Hello! Long time lurker here, really enjoying the mod and the addon, its really fantastic and discovering and learning how all the new added mechanics in it is a ton of fun, as well as how less strong troops can be assisted with Heavy weapons equipment, the imperial guard have certainly been done justice in this mod along with the sisters of battle, great stuff!
Anyways I've wanted to ask a few question, dunno if this is the exact right place to ask em but I tend to play ALOT OF Imperial Guard, and most of the time I tend to get somewhat lost and confused with the tech tree and what needs to be unlocked for certain techs etc. Do bare with me for I'm likely going to sound like an outright caveman with how silly some of these questions might sound.
For starters, what tech unlocks manstopper bullets for the stubber weapons specifically? They are immensely useful for dealing with the surprise Chaos Marine or heavily armored enemy and I don't really recall what tech is needed to be able to purchase them, same with Longlas's and the more powerful stuff, I think you had to get the mid-tier regiments researched but I sometimes don't get em till I research something else?
Secondly how do you get the other types of Psykers such as biomancers and the mind control ones? The one that uses thunderclap is excellent for capturing dudes but I'd like to play around with the other types. Also what is the vox flak armour supposed to do? Do you need to research airstrikes to properly use it? Also can the Mind control Psykers mind probe enemies so I know what rank they are?
Third, what are some good ways to make more money other than performing well in missions? I'm aware of the outpost plasma generators and they certainly help, though I still often make the mistake of not making a 2nd base sooner to manage multiple missions at once (since its quite expensive along with getting all the needed manpower and supplies to properly kick-start it) and It really bites me in the arse whenever my slow Chimera's are returning from a mission only for a mission with a whooping -1000 score penalty to rear its ugly head in the picture. Is it better to have the Valkyrie just act as an interceptor along with one of your starting ones or am I simply missing something very obvious?
I can often pull through a tough month though not getting the -1000 score would be better haha.
Cheers! And keep up the excellent work!