And why not a bus tactical swat XD
Because it does poorly in a forest.

Version 0.5.1 is released! It's kinda soon after the last one, but I found a lot of things to fix (mainly Ufopaedia crashes) and somehow made two new missions, so here it is.
- Added Osiron Alloy Ammo Trade mission.
- Added Chryssalid Village mission.
- Added MiB Psi Ops.
- Added Airborne Mudranger.
- Added buckshot ammo (regular and alloy) to Heavy Cannon and Auto Cannon.
- Added Syndicate personnel descriptions and pictures.
- Rewrote MiB mission scripts.
- Changed the surrender mode, because nobody ever surrendered. (We'll see if it didn't make the game too easy.)
- Fixed some Ufopaedia crashes.
- Some language and Ufopaedia styling fixes.
WARNING: This time, continuing from an old save is a bit more involved. You need to open an old save in a text editor and remove these lines:
Where XX is some number.
Make it 0.5.1b; I screwed up the new ammo types. :/ New version uploading now.