I wonder if there should be a conclusion to the osiron arc. Although this might split opinions because obtaining osiron boxes can be useful even after you've otherwise milked them off for any research they could provide.
I think there shouldn't be; you just can't eliminate crime completely. Even if you arrest or eliminate every member, new people will take their place.
I started wondering because there is no way to prevent Osiron from establishing the golden academy tower, it's just up to 5 % chance after a certain point. OTOH, terminating Black Lotus will prevent BL from establishing it.
Because Osiron is inevitable in this sociopolitical system.

Version 3.6 has been released.- New X-Com crafts: Aircar, Lander.
- New weapons: Brass Knuckles, Tritanium Throwing Axes.
- New ammo: Mortar Gas Shell, Mortar EMP Shell, Mortar Elerium Shell.
- New UFO: MiB Defender (map by Wolverin).
- New missions: Forest Lodge Defense, Cyberweb Power Plant, Base Defense (2 Dimension X variants), MiB Domination.
- New facility: Transdimensional Receiver.
- New events related to this facility.
- New commendation: Field Medic.
- New transformations for Hybrids: Starchild, Earthborn.
- New features: UFO examination, producing Cyberweb (XD) batteries for various weapons.
- New dossier: Siegfried von Hagen.
- New Ufopaedia entries for UFOs and enemy missions.
- New lore articles.
- New Ufopaedia illustrations.
- Replaced some placeholder music with original tracks.
- Made tactical music jukebox friendly.
- Dimension X exploration rewritten into events and expanded.
- UFO engineering tweaks.
- Buffed the Warden commendation.
- Increased penalties for ignoring Black/Blood Moon.
- MiB Coverup is now detrimental to X-Com.
- Zephyr Serum and Mongorn Anzug are now buyable.
- Mass drivers can be used without researching them.
- Stat adjustments on some civilians.
- Text adjustments relevant to Osiron.
- Better Throwing Axes graphics.
- Proper Owlman and Reptoid Autopsy pics.
- Proper minimap sprites for the Tasoth Factory.
- Improved Elite Soldier sprites (by Brain_322).
- Cyber armor paperdoll touches (by Talpiot).
- Fixed Syndicate logo on the Walker.
- Fixed Alien Abduction spawning incorrect UFO at times.
- Fixed spawns on Cult Assassination.
- Fixed some armors not getting penalties for dodging attacks from behind.
- Fixed items from It Went Critical.
- Improved diagonal UFO and Tasoth Factory walls (thanks to CrazedHarpooner).
- Fixed Mummy Temple Grounds map generation.
- Fixed minimap sprites for Forest Marsh.
- Fixed dogs not getting astral armor in Dreamscape.
- Fixed choke resistance on Hybrids' Jumpsuits.
- Fixed Dimension X Research Notes, Alenhead, Portable Laser Cannon Clip and Scout Vehicle Laser Clip selling prices.
- Fixed some Personal Armor paperdolls.
- Minor fixes (thanks to Meridian).