Hey, Im having a BLAST playing this mod. You really did a fantastic job so far.

Still havent finished my first "exploring the mod" playthrough but I have few questions / suggestions already:
1. Librarian armor gives -10 psi skill / strength. Is it something from lore like they are more exposed to warp or something ? Wouldnt it be more lore-wise to give them bonus to psi as if they "trained" that stuff or have enhanced armor ? My w40k lore is definitely not as good as most of the people on this forum but when I found Librarian armor I was like "Cool, finally some boosted psi action" and then bam, -10 psi.

2. Techmarine armor has built-in Servo-arm in hand, so techmarine cant use two handed weapons without aim penalty (or not at all) which doesnt really make sense as techmarines servo-arm behaves more like third arm so it doesnt really block their two arms when shooting two handed. Isnt there a way to avoid this restriction ? My first though was making servo-arm as special weapon but they already have probe there so i dont know if its possible to have two items there.
3. Somehow I got this item called "7UPLAT4" (U is the ultramarine sign) and have no idea what to do with it (have 5 of them). Part of unfinished stuff ?
4. I read the codex about the Soldier Marks but there are still 2 that appear next to my soldiers names that arent mentioned there, One is the Ultramarine U Sign and second one is this small (smaller than the rest of marks) "scout armor-like" or a "goat head like" thing. Second one might be the Hero mark but i really dont see the skull in that. What are they for ?
5. Again about the marks. The change of mark to elite is nice and all, but when i have for example a soldier with 2 elite marks I have zero idea if he is elite scout and devastator, or assault and tactical etc. without looking at his stats. I suggest either somehow differentiate them (might be hard considering marks get really small on the UI most of the time) changing it so that he gets one Elite mark when he excels at all four of them, or giving them certain order with possible "blanks", like if soldier excels as tactical and scout it would show X__X (X being elite mark), or excels as tactical, scout and good as devastator it would show Xd_X (d being devastator mark).
6. There is this bug I encountered when you want to reload your weapon while still having ammo left. When you unload your weapon and put magazine missing some ammo in your inventory (to lower part where everything your soldiers arent using right now is stored) and inventory gets refreshed, the magazine combines with rest of the full magazines and looks like it gets refreshed to full ammo. My guess is its xcom related and not mod related tho.
7. Can it be made that the Add Pilot button in craft menu checks for soldiers in your base instead of craft crew? Right now I have to add soldiers to craft crew first and then if number of soldiers is greater than required number of pilots I can add remove them as pilots. It makes sense for crafts that you use for ground missions with many soldiers but not for interception-only crafts with 1 crew space (and basically everything thats not droppod for me because i do ground missions with droppods and use every other craft for interception only)
8. Whats the real use of Tarantulas ? Looks like I cant move them so if I deploy them in Thunderhawk for example I can just shoot from inside of it and that feels weird.
Again, you (and everyone who helped) did a really great job with this mod and I hope you will continue to improve it even more.