is the official OpenXcom website. We run it. It’s where you are, right now! is the unofficial mod site. We have no control over it. We realize this must be very confusing, sorry!
Anyways, the mod site is currently suffering difficulties due to a huge surge of traffic from RockPaperShotgun (thanks for the article btw!), so you may have trouble reaching your favorite mods. But don’t fret! You can also check the mod forums, all the popular ones will likely have mirrors.
Also, hi new confused people! XPiratez is over there. Wiki is that way. Enjoy your stay!
There is a big problem with mods for OpenXcom. I think that they they should be moved to Github and start beeing tracable in versioning system like GIT. It would be much easier to track the differences between releases and we wouldn’t have a problem with traffic. Also forking would be easier and licensing would be more clear for everyone.
Thanks for the cordial announcement, Sup!