Author Topic: [FINAL][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++  (Read 105399 times)

Offline KingMob4313

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Re: [WIP][Beta][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« Reply #75 on: December 12, 2018, 03:44:17 pm »
Okay, 2.0++ is updated with the proper research entry in the misc ruleset.

Thanks to efrenespartano for the fix - I was unaware of the strictness of OpenXcom Extended.

Fix will be pushed for 1.0 / Wolfram Lance Only next.


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Re: [WIP][Beta][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« Reply #76 on: December 12, 2018, 06:24:53 pm »
Okay, 2.0++ is updated with the proper research entry in the misc ruleset.

Thanks to efrenespartano for the fix - I was unaware of the strictness of OpenXcom Extended.

Fix will be pushed for 1.0 / Wolfram Lance Only next.


My pleasure, it's great to have this mod back into action. ;D

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Offline KingMob4313

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Re: [WIP][Beta][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« Reply #77 on: December 12, 2018, 10:24:58 pm »
There will be a very basic 3.0++ version coming out this spring built just for OpenXcom Extended.

Offline pkrcel

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Re: [WIP][Beta][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« Reply #78 on: January 28, 2019, 02:41:32 am »
Hey there,
   long time I didn't post jere but upon getting back on the saddle I was hit by a seriuos issue runnung both Equal Terms and Terrain pack mods.

Since Hobbes mod redefines Alien base tiles (UBASE_REDUX), I ended up never getting the HYPER WAVE ENCODER (which is planted in UBASE_00) so it was impossible to scale up the research tree to the HYPER WAVE DECODER facility.
I checked and editing the UBASEREDUX_00 tile in terrain pack makes the item appear regularly (5 times out of 5 tries).

This of course didn't prevent me to go up to Cydonia or Bust, so technically it's not a showstopper per se, but it's blocking a part of research so actually blocking a part of the game.

Another thing I noticed is that when a solder in flyong suit dies, I get a Damaged Power Armor to be repaired and not the fying one, I scoured the rulesets but I'm not too keen on those and couldn't find the possible cause.

Also, using TFTD damage model as you suggest, power suits are impressively can easily go frontal assault on sectopods, I got EXACTLY ONE causalty since power suits appeared on the field.

Hope this fedback is useful, keep up the good work since this is still one of the greatoest mods.


Offline TheDeparted

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Re: [WIP][Beta][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« Reply #79 on: February 04, 2019, 04:58:26 pm »
Hey there,
   long time I didn't post jere but upon getting back on the saddle I was hit by a seriuos issue runnung both Equal Terms and Terrain pack mods.

Since Hobbes mod redefines Alien base tiles (UBASE_REDUX), I ended up never getting the HYPER WAVE ENCODER (which is planted in UBASE_00) so it was impossible to scale up the research tree to the HYPER WAVE DECODER facility.
I checked and editing the UBASEREDUX_00 tile in terrain pack makes the item appear regularly (5 times out of 5 tries).

This of course didn't prevent me to go up to Cydonia or Bust, so technically it's not a showstopper per se, but it's blocking a part of research so actually blocking a part of the game.

Another thing I noticed is that when a solder in flyong suit dies, I get a Damaged Power Armor to be repaired and not the fying one, I scoured the rulesets but I'm not too keen on those and couldn't find the possible cause.

Also, using TFTD damage model as you suggest, power suits are impressively can easily go frontal assault on sectopods, I got EXACTLY ONE causalty since power suits appeared on the field.

Hope this fedback is useful, keep up the good work since this is still one of the greatoest mods.


Great news!

Offline KingMob4313

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Re: [WIP][Beta][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« Reply #80 on: February 05, 2019, 03:26:32 pm »
Hey there,
   long time I didn't post jere but upon getting back on the saddle I was hit by a seriuos issue runnung both Equal Terms and Terrain pack mods.

Since Hobbes mod redefines Alien base tiles (UBASE_REDUX), I ended up never getting the HYPER WAVE ENCODER (which is planted in UBASE_00) so it was impossible to scale up the research tree to the HYPER WAVE DECODER facility.
I checked and editing the UBASEREDUX_00 tile in terrain pack makes the item appear regularly (5 times out of 5 tries).

This of course didn't prevent me to go up to Cydonia or Bust, so technically it's not a showstopper per se, but it's blocking a part of research so actually blocking a part of the game.

Oh crap!  I didn't anticipate people changing out the tile sets, but I should have anticipated this.  I'll see about adding a comment in the docs covering this eventuality off as well.  Great work with coming up with a quick fix for it again.

I may have to put some thought into how to assure that the alien bases have the hyperwave decoder in it some other way?

Another thing I noticed is that when a solder in flyong suit dies, I get a Damaged Power Armor to be repaired and not the fying one, I scoured the rulesets but I'm not too keen on those and couldn't find the possible cause.

Also, using TFTD damage model as you suggest, power suits are impressively can easily go frontal assault on sectopods, I got EXACTLY ONE causalty since power suits appeared on the field.

Hope this feedback is useful, keep up the good work since this is still one of the greatoest mods.


I'll see about fixing the flying armor so that it drops the right damaged armor.  As far as the toughness, are soldiers still getting wounded while using the power armor, or are they just taking multiple hits from a sectopod without suffering any health damage at all?

Thanks again for all the feedback and the compliments. 

Offline KingMob4313

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Re: [WIP][Beta][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« Reply #81 on: February 05, 2019, 03:57:04 pm »
Okay, working on this a bit, it's not a quick hit that I can do without actually testing the code or running the mod, so it might take me a few days to test it out, since I'll need to create a flying armor corpse item.

...Now I'm worried that the flying scout armor creates the right corpses too.

Offline pkrcel

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Re: [WIP][Beta][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« Reply #82 on: February 10, 2019, 10:10:39 pm »
Hello There,
    sorry for not getting back to you earlier but work and a bad flu struck me out of order for a few days.

To answer your question, soldiers ARE getting some scratches, but I have the impression they're basically safe and sound while wearing power armor; I mean I had two soldiers corner a Sectopod in a battleship (IIRC, might have been another UFO) and exchange point-blank shot for a (long) while....result is a wrecked sectopod and a couple flesh wounds for my guys. I'm not on superhuman though, so that might be the issue here.  ::)


Offline KingMob4313

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Re: [WIP][Beta][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« Reply #83 on: February 11, 2019, 07:25:47 pm »
Hello There,
    sorry for not getting back to you earlier but work and a bad flu struck me out of order for a few days.

To answer your question, soldiers ARE getting some scratches, but I have the impression they're basically safe and sound while wearing power armor; I mean I had two soldiers corner a Sectopod in a battleship (IIRC, might have been another UFO) and exchange point-blank shot for a (long) while....result is a wrecked sectopod and a couple flesh wounds for my guys. I'm not on superhuman though, so that might be the issue here.  ::)

I might need to check the files. Maybe there is a typo.  People should be getting wounded more often by low damage rolls and killed less on high damage rolls, but it sounds that...

OH GOD, I forgot that Sectopods use Lasers and the heavy armor provides massive damage protection from lasers. I'll have to revise the Sectopod to use Plasma to fix the OG Sectopod bug and I'll nerf the laser protection as well.

Offline pkrcel

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Re: [WIP][Beta][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« Reply #84 on: March 18, 2019, 10:16:09 pm »
Sorry for not being online for a while, got only now your answer.

I actually was under the impression that Sectopods were "fixed" to use plasma weapons in vanilla Openxcom, I guess I didn't check that....

Once you hit the personal armor tier, soldiers get more "proper" wounds that require some 10 days to recover, and die far less than before that tier. Good plasma shots still are dangerous, but no way you get insta-killed like w/o, and with power armors you get NO insta-kill, but the occasional bleeding that kills the unfortunate lone soldier that gets no first-aid in time.

The small launcher still gets some guys knock'd out occasionally, and the Blaster launcher seems a bit nerfed cause concussion damage is effective only on the explosion tile.

My soldier pack is quite the steamroller right now, thou again ....last game wa more than a month ago and I'm not on superhuman.,,,,will fix that tough through savegame editing once I get the chance to play might not believe me but I really have close to NO time.  :o

Offline KingMob4313

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Re: [WIP][Beta][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« Reply #85 on: March 19, 2019, 02:03:51 pm »
Sorry for not being online for a while, got only now your answer.

I actually was under the impression that Sectopods were "fixed" to use plasma weapons in vanilla Openxcom, I guess I didn't check that....

Once you hit the personal armor tier, soldiers get more "proper" wounds that require some 10 days to recover, and die far less than before that tier. Good plasma shots still are dangerous, but no way you get insta-killed like w/o, and with power armors you get NO insta-kill, but the occasional bleeding that kills the unfortunate lone soldier that gets no first-aid in time.

The small launcher still gets some guys knock'd out occasionally, and the Blaster launcher seems a bit nerfed cause concussion damage is effective only on the explosion tile.

My soldier pack is quite the steamroller right now, thou again ....last game wa more than a month ago and I'm not on superhuman.,,,,will fix that tough through savegame editing once I get the chance to play might not believe me but I really have close to NO time.  :o

Maybe I just added too much explosion protection then.  I'll need to roll back the percentage cut on damage a bit.

But yeah, pretty sure it's still laser damage for the sectopod, but I'm strapped for time to check everything that needs to be tested.

Offline Thirsk

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Re: [WIP][Beta][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« Reply #86 on: July 01, 2019, 08:37:52 am »
Hi KingMob4313, I'm a big fan of your mod! I love the many changes you made to the vanilla game. Sadly I'm getting crashes with the latest OXCE 5.5. Whenever I open my base, it shows this error code. OpenXcom has crashed: Resources/FourthState/CraftWeapon/PlasmaArrayBB.png: OpenXcom is supporting only 8bit graphic.

I'm horrible at paint programs so I couldn't fix it :'(

EDIT: Nevermind, Meridian fixed it! Attaching them for anyone who needs it
« Last Edit: July 04, 2019, 05:11:48 pm by Thirsk »

Offline N7Kopper

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Re: [WIP][Beta][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« Reply #87 on: July 08, 2019, 07:06:58 pm »
Since the different camos for the armours have no statistical difference (given that only OCXE supports camo, and only by day/night as opposed to tile) wouldn't it make sense for them to be identical store items? (I know OCXE supports this at least) Rather than buying Jungle Kevlar, Arctic Kevlar, and Urban Kevlar, you could just buy Kevlar, and then equip Jungle, Arctic, Urban, ecetera on your soldiers from the same generic Kevlar pile. The same thing could go for Tactical and Coverall (even though coveralls are infinite anyway :P) and all that. Given that the different camos exist purely for customisation, said customisation shouldn't really be tied to having to buy separate camo items. Sure, it's realistic, but then why are there aliens? We don't know what sapient aliens are or aren't out there!

Hell, I might just try and kitbash support for this out myself (in lieu of an official mod update), but I didn't make this mod so I might accidentally break something :/.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [WIP][Beta][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« Reply #88 on: July 08, 2019, 08:55:50 pm »
Yes, this is exactly what I did in The X-Com Files. I just had to set armorTransformations on certain terrains.

Offline KingMob4313

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Re: [WIP][Beta][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« Reply #89 on: August 12, 2019, 05:19:05 pm »

I can't believe you guys are doing hot fixes on my mod while I've been indisposed.  It's greatly appreciated.