Thanks for the response, Meridian. I have cleaned the list, here is the revised version:
Justification: Lack of this feature has been a pain since melee weapons were added, and nothing has changed here. Half-assed solutions like 1-tile "ranged" weapons are not really satisfactory, and impossibility of using a machete to damage a bush is frustrating.
Justification: A purely aesthetic thing, but adding it would really enhance the experience. Ludicrous Gibs are a trope for a reason, and some weapons just aren't the same without it. Plus it seems (to a layman like me) to be relatively easy to add.
Justification: Lack of this option causes confusion with some Piratez players and there's no other way of clearing it up easily (without sacrificing some gameplay).
Clarifications: It's an inversion of "requires". With this, the only article displays when you do
not have a given research. It would have to be compatible with requires. For example:
* You find a Plasma Pistol. You can immediately research it regardless of any research prerequisites. It will display an article saying "we think it's an alien weapon, blah blah"
* Later you collect enough knowledge to examine the item in full, which gives you full info, and the old article disappears.
So essentially there are two different articles, which never appear at the same time.
One problem I'm not sure how to approach is writing such rulesets for items. Continuing the plasma pistol example, the "early" research/article could not be STR_PLASMA_PISTOL, because it would conflict with the later article, which would also need to be STR_PLASMA_PISTOL, else the article wouldn't work properly. But it can't be some other string, because then the needItem command wouldn't work. I don't have a good solution at the moment.
Justification: I think we have all accepted that this wouldn't happen anytime soon. Anyway, it's not my request and I have never really been interested in it personally, so it's hard for me to evaluate its value.
5. (not on the list but requested elsewhere) MID-BATTLE REINFORCEMENTS FOR THE AIPriority: very high
Justification: I literally have several missions already designed (and some of it even made!) around this concept. Definitely a must have for almost any tactical game which is supposed to cover various scenarios, and OXCE+ as a whole moves X-Com in that area.
Priority: medium
Justification: Enemy units running towards the player and then blowing up is a common thing in games, and it keeps coming up in the OXC community. I consider it useful.
A few comments/clarifications:
(IMO) not worth the effort.
It is a small feature gameplay-wise, but a very large feature (IMO) technically.
I agree. But at this point I consider it a part of the general movement option pack, discussed with Otto. Not the most important part.
I removed this request, because it would be better to keep it separately, in the "special moves" category.
UFO crash/landing sites are limited to one UFO and one xcom craft.
Visually, you can create a craft that looks like two or more craft... see 40k.
Visually, you can create a UFO, which looks like multiple UFOs...
But in the background, there will always be just one of each.
Well, what I really intended is to have multiple
buildings per map, spawned with addUFO. But nowadays we can use the Otto's advanced terrain generation instead, with acceptable compromises.
What is this?
I've added more details to the request, based on our recent Discord conversation.
Then don't put it on your list? 
I have a soft heart

Anyway, Soldier Transformations now support transforming soldiers into items... so you can make a project that transforms your senior psi operative(s) into resource(s) required to build some advanced Psi facility for example... as requested by Nord.
The initial request from Dioxine was a bit different: soldiers wouldn't be used for construction, but for operation. For example you need to assign someone to a radar (same as assigning scientists to research), else it won't function.
If this is silly, I'll remove it.
I have this from someone:
Not sure if you're trying to protect my privacy, in which case sorry for ruining it... But if you really don't know, then I admit it's mine.

Interesting, thanks.
Wouldn't this run the risk of having units spawn in unreachable/blocked locations, given the random nature of map generation? Would it be possible (or rather practical) to define spawn points manually, akin to how base storage tiles or spawned items (in terrains) are defined?
If you screw up, then it's possible. It's a modder's job to ensure this doesn't happen. On most maps it shouldn't be a problem, as they're open.