Edit by Meridian: latest version compatible with OXCE 8.0 is available here (provided by Buscher):
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=2957.msg168831#msg168831"Land of Sand" - DUNE Total Conversion
This mod should become a DUNE total conversion in the future and is now WIP. The player takes the role of the Fremen.
The mod provides a desert planet with Harkonnen and Sardaukar to fight and some technology from the Dune Universe.
The game can be finished, however, it is lacking some content and balancing.
Mod files are attached to this post.
- Desert globe
- New equipment
- Enemies are Harkonnen, Sardaukar, Smugglers, Spacing Guild
- Changed research and manufacturing
- Changed text, backgrounds, cutscenes
- Install OXCE (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,5258.0.html)- Download the .zip file attached to this post and unpack it into the mods folder
- Choose LandOfSand as master mod
- Only EN-US language supported
- Tools
- Falko's mod tools used for globe modification and all kind of sprites (
- MCDEdit (
- Mapview (
- OXCE+ by Yankes and Meridian
- Sprites, sounds, maps, ruleset code etc:
- robin (lots of graphics from "MIB" and "From the Apocalypse")
- Dioxine (lots of graphics and sounds from Piratez mod)
- XOps (graphics from Xeno Operations Mod)
- Solarius Scorch (FMP)
- Hobbes (Hobbes terrain pack, Aea51)
- jackstraw2323 (War of shadows)
- Ryskeliini (weapon sprites, explosion)
- Chiko, civilian, luke83, ascadix, Aldorn, yrizoud, Ran (laser weapon sprites, clips, clip ruleset, red beam etc.)
- civilian (sand city terrain)
- robin/Meridian (Smoke)
- IvanDogovich (ImprovedHandobs)
- Hellrazor (Alternate Lightning Thunder)
- Sporb (UFO2000 graphics, Sonic weapons)
- Dolphman (ripped Dark Legions sprites)
- Tollworkout (Antman Mod)
- Ufopedia texts, backgrounds, cutscenes
http://dune.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page and wikipedia.org
- Background images from various internet sources
- Music: Toto
Ver. 0.28
- Fixed more bugs for corpse recovery
- Fixed some bugs in research strings
Ver. 0.27
- Fixed bug for corpse recovery
Ver. 0.26
- Compatibility updates
Ver. 0.25
- Added enemy units: Atreides Defector, Atreides Officer, Guild Servant
- Added HWP: Distrans Bat
- Added a few resource items
- small improvements
Ver. 0.24
- Use Mudranger as enemy craft
- Added Bene Gesserit as enemy unit
- Two soldier types available: Normal and Fedaykin.
- Small fixes
Ver. 0.23
- Added two Sardaukar ships (graphics from XOps)
- Updated mission scripts
- Added items: Spear, javelins (from PirateZ)
- Fixed some smaller issues
Ver. 0.22
- Added region labels (thanks to Meridian)
- Revised research and ufopedia entries
- Changed visibility at night
- Revised Drifter map
- New Enemies: Smuggler Thug, Smuggler Rogue, Smuggler Drone
- New Items: Taijur Bomb
- Added more cities on globe
- Cleaned up ufo interception images
- Revised mission zones and mission scripts
- Updated OXCE+ EXE
- Added Spacing Guild as faction. (Units are from robin's Apocalypse mod and Tollworkout's Antman mod)
- Updated Ufopedia
- Exchange some item graphics from robin's apocalypse mod (Rifle, Pistol, Launcher, Glowglobe, high explosive)
- New items: Kindjal, Tech guns, cutter ammo (graphics from XOps and dioxine)
- Small graphics fixes
- Added stun and wounded indicators from Piratez mod
- Removed timer from most grenades
- Added Harkonnen Slave as unit
- fix a bug with melee weapons (clipsize -1)
- Updated OXCE+ EXE
- Updated some Ufopedia images with new palette
- Fixed an error with life bloodhound capture (thanks to Meridian)
- Added a spice harvester mission (Harvester map from Dioxine's Piratez mod)
Ver 0.18
- Added intro slideshow
- Added ufopedia planet informations
- Added wavy desert (from XOps)
- Added Sardaukar terror unit
- Small manufacture and research changes
- Added spotter team as craft
- Change to OXCE+ EXE from Yankes and Meridian