things I've found utterly odd in the polish translation ( tried it out recently, up to that moment I was using original language version, I just wanted to see how good is the transaltion ).
hidden movement - nie widać ruchu -> why not : ukryty ruch ?
firestorm - nawałnica -> really? how come the firestorm got related with a "blizzard".
cannon is stranslated as działko ( properly )
but heavy cannon and auto cannon 'ciężki karabin' and 'karabin maszynowy'
this is inconsistent and it doesn't sound good at all.. 'ciężkie działko' and 'działko automatyczne' or 'działko samopowtarzalne' are better in my opinon.
personal armour - pancerz lekki -> "pancerz osobisty"
terror ship - terrorownik -> this made my day, but I don't have a nice substitute, yet in polish it doesn't have to be a single word. it's the same as if you've made "terrorer" as the ship name in english. there is no such word in our language, and I doubt that was a good decission. the english name describes the purpose of that UFO, and so should the polish translation, so as a start I'd propose "transporter terrorystyczny" or "statek terrorystyczny" .
psiamp is an abbreviation of psionic amplifier, so perhaps "wzmacniacz psioniczny" would be a better choice here ?