Sick Bay is almost ready.
There are two places, where it will not work 100%.
1. in the Commendations... since statistics and medals are calculated and awarded immediately after the mission, the recovery time used for those calculations will be as if there were no sick bays... since it is impossible to predict the future (i.e. how many days the recovery will really take... soldiers can be transferred, player can build more sick bays, etc.)
2. in the soldier Sorting by Wound recovery (combobox on 3 GUIs)... unlike previous case, this COULD be fixed... but it is rather ugly (codewise)... so I decided to sort by the recovery time without considering sick bays
- the sorting will be correct! with or without sick bays, more wounded soldier is still more wounded... unless I implement recovery by percentage of HP

which I might...
- the dynamic stat column will show e.g. 100 (days resp. HP missing).... but WOUNDED>44 will be displayed as (correct) recovery time... this might be useful for the player to compare how big bonus are the sick bays providing.... and also for the modder to balance the sick bays to his/her pleasure
EDIT: maybe just "WOUND RECOVERY" in the combobox can be renamed to "HP MISSING" and it will be 100% correct