But you can shoot the smaller planes. And to be honest a Kraken with 3xNaval guns can punch harder than you think.
Do you have a savegame? Most of the things you say make no sense to me. Higher studies a few years in?
This is unlike anythink I've heard. Usually one or two years in the game, a player will start to gather absurd scores, to the tune of 30k/month.
The only REMOTELY similar thing that I have seen is a guy who actively avoided researching new missions one year and half in.
Post the savegame here and we'll take a look. There's something rrally wrong with this situation, and I am not sure what.
I don't have the saved game where I lost the game due to scores. Already deleted them. I'm very bad at air combat. But I remember the hard to get things for the higher studies.
1. Implosion Bomb launcher (I remember it's gotten from viper fighter or something like that)
2. Science vessels documentation
I always lost a few ships getting them. (Many times, even after losing the ships, can't even down the ship. Or after down the ship, can't get the required items.
Or is it the other improvement after higher studies? Can't really remember
There was even a few games where I lost my new bases to attackers.
Guess I just sucks at this game

Maybe next time I played and lost the game due to research exhausted, will send the saved files. (But probably the last save before losing)
And for the Back to School, I remember the chancey item to get
1. Guild Stapler (although nowsaday, I rarely hit that as go for the warehouse research early in the game. Unless I'm very unlucky.)