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Topics - Stone Lake

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OXCE Suggestions DONE / [DONE][QoL] Grenade Fuse Hotkeys
« on: October 28, 2024, 04:57:09 pm »
In grenade-focused gameplay, clicking the screen for fuse timers (PrimeGrenadeState) gets repetitive.
So, I suggest hotkeys for selecting most often used 0, 1, (possibly 2, 3) fuse timers, and 1,2, (3,4) as default keys.
Also, cancel - "cancel" hotkey doesn't work in this screen, only RMB.

The X-Com Files / [submod] XCF Remusic
« on: December 08, 2023, 12:42:45 pm »
Something something music mod pack for X-Com Files that I use in my videos.
I roughly tried to preserve "XCF vibes" in the ballpark.
The mod is compatible with others, Resound specifically.

Spoiler Technical stuff and XCF themes:
There are three parts to this - ruleset, language file, and the track itself. The tracks reside in the Sound dir; rulesets define the tracks, marking them to be used; and language/xx_xx defines displayable ingame name for tracks. Then the game/mod requests the track in specific situation with with specific name (the ruleset/track one).

Most geoscape tracks from mods (GMGEOxxx) just work. However, X-Com Files extensively uses named soundtracks (defined in alienDeployments rulesets) for its battlescapes, e.g. W3_CALM - plays for most Syndicate encounters. Just naming the theme "GMTACTICSxxx" and expecting it to play in battlescape doesn't work, although the track becomes selectable in the battlescape manually.

But OXCE plays all musics in same prefix-based manner, thus if you define in ruleset several tracks like W3_CALM, W3_CALM2, W3_CALMxxx69420 and W3_CALMyourextendedwarranty, all of these four will can be played at random when battle deployment asks for "W3_CALM". Thus, we achieve multiple tracks for a deployment.

The (not extensive) list of XCF themes:

SW_MONSTER - Lotus Theme
SOF2_AIRPORT - Red Dawn Theme
RP_04_CHILD - Dagon Theme
FAL_16_ALLCLEAR - Exalt Theme
HL1_10_VALVE - Cyberweb Theme
W3_CALM - Syndicate Theme
AS_2_THEME - Alien Theme
WAR1 - Widely used briefing
NAYDEAD - Ghost Theme
FRO_PSY - Asylum Apparitions track
PREDATOR - Root of Evil track
Spoiler Youtube friendliness:
Tested by joining the entire soundtrack and uploading it to You-tew-bee. Flagged tracks are replaced/removed in the Remusic (doesn't touch other mods, like Resound), with something that doesn't alert YT. These are (track-name):

# XCF tracks
GMGEO4 - Strategist => Restricted on youtube (!). Rest are `no impact` as of 2023.
So, probably, that's all you have to remove/replace, if you need to.
AS_2_INTRO - some Alien Shooter theme
CYBORG_WARRIORS - Cyborg Warriors
SW_MONSTER - Siecrist - Intro
PREDATOR - Chrispy - Predator
THING - The thing! Duh.
FRO_PSY - Frontier Psychiatrist

# Ksenni's resound
GMTACTIC503 - The Thing theme
GMINTER500 - Brad Fiedel - Tunnel Chase
GMTACTIC511 - Brad Fiedel - Terminator Arrival

# Katomusic / Kato's XPZ playlist
GMINTER121 - Fight Club (Original Mix)

# Evilbl's Music Pack:
A lot of these, I didn't bother documenting.

There are some "no impact" tracks in Remusic itself that keep popping up from time to time (the test above proved to be not 100% reliable). These are removed, too, but there still may be some. So if you're paranoid, it's just to be aware of the tracks listed above.
I don't own anything. All tracks used in the mod belong to their authors.

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