
Author Topic: How to run Mod on 2019 OpenXCom build?  (Read 16646 times)

Offline The Martian

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Re: How to run Mod on 2019 OpenXCom build?
« Reply #30 on: October 20, 2020, 04:15:12 am »
What OS are you using? (Windows?)

If it is Linux Mint try running OpenXcomEx directly from the terminal window using this exact command:
Code: [Select]
I still don't fully understand nightlies. How is it different than my standard package?

The "standard package" is out of dated. The "Nightlies" are the latest version of OpenXcom and have many bug fixes. Use the Nightlies or OpenXcom Extended.

Many mods require OpenXcom Extended so you may wish to use it instead of the normal OpenXcom's Nightlies version if you are going to play with mods.

Where is that? I've looked around and I can't find it.

You may need to create both the "user" and "mods" folders if they are not already present in the OpenXcom folder when you unpack it. (I did)

Here is a step by step install of OpenXcom Extended, X-Com: Enemy Unknown, X-Com: Terror From The Deep & Mods.

( 1 )
Download OpenXcom Extended's latest version (Found here:,5258.0.html)

( 2 )
Unpack the .zip file into the location of your choice.

( 3 )
Inside the unpacked folder there should be 4 folders and an executable:
. A folder called "common" (Leave this alone)
. A folder called "standard" (Leave this alone)
. A folder called "TFTD" (You need this to play X-Com: Terror From The Deep)
. A folder called "UFO" (You need this to play X-Com: Enemy Unknown <AKA> X-COM: UFO Defense)
. A file called "OpenXcomEx.exe" (This is what you run when you want to launch the program.)

( 4 )
Don't run "OpenXcomEx" yet, you still need to add files from the original X-Com games.

Open the folder called UFO, it should be empty except for a file called "README.txt".

To make OXCE run (Or OpenXcom) you need to copy the following files from the original X-Com game:

Just copy them into the UFO folder.

( 5 )
Now it is a good idea to patch those files as there have been some bug fixes for them.

To obtain patched files go to the OpenXcom site's download section under Extras:
(Here is a link:

From that patch download the "OpenXcom UFO Patch" from the "Data Patch" section.

Unpack the file you just downloaded called "".

Inside the "universal-patch-ufo" folder you will find 5 folders and a patch.txt file.

Copy the 5 folders (MAPS, ROUTES, TERRAIN, UFOGRAPH, UNITS) into the OXCE's UFO folder.

Allow these folders to overwrite any existing file. (They are replacing them with patched versions.)

( 6 )
In the main OXCE folder launch OpenXcom Extended by running "OpenXcomEx.exe".

And that is it, you should be able to play X-Com: Enemy Unknown.

If you wish to install the sequel X-Com: Terror From The Deep or mods, here are the steps to do so

( 7 ) <If you do not own TFTD or don't want to install it, you can skip this step and move onto STEP 10 to install Mods>
If you are also installing the second game X-Com: Terror From The Deep then you need to exit the UFO folder and return to the main OXCE folder.

Open the TFTD folder which is also empty except for a file named "README.txt"

You need to copy the following files from the game X-Com: Terror From The Deep into this TFTD folder:

( 8 )
Return to the OpenXcom site's download Extras section:

Download the "OpenXcom TFTD Patch" from the "Data Patch" section of that page.

Unpack the "" files you just downloaded.

Inside the "universal-patch-tftd" folder there should be 2 folders and a file called "patch.txt".

Copy both the folders (MAPS & ROUTES) into your OXCE folder's TFTD folder.

Allow these folders to overwrite any existing file. (They are replacing them with patched versions.)

( 9 )
To launch X-Com: Terror From The Deep, run OpenXcomEx.exe.

On the main menu press the "Mods" button.

At the top of the screen there is a button marked "UFO: Enemy Unknown / X-Com: UFO Defence", click it.

Select "X-Com: Terror From the Deep".

At the bottom left of the screen, click the OK button.

OXCE will restart and you should see a new main menu with X-Com: Terror From The Deep themed art.

( 10 ) <Time to install some mods!>

Exit OXCE and go to the OXCE folder.

If there is not a folder called "user", create it.

Inside the folder called "user" if it is not already there create a folder called "mods".

Unpack any mods you wish to use inside the folder called "mods"

Start OXCE by running "OpenXcomEx.exe" and click the "Mods" button on the main menu.

Scroll the list of mods using the slider on the far right side of the screen until you see the name of the mod(s) you want to use.

To activate a mod click the "NO" beside each mod you wish to use changing it into a "YES".

Beside "YES" you will see an up arrow and a down arrow.

You can change the order the mods are loaded in by pressing either the up or down arrow beside it.

Mods load into the game in order, the ones on the top are loaded first.

This is important as if two mods will make changes to the same part of the game the last mod loaded will overwrite the changes of the previous one.

A simple rule is anything you don't want overwritten should be loaded last.

Be aware, mods designed for X-Com: Enemy Unknown will not usually work with X-Com: Terror From The Deep nor will the reverse. So make sure you are running the game that the mod was made for when you turn it on.

Once you have selected the mods you want click the OK button on the lower left of the screen.

OXCE will restart and load the mods along with the game.

That should be it, Click "New Game" and begin your campaign.

« Last Edit: October 20, 2020, 04:19:06 am by The Martian »

Offline Red Floater

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Re: How to run Mod on 2019 OpenXCom build?
« Reply #31 on: October 20, 2020, 10:30:40 pm »
Like Solarius said. It is really difficult to help somebody when you have next to no information available.
Sorry, I'll try to provide some more info

For instance the following reply:Does not tell us anything. Forcing me to ask the following question:
Where or how did it not appear?
* Not in the drop-down list (the one you normally use to switch between UFO an TFTD)?
* The list of mods **after** you selected X-Com Files from the drop-down list?
Drop-down menu.

Besides that. In the majority of cases where people have difficulties getting the game (or mod) to start it really helps if the person having trouble attaches the "openxcom.log" to the post.

So please. Help us help you by keeping in mind Solarius excelent advice.
Here's the file.

Offline R1dO

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Re: How to run Mod on 2019 OpenXCom build?
« Reply #32 on: October 20, 2020, 11:35:53 pm »
Thank you for the log. It complains about a missing metadata.yml file for the XComFiles.

Since the file exists in the (1.5.1) download from the mod portal i assume something went wrong when unpacking it.

Try removing the existing mods from your mods folder ("DarkGeoscape", "XCF Cyrillic Names" and "XComFiles") just to be sure.
Download the latest version again from:
Unpack this version to your mods folder.

Good luck

Offline Red Floater

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Re: How to run Mod on 2019 OpenXCom build?
« Reply #33 on: October 20, 2020, 11:37:25 pm »
Thank you for the log. It complains about a missing metadata.yml file for the XComFiles.

Since the file exists in the (1.5.1) download from the mod portal i assume something went wrong when unpacking it.

Try removing the existing mods from your mods folder ("DarkGeoscape", "XCF Cyrillic Names" and "XComFiles") just to be sure.
Download the latest version again from:
Unpack this version to your mods folder.

Good luck

Thanks, I'll try that.

Offline JustTheDude/CABSHEP

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Re: How to run Mod on 2019 OpenXCom build?
« Reply #34 on: October 21, 2020, 12:01:50 am »
Judging by this line: "Scanning user mods in 'C:/Users/Home/Documents/OpenXcom/'... [19-10-2020_21-08-11]" it seems you are not trying to run the mod properly, instead you are just launching pure OpenXcom Extended while juggling the mod files around.

Because X-COM Files is a self contained mod, there is no need to put it anywhere near, or inside OpenXcom/OpenXcom Extended folders.

It all should run smoothly by just unpacking the mod in some new folder, even on pulpit, then just copy UFO folder files into empty UFO folder inside the mod folder. Game will launch, find and click on the "MODS" tab, select "X-COM FILES", game would restart and that would be it.

I'm saying it again, just to be clear. Don't put/unpack the mod in the OpenXcom folders, or basically anywhere that isn't an empty folder.

Offline Meridian

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Re: How to run Mod on 2019 OpenXCom build?
« Reply #35 on: October 21, 2020, 12:39:17 am »
Judging by this line: "Scanning user mods in 'C:/Users/Home/Documents/OpenXcom/'... [19-10-2020_21-08-11]" it seems you are not trying to run the mod properly, instead you are just launching pure OpenXcom Extended while juggling the mod files around.

Because X-COM Files is a self contained mod, there is no need to put it anywhere near, or inside OpenXcom/OpenXcom Extended folders.

It all should run smoothly by just unpacking the mod in some new folder, even on pulpit, then just copy UFO folder files into empty UFO folder inside the mod folder. Game will launch, find and click on the "MODS" tab, select "X-COM FILES", game would restart and that would be it.

I'm saying it again, just to be clear. Don't put/unpack the mod in the OpenXcom folders, or basically anywhere that isn't an empty folder.

Dude, XCF is not self-contained for over a year now... refresh your own info please before you confuse others.

Offline Thoughtful Jester

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Re: How to run Mod on 2019 OpenXCom build?
« Reply #36 on: October 21, 2020, 06:15:10 am »
Lol, I feel the pain.
I think for myself, it involves differences in terminology.
What is a common understanding on the inside of a group, can and often does, end up being understood differently out side of a group.
This is what makes the irl group game "The Telephone Game" so much fun, or why text messages are so often misconstrued.
Breathing and finding something funny to watch for a few minutes helps, for me that is.
As I am trying to figure out where my train wreck with installing the game, I saw this situation and hoped to learn from it.
I have read the instructions and advice with a determination to understand and not worry so much about being understood, until it is my turn and after that I try to get clarification that what I think is being said is what was actually being communicated.
"Restated and clarify" are two words that carry the weight of the world.
I hope you and I can get our varying complications, with not being about to play this amazing mod, figured out and get to the enjoying part.
It really looks amazing.  Watching the vods and streams is so painful, knowing that my own opportunity to play is so freaking close at hand.

Offline tarkalak

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Re: How to run Mod on 2019 OpenXCom build?
« Reply #37 on: October 21, 2020, 04:36:48 pm »
OXCE+ has three places that it stores information and the default places are NOT in the directory you have installed it.

See the readme here:

Sadly the only way to change these is with command line switches.

So you have dig down where OXCE have created its user folder (if you are on windows that is probably in Documents/OpenXcomEx) and you should put the mods in the folder mods there. If you are on windows it should be in "C:\Users\<user>\Documents\OpenXcom", where <user> is your username.

In my case I had it initially created in "/home/dslavchev/Documents/OpenXcom/mods" by an older version of wine and then had to create a shell script that tells openxcom where to find the user data.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: How to run Mod on 2019 OpenXCom build?
« Reply #38 on: October 21, 2020, 04:45:25 pm »
You can simply create a "user" directory in your OpenXcom game folder and move all the stuff there. That's how I do it. No extra steps needed.

Offline Red Floater

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Re: How to run Mod on 2019 OpenXCom build?
« Reply #39 on: October 21, 2020, 07:15:16 pm »
You can simply create a "user" directory in your OpenXcom game folder and move all the stuff there. That's how I do it. No extra steps needed.
I'm not sure whether it should be in my OpenXcom or OXCE folder, though. I put it in my OpenXcom files.

Offline Red Floater

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Re: How to run Mod on 2019 OpenXCom build?
« Reply #40 on: October 21, 2020, 07:19:28 pm »
I just gave it a try. The mod did not appear in OXCE's drop-down menu - however, it did appear in OpenXcom. When I tried to enable it, the game crashed. I've included a screenshot and my log file.

Offline Meridian

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Re: How to run Mod on 2019 OpenXCom build?
« Reply #41 on: October 21, 2020, 07:43:10 pm »
I just gave it a try. The mod did not appear in OXCE's drop-down menu - however, it did appear in OpenXcom. When I tried to enable it, the game crashed. I've included a screenshot and my log file.

The mod doesn't work in OpenXcom, no need to try (or report) that.
It only works in OXCE.

Offline Red Floater

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Re: How to run Mod on 2019 OpenXCom build?
« Reply #42 on: October 21, 2020, 10:33:45 pm »
The mod doesn't work in OpenXcom, no need to try (or report) that.
It only works in OXCE.

Thanks, tried that and it seems to be working.