« on: August 15, 2024, 01:44:27 pm »
To Mathel, thanks for the bug report. Most of these issues are QQL things I have yet find the time to look into. I don’t have much time to mod now days. Some of the stuff have a bit of ref to Piratez but the mechanics are very different as how the stims or drugs work. Madam is the queen or a mutant leader escape from Sydnedrion. She/they runs safe houses in cities that if you are able to capture them and recruit as soldiers serving you. Madam has potent pheromones that can enhance her underlings in combat via combat stat boost. However they need to be paid in battlescape missions to fight under you. No money means they rebel against you! The same goes for mercenaries. The money pouch slot in inventory will need coins or money, pending on the ranks of the mutants or mercenaries. The ranks says what money they need and money usually last ten turns before a fresh bag of coins is needed. Immortal statues is anchors in a city to prevent it from disappearing after a mission is done. It is a hack. The goal is to raid resources in a city. Should be invisible and cannot be harmed