Hey Solarius, I really love your other mod FMP and just discovered the X-Com Files today. I'm excited to try it out, but while I'm doing that I was wondering if there was a compare-and-contrast with FMP somewhere? Obviously this mod adds a lot more gameplay elements than FMP, which was more about just piling in cool content and finding a way to balance it all, but I really enjoy the shear amount of content FMP has. Does X-Com Files, in it's current alpha state, have a lot of the same stuff FMP has in it (e.g. weapon/ship/equipment variety, gauss weapons, more sensible tech tree, etc.) How would you compare them in general?
Hello and thanks for the kind words.
X-Com Files contain the entirety of FMP, with some changes. It also contains a whole lot of other stuff and a completely different design of the campaign. So you can say that XCF is FMP 2.0 on drugs.

Version 0.9.3 has been released.- Updated to the newest version of OXCE+.
- Added unique combat analysis articles for enemy types.
- New weapon: Napalm Grenade (Incendiary Grenade was depowered).
- New unit: Zombie Boomer.
- Added indicator for system shock (losing HP due to overstun), icon by Ivan Dogovich.
- Zombies now also yield Zombie parasites on processing.
- Shadowbats are now vampiric.
- Thunderstorm got another Heavy Missile hardpoint instead of its Cannon hardpoint.
- MiG and Arrow can't land. Pickup now has 5 soldier spaces.
- Plasma and fusion weapons calibration now requires Advanced Laboratory.
- BlackOps Rifle has faster aimed shot and longer snap range.
- BlackOps Assault Rifle has slightly slower auto shot.
- Mosin Rifle has worse snap accuracy.
- Some pistol ammo has worse armor penetration.
- All incendiary ammo should now decrease morale like other flame attacks.
- Fixed and improved plasma blade weapons.
- Depowered Holodrone weapon.
- Renamed Medi-Gas Grenade to Knockout Grenade for clarity.
- New sprites for BlackOps SMG and BlackOps Shotgun (by Dioxine).
- New Cult Base map (Tavern, by Dioxine).
- More treasure in Cyberweb Manufacturing.
- New background for the Black Lotus missions.
- Added Edinburgh.
- Language updates.
- Reviewed experience training from certain weapons.
- Fixed GL incendiary round.
- Fixed Arasaka and Asuka ammo granting too much Stun damage.
- Minor fixes.