No really, I’m not dead!

Apparently there’s been a lot of rumors going on around me… terrible rumors… one of them involving my horrible demise. But that one is a complete lie! I didn’t die, I just wished I did for playing through a whole level of X-COM Enforcer… but it’s OK, I went through an intensive month-long rehab to clear away those terrible feelings.

Anyways don’t you worry, we’re still working hard to make this game feature more and more alien killing!

19 thoughts on “No really, I’m not dead!

  1. Adam

    Thank god I was almost thinking 🙁

    Don’t ever scare us like that again or else we shall unleash great vengeance!

  2. John Gerevich

    Yep, seen so many dead fan made xcom projects, that I too thought we’d have to tick you off to. For good reason it’s not so, keep up the good work!

  3. Pinkertonius

    Sorry to hear X-com Enforcer almost killed you. I remember when it came out (and that flight-sim one too)…so many young people scarred for life.

  4. domsson

    I promise: as soon as this project is at a stable 1.0 version, I’ll donate some money. 🙂

    Keep up! This project is probably the best approach to a X-Com clone out there. I’m really looking forward to it.

  5. panther

    That’s nice to hear, I’m not dead too. 🙂

    I even hope I’ll have some more time to expand the Ufopedia soon.

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