Currently, the skills of all pilots are averaged.
Maximum from all pilots is also a good idea... I'll let people respond what they think would be better for the game (not better for the player, since that's clear).
It's not difficult to implement.
It's difficult to display/put it somewhere on the GUI(s)... if you prepare good mockups, we can discuss it further.
- [DONE] Soldiers as pilots
- [DONE] Exclude a soldier type from driving
- [DONE] Unhardcode approach/disengage speed per ship ..per pilot(s)?
The rest will take longer, as my holidays are slowly coming to an end.
If specific pilots are assigned and mandatory, the best stat amongst the pilots makes the most sense.
Also it should be possible to build Slave AI pilot modules; the basic Slave AI would be baseline, conferring no especial bonuses or penalties, and it could be later upgraded into ones that feature bonuses to dodge, aim, etc, with adequate research into related technologies (AIs/materials/ship designs/tech). A maxed out Gal will always be better than even the best Slave AI module.
As to the GUI, what I would do is simply add X slots to the Pilot window, each with a button titled Assign Pilot or Assign Gunner, where X is the number of pilots and gunners required. Clicking on the slot allows you to assign a gunner or pilot from any Hand on the ship (they'd be displayed in a table listing the relevant attributes/stats), or to assign a Slave AI pilot module in storage at the base.