Author Topic: Polish translation  (Read 82338 times)

Offline radius75

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Re: Polish translation
« Reply #45 on: September 27, 2013, 06:13:48 pm »
why not : ukryty ruch  ?
czemu nie

firestorm - nawałnica -> really?
podejrzewam że takie tłumaczenie (nie dosłowne) wynikało z ograniczenia ilości znaków jakie zmieszczę się w linii (w wersji oryginalnej PC lub już w openxcom)

but heavy cannon and auto cannon 'ciężki karabin' and 'karabin maszynowy'
zapewne tak jak wyżej, dosłowne tłumaczenie nie mieściło się. Lub to, że tłumaczenie jest przeniesione wersji PC i następnie dopasowywane sukcesywnie przez fanów do potrzeb openxcom. Jak powstawało tłumaczenie na PC mogły nie funkcjonować w obiegu terminy takie jak np."działko samopowtarzalne" (epoka VHS i takie tam) ;D
Zwróć od razu uwagę na tłumaczenie dla typów amunicji do tych broni.

terror ship - terrorownik
zapewne to też z braku miejsca w linii. Może "terroryzer"? :)

"wzmacniacz psioniczny"
tu pewnie też z braku miejsca... a co wtedy ze zwrotem Psi-Lab?
W ufopedii jest to przetłumaczone w ten sposób: "Wzmacniacz psioniczny (PsiAmp)..." i "Laboratoria psioniczne (PsiLaby)..."

Jak widzisz nie tak łatwo jest dopasować tłumaczenie by było poprawna a zarazem mieściło się i było czytelne.
Wszystkie ew. zmiany lub poprawki , wymagają sprawdzenia w całej grze, czy będą wyświetlane w całości (tam gdzie są one użyte, czasem jeden "string" tekstu jest w kilku miejscach wykorzystywany).

Twoje propozycje są zrozumiałe, lecz wymagają też abyś przetestował je pod kątem poprawności wyświetlania i czy pasują do całości tłumaczenia.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2013, 10:27:23 am by radius75 »

Offline djemon_lda

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Re: Polish translation
« Reply #46 on: September 30, 2013, 03:52:19 pm »
sprawdzę to wszystko w grze, patrząc na inne nazwy w odpowiadających kontekstach wątpię, żeby wystąpił problem z długościami stringów, odezwę się jeszcze dziś wieczorem na ten temat tutaj na forum.

Offline Kloqus

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Re: Polish translation
« Reply #47 on: November 19, 2013, 02:44:52 pm »
Maybe not everybody know/remember that there is a Polish Launch rocket icon.

Offline Hythlodaeus

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Re: Polish translation
« Reply #48 on: December 25, 2013, 08:43:12 pm »
Hello. I seem to have found a few problems with polish translation. Oddly enough, I can't seem to find any issue with the text in getlocalization, but whatever is causing this is eclusive to the polish version of these ufopedia articles. Check it out:

An extra space after the title:

Same here, and in this case, it even hides some of the description text:

Additionally there's something I wanted to ask you: You chose to translate UFO Power Source to "Reaktor Antymaterii", which means "Anti-matter Reactor". Now I'm all for creative non-literal translations, and I've done plenty of those myself in my Portuguese translation, but I'm thinking this approach might be a little too general and clashes a little with X-COM fluff, the reason being humans already found how to work with Anti-matter as stated on the Laser Cannon Ufopaedia article:

"This conventional laser beam is powered by an anti-matter chamber"

My suggestion is, what about renaming it to something like "Elerium Reactor" or something similar?
« Last Edit: December 25, 2013, 08:47:09 pm by Hythlodaeus »

Re: Polish translation
« Reply #49 on: December 25, 2013, 10:17:03 pm »
Hello. I seem to have found a few problems with polish translation. Oddly enough, I can't seem to find any issue with the text in getlocalization, but whatever is causing this is eclusive to the polish version of these ufopedia articles. Check it out:

An extra space after the title:

Same here, and in this case, it even hides some of the description text:

Looks like it's not a Polish translation bug, but OpenXcom bug. If you enable debugUI in options.cfg you will see what I mean.

Additionally there's something I wanted to ask you: You chose to translate UFO Power Source to "Reaktor Antymaterii", which means "Anti-matter Reactor". Now I'm all for creative non-literal translations, and I've done plenty of those myself in my Portuguese translation, but I'm thinking this approach might be a little too general and clashes a little with X-COM fluff, the reason being humans already found how to work with Anti-matter as stated on the Laser Cannon Ufopaedia article:

"This conventional laser beam is powered by an anti-matter chamber"

My suggestion is, what about renaming it to something like "Elerium Reactor" or something similar?

I think that the proposition "Źródło zasilania UFO" will be ok.

Anyway, thanks for the tips. I really appreciate it :)

Offline Hythlodaeus

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Re: Polish translation
« Reply #50 on: December 25, 2013, 11:16:56 pm »
I hope I'm doing no wrong, but I also took the liberty of upvoting most of your translations, given the voting system is still giving prevalence to the older SupSuper-uploaded translations.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2013, 11:20:28 pm by Hythlodaeus »

Offline SupSuper

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Re: Polish translation
« Reply #51 on: December 26, 2013, 07:57:29 am »
Fixed. Text is still too long though.

Edit: Fixed by adding a few pixels.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2013, 08:05:48 am by SupSuper »

Re: Polish translation
« Reply #52 on: December 26, 2013, 10:18:11 am »
Fixed. Text is still too long though.

Edit: Fixed by adding a few pixels.

Now everything is fine, I guess. Thanks, SupSuper :)

Offline Pierzasty

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Re: Polish translation
« Reply #53 on: February 22, 2014, 10:33:28 pm »
What's the status of the Polish translation from the stable build and the one from latest nightlies? I installed a nightly build to fix the scrolling bug and the translation is noticeably worse, to the point that I'll probably revert to the stable one. Is the nightly one an old file or something?

Offline AndO3131

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Re: Polish translation
« Reply #54 on: February 23, 2014, 09:40:11 am »
Download translation from

To @Supsuper - can you add this link to project page, maybe in the 'downloads' section?

Offline Pierzasty

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Re: Polish translation
« Reply #55 on: February 23, 2014, 09:34:59 pm »
@AndO3131: This is the version I'm trying to avoid. But while we're at downloads, is there a file that fits the latest nightlies with the old translation? That would save me some work.

If not, thanks for the templates. I might take a shot at making an alternative translation (if I finish it I'll probably post it here).
« Last Edit: February 23, 2014, 10:13:53 pm by Pierzasty »

Offline SupSuper

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Re: Polish translation
« Reply #56 on: March 30, 2014, 03:24:46 am »
Download translation from

To @Supsuper - can you add this link to project page, maybe in the 'downloads' section?
It's linked in the wiki:

@Pierzasty: If you're not happy with the translations, I'd suggest adding your input at
I'm sure everyone has their own interpretations of the most appropriate translation, but no point in forfeiting by default.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Polish translation
« Reply #57 on: April 19, 2014, 07:19:57 pm »
Hey guys,

I've never played with the Polish translation before, but I decided to try it now. While interesting, I regret to say it's far from completion.

A few examples:
  • The Firestorm description: "Ten jednomiejscowy myśliwiec jest repliką wzorowaną na klasycznym latającym spodku obcych" - a "shaped like itself" example. Should be just "Ten jednomiejscowy myśliwiec jest repliką klasycznego latającego spodka obcych" or "Ten jednomiejscowy myśliwiec jest wzorowany na klasycznym latającym spodku obcych".
  • The craft cannon description: "Działko wysokiej mocy strzelające pociskami penetrującymi zdolnymi przebić 40-centymetrową stal." Dude, where's my comma? This is a common mistake; we separate subordinate clauses (and their equivalents, or whatever the correct English term is) by commas.
  • The Fusion Ball Launcher - named "wyrzutnia fuzyjna"? This suggests that it launches stuff using fusion, not that its missiles are fusion-powered.
  • I know this one is hard, but naming Skyranger as "Transporter" is a bit jarring to me. Firstly, the Lightning and the Avenger are also "transporters", but I could live with that; after all, we have an item named simply "rifle", even though we also have laser rifles and plasma rifles too. But secondly, "Transporter" is such a bland name that I don't think it does the Skyranger justice. I don't really have a good alternative at the moment, but I know the present version is not very cool. Same with the Interceptor, though it's not as bad; perhaps "myśliwiec przechwytujący" would be a better term, otherwise I'm seeing Spitfires and Messerschmitts. (I'm sure you've been discussing this yourselves before; as I said, it's a hard case.)
  • From the Lightning description: "Skuteczny myśliwiec transportowy, choć prymitywnie użyty jako replika napędu impulsowego obcych". And I thought they it was a replication of an entire craft, not just its propulsion systems. :P I know it basically says the same thing in English, but in Polish it sounds really awkward.

This is just from the craft & armament section. Look, I know this is a very hard project, I honestly don't know how to fix some errors, but it demands some improvement. Its quality definitely is not middle school level (which is what I feared), but it's not professional either.
Of course I would help, even though I'm not really a professional translator.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2014, 07:22:46 pm by Solarius Scorch »

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Re: Polish translation
« Reply #58 on: April 19, 2014, 07:27:19 pm »
Well I happen to be a professional translator, but I don't really feel like doing this :)

Anyway - "myśliwiec transportowy"? what the f*ck? This is the funniest thing I've seen for a long time :)

Offline grzegorj

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Re: Polish translation
« Reply #59 on: August 31, 2014, 12:53:34 pm »

STR_MUTON_CORPSE: "Zwłoki mutona"


  STR_SECTOID_CORPSE: "Ciało Sektoida"
  STR_SNAKEMAN_CORPSE: "Ciało Wężownika"
  STR_ETHEREAL_CORPSE: "Ciało Etereala"


Dlaczego zwłoki i dlaczego od małej litery, skoro poza tym wszędzie od dużej?

Sprawdzałem wersję ze stycznia 2013, wtedy było "Ciało Mutona". Jaki był cel dokonania takiej poprawki?

Proponuję, by to cofnąć do poprzedniego stanu, ewentualnie wszędzie popoprawiać "Ciało" na "Zwłoki" - no i w końcu ustalić, czy nazwy ras mają być od małej czy od dużej litery...

Po drugie, COMMANDER (obcych) jest tłumaczony jako Komandor, np.   STR_LIVE_COMMANDER: "Komandor". Dlaczego zatem   STR_FLOATER_COMMANDER: "Lewiton Przywódca" i podobnie z innymi rasami? Jeśli komuś aż tak bardzo przeszkadzał ten komandor, to dlaczego nie zrobił zmian w całym pliku?

Na koniec prośba do wszystkich tłumaczy: jak już coś zamieniacie, to róbcie to KONSEKWENTNIE, a najlepiej wcześniej przedyskutujcie TUTAJ, co zamierzacie i po co to zamierzacie. Bo tak to wychodzi po prostu bałagan, jak widać zresztą.

English summary: Some inconsitencies have been introduced to the Polish translation recently, please REVERT them.


is: "Zwłoki mutona"
should be: "Ciało Mutona"

(cf. other names of corpses!)

is: "Lewiton Przywódca"
should be: "Lewiton Komandor"

is "Sektoid Przywódca"
should be: "Sektoid Komandor"

is: "Wężownik Przywódca"
should be: "Wężownik Komandor"

Note that COMMANDER is Przywódca everywhere, even in STR_ETHEREAL_COMMANDER: "Etereal Komandor"

A request to other translators: please do your changes in all places, or do not do them at all. And inform others about your plans here.