OK, here goes nothing:
1. vanilla bravery training unchanged
2. vanilla reactions training unchanged
3. vanilla psi strength and psi skill training unchanged (
more options added in OXCE v7.0: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,4230.msg137247.html#msg137247)
4. vanilla throwing training completely
5. vanilla melee training moved to new common system... mostly unchanged, you cannot train on mind-controlled aliens anymore though
6. vanilla firing training reworked completely
7. vanilla secondary stat (tu, stamina, hp, strength) training unchanged, but is now triggered also by throwing experience gained
General rules:
a/ you can train accuracy (firing / throwing / melee)
only if you HIT the enemy
b/ neutrals don't count
c/ enemies under mind-control don't count
d/ friends under mind-control don't count
e/ the hit must be caused by a weapon... i.e. hitting an explosive pipe, which kills the unit doesn't count
f/ you are not limited to firing/throwing/melee only... there is a possibility to override it by 32 new options... more about that later
Default algorithm:
1. if grenade or proxy grenade weapon type => train throwing (+1 for each unit hit)
2. if melee weapon type => train melee (miss is not a hit!)
3. if firearm (or other) train:
3a. if not ranged attack, train melee (e.g. gun butt)
3b. otherwise if arcing shot, train throwing (e.g. flamethrower, javelins, combat bow, grenade launcher, molotov, black powder bomb, stick grenade, acid flask, apple, ...)
3c. otherwise if maxRange > 10, train firing (e.g. panzerfaust, harpoon gun, shotgun, assault rifle, rocket launcher, ...)
3d. otherwise if maxRange between 2 and 10, train throwing (e.g. fuso knives, zapper, ...)
3e. otherwise if maxRange = 1, train melee (e.g. hammer, chainsaw, fusion torch, ...)
3f. otherwise nothing!
- all shotgun pellets fired at the same time count only as one hit only
- explosive, incendiary, etc. ammo hitting multiple units counts as multiple hits
- smoke hits too

- stun as well
There is a possibility to skip the default algorithm completely, by adding "
experienceTrainingMode" attribute to your weapon.
(this attribute works also when healing fatal wounds using medikits; allies, enemies and neutrals all count)
How it works:
- ignores default algorithm completely
- supports values from 0 to 32 (0 means turned off, i.e. use default algorithm)
- can train all primary skills, but psi strength and psi skill can only be trained if soldier already has psi skill > 0 (without armor buffs!)
- you can only have one override, so weapons with two different attacks are not well suited for that (e.g. rifle's shots and gun butt attack)
A full list of possible overrides:
0 default algorithm -- if nothing is specified
1 train melee
2 train melee 50% chance
3 train melee 33% chance
4 train firing
5 train firing 50% chance
6 train firing 33% chance
7 train throwing
8 train throwing 50% chance
9 train throwing 33% chance
10 train firing and throwing
11 train firing or throwing (coinflip)
12 train reactions
13 train reactions and melee
14 train reactions and firing
15 train reactions and throwing
16 train reactions or melee (coinflip)
17 train reactions or firing (coinflip)
18 train reactions or throwing (coinflip)
19 train bravery
20 train bravery x2
21 train bravery and reactions
22 train bravery or reactions (coinflip)
23 train bravery or reactions (coinflip) x2
24 train psi strength
25 train psi strength x2
26 train psi skill
27 train psi skill x2
28 train psi strength and psi skill
29 train psi strength and psi skill x2
30 train psi strength or psi skill (coinflip)
31 train psi strength or psi skill (coinflip) x2
32 train nothing