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Messages - mutantlord

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OXCE Wishlists / Re: _Raven_'s wishlist
« on: May 04, 2024, 06:34:36 pm »

Hope this satisfy your needs.

OXCE Wishlists / Re: _Raven_'s wishlist
« on: May 03, 2024, 10:52:37 pm »
Raven, are you russian by any chance? If you are, check out a Hybrid Mod by Ethereal. His mod is somewhere here. Might be suitable to you.

OXCE Wishlists / Re: _Raven_'s wishlist
« on: May 02, 2024, 09:21:59 pm »
Your Hybrid globe is one of the better ones I came across. But Luke was the person who started.  If I was starting Hybrid modding,  I would use it. 

Released Mods / Re: The Disconnected Future. Working Version.
« on: May 02, 2024, 07:11:23 pm »
Tips for playing this mod.

-Build close to a city, raid it. First time you don't succeed, try again. Each raid is different.

-Look for a specific building, that has specific loots.

-Research those loots.

-Raid Museums for plans. Banks for money.

-Watch out for turrets. Church of Nine Zealots, Mercenaries and Police.

-First base has to be on land, others can be on oceans once research is done.

-Don't attempt underwater mission asap. You need the infrastructure first before attempting.

-Capture Civillians and interrogate them for Soldiers, Scientist, Engineers or just ransom them for money.

Released Mods / Re: The Disconnected Future. Working Version.
« on: May 02, 2024, 07:04:42 pm »
Unfinished Features.

-Syndicate missions are yet to be fully tested.

-Syndicate Wars missions are incomplete.

-Stargate missions are not fully started or still Planned.

Released Mods / The Disconnected Future. Working Version.
« on: May 02, 2024, 06:57:50 pm »
Greetings to all. I have finally completed a working version of my Disconnected Future. That you can play from start to finish.

This is my personal Hybrid Mod. Tells a story when the world of the future where the Eurocorp Syndicate and reigned unchallenged until an unknown computer virus fractured UTOPIA, the A.I server that unite the Hexagon Chip that control every citizens from around the world.

This is a very challenging mod. It requires you to raid cities at the start with no man power and salvage the hell of what you find in those cities to build your armies to defend earth from the future Alien threat.

Have five episode arc. First is the scavenging building your way around, UFO, TFTD, APOC and Advent invasion. 5th Arch is open ended. No ending.. yet.

Don't expect the UFO and TFTD follows the vanilla story. It has been heavily modded to accommodate for this mod.

Special thanks to:

Meridian - For all his help over the years and feature that requires to make this mod happen.
Yankes- For his off the forum help with scripting.
Supsuper- For just tolerating me.
Xilmi- For his Brutal A.I and more than 8 bases feature.


Nord - For his TWOTS adapted to my mod and also his assets.

Solarius for assets from his mod.

Dioxine for assets from his mod.

Hobbes, for his Terrains, with some modified for this mod.

Finnik, for his codes and contribution to enable hyrid features.

efrenespartano, for his assets contribution.

Luke83, for his advice during the contruction of this mod.

Alice (8mono), for his/her contribution to the persuadatron codes.

Firaa, for his mortality codes.

bulletdesigner for his assets.

Alex_D for his Lotus AquaCar

The Martian, for his assets contribution.

Memmaker, for his contribution on special abillities.

For bug reports. For OXCE bugs please post it here on this forum.

OXCE Wishlists / Re: _Raven_'s wishlist
« on: May 02, 2024, 06:41:35 pm »
Question, what Hybrid Mods had you played? To ponder on this summary you wrote?

OXCE Wishlists / Re: _Raven_'s wishlist
« on: May 01, 2024, 08:05:15 pm »
Just to reply your message.
I am just an obscure modder here.
Not the Dev or Moderators. I am just giving you a hint. As for jokes. Make sure that your jokes are jokes. Not insults. Insults don't get you a lot of help here.

You have a great start with your resources to build a great Hybrid mod.

If you need any help, you can always call on Solarius Scorch to help.

He's the Hybrid modding code guru here.
Ironic that he didn't implement Hybrid Features on his X-Com files mod because it is too much work.

Hi, I know this is a long shot, but I wish to make a request for this year.

I want to add a feature that certain terrain can only be accessible on the globe once a certain research topic is met.

Reason. My mod has episodes. After a certain episode, the planet under goes a transformation. That transformation requires mixed terrain only that episode allows.

Code: [Select]

  data: Resources/Old Globe/world.dat
  data: Resources/Old Globe/alienworld.dat
  oceanShading: false
  oceanPalette: 10 
    - id: 0
      startingCondition: STR_LANDONLY  
      fakeUnderwater: false 
        - name: ALIENDESERT
          weight: 1
                 STR_CYDONIAMISSIONFAIL: true
        - name: DESERTCITY
          weight: 1
                 STR_CYDONIAMISSIONFAIL: false
        - name: DESERT
          weight: 1
          #if no research trigger, default terrain remains.

OXCE Wishlists / Re: _Raven_'s wishlist
« on: May 01, 2024, 05:10:23 pm »
Raven, Since you are new to this forum, I will give you some hints. You have the skills and the will to be a modder, then be one. Create a mod that stands out. OR, in the process of creating one, shows what you are expecting, perhaps the OXCE devs are impressed enough to help you.  If you are passionate about a Hybrid mod then create one. Creating a mod needs a lot of time, the mod has to benefit others.

Don’t expect those features you want to be available immediately.  You have to wait for it, can be a week or years. Research the history of Hybrid modding on this forum, a lot of the features you want might have been already available. Hope you find your purpose and passion here. Golden rule is, demanding things won’t get you a lot of head way here. Having respect does.

Help / Help with fuses
« on: April 30, 2024, 02:28:16 am »
In the items, I am trying to make a grenade explode on hand. Got most of the code right except for one.

How do you make the grenade explode instantly with out waiting of it to end of the turn or drop in the ground?

OXCE Support / Re: [Suggestion] item trigger for manufacturing.
« on: April 25, 2024, 08:30:40 pm »
Thanks for the feedback will check it out.

Like Missionscript has researchTrigger, I wish to suggest  itemsTrigger for manufacturing. Quality of life visual for mods with huge manufacturing list. The manufacturing only show if player has the require items in base inventory. Please give feedback for suggestion.

Work In Progress / Coral Reef Terrain.
« on: February 24, 2024, 02:53:06 pm »
Coral Reef Terrain. Similar to the great barrier reef.

Suggestions / Re: "Zero cash and minimum base" challenge
« on: February 17, 2024, 11:25:36 am »
Can you actually start a game and progress with 0 engineer and scientist, if you can’t hire them? As a challenge?

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