Author Topic: Re: The X-Com Files - 3.6: Exotic Energy  (Read 2644259 times)

Offline Mrvex

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.0: We Will Be Watching
« Reply #4305 on: September 09, 2021, 08:23:43 am »
2 of the MAGMA share tech research topics needs to be changed, i just realized that both of them actually give you fuckall if you dont have a completely different tech from different story lines and they feel like a massive noob trap for those not using middle mouse button to see what gives what.

1) Sharing Alien Gardens with MAGMA
MAGMA can offer you chemical rounds for pulse weapons (And nothing else ?) But Pulse weapons are completely different unlock from Syndicate storyline.
So you can research Alien Gardens, share bioweapons with a corporation and you get nothing in return. This research needs to be locked behind having pulse weapons in the first place.

2) Sharing Elerium battery with MAGMA
Same as Alien Gardens, researching Elerium batteries lets you share it with this corporation but you get nothing in return, you need to get Terramite from Shogg arch too in order to unlock the power armor.

This tech needs to be locked together with sharing elerium batteries.


Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.0: We Will Be Watching
« Reply #4306 on: September 10, 2021, 11:30:10 am »
( @Solarius )

hi i just got the idea on the next versionĀ“ title  -   *There are the things between Eearth and Heaven"

what do you think?

Not bad. But it depends on what the next version will feature!

- Your M83 Barrett rifles and ammo will disappear, sorry.

 :( :-\ why

it was 1 of my most favourites heavy sniper guns

It is still in the game, but will need to be found, researched and bought again, sorry.
(Also, happy to hear this weapon has some use.)

Main page says: Shogg: 72%
Does it reflect current state of Shogg?

This dumb thing. :/ Sorry, I forgot it's ever existed.
Sure, I'll update the counter.

2 of the MAGMA share tech research topics needs to be changed, i just realized that both of them actually give you fuckall if you dont have a completely different tech from different story lines and they feel like a massive noob trap for those not using middle mouse button to see what gives what.

1) Sharing Alien Gardens with MAGMA
MAGMA can offer you chemical rounds for pulse weapons (And nothing else ?) But Pulse weapons are completely different unlock from Syndicate storyline.
So you can research Alien Gardens, share bioweapons with a corporation and you get nothing in return. This research needs to be locked behind having pulse weapons in the first place.

2) Sharing Elerium battery with MAGMA
Same as Alien Gardens, researching Elerium batteries lets you share it with this corporation but you get nothing in return, you need to get Terramite from Shogg arch too in order to unlock the power armor.

This tech needs to be locked together with sharing elerium batteries.

I'll withhold with these changes, because:
1) While I get the point, it would be a little weird to make M.A.G.M.A. act this way;
2) it's kinda complex and I don't want to break anything before going on holidays. I'll think about it after I'm back.

And speaking of broken versions: bugfix version 2.0.1 has been released.

- Removed support for en-GB (until someone maintains it).
- Fixed missing Tritanium Foundry files.
- Fixed armor values on hybrids' Polar Suit.
- Minor terrain fixes.

Offline Thunderwing280

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.0: We Will Be Watching
« Reply #4307 on: September 11, 2021, 12:59:31 am »
Is it still the case that when you destroy alien colonies you get countries back from alien pacts? 2 months into alien invasion and already the US and Israel have withdrawn.

Offline Juku121

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.0: We Will Be Watching
« Reply #4308 on: September 11, 2021, 01:50:15 am »
Is it still the case that when you destroy alien colonies you get countries back from alien pacts?
No. There's an entire thread about it, and also other discussions here and on Discord.

Basically, Solarius finds it unimmersive and its his mod. If you hate it, you can change this for yourself with a very tiny change, although you won't be getting back the whole 'embassy' mechanic (which was kinda weird).
« Last Edit: September 11, 2021, 01:53:28 am by Juku121 »

Offline 0xEBJC

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.0: We Will Be Watching
« Reply #4309 on: September 16, 2021, 08:48:00 pm »
Solarius Scorch,

I read your comments about not having engineers in masses just for profit, and I understand your perspective.  I'm still playing through XCF for the 1st time.

Suggestion, if it hasn't been made yet.  What do you think of have some items that engineers make at the following graduated steps 60%, 80%, 100%, 120% so at 60% there is a 40% cost of the engineers monthly salary. where it would be tied to some game progress steps, say 'Promotion I" & "Promotion II", unlocking BlackOps, etc...

The idea would be that even at end game, 120% isn't a huge amount, but it at-least gives the engineers something to do when no other specific task is needed and they don't cost too much overhead in monthly costs.  I just unlocked blackOps and I think currently one of the grenades is the most profitable at about 50%, so still a lost in engineer overcost.

Another idea (This one probably needs a feature added to OXCE code)
some create items that have a profitable cost say at the lowest level - beginning of game engineers can produce a specific available item at a profit of 102%
then when either a specific #of items are produced or a game progression is met the defined item properties change and it becomes was less profitable.
This idea could propagate through the game as you get new things "novelty" they are more profitable, and either overtime when game progression milestones are met or too many items are produced the items sell value and profitability drops, like flooding the market, or last years i-phone isn't as desired as next years i-phone.

functionality that could make this work,
dynamic in-game rul file values, manufacture, item definitions could be changed updated or removed from availability (i.e. a new item is defined for the old one with different properties) so you would have to remove the item or actually change it's properties, just remove it from the list that enables its availability and add the new same item with different values.

Track the total number of items for a specific time manufactured, even when stopping and starting manufacturing of the same item or across different bases.

Another Idea would be to allow the sell/sack menu to have specific sellers, like to the public, to the UN/Funding Nations Governments, to the Cult factions, like you might be able to sell BlackOps or other specific/high interest/value items to the black marked arms dealers for a premium, but get docked score points...

Offline 0xEBJC

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Re: The X-Com Files - 0.4.2 alpha: Going Postal
« Reply #4310 on: September 16, 2021, 11:17:44 pm »
Yes, it's for OXCE+. The file is distributed with the mod, just like Piratez.

Well then, waiting for reviews. 8)

X-Com Files is awesome! It's so much more than a mod, after playing just a little while, I'm probably not going back but considering this the defacto game! very good.  do you want reviews else where, like on

Much appreciated!

Offline Jimboman

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.0: We Will Be Watching
« Reply #4311 on: September 21, 2021, 04:52:03 pm »

Rename "Accurized Shotgun" --> "Long Barrel Shotgun", or "Precision LR Shotgun", (LR is for Long Range), or "Honed LR Shotgun", Accurized isn't an English word.  Your mod pack is very good and I only make the recommendation because I think it would further improve it as a very professional game release.


I think the 'accurized shotgun' is in the 'xcomfiles additions' submod and not the main mod, and Solarius has nothing to do with that.

Offline Juku121

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.0: We Will Be Watching
« Reply #4312 on: September 21, 2021, 07:41:45 pm »
Accurized isn't an English word.
I don't know what dialect of English you practice, but for the major ones, it very much is.

Offline 0xEBJC

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.0: We Will Be Watching
« Reply #4313 on: September 22, 2021, 01:29:26 am »

lol, thanks! :)  To be hones't I've been around real firearms my whole life and had never heard the word "accurized" before. I should have googled it and not made any assumptions.

Well I got egg on my face for this one  :-\  I do apologize, and thanks for correcting me.  ;D
« Last Edit: September 22, 2021, 09:23:32 am by 0xEBJC »

Offline gfzuglian

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.0: We Will Be Watching
« Reply #4314 on: September 22, 2021, 06:37:42 pm »

I play X-com since 1994, played a lot of clones and have to say that this mod blows my mind in terms of content. What a beast.

I've been playing for a couple months and this week unlocked what is supposed to be the final mission (
. But I still have osirion, hybrids and MiB missions, and I'm unable to progress in their arcs. My research tab is empty (90%), got everyone of them hybrids and MiB and Osirion types alive for interrogation but cannot proceed. Am I missing a key element?

I'm also stuck on the underwater missions. The farthest I went was
destroying the tasoth facility and taking escort subs
, nothing new is happening.

Thanks for the great mod!

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.0: We Will Be Watching
« Reply #4315 on: September 23, 2021, 12:02:45 pm »
I'm back!

I read your comments about not having engineers in masses just for profit, and I understand your perspective.  I'm still playing through XCF for the 1st time.

Suggestion, if it hasn't been made yet.  What do you think of have some items that engineers make at the following graduated steps 60%, 80%, 100%, 120% so at 60% there is a 40% cost of the engineers monthly salary. where it would be tied to some game progress steps, say 'Promotion I" & "Promotion II", unlocking BlackOps, etc...

The idea would be that even at end game, 120% isn't a huge amount, but it at-least gives the engineers something to do when no other specific task is needed and they don't cost too much overhead in monthly costs.  I just unlocked blackOps and I think currently one of the grenades is the most profitable at about 50%, so still a lost in engineer overcost.

I'm not sure if I understand the suggestion. So you'd get more profitable manufacturing projects as you advance?

Anyway, my goal is to eliminate manufacturing for cash, so this model, like any other profit model, is a no. There are several reasons for this, both gameplay (money becomes meaningless fast) and lore (you're not the only one producing this stuff, and some entities can offer better prices as they're real industrial facilities).

Another idea (This one probably needs a feature added to OXCE code)
some create items that have a profitable cost say at the lowest level - beginning of game engineers can produce a specific available item at a profit of 102%


Another Idea would be to allow the sell/sack menu to have specific sellers, like to the public, to the UN/Funding Nations Governments, to the Cult factions, like you might be able to sell BlackOps or other specific/high interest/value items to the black marked arms dealers for a premium, but get docked score points...

That would imply some sort of a diplomacy system, which doesn't exist.

X-Com Files is awesome! It's so much more than a mod, after playing just a little while, I'm probably not going back but considering this the defacto game! very good.  do you want reviews else where, like on

Thank you, that's really nice! :)
I am not actively looking for reviews or anything, but it's nice to see people enjoy my mod.

I play X-com since 1994, played a lot of clones and have to say that this mod blows my mind in terms of content. What a beast.

And thanks to you as well, it's amazing to see!

But I still have osirion, hybrids and MiB missions, and I'm unable to progress in their arcs. My research tab is empty (90%), got everyone of them hybrids and MiB and Osirion types alive for interrogation but cannot proceed. Am I missing a key element?

Osiron, hybrids and MiBs cannot be completed. It's by design - as long as there are aliens, there will be hybrids and MiBs (at least for now). And you can't completely root out crime, so Osiron is also kinda immortal.

I'm also stuck on the underwater missions.

Sounds like you completed the arc. T'leth is still out there, but dealing with it is not a part of the mod - all you had to do is to nullify the most immediate threat, and apparently you did.

It's Cydonia time! :)

Offline gfzuglian

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.0: We Will Be Watching
« Reply #4316 on: September 23, 2021, 03:27:59 pm »
Thanks for your response!

Is it possible to achieve 100% research? I'm looking into the tech tree and I haven't encontered lobstermen  biologist, technician and overlord. Same with charcharodon vivisector, mechanic and warlord. Are they in the game? Sometimes being a completionist kinda sucks, lol

Offline 0xEBJC

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.0: We Will Be Watching
« Reply #4317 on: October 05, 2021, 12:10:43 am »
I'm not sure if I understand the suggestion. So you'd get more profitable manufacturing projects as you advance?

Anyway, my goal is to eliminate manufacturing for cash, so this model, like any other profit model, is a no. There are several reasons for this, both gameplay (money becomes meaningless fast) and lore (you're not the only one producing this stuff, and some entities can offer better prices as they're real industrial facilities).

I was suggesting that with game progressions the profitability would increase as the X-Com can eventually make more unique items that no one else can.

For Example:
Code: [Select]
Game Progressions,                 Most profitable item ,                            upkeep cost ,                        Net Gain / month / engineer
                               (monthly profit / month for 1 engineer)           (1 engineer / month)
          20 %                              25K * 50% =       $12.5k                     $25k                               -$12.5k
          30 %                              25K * 60% =       $15.0k                     $25k                               -$10.0k
          40 %                              25K * 70% =       $17.5k                     $25k                               -$07.5k
          50 %                              25K * 80% =       $20.0k                     $25k                               -$05.0k
          60 %                              25K * 90% =       $22.5k                     $25k                               -$02.5k
          70 %                              25K * 100% =      $25.0k                     $25k                                $00.0k
          80 %                              25K * 110% =      $27.5k                     $25k                                $02.5k
          90 %                              25K * 120% =      $30.0k                     $25k                                $05.0k

The idea isn't to make a large profit, but to progressively improve the balance of cost for engineering upkeep cost.

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.0: We Will Be Watching
« Reply #4318 on: October 05, 2021, 12:26:20 am »
I posted the hanger expansion mod ( for x-com files.  If you ever decided to add it to your mod pack an idea I had is the following:

Similar to how you can have a bio-lab {bio-lab} or an intel-lab {intel-lab} or how the HQ can act as both {bio-lab}{intel-lab}, you could create similar type property for the hangers.

For example:

Hanger                         #of hanger slots {1}   Size  of allowable crafts {Large, Medium, Small}
Double Hanger              #of hanger slots {2}   Size  of allowable crafts {Small}
3x3 Quad-Hanger          #of hanger slots {4}   Size  of allowable crafts {Medium, Small}

I'm just basing this off the pixel size of the circle landing pads so even though you have a double hangar it could only used for small crafts, like cars, vans, humvee, marauder even maybe the helicopter.  Then medium crafts could be interceptors, skyranger, etc... and the large for large crafts like AWACS, avernger and other large crafts.  That way a hanger upgrade is helpful, but also there is a trade off.

So this way you could have 2 cars in the double hangar or a separate base with a 3x3 qaud hangar with 4 interceptors.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2021, 12:28:17 am by 0xEBJC »

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.0: We Will Be Watching
« Reply #4319 on: October 07, 2021, 01:04:25 pm »
Isn't the XM29 OICW grenade a bit OP? Specially considering that the program was cancelled in part due to the low lethability of the grenades, they currently outperform similar competiton like the ligth cannon. Add to that the pretty good accuracy of the weapon and you got yourself a pretty damm good HE sniper I honestly think the firing extra damage should be removed + accuracy drop off should be the same as normal rifles.