At the 75-80% progress of the game I had 7 or 8 enemy bases through the map and only one country ZTP'ded me (at 20% progress, so far before). I guess there are two or three separate mechanisms of enemy bases emersion.
I suppose. Still I was only asking a question, there's no need to be rude. I'm just trying to have fun the same as everyone else.
But i think i went through 100 rounds of ammo for the 25mm gun without a single hit. I think the blip lights up and you get a certain sound when it's hit, and i don't think that ever occured.
Yeah the ratman gangs are both very small targets and have high evasion, you need at least 60% total accuracy(weapon+crew+ship) to have any chance to hit.
Convoy is not really meant as an attack craft. You can bring a lot of bodies to the battle with them though, and that can be an asset on its own.
Btw, i recently had my base assaulted, and noticed that the game lagged somewhat a lot, considering this is a dosbox game. Is this because the game is so heavily modified, and is there a way to fix it?