
Author Topic: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!  (Read 448716 times)

Offline ontherun

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #795 on: January 10, 2022, 05:52:26 pm »
In M4 now rcf carabine is unolocked via the bullpup one, but i sound be the other way round since the former  is more common?

And there are some quest for assemblimg certain crafti, like the big bird, but in the future this might also planned for weapons? Like the rcf carabine, need to acquire some authirization to buy

Offline qwertzy

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #796 on: January 10, 2022, 08:57:55 pm »
I just realised that the difficulty settings are named after pirates, you play a group of pirates and one of the major antagonists is the trader's guild.
So the thing I'd love to see the most is the difficulty setting "Klaus Störtebeker" (down with the Hanseatic League!).

Offline ontherun

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #797 on: January 11, 2022, 01:30:37 am »
Oh sorry, i forgot, to humbly ask:

-   more variety in the sound and graphics department, for instance   banana clips weapons might have different sound,eg the ramshackle and the homefront rifle are still fire-dounding the same

- ol' revolver and six-shooter are somewhat identical, the first one might need more unique sprite, eg colt navy 1851 alike

- at least one more all terrain vehicle buyable along the v8 unlocking, the Chenowth FAV from 1986's "delta force" movie might be a good example, or evena dune buggy!!  ;)

- dynamite should be less powerful and be a black market buyable thing after uocking, heck it was patented in 1867 :o

- nytroglicerine flasks might be a black market thing, and a perquisire to manufacture dynamite

- some more questo to unlock/weapons

Offline Drago888

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #798 on: January 11, 2022, 02:44:34 am »
I admit, this made me curious. Just shooting down everything should reduce their points, while allowing a lot of lucrative grpund missions.

I have no idea how you can both run out of research and not be able to shoot enough down or indeed, bledd out crew and not being able to replace them.

How many bases? What month were you on?

During those playthroughs, my air power is not sufficient to shoot down the bigger planes. I'm usually stuck researching towards "Back to School" or "Higher Studies". (Can't find some of the required items.)

Usually 2-3 bases. Can't remember which month. But for "Higher Studies", shall be a few years into the game.

Offline Iazo

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #799 on: January 11, 2022, 11:47:39 am »
But you can shoot the smaller planes. And to be honest a Kraken with 3xNaval guns can punch harder than you think.

Do you have a savegame? Most of the things you say make no sense to me. Higher studies a few years in?

This is unlike anythink I've heard. Usually one or two years in the game, a player will start to gather absurd scores, to the tune of 30k/month.

The only REMOTELY similar thing that I have seen is a guy who actively avoided researching new missions one year and half in.

Post the savegame here and we'll take a look. There's something rrally wrong with this situation, and I am not sure what.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2022, 11:53:57 am by Iazo »

Offline ontherun

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #800 on: January 11, 2022, 02:35:25 pm »
Just playing around, modified the ol' revolver sprite to resemble more the colt navy i wrote before, of course the result is outrageous, butt se this as a "proof of concept". Draw inspired by the pic in wikipedia so should be not copyright infringment of some sort... ;D

Edit: sorry, reuploaded with its original name...

Edit: 2 also a Desert Patrol Vehicle and/or a Light Strike Vehicle would nicely fit to wander into wasteland/dessert :)

Edit 3: oriental outfits (exept peasant militia which resemble some kind of vietcong) are missing so how about some samurai and sultan alike outfits? Shlould require proper country contacts..
« Last Edit: January 12, 2022, 12:54:37 am by ontherun »

Offline Drago888

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #801 on: January 12, 2022, 02:50:52 am »
But you can shoot the smaller planes. And to be honest a Kraken with 3xNaval guns can punch harder than you think.

Do you have a savegame? Most of the things you say make no sense to me. Higher studies a few years in?

This is unlike anythink I've heard. Usually one or two years in the game, a player will start to gather absurd scores, to the tune of 30k/month.

The only REMOTELY similar thing that I have seen is a guy who actively avoided researching new missions one year and half in.

Post the savegame here and we'll take a look. There's something rrally wrong with this situation, and I am not sure what.

I don't have the saved game where I lost the game due to scores. Already deleted them. I'm very bad at air combat. But I remember the hard to get things for the higher studies.
1. Implosion Bomb launcher (I remember it's gotten from viper fighter or something like that)   
2. Science vessels documentation           

I always lost a few ships getting them. (Many times, even after losing the ships, can't even down the ship. Or after down the ship, can't get the required items.

Or is it the other improvement after higher studies? Can't really remember

There was even a few games where I lost my new bases to attackers.

Guess I just sucks at this game :P

Maybe next time I played and lost the game due to research exhausted, will send the saved files. (But probably the last save before losing)

And for the Back to School, I remember the chancey item to get
1. Guild Stapler (although nowsaday, I rarely hit that as go for the warehouse research early in the game. Unless I'm very unlucky.)
« Last Edit: January 12, 2022, 03:01:29 am by Drago888 »

Offline Greep

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #802 on: January 12, 2022, 04:16:12 am »
Honestly just sounds like you weren't building krakens as Iazo said haha.  Krakens demolish ships.

Offline Drago888

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #803 on: January 12, 2022, 05:14:19 am »
Honestly just sounds like you weren't building krakens as Iazo said haha.  Krakens demolish ships.

Oic thanks. Learnt something new. Yap, never use Kraken before. Will try it out on my new playthrough

Thanks again Greep and Iazo

Offline ontherun

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #804 on: January 12, 2022, 03:12:12 pm »
Slave soldiers eventually got their pirate version outfit, but not peasants, how about to create a version for them? How about a buccaneer one? Also a midi verison of pantera's cowboy from hell would fit nice as battlescape theme, an example on here8)
« Last Edit: January 12, 2022, 03:35:32 pm by ontherun »

Offline Drago888

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #805 on: January 12, 2022, 05:15:13 pm »
Sorry but like to check with the experts here regarding the Kraken with Naval Guns.

I check and Kraken have max speed of 2250.

Viper fighter have speed of 5000+
Science vessel have speed of 3000+

How do I use my Kraken to catch up with them? When I manage to catch up with them, how do I prevent the ship from maintaining at max distance from my Kraken (thus unable to engage them)?


Offline legionof1

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #806 on: January 12, 2022, 05:41:35 pm »
enemy craft don't always go at max speed, they frequently will slow down and just fart around. You can't very well do effective propaganda flybys at mach 7 now can you.

Give chase and wait for stuff to slow down and then you can attack them. That said yes some targets won't slow down nuff for a kraken to play. But the more you can get a chance at the more earnings you get, the more earnings the more toys to get more opportunities.

Almost the whole mod is about pushing what you can do now that little bit extra to get something better, and repeating the cycle. The air game is no different.

Offline Greep

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #807 on: January 12, 2022, 08:21:38 pm »
There's also a trick regarding hunter killers.  You use a faster craft to bait the hunter killer into chasing them to another ship.  Then they get kraked ;)

In any case, that's just how you use a kraken.  High powered missiles from multiple ships works if you're less concerned with money and more with score.  If you have the gauss coils to spare, lancers are best for hit and run due to the range. (viper figther: 45, lancer 65)

You also only want to use naval guns against big ships like the science vessel, against a dodgy low/unarmored ship you'd want beam lasers.  Although these days beams do 50% less damage.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2022, 09:02:38 pm by Greep »

Offline Earthquake

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #808 on: January 13, 2022, 01:05:35 am »
I want a mission of big, huge, ENORMOUS battle!
Over two hundreds of enemies, maybe wave by wave.

Offline Drago888

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #809 on: January 13, 2022, 02:37:12 am »
enemy craft don't always go at max speed, they frequently will slow down and just fart around. You can't very well do effective propaganda flybys at mach 7 now can you.

Give chase and wait for stuff to slow down and then you can attack them. That said yes some targets won't slow down nuff for a kraken to play. But the more you can get a chance at the more earnings you get, the more earnings the more toys to get more opportunities.

Almost the whole mod is about pushing what you can do now that little bit extra to get something better, and repeating the cycle. The air game is no different.

Thanks Legion, will try that. Maybe can avoid having my ships downed (which I believe cause me to lose lots of points. plus the rookie piloting the ship).