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Messages - Meridian

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Released Mods / Re: [STAT TRACKING] Soldier Diaries 1.0
« on: February 02, 2015, 04:00:42 pm »
Ivan, just give him the source material and let him do it the way he wants... otherwise this will be a never-ending story.

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION][RESEARCH] FMP Core/Tech Tree part
« on: January 26, 2015, 09:12:42 am »
Not a problem, you can just update the mod and the nightly and continue as normal.

OK, so which nightly do you recommend?

Open Feedback / Re: TFTD Damage or XCom damage?
« on: January 25, 2015, 07:48:04 pm »
I mean the latter.

Imagine it as throwing two 101-sided dice. First die can be between 0 and 100, second die also between 0 and 100. Together they will yield a number between 0 and 200.
The probability of throwing 0 is little less than 0.01 %, but the probability of throwing 100 is a lot higher (approx. 0.99% if my calculation is correct).

In the current implementation, all numbers are equally probable (approx. 0.49%).

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION][RESEARCH] FMP Core/Tech Tree part
« on: January 25, 2015, 07:03:36 pm »
Well, you are about 3 hours too late with the update :)
I have just recorded the first episode of my FMP LP (with version will be published tomorrow 05:00 CET.

But thanks for the update anyway, I thought it's definitely abandoned after a couple of months of inactivity.
Glad I was wrong.

Open Feedback / Re: TFTD Damage or XCom damage?
« on: January 25, 2015, 01:16:58 pm »
I prefer 0-200%... 0% representing "saved by a bible (or alcohol bottle) in the vest pocket" and 200% representing a "headshot".

The problem with 50-150% is that 150% is just not enough to kill a Sectopod in a reasonable way.

I would actually prefer a 3rd option: double roll with 0-100%... this way you can have 0-200% range, but the distribution is much more realistic (resp. closer to something called normal/Gaussian distribution), with values closer to average having a higher probability. Current implementation, where all numbers are equally probable is not the best there is IMHO.

Suggestions / Re: Quality of UI life
« on: January 23, 2015, 03:51:43 pm »
1. "Manufacture categories" is not used by the most of players, but it steals list space and makes almost ZERO use, statistically speaking. So it should be disabled by default, but for those few who need it - leave it in the "advanced options" (off by default).

I like them, but I will survive if they are removed.

2. Make proper use of Shift/Ctrl as modifier keys, instead of "process as ordinary key". Tab/Shift-Tab is conventional way of switching between things, and we have tab/shift, which looks like it simply raw and unfinished thing. And previous unit should be as Shift-Tab, not just Shift. And inventory copy/paste should be not just C/V, but Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V, because it's CONVENTIONAL.


3. Implement proper drag'n'drop style for items and drop down menus (LMB down, moving to entry, and LMB up to switch). I don't think it worth discussion because it's conventional modern UI style. Item drag'n'drop tho is tricky, because classic xcom style also should be working "by default". It's better to make it autodetectable (by mouse moving beyond some threshold to "untie" and switch into d'n'd mode).

a/ I don't see a need for drag and drop (e.g. for moving items between inventory slots), I am quite used to the current way of doing it... from other games too. But again, I am not against it.

b/ What do you mean by drag and drop in drop down menus?

4.(easy) Make RMB for selling/transferring/buying screens work not as max/min but increasing/decreasing by 100. When you have 1000 alloys, it's pretty unhandy to scroll it to sell 500. Mouse wheel as increasing-decreasing values is not good advise, because it screws solid concept "scroll is always scroll", can cause accidental value changes, thus multiplies mess. It's bad to mix different things into single control. It's not how UI should work. As alternative - make Ctrl/Shift modifier key to work as scaler, i.e. change values by 10 instead of 1.

Agreed, this is really needed.
And yes, we should definitely not use the middle/scroll button for that.

5.(easy) Add total expenditures into base info screen, showing expenditures of all project, not just selected base (there are plenty of space to add it without messing).

Agreed, this is really needed.

6.(easy) Make inventory screen "copy/paste" layout buttons static. Why? 1. Because there are no dynamic buttons in the Xcom UI. Making exception leading to mess. 2. There's no need to show either it filled or not, since it "saves" layout only during single equipment session, and there's no need to mix "paste" with "clear". Mixing things into single control is a bad UI design, as I said earlier, and it's not "my" vision, it's conventional QoL thing.


7. Need to add fast forward for walk animation. "RMB" as "fast forward" for firing was spontaneous choice, without consideration of the walk (RMB works as abort walk). Suggestion: Make "Space" button fast forwarding any animation - either firing (projectile, grenade throw), or walking (make walkers speedup their journey). RMB as cancel of long action - abort walking (as it was), and stop burst fire. Burst fire cancellation should work with the less impact on the gameplay, it shouldn't restore any TUs (it still will be spent), and perhaps, all bullets still gonna be spent. Cancelled bullets aren't gonna make any damage. The point of burst fire cancellation is to lessen "damaging" effect of fire misclick. Changing RMB behaviour for the fire is bad, but changing RMB for the walk is even worse, and leaving them not matching is bad too.

I fail to see the need for "fast forward". You can already configure the speed of walking and speed of firing. In what situations is this functionality useful?

8. Make hint for each dropdown entry, not just single hint for the whole dropdown list. Because, obviously that 2 lines for 7 entries is not enough. Will need of translation work.

In the Options dialog, yes.
From everywhere else, I would remove (obvious) hints completely.

9. Mod descriptions (for EN-us by default and for each language optionally). Damage formula, as gameplay element, should be transferred from the advanced options to mods (because tftd has tftd formula and ufoeu has ufoeu, as default).

a/ Mod description might be useful for built-in mods. Other mods you had to download somewhere and the description was (hopefully) there.

b/ In my personal opinion, I would remove the option completely. TFTD damage formula (in my opinion) ruins the game experience. Also in TFTD, I would not allow the original formula... because of the same reason. I think the game designers did a concious decision and also balanced everything according to the damage formula used.

10. Make it possible to change unit positions during pre-battle equipment and show actual unit locations (small thumb-like top view) in the craft, considering tanks. Perhaps make tanks relocatable. For the base "craft eqipment" screen, and perhaps, for the pre-battle inventory too.

Agreed, that would be nice.

11. Fix the mess with fire/walk confirmation thing. Currently Path preview is tied to walk confirmation, and fire confirmation doesn't have any kind of preview. Need to split these options to "Confirmation"  and "Preview". Preview without confirmation should work in "hover" mode, with, like, 200ms delay if mouse is still or something (not to overload CPU when moving cursor around). Preview of fire can be done with using "projectile" rendering technique just with "dot sprites" spreaded through the trajectory, including throw parabola. Confirmation is needed thing for touch devices (walk preview, walk confirmation, fire preview fire confirmation).

I fail to see the need for fire confirmation. In what situation(s) is that necessary/desired/useful?

12.(easy) Grenade indicator should blink not only in inventory screen, but in the battlescape panel as well (in hands).

I haven't seen any indicator yet, so I can only imagine what it looks like... but I like the idea.

13. Make it possible to drag item, and while holding it at the cursor, switch unit, and put at the other unit's slot, without using of ground. Also switch items if "dropped" one over another. Conventional inventory works like that. During actual battle these manipulation tweaks ain't gonna be working tho, it's only for pre-battle equipment, like copy/paste thing.

a/ between different units is seems more complicated than using ground

b/ within the same unit, I like it

14. Add support of modular fonts (to make it possible to add extra alphabets without replacing "classic", and add exotic thai, japanese, korean and chinese "fonts" + make UI elements "rulesetted" (bigger line heights, etc).

I am opinionless on this.

15. Dynamic hint texts. Hint over the left/right hand slots of the panel should show item name and loaded ammo type/bullets left (instead of irrelevant Captain Obvious stuff like "Use Left Hand Item"/"Use Right Hand Item"). Also show grenade charging state/turns and Medikit P/S/H numbers. Kneel/unkneel hint of the respective button should show current state. Same for move up/down. It should show current level. Perhaps same for camera up/down. End turn button should show current turn number. Main purpose - is to make hints more indicative and useful.

Make hints actually useful... and remove obvious hints.

16.(easy) During pre-battle equipment "unload" should work even if hand slots are occupied, and in this case spread ammo/weapon to the ground slots. When hovering over the weapon - it should show ammo type/bullets left within the hint (as with previous #15).


17.(easy) Ufopaedia available from the tactic screen (to see weapon/ammo/item properties). Perhaps replace "MultiLevel view" with ufopaedia button.

Would be nice.

18.(easy) When moving items between slots in the combat mode (not pre-battle), it should show NUMBER (TU cost) at the corner of the cell you're trying to drop to (when hovering), with "dim", not contrast color.

Would be nice.

19.(easy) In pre-battle screen (perhaps just at the base), when clicking into paper doll image (square area in the chest), it should allow to change armour. Also when moving mouse over the paperdoll, it should show armour type as HINT.

Yes, please ;-)

Open Feedback / Re: The "Please Stop Using 1.0 Discussion"
« on: January 18, 2015, 02:18:31 pm »
So, I think we finally understand each other.

All we are asking for is that insignificant label (tag) on a particular commit and a downloadable installer.
And if we can have pre-releases, even better... but I am afraid of asking for that... I'd be happy even with as little as above.

PS1: I don't think the community is able to agree and select a particular nightly as RC... people have different opinions and different needs... this must be decided by one (or very few) persons

PS2: and yes, I know what stability means in terms of software (I have studied software engineering and I work as software engineer for 11 years now). But (as far as I can tell) 90% or more of people on this forum are not software engineers. I deliberately use words with their common meaning, so that everybody understands what I am trying to say

Open Feedback / Re: The "Please Stop Using 1.0 Discussion"
« on: January 18, 2015, 01:26:35 pm »
I feel like I am talking to a wall  :'(

Have I EVER said anything about bugs? Hint: no, I haven't!

I am talking about stability. And stable does not mean "bug free". Just google the word stable and you will find a definition close to this: "stable = not likely to change; firmly established". Every software has bugs and even OpenXcom version 99.0 will have bugs. That's life.

Developers can live and work with a very low degree of stability.
Beta-testers the same.
Modders need at least moderate degree of stability.
Normal users (incl. LPers) need a very high degree of stability.

By definition, version 1.0 is stable (even if it is full of bugs).
By definition, nightly build is unstable.... because it CHANGES every day.

PS: I am not a native English speaker... if I have a severe language problem in this post, please let me know... because that is the only thing I can think of, which causes our misunderstandings

Open Feedback / Re: The "Please Stop Using 1.0 Discussion"
« on: January 18, 2015, 12:45:47 pm »
1) agreed, that is how it should be
2) you obviously don't want to listen to any of our arguments, so I will not discuss this topic anymore
3) agreed

1.1 will definitely not be modless... on the contrary, once it is released, people will start updating their mods and create new mods too... whether you like it or not, it is AFTER the release of 1.1 when the people will become more active... heck, I may even try to make my own mod, but definitely not before a milestone is released

PS: this is my last post in this thread

Open Feedback / Re: The "Please Stop Using 1.0 Discussion"
« on: January 18, 2015, 10:55:35 am »

Open Feedback / Re: The "Please Stop Using 1.0 Discussion"
« on: January 16, 2015, 01:48:33 am »
Hi Volutar, all,

I really don't want to cause any flamewar, frustration or anything, but I share most of ivan's opinions... as an LPer, as an OpenXcom fan and also as a developer. It is really not that hard to understand them, if you just try a little. You don't have to agree with them, nobody is asking for that, just try to understand.

1. I am starting a "new" LP in one week. I will play FMP modpack, which is not compatible with the nightly... and I cannot change the fact that I play FMP and I cannot change the fact that I start in one week and cannot wait until it is upgraded, because I have made a public "promise" to deliver that and by then.

2. What is wrong about a new milestone becoming obsolete after few weeks? I cannot play with 1.0 and I cannot play with the nightly... the old nightly, which I need to use cannot even be downloaded anymore from the website... this will be my first LP, where I will have to tell to my viewers: "sorry guys, you cannot play along the same version with me, because it is fricking complicated (for a normal human being) to make it run"... not all of us are developers you know (I am, but 99.8% of my viewers are not)

3. This will sound stupid, but try to just get the point, don't take it literally... not supporting 1.0 and not having 1.1 or 2.0 is as if Microsoft said Windows 8.1 is not supported anymore, because there is a developer preview version of Windows 10... or does that sound "normal"?

4. I am really sorry, but not everybody can be a beta tester... I just don't have time for it. I am contributing by advertising on YT as you said... and I have also donated to OpenXcom (more than I have payed for any other game).

In any case, I appreciate the work you guys are doing... as far as I understand, in the last year it is basically just Warboy and Volutar, who are making this happen... I really wish you guys all the best and I will support you in any way I can... even though we might not agree even on some basic stuff. It is YOUR project, you can do it any way you like... please don't stop.


@Hobbes: I have just briefly seen the list of changes (without studying them in detail) and immediately thought of FMP modpack. Can you tell me in 2-3 sentences if they are similar or different, or in general which one would you recommend to me if I wanted to do a Let's Play series with a heavily modded OpenXcom... and why?

PS: without spoiling too much, if that is even possible

Released Mods / Re: [GRAPHICS] High Explosive Hand Object
« on: January 13, 2015, 02:28:01 pm »
Yes, it does look like a HE-pack.

But on the screenshot above we see the Medikit... then he says that TFTD had nice Medikit handob... and then asks why OpenXcom couldn't have the same thing? Also at the beginning he says that it bothered him that soldiers carrying medikit had a grenade in hand...

Except for the very last line of text, everything is about medikits.... that's why the confusion.

Released Mods / Re: [GRAPHICS] High Explosive Hand Object
« on: January 13, 2015, 10:56:42 am »
I am confused... is this a handob mod for Medikit or for High Explosive?

Tools / Re: Spreadsheet with weapon damage vs terrain armour
« on: January 12, 2015, 09:52:05 pm »
Oh, I see, should have read it more carefully before jumping to the spreadsheet ;-) Now I look like an idiot...

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