
Author Topic: [OLD] Old OXCE+ discussion thread  (Read 917543 times)

Offline Dioxine

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Re: Meridian's resources and mods for X-PirateZ
« Reply #105 on: January 14, 2016, 04:10:05 pm »
Okay, done and quickly tested - appears to work. No strings to save time.

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Re: Meridian's resources and mods for X-PirateZ
« Reply #106 on: January 14, 2016, 04:24:43 pm »
Okay, done and quickly tested - appears to work. No strings to save time.

You are terrific.  This collaboration is amazing!

Offline Meridian

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Re: Meridian's resources and mods for X-PirateZ
« Reply #107 on: January 14, 2016, 06:29:54 pm »
  + Added filtering to Craft Equipment UI, see screenshot

Found two issues:
1. flamethrower flasks... they are only displayed in long range flamer, not normal flamer... can't fix that, item (the flask) can be only in one category
2. fusion torch flask... also displayed in long range... I will fix that this week

Okay, done and quickly tested - appears to work. No strings to save time.

That helped me a LOT... like speed up factor 20.

Anyway 3 questions:
a/ Rope doesnt seem to work (game crashes), could you have a look?
b/ While debugging I found support for melee weapons with ammo... are you aware of any such weapons in any mod?
c/ Please add Battle Flag too... btw. what should using that train?

All in all, I think I have a better understanding of the mechanics and will be able to implement also throwing training on actual grenade (explosion) hit; rather than only throw itself.
It will take me a few days though...

PS: fun fact... I didn't test it, but it looks like you cannot train firing on mind controlled aliens; but you can train melee on them ;-)

Offline Dioxine

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Re: Meridian's resources and mods for X-PirateZ
« Reply #108 on: January 14, 2016, 07:08:46 pm »
a) Probably misplaced/missing hit sound or hit anim, deleting these should allow the rope to work. Handob, bigob and floorob work.
b) Yeah, tried those, they do work, but make little sense to me due to how magazines are/were handled (use 1 charge, lose magazine - even if the magazine has unlimited uses). I don't have any working code on hand, though.
c) When I have the time, rather not today. About training... This brings up another special case altogether. I guess any weapons that are using Special damage should train Psi Skill, but only if the soldier has been screened. Same should go for any weapon that uses psi skill or power for damage formula (not accuracy... I think?). This should override all other cases.

Training melee on MCed aliens seems to be a bug... But I guess eliminating abuses is simply impossible. Oh and make sure coup de grace doesn't train anything by accident :)

Offline Meridian

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Re: Meridian's resources and mods for X-PirateZ
« Reply #109 on: January 16, 2016, 09:35:53 pm »
New version's up.

  + Completely new experience award / accuracy training system, more details here:,4230.0.html

I am taking a break, this one was a tough cookie.
Any help with testing is appreciated... although I think I tested all possible combinations.
Everytime I close my eyes I see a yellow "+1" in front of me.

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Re: Meridian's resources and mods for X-PirateZ
« Reply #110 on: January 17, 2016, 11:13:23 am »
You can either include it (toggle kneel button) as a standard mod for piratez, see attached... or integrate it directly into piratez.
I've added support for it into my build... download will be available later in the evening.

Thx, integrating that directly (too good to miss out).

FYI, it has been merged into vanilla now... with next OXCE upgrade you can/should remove it again.

Offline Dioxine

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Re: Meridian's resources and mods for X-PirateZ
« Reply #111 on: January 17, 2016, 11:33:59 am »
Not sure I want the upgrade to the newest nightly, I have a feeling that Sup's upgrades will say something along "we've found 20,000 files with slightly wrong palette, so far it only affected OSX users, but now they'll be f*cked up on any system, have a nice day." (so funny, the standards for modders third parties are now so high that the OG failed to meet them) :)

Offline Meridian

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Re: Meridian's resources and mods for X-PirateZ
« Reply #112 on: January 17, 2016, 12:30:43 pm »
Not sure I want the upgrade to the newest nightly, I have a feeling that Sup's upgrades will say something along "we've found 20,000 files with slightly wrong palette, so far it only affected OSX users, but now they'll be f*cked up on any system, have a nice day." (so funny, the standards for modders third parties are now so high that the OG failed to meet them) :)

Well, we'll see after it happens.

But as a developer I have to agree with them, there's just too many bug reports and more checks and standards are unavoidable to keep their sanity in one piece.
Too bad it didn't come earlier though.

Offline Dioxine

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Re: Meridian's resources and mods for X-PirateZ
« Reply #113 on: January 17, 2016, 01:23:14 pm »
If you're saying that as a professional developer, meaning enterprise working on a for-profit basis, I absolutely agree. And that precisely what's bugging me, since OXC, being an open-source project, isn't a for-profit enterprise. I was unsettled by Sup using business language, and suggesting modders are some third-party contributors (just like the relationship between Steam and game devs). We're not. That's not how open source works IMO. The compatibility of my mod with this or that platform should be my own responsibility, not an enforced requirement. At least in an open-source model. Making a mod I am working for my personal reasons. If these personal reasons do not involve extra work neeeded to support non-PC platforms, I have 2 choices: do work for free just to support OXC team (which I'm not ruling out, to be clear), or quit. It's not some sense of entitlement, as someone could suggest if they wanted to prove I'm just a whining kid, but a cold calculation.

If this is turning to a for-profit enterprise, sure thing, it's their choice, nothing wrong with doing business, but AFAIK nobody was presented with any contract to sign, which is a bad business practice, to say the least. Of course to make any business on OXC, you need the rights to the XCOM franchise, and that's where Firaxis enters the picture. In the end, it is them who have everyone by the balls, because, let's be serious, what normal person would dare to risk a lawsuit from Firaxis.

Maybe I'm paranoid, maybe these are just products of my imagination, but I'm just voicing my private opinion here, that's it. A private, independent opinion of someone who supports hacker movement, posted here only on the grounds of freedom of speech, without the intention of besmirching, insulting or attacking anyone.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2016, 01:27:06 pm by Dioxine »

Offline Meridian

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Re: Meridian's resources and mods for X-PirateZ
« Reply #114 on: January 17, 2016, 01:47:08 pm »
Don't really know what to say... maybe I missed something important.

I don't think OXC is turning into anything even remotely for-profit, ever.
Also, I think 99.7% of your assets will still work after the upgrade... and if not... well, we can just revert the change that caused the incompatibility (either in OXCE or my my fork) and everything will be as previously again. No need to panic ;-)

Offline hellrazor

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Re: Meridian's resources and mods for X-PirateZ
« Reply #115 on: January 17, 2016, 02:03:56 pm »
Also, I think 99.7% of your assets will still work after the upgrade... and if not... well, we can just revert the change that caused the incompatibility (either in OXCE or my my fork) and everything will be as previously again. No need to panic ;-)

I can confirm that, didn't had any issues with own Mod. But i took care of Gif's and unproperly aligned palettes in all graphics of my Mod a while ago so :>

Offline Dioxine

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Re: Meridian's resources and mods for X-PirateZ
« Reply #116 on: January 17, 2016, 03:04:29 pm »
Yeah, just wanted to make myself clear. And it's good to hear the incompatibility issues aren't, actually, that serious. I can always ask Hellrazor for the 'more proper' palettes anyway and write a macro to do the change in bulk while cursing quietly 'they did it again' (I was through this once already, 2 years ago or so, when OXC team suddenly decided battescape color #15 cannot be used - but back then I had like, 1% of resources I have now). I'm mainly afraid because I didn't give a damn if the palette is arbitralily proper or not, only if the game displays it properly or not, and I dare anyone to find a display error in my resources. We'll see how it goes :)
« Last Edit: January 17, 2016, 03:08:54 pm by Dioxine »

Offline Meridian

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Re: Meridian's resources and mods for X-PirateZ
« Reply #117 on: January 20, 2016, 06:28:34 pm »
I think I've written it somewhere already but can't find it now, so I'll repeat here.

1/ Would it be possible to make beer, rum etc. consumable items? What I mean is that if you drink all the charges, you shouldn't get all your bottle back in the base; you should just lose it and buy or brew a new one. If you have some partially finished bottles, the remaining content should combine to form as many full bottles as possible, exactly like ammo.
Actually, medikits and bandages should follow the same mechanics... In vanilla it is assumed that you can simply replenish their content in base, but in Piratez it's not so trivial.

2/ Another but related thing about drinkable stuff is that it's weird that the bottles are clearly divided into three parts (healing, painkillers and stimulation). It would be more natural if each sip gave you all three effects at once (or two, if some component is not present).

3/ So Meridian, do you think it can be done? I know it's probably not trivial, but I think it's dearly needed.

1/ Done, all medikit-type items can be consumable now by adding a flag to ruleset "isConsumable: true". Each component (pain killer, stim, heal) is counted separately, they don't mix!

Vodka has 5 pain killers and 5 heals.
a/ If you use 2 pain killers from 7 vodkas and 1 heal from 4 vodkas... you have spent 14 pain killers and 4 heals. Which totals to 3 used vodkas together.
b/ If you use 3 pain killers and 3 heals... it's only one used vodka.

2/ This was not done... I don't like it. Would work for alcohol, but doesn't work for medi-kits...

3/ Download will be available later in the evening... I hope that modders, which decide to use this feature will decrease the cost accordingly.

Offline Dioxine

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Re: Meridian's resources and mods for X-PirateZ
« Reply #118 on: January 20, 2016, 07:45:12 pm »
Interesting! Finally, bandages etc. can be much more realistic (and in realistic prices, without paying premium for 'magic'). Damn you Meridian, I have so many healing items, I have to do so much work again! :)
The thing that gripes me is that once medkits work realistically, the problem of 'magic' alcohol, and 3-in-one bottles ('drink with the left mouth corner to heal, right corner to stimulate and trough a straw for painkiller') will be glaring as heck. I think I will make all alcohol single-type healing item then (just like crack or smokes), and add all extras by the magic of OXCE. Example: Basically, Rum will be wound-healing only, but I will make it to also restore stamina, stun and morale as a secondary effect.

Offline Meridian

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Re: Meridian's resources and mods for X-PirateZ
« Reply #119 on: January 20, 2016, 09:37:31 pm »
New version is available.

  + Right-click on "Select Next Unit" button selects the previous unit
  + Added hotkey to de-equip all items from a craft at once (same as clear inventory, usually "X")
  + Added support for true two-handed weapons
  + Improved short range weapons filtering (i.e. fixed Fusion Torch)
  + Resized buttons on Craft Equipment UI
  + Added support for consumable medikits