If you want to know what they give specifically, you can look up the item in the spoilery bootypedia (online here is convenient:
https://www.xpiratez.wtf/en-US). Some of the robbery stuff is pretty good (grav harnesses from the flying raiders, force circuitry from priests, some really good stuff from VIPs), so you should probably just rob everyone once though really.
Also: Thought about missile strikes, and there actually is a doable workaround. The worst case scenario is just both hangers getting knocked out, so you can just make sure your second base is also set up to be a strike base. But large vaults and large barracks kinda feel off the table unfortunately. Losing a large vaults would be like having two slime infestations at once -__- I still feel like flack cannons are the only practical defense, though. If you're spending 3-5 million credits on AA towers in june and get striked anyways, you're going to have a bad day. At least without defense, you lose only the buildings lost.
Edit: Started jack sparrow campaign anyways out of curiosity. Seems like I and some other people are wrong about some things:
1) First there's a single missile strike in april. Then you get missile wave strikes afterwards
2) Early game missiles hit a single building, then later on they start doing more damage based on #128 research.
3) Missile HP isn't a static 500hp for a missile: according to #128, the research you get when your base gets hit for the first time, they're dependent on how much damage the missile would do. So I really have no idea how effective AA guns will be

4)Next month in may, a based got struck 3 times in the month, so you can get struck quite a lot.
^ Anyways, Also realized that you need personal labs to get hellerium study to rebuild a still. So if your still gets shot down in april, you're basically just screwed. No wine for you for like, months. That just feels excessive. I also realized it's not the end of the world, since you don't need a still to make money with runts (hellerium is... somewhat close to grog in profitability), but that's millions flushed down the toilet in one strike if it happens.
That said, the new maps don't seem to have many apples anyways, in june and I think I found 80 apples :/