Curious about few lines in the language/music ruleset:
1. Music.rul:
Lines 6335 and 6407 the Worm Terror missions trigger two tracks, VOICES and GMISPOSH (default briefing) but it results in Briefing music being stuck for the whole mission. If one removes the Briefing line, then Worms missions play the intended "Voices" track correctly.
2. en-US.yml in language folder (and seemingly same for RU text version):
Line 1238 refers to a non-existing file "Dolphins" which is now GMGEO7 according to tags in the file. Looks like the GMGEO7 was supposed to be "Ocean songs".
I assume both are not intentional, but wanted to double check.
Obviously very minor things, but first one annoyed me so I fixed it manually, and second one stumbled occasionally.