A couple things:
1 - Not exactly a bug, but soldier armour sprites on the Craft screen are all the same, you can't tell what armours they're wearing (see attachment where the crew is a mix of power suits, reinforced power suits and flying suits).
[Edit: I've just downloaded the recent version and seen it fix this particular issue.]
You probably pulled the github Version before and what you used was most likely out of date or incomplete.
Please if in doubt always use the
HardmodeExpansion on mod.ioIt is usually complete and correct.
2 - The readme file says:
An alien base is generated the moment the final battleship arrives (as the geoscapeDebugLog shows), so this mechanic doesn't work as advertised. Though it does with the other mission types and destroying a pact-generated base does return the country. By the way, does destroying such a base before the end of month prevent the defection from ever taking place?
The percentage is 33% for each mission. Please recheck the README.txt. I found a way to make this mechanic work. The Alien Base will now spawn with a extra Dummy UFO, a maximum of 2 days after the battleship shows up. The delay is neccessary, since the battelship needs a few hours to find a landing point and it stays landed around a max of 12 hours.
I had to make sure that the player has enough time to cancel the mission by attacking or shooting down the batleship, before the next missionwave (the dummy UFO, which you won't see), gets exceuted or is cancelled. To make this mechanic work I had to do it this way.
So in case you defeated a battleship on a infiltration mission or a Alien Base building Mission (which originated from a alien base, no Scouts!) you should check the region for a alien base 2 days later to see if it occured or not. Usually once you defeat the battleship and you trigger the interruptionchance, all other UFO's from the same mission will take off immediatly, so you know it has been cancelled.
3 - Something trivial, but still. One of the medics I interrogated gave for free Sectopod corpse (and the lookup autopsy). Sectopod corpse is still on the research topic list. I believe this is not supposed to happen.
Sectopod Corpse is dependency together with alive Sectopod to unlock Walkertanks. Its totally fine to still be researchable, even after you got the lookup from medic.
No worries there