The X-Com Files / Re: Spartanism
« on: March 06, 2025, 01:29:36 pm »
The next is
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Do I understand correctly that the only thing that matters for getting Alien colony mission is if the Alien Base ufo wave generates at the start of the month?No, but yes. Colonies are generated by Alien Infiltration mission.
Shooting down UFOs or mission success doesn't matter?
Where can you find the Tritanium Matrix? I can't seem to get one anywhere.Alien colony (multi-level assault), geoscape mib base if you can find one.
it was the leading cause of deaths for my tanks (due to friendly fire), so it definitely can pierce pretty heavy armor.Case in point.
Radars won't help you detect the manors. The best way to find them to use a flying craft and wander around, triggering their interceptors if you hit the manor detection range. LITTLE BIRD or CF-ARROW are best early game crafts for this, though helicopter is also workable. (Various cars are undetectable i.e. won't trigger interception so they don't work for this.) Then you know you're close and you can investigate the area better. A second option to try to spot them with craft radar coverage without knowing the area (e.g. CF-ARROW). But usually the spawning hunter-killers is the easiest way to find the whereabouts of a manor. You should also watch out for cult crafts or certain special missions like cult infiltration. This typically means a manor is somewhere close by and has spawned the mission.Another method is figuring them out from alien activity charts (per country?) and patrolling near cities there.
...plasma is the only reliable way to deal with mid to late game enemies like the upgraded sectiods, mutons, turrets and ethereals aside from packing enough cheese to be declared legally French. Leaders don't grow on trees, so if you are at the stage where you have a limited number of captured aliens, "leaders always first" won't always be the fastest optionI have no idea what you're talking about. Plasma is endgame weapon, gated behind advanced lab (and IIRC delta radiation, of all things), and these are endgame-ish enemies. You don't need plasma to steamroll through midgame, neither it's required for dealing with mutons / turrets. Upgraded sectoids are semi-optional enemies altogether.
You do you, but 25% is greater than 20%, this is math not XCom shooting oddsFirst, that's just asspull number, not "math". Second, it's not 25% per leader, that's 25% per that one tech, and it becomes 20% again, because junk / good ratio decreases as you've removed good tech from the pool. This means you pretty much need to exhaust research pool to get something reliably done.
One pull at 20% isn't great and early on leaders aren't easy to come by, so if you interrogate a soldier or two first, then the navigators, then engineers, you might get those odds up to 25 or 30%. If you are swimming in Leaders, sure, but an early hit on one of the important techs can improve survivability in the mid game substantially, so I do my best to maximize the chance on early pulls of the wheel.This is exactly the erroneous thinking that won't get you anything. 20-> 25% is like nothing. No, leaders need to be prioritised if you need techs - e.g. a lucky laser pull, and progress to adv lab. Granted, after researching at least one engi / nav, etc.