapons and bolter types.
 -New: In addition, new lighter plasma carbines and spray guns also mean you´ll bump into far fewer heavy plasma sporting enemies until the very late game.
 -Easier: Some enemy turrets stats have been reduced, especially reactions and accuracy over long ranges. Example: The big Ork turret will no longer reaction blast you across the map quite as often.
 -Harder: Daemons are now tougher and have more abilities, no longer will they go down quite as often to a single bolter shot or two, upping their danger level. This is to help especially the Khorne Daemons.
 -Harder: New Spawner/Transforming enemy types have been introduced, as a counterbalance to high explosives, missiles and grenades. Some Chaos enemies are "Blessed" and may either spawn a daemon on death or transform into some mutated warp monstrosity. Some may even summon reinforcements themselves. So walk softly and carry a big gun (make that several big guns).
 -Harder: Chaos Space Marines and their leaders have been buffed and moved up to be even more of true late game foes, with the introduction of many new mid-game enemies to take their former spot. Chaos Behemoths, commanders, Dreadnoughts and  Terminators have had their health and armor slightly buffed. 
 -QoL/Easier: Economy rebalanced, with a focus on a lessened grind compared to base 40k. Adamantium and promethium costs have also been reduced. This is still being tweaked and balanced. Very powerful weapons and special armor will still cost quite a lot of resources but "standard" armor upgrades and better weapons should now make late game losses less punishing.
 -QoL: There´s a new honor token system to reduce the need to store massive amounts of corpses in fridges, instead each corpse can quickly be traded in for a number of tokens.
 -QoL: Storage space increase. With lots of new weapons and enemies, storage space has been increased slightly to compensate.
 -QoL: Barrack space increase, especially to help the Imperial Guard player.

Disclaimer: These are according to our own gameplay preferences, if you prefer the vanilla economy or balance and just wants the added enemy variety, we encourage you to make your own tweaks and changes.

The mighty to-do list:
Just a few examples, but to give you guys an idea of what we got planned, are working on or just to get inspired I´ll list some here:
 -More themed traitor guard units, cultists and weapons. We consider the existing ones to be mostly Khorne/Undivided, so there´s plenty of space to fill in with Nurgle, Slaanesh or Tzeentch themed units.
 -New maps and missions, our big weakspot but we are certainly interested in adding more variety here.
We´ve not done the art for any of the things on this list, so if you´re feeling inspired or want to help out, hit us up.

Considerations for future additions, in no particular order:
-Nurgle Blight Launcher Heavy Auto Grenade Launcher.
-Nurgle Deathguard Havocs with Gravcannons.
-Nurgle Blightlord Terminators
-Nurgle Pestigors
-Slaanesh/Nurgle Cultists factions (maybe with some Necromunda mixed in)
-Slaanesh Anointed Terminators
-Daemon Furies
-Possessed Marines (First Draft Exists, Leflair)
-Tzeentch Daemons expansion, Screamers DONE in 037.
-Adeptas Dogmata, Sister Cop of Sisters.
-Adeptas Paragon Warsuit, 4xtiles unit like the Centurion or Behemoth. Proof of concept sheet done by Xom126.
-Adeptas Terminator tier armor.

Just to give you an idea what suggestions we've already recieved or come up with ourselves.

Contributing/lending a hand and bug-reporting:
We´re just some passionate modders that like the 40k mod and have gotten together to contribute this mod pack to the community. If you want to contribute anything at all, be it a weapon, unit or art, feel free to contact us and we´ll get you sorted.
Of course, playtesting and bug reporting is also a form of contributing, so just by posting your findings or questions in this thread, you´re helping out! (more than you´d think, some bugs are like finding a needle in a haystack).
We´re also open to ideas, suggestions and balance discussions, so post away.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2024, 10:39:22 am by Leflair »

Offline Anon011

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« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2021, 06:16:31 pm »
Awesome work! Cant wait to try it out.

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2021, 07:52:37 pm »
ROSIGMA Latest Update Notes:
2.8: 2024 October, ROSIGMA adapted for 40k 038 and OXCE 7.14,5258.0.html

**Requires OXCE 7.14 Works with 40k 038**
ROSIGMA Update 2.8:

- Added back the 2 Missing slots with the new green Guard Chimeras from main 40k mod.
- Guard Dig-In ability now Prevents Dodging.
- HeatVision values dropped to 40-50% max for performance reasons. Little/no gameplay effect due to how HeatVision works.
- Space Hulk special dungeon will now not disappear on retreating.
- Sprite sheet updates to some terminator sheets with short leg syndrome.
- Ork bike battlesprite floating pixel fix when driving in certain directions.
- Scare grenades updated to not damage tiles and terrain.

- Frag grenades power updated to 80 from 70.
- Terminator armor resist to lascannons lowered by 10%.
- Handheld Heavy Weapons Apply Reaction Penalties While Not Kneeling
- Added 25-50% Reaction Penalty to More Heavy Weapons. Adeptas Throne Missile Launcher and heavy bolters, sniper weapons and one-use disposable rocket launchers. Helpful for not blasting your own men with a reaction shot.
- Eldar armor and resistances (vs AP) buffed slightly.
- Chaos Heavy Stubber buffed, longer effective range accuracy.
- Ogryn devotion values buffed.
- Chaos Blight Grenades (STR_ALIEN_GRENADES) rejigged to be more of a HE grenade, power 90.
- Light Bolter Enforcer updated with double tap burst fire; specialized in overwatch and mid-range fighting. Ranges and TU costs updated.
- Light Bolter Locke now has 4 shot autofire instead of 3 shots.
- Lascarbine Accatran now has autofire.
- Ripper Shotgun drop off in accuracy increased 5->6 per tile
- Voss Mini Lascarbine drop off in accuracy increased 5->6 per tile.

- New automatic Soldier Prefixes by Contributoris Mackeroni. Note: For soldiers that can promote with armor you may need to do some manual updating of the prefix.

- Lasgun should now fire ze red lasers instead of blue pew pew.
- New Hormagaunt inventory sprite by Brenshar.

- Improved Player Base Defense maps (Surrealistik), expanded basement and spawn spots. There's a submod to grab if you want a stronger basement (or 6).
- Therons new Catachan Autumn and forest map tilesets for special missions, new terror missions added.
- Gothic and outpost mcd and urban24 map fixes for some LOS and hitbox issues.
- Updated bugged stair that couldn´t be used, in the large Arbites/GSC ship map (Suppression Palace).
- Space Hulk level 5 spawns updated.
- Added some holes to the HIVE map to allow reinforcement spawned GSC to get out, and the player to win those missions without applying melta to every structure.

- New Medicae Kit and Stim injector items. Stim costs 1 HP, 25 MORALE and +25 STUN to use, for +50 energy.

- Added Therons Catachan Jungle Fighter Guardsmen and special missions. Survivors can be recruited and small numbers can arrive through events once certain conditions are met.
- Catachans have stronger statlines than guardsmen and a special stealth trait when deploying, but limited armor upgrades. Catachan Fighters that obtained a Veteran commendation can be promoted to Catachan Veterans. Catachan Veterans that have obtained a Crux Terminator commendation can be promoted to Catachan Officers. Catachans have 1x20% chance to dodge a incoming attack per turn.
- Added Traitor Catachans/Jungle Fighters. Several unit types with different loadouts.
- Added Special Marbo mission chain. Are you Sly enough to obtain the secret Marbo?

- Lucius Heavy Lasgun for Krieg veterans (Grenadiers) buffed. Increased damage to 70 up from 65 and doubled the cooling rate. POWER SHOT! now does 60% more damage for 4 heat instead of 30% more damage for 2 heat. Renamed Maximal shot.

- Added new Scion armors (pixel art by Kris). Heavy versions of the stormtrooper armor for troopers and officers for the late game (ceramite tier+master crafting), as well as a Scion Jump armor (mid-tier + jump armor related research). All the new armors are manufactured.
For stats they have slightly improved armor values (+10/+25), in particular sides and rear armor, as well as 10% better resistance values for standard (AP), INCendiary, HE, ACID and melee.  The jump armor has somewhat lower armor values than the ground versions, but the same improved resistances.
The armors do not have integrated stormtrooper weapon (hellgun) alternatives, as they are meant for late game special equipment (master-crafted/plasma/grav etc weapons). The ground armors can DIG IN.
- Scion troopers can now get the personal shield upgrade.

- New Ultramarine Cataphractii armor added by Theron. More on assembling it in the future. There's also some friendly AI units that can appear with this armor on certain missions.

- Lowered primaris lvl 5 armor promotion cost by a thousand tokens.
- Primaris Arsenal Expanded. Bolter and Plasma weapons. Art by Filip + Ashtroboy.
- Volkite Serpentis, Caliver and Charger. Uses updated OXCE particle effects. Art by Ashtroboy.
- Primaris expanded arsenal expansion.
Primaris Weapons tiers and research gating
Tier 0 (starting):
- 1 unscoped carbine [Basically a standard Astartes Boltgun, specced for 2x snapshot/shorter range rapid fire combat. Cheap TU Snap/Autofire. Some ammo upgrade potential after adamantium/mid-tier/MC ammo research to keep the gun relevant]

Tier 1 (unlocked pre mid-tier):
- Scoped Occulus carbine [Scoped Carbine can be locked behind the motion sensor for the better optics] [Standard mid-range boltgun]
- Cawl standard Bolter [Kraken Ammo behind Adamantium] [DMR type Boltgun]
- Heavy Bolt Pistol  [Unlocked after researching Adamantium Better AP Kraken Ammo gating]

Tier 2 (mid-tier+ gated):
- Heavy Bolt Rifle [DMR role, packs a paunch like a heavy bolter or sniper rifle]
- Assault Bolter
- Fancier Absolvor Heavy Bolt Pistol [comparable to the 40mm stub cannon sidearm guard gets]
- Melta Rifle [A beefier version of the Conversion/Harmonic Beamer melta - a melta lascannon]
- Exterminator Plasma gun

Tier 3 (Ceramite tier gated):
- Executor Heavy Bolt Rifle with special sauce ammo [Competing with Heavy Gravis inbuilt Autocannons]
- any Mastercrafted versions of previous Bolters / MC Ammo types for compatible weapons 
- Heavy/Assault Incinerator Plasma
[Plasma weapons gating behind Chaos Dekker/Heavy Plasmas]
[Special Ammo types behind high tier master-crafting]
[Cawl/Primaris Plasma do not suffer overheating, supposedly more rapid fire and better than normal plasma, so somewhere inbetween those and the MC Plasmas if we want to avoid having to make Golden Primaris Plasma weapons]

- Higher Aggressiveness values for mainly Evil Sunz (red) Orks to get them into proper krumpin' range. Slightly higher values for some other Orks as well.
Coding:- Heavy Lascannon Orks 2x2 (Kris)
Coding: - Implement New Kommando Nobz unit (Xom)

- Genestealer Primarch and Broodlords added (by Theron). These big boys are dangerous, killing them causes morale issues for GSC units.
- Carnifex stats updated and buffed. Used to be very close to vanilla values, which made them quite squishy. Armor buffed 20 points, resistance to AP buffed 10% and health set to 600 from 340.

- Slaanesh Sonic weapons buffed.
- STR_SLAANESH_CORRUPTING_TOUCH now has a reaction bonus.
- Nurgle Toads tongue now more powerful at licking.
- Nurgle Poxburster new battlesprite and corpse sprite by Theron, will now stand out from the other zombie types.
- New Nurgle Cataphractii Blightlord Terminator by Theron. Added to very late game Nurgle lists.
- New Nurgle Saturnine Deathshroud Terminator by Theron. Added to very late game Nurgle lists.
- New Black Legion Cataphractii Terminator by Theron.
- New Nightlords Cataphractii Terminator by Theron.
- New Alpha Legion Indomitus Terminator by Theron.
- New Alpha Legion CSM Squad Leader by Theron added.
- More new Elite Chaos lists added and terminators concentrated (mostly) there to make fewer terminators early/mid game happen.

Latest Hotfix:
Checkout the Discord for hotfixes.

Matches the mod filestructure, so just extract the files into the folders.

I'll keep this post for the latest hotfixes inbetween releases.

As usual with bugs, please report them to me or Buscher and we'll get on fixing them as soon as possible. Sometimes it takes a bit longer to figure out what's wrong under the hood.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2024, 09:35:07 pm by Leflair »

Offline Thatguysenpai

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« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2021, 05:41:54 am »
My two favorite mods joining forces, this looks great! Will gladly be giving this a try on my next playthrough.

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2021, 07:01:11 pm »
The more players the merrier! Already getting lots of good suggestions + the occasional bug report.

The next update will have quite a lot of goodies based on said suggestions/requests:
-Finishing off the remaining "Transforming" enemy types with custom animations.
-New Adeptas Sentinels, one totting a Thermal Lance (the melta kind).
-Some Drop Pod changes and hopefully (if I figure it out), a drop pod craft for Adeptas to use as an alternative to the "Ankle Woe" Blackstar.
-Some Krieg carapace stuff, not entirely sure what's cooking over there in that corner but it looks good.

-More on the concept/WIP stage: Cyborks? Maybe.

Can't promise it will all make it in or it might get delayed slightly while we work out the last kinks + do testing.

A little note on difficulty for you newcomers, the mod has basically 3 starting enemy factions (like the 40k mod), and in order of difficulty (especially after our additions) it goes:
Easy: Cultists
Average: Traitor Guard

It's a dice roll which one you start off with, so if you're finding yourself getting krumped, try a start with one of the other two factions (Orks may still appear on *certain* missions).

Secondarily, with the changes to the Sister start, its now a tad more difficult than it used to be. You got stormtrooper tier protection (60-80) rather than 100+ power armor starting out.
(Might knock together an easier version here where you get access to Adeptas right away, if there's interest).

If you got questions/suggestions/bug reports etc check by our discord (link in the first post of this thread), you'll find one of us on most of the time (although we lean towards Euro-timeszones).

Offline HT

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« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2021, 09:55:11 pm »
Amazing work! It makes the "basic" WH40k look weak. Shame I'm not sure I would find this mod fun, I don't think XCOM and WH40k match well, although this is a good try. Especially weak IMO is the researching part, or more like "rediscovering". Funnily enough well-made plasma weapons are OP in WH40k like base XCOM.

As for the Sororitas, they're getting new gear quite soon, in case you're short of ideas:
« Last Edit: May 06, 2021, 10:24:47 pm by HT »

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2021, 01:36:08 am »
Oh I wouldn't think the vanilla 40k looks weak, we're building entirely on its foundation. Would take 2-4xas long to make everything from scratch. Bulletdesigner, Oharstein etc do a lot of things we haven't even figured out yet.
It is a bit of a challenge to make 40k "fit" within the xcom structure, and yeah the "research" is part of that dilemma. It's partially what makes X-COM work so well too. Mentally I see it less like research, and more like "justifying" requisition of more rare equipment (and the adepts cooking up some pseudo-religious justification).
One other way to change it to make the research work better is to place the campaign in some sort of dark-age*/warpstorm pocket world that haven't been part of the Imperium proper for centuries. There's probably a couple of other setups which would fit the X-Com formula even better (Tau-aligned human world? Heretical as it may be).
*(of which there's been several millennia long eras in the 40k lore)

The tech/weapon power progression is also tricky, with Bolters (and Heavy Bolters), missile launchers etc being available from the get go. Imperial Guard/Arbites end up playing closer to basic X-COM, but don't really get access to the end game armor tier in the same way.

Tl;dr 40k offers a different flavor and gameplay from OpenXcom, and that's fine.

I've seen the new Sisters units and got some ideas for how to use at least a few of the new designs:
-The Paragon Warsuit Landmates is a obvious fit for a Centurion-style 4-tile unit. Making them fit the 4-tiles will also help the design by making them a little chunkier, I think.
-I like the *concept* of the Sacresants but had hoped for GW to put in a little more effort with a new Heavy Armor design for them (got some ideas though). Already have a Adeptas halberd in the mod, so a "gunshield" would be the next thing.
-Dogmata could probably be worked in as a "buff"/leadership unit (or well, Commissar-type).
-The new Banner carrier seem to fit a very similar niche as the existing Imagifier (could be added to the mod though, with Banner-abilities).
-The new Predator-like MBT "Castigator" could be a good fit for the Sisters Armour craft/convoys.  Give them some long ranged punch.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2021, 01:56:41 am by Leflair »

Offline Simi822

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« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2021, 09:35:01 pm »
Excellent news, loved the two mods...played them both, and will give a try to this new expanded Mod.
thank you very much for the hard work and stay true to the Imperial truth!

Offline Simi822

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« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2021, 12:56:41 am »
Dear All,

so here are my first impressions ....Excellent

started a game as the IG, the new mounted Heavy Bolter is a beast (reminded me the 40k:SM game) and it makes the mounted Lascannon a joke (OK this time you can buy it for a fair price instead of building it for more resources then a Advanced sentinel)  Sentinels...the multilaser is fair, same is the  Lascannon variant...practically the new mounted heavy bolter makes them obsolete...but the Autocannon or Heavy Plasma are like a dream....the heavy flamer is still not my stile...and I think the multimelta version is not yet been introduced (but if you do it with like 3x ammo...don't do it)

the Kriegers...I like them, 500k to get 10x with a extra buck is OK, especially because on gets the Krieger Lasgun.....well balanced
maybe...krieger carapace or officers for the future?

where I have to give some criticism is the following, one will battle a lot corrupted sisters, one will get their gear...there is no option to identify it as IG - Astartes, etc so that should be fixed, if one finds something he can use (Scout gear, Sisters gear, etc) give a swift option to know the stats...would be nice :)

and maybe a second idea...the trading post...sell more exotic items...In the moment: special Lasguns or Bolters OK...why not also  exotic Shotguns (arbiter ones) or Cyber Doges, or Sistar weapons when playing a other course for a high price....

Offline Anon011

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« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2021, 01:55:41 am »
Speaking of suggestions, how about new unique weapon. Lucius Pattern Shotgun? In tabletop its used by Krieg Engineers and packs quite a punch on top of being semi-automatic.

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #10 on: May 12, 2021, 06:56:01 pm »
Good suggestions, will go in the consideration pile.

(Got a bit of a tech review/overhaul planned to make it easier to unlock exotic weapons with any captured variation, cross imperial versions etc).

A little something I've been working on to clear out more of the Adeptas only gear is a expanded Nurgle arsenal so the Nurgle Sisters can have their own toys:

Plague Marines will also use some of this stuff.

I've been moving to divide up the forces of chaos by "themed" guns. So no longer will they all be using the same generic chaos plasma guns.
For Nurgle, the themes are physical weapons + grav weapons. So no lasguns or plasma guns. Instead they get these fun new gravguns!

The patch notes will have a detailed explanation for each weapon. 
« Last Edit: May 12, 2021, 06:58:27 pm by Leflair »

Offline HT

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« Reply #11 on: May 13, 2021, 11:20:52 am »
Cyber-Mastiffs would be a cool addition yep. Piratez and XCOM Files already have playable doges, so it would be an easy conversion IMO. Some of the high-tier robo dogs are hilariously murderous. Similar case with combat servitors, which should be a thing if they aren't already. Some of them are OP but fun to play with, like the Praetorian ones.

Offline Gnelf88

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« Reply #12 on: May 13, 2021, 03:55:02 pm »
First of all very good mod  :) Lots of excellent content that I cant live without, but I was just wondering if there is anywhere I can find a sheet or something similar to find the stat/item requirements (e.g sister superior honour) for all the new transformations and how to get those items if any. Thanks in advance
« Last Edit: May 13, 2021, 11:14:58 pm by Gnelf88 »

Offline Simi822

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« Reply #13 on: May 13, 2021, 06:51:39 pm »
Dear All,

so the Bad Ladies attacked my base..was not an easy battle but we managed...but then Boss Lady came
killed like 4-5x Guards and then we won only to get a screen that a file is missing (the game crashed)
which file can I reproduce to fix it? (I dont care if the corpse will look diferently)

Offline Buscher

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« Reply #14 on: May 14, 2021, 04:52:11 pm »
Dear All,

so the Bad Ladies attacked my base..was not an easy battle but we managed...but then Boss Lady came
killed like 4-5x Guards and then we won only to get a screen that a file is missing (the game crashed)
which file can I reproduce to fix it? (I dont care if the corpse will look diferently)


I can't reproduce your issue with OpenXcom 7.0 (v2020-03-17) and ROSIGMA v1.0 (with and without the hotfix in this thread).
You could check ROSIGMA/Ruleset/ENEMY/HERETICSISTER/armors_hereticsisters.rul
Code: [Select]

and ROSIGMA/Ruleset/ADEPTAS/adeptas.rul

Code: [Select]
    name: STR_CORPSE
    weight: 30
    bigSprite: { mod: 40k, index: 619 }
    floorSprite: { mod: 40k, index: 378 }
    invWidth: 2
    invHeight: 3
    armor: 80
    recover: true
    liveAlien: true
    costSell: 50000

It should look like in the code boxes. If that all doesn't help you can consider using debug mode (enable in options.cfg) with CTRL+D and CTRL+K. Perhaps updating OXCE might help but it seems to be a stretch.