Quick question:
Does wands are intended not to train Psi Skill?
I tried with wand of pain, airlessness and fire, and neither train psi skill.
EDIT: I answered myself, it is going to improve skill only if you have psi skill > 0.
But.... why bugeye can train skill from zero with their built in attack? I guess that is intended.
OTH. Does terror and possession of the bugeye really does something? I have a bugeye right now with 25 skill and 72 vodoo power, and I can not see his/her terror or possession attack doing nothing. I have tried with megapool, bandits, sky ninjas, and some others. Even I used debug, tried with four bugeye, skill between 10 and 25, Vpower between 65 and 72, all four terrorizing the same unit, not more than 12-15 cells of distance, and that enemy does not go down to less than 90 morale. (Tried several times).
Maybe I´m bad on my head. Maybe the inbuilt attack should not be really powerful... I have not reviewed the rule-set.
Any light on the issue will be welcome.
Other question. Why pop up for ufos landing is forced to false?