It's alright, thank you for taking the time to help me out, and your advise is very helpful, I was stuck in the vanilla mindset of every base must be defensible, and so my radar bases were taking an extra month to set up, when in reality as you pointed out they can be just a radar, or less optimized for defense even.
When it comes to the score, knowing that the loss is -1500 on consecutive months, it is very manageable, even with the terror missions being bugged I still only got like -1800 in February having only done the terror site, if I had made radar bases like you suggested, I would have caught more UFOs and not lost like I did, even with the bug. Granted I know a lot of people are more wary of battleships and lab ships, so if you're avoiding those till say lasers or something, then perhaps the change would be beneficial.
Finally, on supply ships I avoid them until I get motion scanners and drones, because I've noticed it is very common with my playstyle for 4-12 aliens to stay in the UFO for over 100 turns, until I lose patience, and then I lose a lot of people to the horrors of breaching a UFO without drones or motion scanners. I have a better track record with lab and battleships, because it is very rare, in my experience, for them to just wait in the ship for even 10 turns.
With the new information, and a fixed game, I shall throw my hat in the ring again, and see if I can achieve greatness.