FMP_addon_ExtraVessel_v0.9.4 by Human Ktulu & Solarius Scorch
"FireStormGfx" mod created by Tyran_Nick -
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=1435.0"AlloyCrafts" mod created by The Old One -
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=1503.0"alloy_skyranger_mod" mod created by Civilian -
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=2048.0"Raven" mod created by MickTheMage -
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=1947.0"Sentinel" mod created by Warboy1982 -
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=1274.0"Thunder" mod created by Tyran_Nick -
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=1435.0"FirestormRestyle" mod created by Shadow -
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=1675.0I reached first step with the craft modpack. That is first version, the goal is to widen the possibilities and that each vessel with its own interest. I hope that is enough balanced and coherent with research. This pack include 5 vessels :
- Alloy Skyranger
That is a modification of existing Skyranger. The Skyranger is too complex and too expensive to re-build it (500.000 per month just for rent !!!). So you will always paid a rent but little lower after crafting the vessel and you can sell it compared to the modifications brought.
- Raven (as Alloy Interceptor type)
The engineers have completely re-design Interceptor to gain a maximum profit from alien alloy. Contrary to the Skyranger, this vessel is completely assembled in the hangars with Interceptor spare part given for free in maintenance contract. What explains its moderate price and no rental.
- Sentinel (as short range Interceptor)
This vessel benefits from last the discovery on UFO navigation. Its shielding is thick, it is very manoeuvrable, but its range is reduced. It is made particularly useful for the proximity defense of the bases. No elerium used.
- Thunderstorm (as long range Interceptor)
Same technologies that the Sentinel are used, but focused in speed to increase the chances to intercept an UFO. Only one hardpoint, like the origin MOD. No elerium used.
- Tormentor (based on Firestorm new style, as Ultimate Interceptor)
Based on alien technologies (elerium using) that is Ultimate Fighter, more speed than Avenger and less expensive to build. It's based on Firestorm New Style mod.