Author Topic: [TFTD][MAP PACK] Maps from the Deep  (Read 4476 times)

Offline The Martian

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[TFTD][MAP PACK] Maps from the Deep
« on: June 30, 2023, 08:30:58 am »
[OpenXcom Extended version V7.9.6 or newer is suggested but not required to use this mod]
Spoiler"What Changes if you don't use OXCE":
Some alien craft will be slightly weaker on the Geoscape if you use standard OpenXcom instead of OpenXcom Extended, but you should still be able to run the rest of the map pack without problems.
Note: This map pack is not compatible with Nord's World of (terrifying) silence mod.

Maps From The Deep

This is a map pack for Terror From The Deep that adds new terror missions and alien crafts.

Spoiler"Preview Screenshots":

Spoiler"Credits and list of new maps:
Additional Units:
. "Civilian Diver" Unit by Wolwerin.
. "Heavy Soldier" Units by efrenespartano (spritesheet) & SuperCaffeineDude (inventory) 
. "Paramedic" Unit by Hobbes
. "Firefighter" Unit by Hobbes
. "Police Man and Police Woman", Unit code by Hobbes, sprites by Solarius Scorch
. "SWAT" Unit code by Hobbes, sprites by robin & Solarius Scorch (modified)

Additional Items:
. "Civilian Diving Drill" BigOb by RSSwizard, FloorOb & HandOb by pWWWa.
. "Fire Extinguisher" code by Hobbes, sprites by Solarius Scorch
. "Fire Axe", sprites by NeoWorm

Maps created by New_Civilian:
. "Cruise Ship Variants"
. "Cruise Ship Part 2 Variant"
. "Abandonded Research Facility"
. "Cargo Ship with USO Variant"
. "Seabed Mud"
. "Seabed Mountain"
. Survey Ship <B-Variant>
. Escort <B-Variant>
. Cruiser <B-Variant>
. Heavy Cruiser <B-Variant>
. Hunter <B-Variant>
. Battleship <B-Variant>
. Dreadnought <B-Variant>
. Fleet Supply Cruiser <B-Variant>

Maps created by Civilian, Hellrazor and Luke83:
. "XCOM-UFO City Terror Terrain in TFTD"

Maps created by Blank:
. Corvette
. Patrol
. Bomber
. Destroyer
. Carrack
. Frigate
. Battlecruiser
. Raider
. Ironclad
. Battlestar
. Heavy Destroyer
. Gunboat
. Blackade Runner

Maps created by Wolwerin:
. Worm
. Terror
. Dreadnought-W ('W' was added to the name to differentiate it from the TFTD craft of the same name.)
. Scout
. Ship Destroyer
. Double Scout
. Double Hunter (AI routing nodes setup by Solarius Scorch)
. Intimidation Of The Government
. The Combat Interceptor

Maps created by
. Hocus
. Amoeba

Maps created by The Martian:
. Clam
. Hermit (UINT_R terrain created by Blanks)
. Shrimp (UINT_R terrain created by Blanks)
. Hydrofoil
. Whirligig
. Darts (UINT_R terrain created by Blanks)
. Observer (UINT_R terrain created by Blanks)
. Wave Raider
. Bandit (UINT_R terrain created by Blanks)
. Ferry (UINT_R terrain created by Blanks)
. Tower
. Squid (UINT_R terrain created by Blanks)
. Claw
. Carp (UINT_R terrain created by Blanks)
. Turtle
. Searcher (UINT_R terrain created by Blanks)
. Urchin (UINT_R terrain created by Blanks)
. Tadpole (UINT_R terrain created by Blanks)
. Jellyfish (UINT_R terrain created by Blanks)
. Pufferfish (UINT_R terrain created by Blanks)
. Piranha (UINT_R terrain created by Blanks)
. Dredge (UINT_R terrain created by Blanks)
. Moray (UINT_R terrain created by Blanks)
. Shark (UINT_R terrain created by Blanks)
. Lantern (UINT_R terrain created by Blanks)
. Conch (UINT_R terrain created by Blanks)
. Whale (UINT_R terrain created by Blanks)
. Altar (UINT_R terrain created by Blanks)
. Honeycomb (UINT_R terrain created by Blanks)
. Oubliette (UINT_R terrain created by Blanks)
. Whirlpool (UINT_R terrain created by Blanks)
. Blade (UINT_R terrain created by Blanks)
. Eel (UINT_R terrain created by Blanks)
. Manta (UINT_R terrain created by Blanks)
. Collector (UINT_R terrain created by Blanks)
. Nautilus (UINT_R terrain created by Blanks)
. Offshore Rig
. Arms Warehouse
. Volatile Warehouse
. Surface Base
. Small Ocean Lab
. Ocean Research Lab
. Underwater Base
. Warship
. Oil Tanker
. Ocean Trench Base (ABYSS_SMOKE terrain uses images by New_Civilian)
. Ocean Trench Buried Base (ABYSS_SMOKE terrain uses images by New_Civilian)

Maps created by Inventorum Development Team:
. Aircraft Carrier (BD_PLANE_TFTD_LITE terrain created by bulletdesigner)

And thanks to KevL, Solarius Scorch, Psavola, Nord, Warboy, SupSuper and Hellrazor for the help, this map pack would have been dead in the water without your assistance.

. Fixed a wall that could be walked through on MARTIAN_WAVE_RAIDER.MAP
. Civilian items can no longer be purchased.

V1-4 (By Efrenespartano)
. Added more civilian units.

. Fixed walls that could be walked through on the following maps:

. Fixed an interception image for the Conch that wasn't displaying correctly.
. Fixed itemSets: for the Cruise Ship, Hocus & Amoeba.

V1.1 (By Efrenespartano)
. Added Aircraft Carrier map.
. Added New_Civilian's Seabed maps.
. Added new military unit and paperdolls for the existing soldiers

« Last Edit: August 17, 2023, 03:52:20 am by The Martian »

Offline ange.mac

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Re: [TFTD][MAP PACK] Maps from the Deep
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2023, 03:38:43 am »

I'd love to give this a try but unfortunately I am getting "failed - network error" when attempting to download.
May I ask also, would this be compatible with TWOTS?


Offline The Martian

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Re: [TFTD][MAP PACK] Maps from the Deep
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2023, 09:52:54 pm »
Sorry this map pack is not compatible with Nord's World of (terrifying) silence mod.

I just tried downloading the .zip and it seems to be working at the moment, hopefully whatever caused the network error is gone.

Offline The Martian

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Re: [TFTD][MAP PACK] Maps from the Deep
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2023, 04:30:40 pm »
Version 1.2 is now available.

This version includes all of the content added by Efrenespartano and I've fixed what was causing the item spawn error on some of the maps.

. Fixed an interception image for the Conch that wasn't displaying correctly.
. Fixed itemSets: for the Cruise Ship, Hocus & Amoeba.

V1.1: (By Efrenespartano)
. Added Aircraft Carrier map.
. Added New_Civilian's Seabed maps.
. Added new military unit and paperdolls for the existing soldiers

Offline The Martian

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Re: [TFTD][MAP PACK] Maps from the Deep
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2023, 02:23:29 pm »
Version 1.3 of Maps from the Deep is now available. (

This patch fixes several walls that could be walked through on a few different maps.

If any one encounters more wall tiles that you can move through please let me know.

Offline The Martian

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Re: [TFTD][MAP PACK] Maps from the Deep
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2023, 03:53:48 am »
Version 1.5 of Maps from the Deep is now available. (

Efrenespartano has added more civilian variety and a small fix as been applied to one of the maps.
. Fixed a wall that could be walked through on MARTIAN_WAVE_RAIDER.MAP
. Civilian items can no longer be purchased.

V1-4 (By Efrenespartano)
. Added more civilian units.

Offline Daev

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Re: [TFTD][MAP PACK] Maps from the Deep
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2023, 04:04:25 pm »
Love the maps Brother!  After playing it a few times, the variety is so nice, and the new USOs are very fun maps to play on. Some of the USO designs were a little strange at first, but after playing them more, the more I realized it fit with an alien race we know nothing of. An the new terror missions and civilians is really good window dressing

Hope you make more in the future!