
Author Topic: [FINAL][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++  (Read 107477 times)

Offline NebulaM78

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Re: [WIP][Beta][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« Reply #45 on: August 21, 2016, 05:18:35 am »
I can't seem to find the download link in any of your posts KingMob4313. If I try to download it from the portal it says that the page was not found.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [WIP][Beta][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« Reply #46 on: August 21, 2016, 10:59:46 am »
I can't seem to find the download link in any of your posts KingMob4313. If I try to download it from the portal it says that the page was not found.

The mod probably needs to be re-uploaded. It's pretty common unfortunately.

Offline KingMob4313

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Re: [WIP][Beta][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« Reply #47 on: August 21, 2016, 02:27:49 pm »
The mod probably needs to be re-uploaded. It's pretty common unfortunately.

Yeah, going to host the file on google drive as well as the mod portal.

Tried uploading it 3 times this morning, still no go.

--- posts merged, please stop - Solarius Scorch ---

It should be fixed now.

Also: Direct link from gdrive.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2016, 12:35:03 am by Solarius Scorch »

Offline NebulaM78

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Re: [WIP][Beta][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« Reply #48 on: August 22, 2016, 05:42:20 am »
Thanks for the quick fix, man. It seems like the mod portal's only function right now is to get a quick look at what mods are new/updated without going into the forums.

Offline KingMob4313

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Re: [WIP][Beta][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« Reply #49 on: September 01, 2016, 05:17:16 am »
Thanks for the quick fix, man. It seems like the mod portal's only function right now is to get a quick look at what mods are new/updated without going into the forums.

Got it sorted out eventually. Let me know if any issues arrive with the mod.


--- posts merged ---

Minor Update:

My mod is now up on Github:
« Last Edit: August 06, 2017, 05:11:30 pm by Solarius Scorch »

Offline jamoecw

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Re: [WIP][Beta][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« Reply #50 on: August 06, 2017, 05:03:39 am »
fixed crash when guy wearing urban armor dies, and separated out urban armor from weapons like jungle and arctic for prime. nightly just has crash fixed, though i haven't tested it on nightly.

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: [WIP][Beta][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« Reply #51 on: August 06, 2017, 07:42:58 pm »
I hate to bust your balls over this, but alien alloys wouldn't make a good material for armor piercing ammunition. You want a dense material, but alien alloys are light.

I don't see anything in the aliens' arsenal that we could use to improve the power of our projectile weapons' technology. On the other hand, their lack of understanding of such technology is something we could potentially use against them. Maybe with alien alloy barrels for improved strength, we could make very high-powered projectile turrets that have incredible penetrating power, and the aliens' heavy armor might prove weak against this technology.

Offline SteamXCOM

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Re: [WIP][Beta][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« Reply #52 on: August 06, 2017, 10:11:33 pm »
The tanks are quite remarkable in that they have working secondary weapons such as machine guns which makes them quite devastating.

There are OpenXCOM dead dog crashes among that group though, such as  unit AUX_TANK_IGLAUNCHER not found  and the same for unit AUX_TANK_LMG not found


CLARIFICATION:   the above errors occur whe I tried to use some of the newly added HWP's in the instant battle feature.  Looked in the .rul file to see what defined those as a "unit"  to take it off the list but saw it as an "item" ( tank weapon).
« Last Edit: August 07, 2017, 08:34:46 pm by SteamXCOM »

Offline jamoecw

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Re: [WIP][Beta][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« Reply #53 on: August 07, 2017, 02:29:36 am »
I hate to bust your balls over this, but alien alloys wouldn't make a good material for armor piercing ammunition. You want a dense material, but alien alloys are light.

I don't see anything in the aliens' arsenal that we could use to improve the power of our projectile weapons' technology. On the other hand, their lack of understanding of such technology is something we could potentially use against them. Maybe with alien alloy barrels for improved strength, we could make very high-powered projectile turrets that have incredible penetrating power, and the aliens' heavy armor might prove weak against this technology.

i get that, didn't make the mod just fixed it.

as for what you need for ammo, you need hard and dense, not just dense. modern armor piercing ammo is mostly lead, but with hardened tips. the alloy could replace the tips, though i doubt it would make a huge difference.

as for reinforcing the weapons, it is easy to add some material to reinforce guns to handle heavier loads, and it is done quite a bit, the problem is what people can take. modern firearms use shock absorbers for a reason, a big part of that is the slide moving back and having to transfer that energy forward again. such an action requires a big transfer of energy which comes at the expense of the shooter. guns have less kick by balancing the force needed with the recoil spring (whether a physical spring or pneumatic action), being off balance by only a little bit means a big recoil, due to the speeds involved. so a better material might mean less recoil, and thus allow for things being scaled up, though that means more weight in ammo. more weight in ammo means less weight in armor, and there are few who have seen combat that would make that trade.

it is possible that the alloys are denser than lead and also have a better strength to weight ratio than our steel alloys. this would mean that you would need less to do the job of steel, enough to offset the increased density, and thus it would function as a lighter alternative to steel, or stronger for the same weight. it would also mean that it would be better for bullets.

frankly i prefer most other UFO games in which lasers were more accurate with the same or slightly less damage, and plasma being less accurate and more damaging. if i did it from the ground up i'd make lasers do less damage but be more accurate. bullets would deal a small amount of stun damage in addition to ballistic. plasma would deal more damage and penetrate less, but also deal some incendiary damage as well. incendiary would penetrate good and hurt morale as well, and stun would penetrate really good. this means that basic combat armor that we use today would work against plasma, and be effective against alien weapons, though the weapons would still cut the men down due to the secondary fire damage. when the aliens ramp up they'll use high yield explosives, psi, and wear armor that protected against such. the gateway to laser and plasma would be a big one, so going both routes would be late game stuff making you choose to get close with effective weapons or try and stay back and snipe them. the plasma line would eventually result in better traditional armor, and faster planes, while the lasers would lead to psi defense and better interceptor weapons. choosing to go down the high yield explosive route or gas weapon route would also be another choice later on. gas weapons are more versatile but take longer to work, while high yield explosives will allow for breaching. i'd probably also divide the terror mission into harvesting and pruning missions. a terror site would either be aliens trying to kill the populace and take their bodies back, or them not caring about the bodies and then just leveling the section of the city. i don't think you could really do this with openxcom though, i think the AI would end up botching things.

Offline chaosshade

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Re: [WIP][Beta][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« Reply #54 on: August 07, 2017, 01:25:59 pm »
You guys forget that another way to defeat armour is speed.  Examples of this are the 5.56mm AP rounds (hardened and hot-loaded) and the 9mm Parabellum +P (hot-loaded) so the Alien Alloys allow the projectiles to go MUCH faster with the same amount of powder.

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: [WIP][Beta][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« Reply #55 on: August 07, 2017, 05:50:48 pm »
The most important part of what gives a round its penetrating power is the amount of energy transferred. Hardening the pointed tip helps focus the energy into a small area so that it concentrates it even further. The raw energy transferred by the bullet is a factor of speed * mass. A bullet with a quarter the mass would have to reach 4x the impact velocity in order to transfer the same energy, and it would be hindered both by air resistance as well as the deflagration velocity of the powder. In practice, you can't make a lighter round travel fast enough to impact as hard, and they're also less predictable.

The hard, pointed tip can multiply the round's armor penetrating potential by reducing the amount of armor it must go through to a fraction of the bullet's forward area. Spall-resistant armor (common with metal armors) reduces the effectiveness of this multiplication effect. It's still beneficial, but by a smaller margin.

Most materials with a higher strength to weight ratio are lighter. Aerogel has one of the highest strength to weight ratios known to humankind. Tungsten may be stronger than titanium but it has a much lower strength to weight ratio. On a large spacecraft, strength to weight ratio is going to be particularly important, as it's not very difficult to find the space to make the armor several centimeters thick. A spacecraft made of tungsten, platinum, iridium, and rhodium may be exceptionally durable and competent in many areas, but it just won't fly very well. Also, in the UFOPedia entry, alien alloys are said to be very light.

A hard but light material can work for a bullet tip, but its lack of weight can still offset the center of mass of the round. The incredible strength of alien alloys might work great for penetrator rounds such as APFSDS in which you need a really strong head and can boost the flight stability with fins, but small bullets don't actually impact with enough energy to make alien alloys better than tungsten for bullet heads. There's a reason we don't generally use titanium in bullets.

I know we won't be able to boost small arms power by making stronger barrels, I was referring more to tank cannons. I should have been more specific. But also if you wanted to make a really high-tech, expensive, and sci-fi gun, you could have a gun that has the firing mechanism and much of the barrel encased in a pressurized zone which is made to have a much higher speed of sound than the surrounding air. Then you use a long powder cartridge filled with a material that detonates under normal conditions (explodes faster than the speed of sound) but deflagrates in this barrel, so the bullet reaches a much higher muzzle velocity. Alternatively, you could beat recoil by using the recoilless design that loses some of the propellant energy behind the user, and give soldiers really large weapons that fire really big rounds. The alien alloys could make the weapons light enough for a human to carry. Or power suits could make the soldiers strong enough to carry the weapons. You could make power suits increase strength by something huge like 50, then make the weapon have a weight of 75 or so, that way nobody without a power suit can use one.

i get that, didn't make the mod just fixed it.
I was directing the comment more to the mod's designer.

Offline jamoecw

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Re: [WIP][Beta][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« Reply #56 on: August 10, 2017, 06:34:18 am »
those are some great points, though the field that allows the bullets to travel faster in order to get a higher muzzle velocity probably wouldn't work. a sudden shift in densities creates localized compression in front of the round, effectively making it like penetrating something more solid than it is actually penetrating. you get this effect with water, and the result is that bullets fragment and lose velocity in just a couple of feet. few rounds can have any lethal potential beyond 5 feet.

there might also be the issue of the concussive blast of the powder. when the powder goes off in such a field the shockwave might travel faster, and thus when it transfers to the normal air the wave might be compressed, resulting in a much bigger bang than normal. this again is something that happens under water, and prevents guns from being ideal in such an environment.

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: [WIP][Beta][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« Reply #57 on: August 11, 2017, 11:15:00 am »
You're right.

Well, I can't think of a good way to increase ballistics penetrating power without just making the gun bigger. Elerium might be able to create gravity waves that keep the round moving, so its impact velocity is higher relative to its muzzle velocity but that's about the best I can think of.

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Re: [WIP][Beta][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« Reply #58 on: August 12, 2017, 02:40:26 am »
I figured out why selecting vehicles at the end of the list in the NEW BATTLE feature crashes the game.
They are the secondary weapons for the HWPs.

 NEW BATTLE does not know that and includes them as selectables in the equipment list.

Adding machine guns to my HWPs in my personal mod  did the same thing.
The HWPs at the top of the list work fine (nice feature, a secondary weapon on an HWP)!
However do not select those to load into the craft off the bottom of the list because the game thinks they are a unit and they are not.

Also what i'm finding, clips for secondary weapons appear to come back recharged to full capacity in the next battle if playing the main game, so there is no need to buy ammunition for them unlike the tank rockets or the HWP shells.

Offline KingMob4313

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Re: [WIP][Beta][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« Reply #59 on: December 19, 2017, 03:23:31 pm »
fixed crash when guy wearing urban armor dies, and separated out urban armor from weapons like jungle and arctic for prime. nightly just has crash fixed, though i haven't tested it on nightly.

Whoa, okay.
Which version is broken?

Thanks for the work, I'll work to incorporate the fix into the codestream on github and publish a new version.

Thanks again.