Just noticed that the throwing costs (not the using cost) for the flashbang isn't in line with other grenades - it takes a flat 30 TUs to throw it, which is higher than other grenades (depending on your total TUs) - is this intended?
Yeah, though I can't remember the reason.

I said the next release would be 1.0, but there were some annoying bugs, so
we decided to release 0.9.9e.
- Missions are now properly interrupted after they're no longer valid, even in the same month (Finnik's explanation
- A bit less monster hunts in general.
- Added extra alien research missions in early game (by Finnik).
- Damaging a UFO on base defense decreases the number of attackers.
- Defensive roboturrets are now player controlled.
- Cybermite now has tremorsense.
- Chryssalid is now a little stealthy.
- Alien Brain is now (practically) immune to psi.
- Gillman weapon debuff.
- Less Gillmen in Church of Dagon HQ.
- Special animation for plasma explosions.
- New visual effect on successful flashbang attack (by Finnik).
- New markers for the MiB base (by Finnik).
- New autopsy picture for the Tasoth (by Efrenespartano and Luke83).
- Tomb Guard now has green blood (by Dioxine).
- Restored vanilla Firestorm icons.
- Added some armor and attraction attributes to various items.
- Rebalanced Skulljack.
- Shogg Lantern is now buyable.
- Syndicate Warehouse made bigger to avoid a crash when using Osprey.
- Fixed a crash on capturing Samael alive.
- Fixed radar dish on Intelligence Center map.
- Fixed handob indexing.
- Minor fixes.