Author Topic: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste  (Read 1307648 times)

Offline CrazedHarpooner

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #4290 on: September 17, 2024, 06:50:01 pm »
mapScript ALIENBIGBASEGROWN has an issue in this part:
Code: [Select]
    - type: addBlock #connectors
      executions: 2
      groups: 13
      size: [2, 2, 4]
    - type: addBlock #bonus connector
      executionChances: 40
      groups: 13
      size: [2, 2, 4]
None of the group 13 mapBlock definitions match the specified size, they're all 10x10 blocks [1,1,4]. This results in the only connections between the 2 top levels and the 2 bottom levels being: the base's entry point, alien hangar if it spawns (and it's one way only unless you can fly) and depending on RNG, very few combinations of vertical levels where they have the gravlift at the same (x,y) coordinates.
Fix for the script is as simple as removing the size property to let it default to size 1 or actively specify that size (no need for the full dimension list):
Code: [Select]
    - type: addBlock #connectors
      executions: 2
      groups: 13
      size: 1
    - type: addBlock #bonus connector
      executionChances: 40
      groups: 13
      size: 1
However, this exposed some issues with the connector blocks. So I'm providing some modified ones and why they've been modified:

    · Gravlift beams added in gravlift tiles on level 1. (visual only, makes it more evident that you can also go up)
    · Added/removed floor tiles on different levels. (while not visible, they also act as base "roofs" for the level just below instead of exposing dirt directly)
    · Restricted spawn to size 1 untis on level 1 and 3 nodes. (Size 2 terror units were spawning in areas they could not leave, intended(?))

    · Fixed unusable gravlift between levels 1 and 2. (gravlift placed in the incorrect slot and base floor was also in the way)
    · Added/removed floor tiles on different levels. (same as in Chamber 00)
    · Restricted spawn to size 1 untis on level 1 nodes. (Same as in Chamber 00)

    · Restricted spawn to size 1 untis on level 1 and 2 nodes. (Same as in Chamber 00)

    · Fixed window walls placed in the incorrect tile slot on level 2. (visually you can't tell the difference, but engine-wise, units were "jumping" through the windows)
    · Added/removed floor tiles on different levels. (same as in Chamber 00)
    · Restricted spawn to size 1 untis on level 2 node. (Same as in Chamber 00)

    · Fixed incorrect slot placement of many walls on level 2 resulting in bizarre tunneling results. (caused issues with digTunnel in mapScript)
    · Added/removed floor tiles on different levels. (same as in Chamber 00)

This should address issues on those blocks, however, I've noticed other cosmetic and fucntional issues in other blocks during testing, missing base walls that leave dirt exposed (mostly east or south sides that aren't that clearly visible) and other areas where size 2 units might spawn and can't leave. Once I'm done with my scripts, I may return to these mapblocks and revise them carefully. But this will take a while.

PS: I decided to post it all here in one go rather than post the script correction here and the MAP / RMP contribution in the "Want to help?" thread, let me know if this would of been preferable.